Class: Tk::Scale

Widget show all
Cget, Configure
Defined in:

Direct Known Subclasses


Constant Summary

Constants included from Cget


Constants included from WM


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Widget

#tk_parent, #tk_pathname

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Cget

#cget, option_hash_to_tcl, option_to_ruby, type_to_ruby

Methods included from Configure


Methods inherited from Widget

#execute, #execute_only, #focus, #focus_next, #focus_prev, #initialize, #lower, #raise, #to_tcl

Methods included from Pack

configure, forget, info, pack, #pack, #pack_configure, #pack_forget, #pack_info, #pack_propagate, #pack_slaves, propagate, slaves

Methods included from Destroy

destroy, #destroy

Methods included from Bind

bind, #bind, unbind, #unbind

Methods included from Bindtags

bindtags, #bindtags

Methods included from WM

aspect, attributes, client, colormapwindows, command, deiconify, focusmodel, forget, frame, geometry, grid, group, iconbitmap, iconbitmap_default, iconify, iconmask, iconname, iconphoto, iconphoto_default, iconposition, iconwindow, manage, maxsize, minsize, overrideredirect, positionfrom, protocol, resizable, sizefrom, stackorder, state, title, transient, withdraw, #wm_aspect, #wm_aspect=, #wm_attributes, #wm_client, #wm_client=, #wm_colormapwindows, #wm_colormapwindows=, #wm_command, #wm_command=, #wm_deiconify, #wm_focusmodel, #wm_focusmodel=, #wm_forget, #wm_frame, #wm_geometry, #wm_geometry=, #wm_grid, #wm_grid=, #wm_group, #wm_group=, #wm_iconbitmap, #wm_iconbitmap=, #wm_iconbitmap_default, #wm_iconbitmap_default=, #wm_iconify, #wm_iconmask, #wm_iconmask=, #wm_iconname, #wm_iconname=, #wm_iconphoto, #wm_iconphoto=, #wm_iconphoto_default, #wm_iconphoto_default=, #wm_iconposition, #wm_iconposition=, #wm_iconwindow, #wm_iconwindow=, #wm_manage, #wm_maxsize, #wm_minsize, #wm_overrideredirect, #wm_overrideredirect=, #wm_positionfrom, #wm_positionfrom=, #wm_protocol, #wm_resizable, #wm_sizefrom, #wm_sizefrom=, #wm_stackorder, #wm_state, #wm_state=, #wm_title, #wm_title=, #wm_transient, #wm_transient=, #wm_withdraw

Methods included from Winfo

atom, atomname, cells, children, class_name, colormapfull, containing, depth, exists, fpixels, geometry, height, id, interps, ismapped, manager, name, parent, pathname, pixels, pointerx, pointerxy, pointery, reqheight, reqwidth, rgb, rootx, rooty, screen, screencells, screendepth, screenheight, screenmmheight, screenmmwidth, screenvisual, screenwidth, server, toplevel, viewable, visual, visualid, visualsavailable, vrootheight, vrootwidth, vrootx, vrooty, width, #winfo_atom, #winfo_atomname, #winfo_cells, #winfo_children, #winfo_class, #winfo_colormapfull, #winfo_containing, #winfo_depth, #winfo_exists, #winfo_fpixels, #winfo_geometry, #winfo_height, #winfo_id, #winfo_interps, #winfo_ismapped, #winfo_manager, #winfo_name, #winfo_parent, #winfo_pathname, #winfo_pixels, #winfo_pointerx, #winfo_pointerxy, #winfo_pointery, #winfo_reqheight, #winfo_reqwidth, #winfo_rgb, #winfo_rootx, #winfo_rooty, #winfo_screen, #winfo_screencells, #winfo_screendepth, #winfo_screenheight, #winfo_screenmmheight, #winfo_screenmmwidth, #winfo_screenvisual, #winfo_screenwidth, #winfo_server, #winfo_toplevel, #winfo_viewable, #winfo_visual, #winfo_visualid, #winfo_visualsavailable, #winfo_vrootheight, #winfo_vrootwidth, #winfo_vrootx, #winfo_vrooty, #winfo_width, #winfo_x, #winfo_y, x, y

Methods included from Grid

anchor, bbox, columnconfigure, configure, forget, #grid_anchor, #grid_bbox, #grid_columnconfigure, #grid_configure, #grid_forget, #grid_info, #grid_location, #grid_propagate, #grid_remove, #grid_rowconfigure, #grid_size, #grid_slave, #grid_slaves, info, location, propagate, remove, rowconfigure, size, slave, slaves

Methods included from Clipboard

append, clear, #clipboard_append, #clipboard_clear, #clipboard_get, #clipboard_set, get, set

Methods included from Place

configure, forget, info, place, #place, #place_configure, #place_forget, #place_info, #place_slaves, slaves

Methods included from TkCmd

appname, caret, inactive, scaling, #tk_appname, #tk_appname=, #tk_caret, #tk_inactive, #tk_scaling, #tk_scaling=, #tk_useinputmethods, #tk_useinputmethods=, #tk_windowingsystem, useinputmethods, windowingsystem

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Tk::Widget

Class Method Details


# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/scale.rb', line 5

def self.tk_command; 'scale'; end

Instance Method Details

#coords(value = None) ⇒ Object

Returns a list whose elements are the x and y coordinates of the point along the centerline of the trough that corresponds to value. If value is omitted then the scale’s current value is used.

# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/scale.rb', line 10

def coords(value = None)
  execute(:coords, value)

#get(x = None, y = None) ⇒ Object

If x and y are omitted, returns the current value of the scale. If x and y are specified, they give pixel coordinates within the widget; the command returns the scale value corresponding to the given pixel. Only one of x or y is used: for horizontal scales y is ignored, and for vertical scales x is ignored.

# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/scale.rb', line 19

def get(x = None, y = None)
  execute(:get, x, y)

#identify(x, y) ⇒ Object

Returns a string indicating what part of the scale lies under the coordinates given by x and y. A return value of slider means that the point is over the slider; trough1 means that the point is over the portion of the slider above or to the left of the slider; and trough2 means that the point is over the portion of the slider below or to the right of the slider. If the point is not over one of these elements, an empty string is returned.

# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/scale.rb', line 31

def identify(x, y)
  execute(:identify, x, y)

#set(value) ⇒ Object

This command is invoked to change the current value of the scale, and hence the position at which the slider is displayed. Value gives the new value for the scale. The command has no effect if the scale is disabled. the button is held down, the action auto-repeats.

# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/scale.rb', line 40

def set(value)
  execute(:set, value)