Method: Fog::AWS::CloudWatch::Real#put_metric_alarm
- Defined in:
- lib/fog/aws/requests/cloud_watch/put_metric_alarm.rb
permalink #put_metric_alarm(options) ⇒ Object
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric
ActionsEnabled<~Boolean>: Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm’s state
AlarmActions<~Array>: A list of actions to execute
AlarmDescription<~String>: The description for the alarm
AlarmName<~String> The unique name for the alarm
ComparisonOperator<~String>: The arithmetic operation to use for comparison
Dimensions<~Array>: a list of dimensions to filter against,
Name : The name of the dimension Value : The value to filter against
EvaluationPeriods<~Integer>: The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold
InsufficientDataActions<~Array>: A list of actions to execute
MetricName<~String>: The name for the alarm’s associated metric
Namespace<~String>: The namespace for the alarm’s associated metric
OKActions<~Array>: A list of actions to execute
Period<~Integer>: The period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied
Statistic<~String>: The statistic to apply to the alarm’s associated metric
Threshold<~Double>: The value against which the specified statistic is compared
Unit<~String>: The unit for the alarm’s associated metric
See Also
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# File 'lib/fog/aws/requests/cloud_watch/put_metric_alarm.rb', line 33 def put_metric_alarm() if dimensions = .delete('Dimensions') .merge!(AWS.indexed_param('Dimensions.member.%d.Name', dimensions.collect {|dimension| dimension['Name']})) .merge!(AWS.indexed_param('Dimensions.member.%d.Value', dimensions.collect {|dimension| dimension['Value']})) end if alarm_actions = .delete('AlarmActions') .merge!(AWS.indexed_param('AlarmActions.member.%d', [*alarm_actions])) end if insufficient_data_actions = .delete('InsufficientDataActions') .merge!(AWS.indexed_param('InsufficientDataActions.member.%d', [*insufficient_data_actions])) end if ok_actions = .delete('OKActions') .merge!(AWS.indexed_param('OKActions.member.%d', [*ok_actions])) end request({ 'Action' => 'PutMetricAlarm', :parser => }.merge()) end |