Class: KnitrEngine
- Inherits:
- Object
- KnitrEngine
- Defined in:
- lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb
dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(‘.’, __FILE__)) src = “#dir/R/eng_ruby.R”
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#background ⇒ Object
background: (‘#F7F7F7’; character or numeric) background color of chunks in LaTeX output (passed to the LaTeX package framed); the color model is rgb; it can be either a numeric vector of length 3, with each element between 0 and 1 to denote red, green and blue, or any built-in color in R like red or springgreen3 (see colors() for a full list), or a hex string like #FFFF00, or an integer (all these colors will be converted to the RGB model; see ?col2rgb for details).
#class__output ⇒ Object
class.output: (NULL; character) useful for HTML output, appends classes that can be used in conjunction with css, so you can apply custom formatting.
#class__source ⇒ Object
class.source: (NULL; character) useful for HTML output, appends classes that can be used in conjunction with css, so you can apply custom formatting.
#collapse ⇒ Object
collapse: (FALSE; logical; applies to Markdown output only) whether to, if possible, collapse all the source and output blocks from one code chunk into a single block (by default, they are written to separate <pre></pre> blocks).
#comment ⇒ Object
comment: (‘##’; character) the prefix to be put before source code output; default is to comment out the output by ##, which is good for readers to copy R source code since output is masked in comments (set comment=NA to disable this feature).
#dev ⇒ Object
dev: (‘pdf’ for LaTeX output and ‘png’ for HTML/markdown; character) the function name which will be used as a graphical device to record plots; for the convenience of usage, this package has included all the graphics devices in base R as well as those in Cairo, cairoDevice and tikzDevice, e.g.
#dev__args ⇒ Object
dev.args: (NULL) more arguments to be passed to the device, e.g.
#dpi ⇒ Object
dpi: (72; numeric) the DPI (dots per inch) for bitmap devices (dpi * inches = pixels).
#echo ⇒ Object
echo: (TRUE; logical) whether to include Ruby source code in the output file.
#error ⇒ Object
error: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve errors (from stop()); by default, the evaluation will not stop even in case of errors!! if we want R to stop on errors, we need to set this option to FALSE when the chunk option include = FALSE, error knitr will stop on error, because it is easy to overlook potential errors in this case.
#eval ⇒ Object
eval: (TRUE; logical) whether to evaluate the code chunk.
#external ⇒ Object
external: (TRUE; logical) whether to externalize tikz graphics (pre-compile tikz graphics to PDF); it is only used for the tikz() device in the tikzDevice package (i.e., when dev=‘tikz’) and it can save time for LaTeX compilation.
#fig__align ⇒ Object
fig.align: (‘default’; character) alignment of figures in the output document (possible values are left, right and center; default is not to make any alignment adjustments); note that for Markdown output, forcing figure alignments will lead to the HTML tag <img /> instead of the original Markdown syntax ![](), because Markdown does not have native support for figure alignments (see #611).
#fig__asp ⇒ Object
fig.asp: (NULL; numeric) the aspect ratio of the plot, i.e.
#fig__cap ⇒ Object
fig.cap: (NULL; character) figure caption to be used in a figure environment in LaTeX (in caption{}); if NULL or NA, it will be ignored, otherwise a figure environment will be used for the plots in the chunk (output in beginfigure and endfigure).
#fig__dim ⇒ Object
fig.dim: (NULL; numeric) if a numeric vector of length 2, it gives fig.width and fig.height, e.g., fig.dim = c(5, 7) is a shorthand of fig.width = 5, fig.height = 7; if both fig.asp and fig.dim are provided, fig.asp will be ignored (with a warning).
#fig__env ⇒ Object
fig.env: (‘figure’) the LaTeX environment for figures, e.g.
#fig__ext ⇒ Object
fig.ext: (NULL; character) file extension of the figure output (if NULL, it will be derived from the graphical device; see knitr:::auto_exts for details).
#fig__filename ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute fig__filename.
#fig__height ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute fig__height.
#fig__keep ⇒ Object
fig.keep: (‘high’; character) how plots in chunks should be kept; it takes five possible character values or a numeric vector (see the end of this section for an example) * high: only keep high-level plots (merge low-level changes into high-level plots); * none: discard all plots; * all: keep all plots (low-level plot changes may produce new plots) * first: only keep the first plot * last: only keep the last plot if set to a numeric vector: interpret value as index of (low-level) plots to keep.
#fig__lp ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute fig__lp.
#fig__ncol ⇒ Object
fig.ncol: (NULL; integer) the number of columns of subfigures; see here for examples (note that fig.ncol and fig.sep only work for LaTeX output).
#fig__path ⇒ Object
fig.path: (‘figure/’; character) prefix to be used for figure filenames (fig.path and chunk labels are concatenated to make filenames); it may contain a directory like figure/prefix- (will be created if it does not exist); this path is relative to the current working directory; if the prefix ends in a trailing slash, e.g.
#fig__pos ⇒ Object
fig.pos: (”; character) a character string for the figure position arrangement to be used in beginfigure.
#fig__process ⇒ Object
fig.process: (NULL) a function to post-process a figure file; it should take a filename, and return a character string as the new source of the figure to be inserted in the output.
#fig__retina ⇒ Object
fig.retina: (1; numeric) this option only applies to HTML output; for Retina displays, setting this option to a ratio (usually 2) will change the chunk option dpi to dpi * fig.retina, and out.width to fig.width * dpi / fig.retina internally; for example, the physical size of an image is doubled and its display size is halved when fig.retina = 2.
#fig__scap ⇒ Object
fig.scap: (NULL; character) short caption; if NULL, all the words before .
#fig__sep ⇒ Object
fig.sep: (NULL; character) a character vector of separators to be inserted among subfigures; when fig.ncol is specified, fig.sep defaults to a character vector of which every N-th element is newline (where N is the number of columns), e.g., fig.ncol = 2 means fig.sep = c(”, ”, ‘\newline’, ”, ”, ‘\newline’, ”, …).
#fig__show ⇒ Object
readonly (‘asis’; character) how to show/arrange the plots; four possible values are * asis: show plots exactly in places where they were generated (as if the code were run in an R terminal); * hold: hold all plots and output them in the very end of a code chunk; * animate: wrap all plots into an animation if there are mutiple plots in a chunk; * hide: generate plot files but hide them in the output document.
#fig__showtext ⇒ Object
fig.showtext: (NULL) if TRUE, call showtext::showtext.begin() before drawing plots; see the documentation of the showtext package for details.
#fig__subcap ⇒ Object
fig.subcap: (NULL) captions for subfigures; when there are multiple plots in a chunk, and neither fig.subcap nor fig.cap is NULL, subfloat{} will be used for individual plots (you need to add usepackagesubfig in the preamble); see 067-graphics-options.Rnw for an example.
#fig__width ⇒ Object
fig.width, fig.height: (both are 7; numeric) width and height of the plot, to be used in the graphics device (in inches) and have to be numeric.
#highlight ⇒ Object
highlight: (TRUE; logical) whether to highlight the source code (it is FALSE by default if the output is Sweave or listings).
#include ⇒ Object
include: (TRUE; logical) whether to include the chunk output in the final output document; if include=FALSE, nothing will be written into the output document, but the code is still evaluated and plot files are generated if there are any plots in the chunk, so you can manually insert figures; note this is the only chunk option that is not cached, i.e., changing it will not invalidate the cache.
#keep ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute keep.
#label ⇒ Object
fig.lp: (‘fig:’; character) label prefix for the figure label to be used in label{}; the actual label is made by concatenating this prefix and the chunk label, e.g.
#message ⇒ Object
message: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve messages emitted by message() (similar to warning).
#options ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute options.
#out__extra ⇒ Object
out.extra: (NULL; character) extra options for figures, e.g.
#out__height ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute out__height.
#out__width ⇒ Object
out.width, out.height: (NULL; character) width and height of the plot in the final output file (can be different with its real fig.width and fig.height, i.e. plots can be scaled in the output document); depending on the output format, these two options can take flexible values, e.g.
#prompt ⇒ Object
prompt: (FALSE; logical) whether to add the prompt characters in the R code (see prompt and continue in ?base::options; note that adding prompts can make it difficult for readers to copy R code from the output, so prompt=FALSE may be a better choice this option may not work well when the chunk option engine is not R (#1274).
#render ⇒ Object
render: (knitr::knit_print; function(x, options, …)) the function which formats the result of the chunk for the final output format.
#resize__height ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute resize__height.
#resize__width ⇒ Object
resize.width, resize.height: (NULL; character) the width and height to be used in resizebox{}{} in LaTeX; these two options are not needed unless you want to resize tikz graphics because there is no natural way to do it; however, according to tikzDevice authors, tikz graphics is not meant to be resized to maintain consistency in style with other texts in LaTeX; if only one of them is NULL, ! will be used (read the documentation of graphicx if you do not understand this).
#results ⇒ Object
results: (‘markup’; character) takes these possible values markup: mark up the results using the output hook, e.g.
#sanitize ⇒ Object
sanitize: (FALSE; character) whether to sanitize tikz graphics (escape special LaTeX characters); see documentation in the tikzDevice package.
#size ⇒ Object
size: (‘normalsize’; character) font size for the default LaTeX output (see ?highlight in the highlight package for a list of possible values).
#split ⇒ Object
split: (FALSE; logical) whether to split the output from R into separate files and include them into LaTeX by input{} or HTML by <iframe></iframe>; this option only works for .Rnw, .Rtex, and .Rhtml documents (it does not work for R Markdown).
#strip__white ⇒ Object
strip.white: (TRUE; logical) whether to remove the white lines in the beginning or end of a source chunk in the output.
#tidy ⇒ Object
tidy: (FALSE) whether to reformat the R code; other possible values are: * TRUE (equivalent to ‘formatR’): use formatR::tidy_source() to reformat the code; * ‘styler’: use styler::style_text() to reformat the code; * a custom function of the form function(code, …) {} to return the reformatted code; * if reformatting failed, the original R code will not be changed (with a warning).
#tidy__opts ⇒ Object
tidy.opts: (NULL; list) a list of options to be passed to the function determined by the tidy option, e.g., tidy.opts = list(blank = FALSE, width.cutoff = 60) for tidy = ‘formatR’ to remove blank lines and set the approximate line width to be 60.
#warning ⇒ Object
warning: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve warnings (produced by warning()) in the output like we run R code in a terminal (if FALSE, all warnings will be printed in the console instead of the output document); it can also take numeric values as indices to select a subset of warnings to include in the output.
Class Method Summary collapse
.device(dev_type, filename = nil, *args, width: 480, height: 480, units: "px", res: 72, pointsize: 12, bg: "white") ⇒ Object
————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————–.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add(spec) ⇒ Object
————————————————————————————– Adds the new knitr engine to the list of engines ————————————————————————————–.
#add_hook(spec) ⇒ Object
#capture_plot ⇒ Object
————————————————————————————– Captures a plot by calling evaluate::plot_snapshot, which has the latest plotted graphics.
#fig_keep ⇒ Object
————————————————————————————– Process the fig.keep chunk option ————————————————————————————–.
#file_ext ⇒ Object
#process_options(options) ⇒ Object
————————————————————————————– Process the chunk options ————————————————————————————–.
#units ⇒ Object
Instance Attribute Details
#background ⇒ Object (readonly)
background: (‘#F7F7F7’; character or numeric) background color of chunks in LaTeX output (passed to the LaTeX package framed); the color model is rgb; it can be either a numeric vector of length 3, with each element between 0 and 1 to denote red, green and blue, or any built-in color in R like red or springgreen3 (see colors() for a full list), or a hex string like #FFFF00, or an integer (all these colors will be converted to the RGB model; see ?col2rgb for details)
161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 161 def background @background end |
#class__output ⇒ Object (readonly)
class.output: (NULL; character) useful for HTML output, appends classes that can be used in conjunction with css, so you can apply custom formatting.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 114 def class__output @class__output end |
#class__source ⇒ Object (readonly)
class.source: (NULL; character) useful for HTML output, appends classes that can be used in conjunction with css, so you can apply custom formatting.
165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 165 def class__source @class__source end |
#collapse ⇒ Object (readonly)
collapse: (FALSE; logical; applies to Markdown output only) whether to, if possible, collapse all the source and output blocks from one code chunk into a single block (by default, they are written to separate <pre></pre> blocks)
63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 63 def collapse @collapse end |
#comment ⇒ Object (readonly)
comment: (‘##’; character) the prefix to be put before source code output; default is to comment out the output by ##, which is good for readers to copy R source code since output is masked in comments (set comment=NA to disable this feature)
144 145 146 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 144 def comment @comment end |
#dev ⇒ Object (readonly)
dev: (‘pdf’ for LaTeX output and ‘png’ for HTML/markdown; character) the function
name which will be used as a graphical device to record plots; for the convenience
of usage, this package has included all the graphics devices in base R as well as
those in Cairo, cairoDevice and tikzDevice, e.g. if we set dev='CairoPDF', the
function with the same name in the Cairo package will be used for graphics output;
if none of the 20 built-in devices is appropriate, we can still provide yet another
name as long as it is a legal function name which can record plots
(it must be of the form function(filename, width, height)); note the units for
images are always inches (even for bitmap devices, in which DPI is used to convert
between pixels and inches); currently available devices are bmp, postscript, pdf,
png, svg, jpeg, pictex, tiff, win.metafile, cairo_pdf, cairo_ps, CairoJPEG,
CairoPNG, CairoPS, CairoPDF, CairoSVG, CairoTIFF, Cairo_pdf, Cairo_png, Cairo_ps,
Cairo_svg, tikz and a series of quartz devices including quartz_pdf, quartz_png,
quartz_jpeg, quartz_tiff, quartz_gif, quartz_psd, quartz_bmp which are just
wrappers to the function quartz() with different file types
the options dev, fig.ext, fig.width, fig.height and dpi can be vectors (shorter ones will be recycled), e.g. <<foo, dev=c(‘pdf’, ‘png’)>>= creates two files for the same plot: foo.pdf and foo.png
219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 219 def dev @dev end |
#dev__args ⇒ Object (readonly)
dev.args: (NULL) more arguments to be passed to the device, e.g. dev.args=list(bg=‘yellow’, pointsize=10); note this depends on the specific device (see the device documentation); when dev has multiple elements, dev.args can be a list of lists of arguments with each list of arguments to be passed to each single device, e.g. <<dev=c(‘pdf’, ‘tiff’), dev.args=list(pdf = list(colormodel = ‘cmyk’, useDingats = TRUE),
tiff = list(compression = 'lzw'))>>=
228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 228 def dev__args @dev__args end |
#dpi ⇒ Object (readonly)
dpi: (72; numeric) the DPI (dots per inch) for bitmap devices (dpi * inches = pixels)
236 237 238 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 236 def dpi @dpi end |
#echo ⇒ Object (readonly)
echo: (TRUE; logical) whether to include Ruby source code in the output file
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 49 def echo @echo end |
#error ⇒ Object (readonly)
error: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve errors (from stop()); by default, the evaluation will not stop even in case of errors!! if we want R to stop on errors, we need to set this option to FALSE when the chunk option include = FALSE, error knitr will stop on error, because it is easy to overlook potential errors in this case
77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 77 def error @error end |
#eval ⇒ Object (readonly)
eval: (TRUE; logical) whether to evaluate the code chunk
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 41 def eval @eval end |
#external ⇒ Object (readonly)
external: (TRUE; logical) whether to externalize tikz graphics (pre-compile tikz graphics to PDF); it is only used for the tikz() device in the tikzDevice package (i.e., when dev=‘tikz’) and it can save time for LaTeX compilation
350 351 352 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 350 def external @external end |
#fig__align ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.align: (‘default’; character) alignment of figures in the output document (possible values are left, right and center; default is not to make any alignment adjustments); note that for Markdown output, forcing figure alignments will lead to the HTML tag <img /> instead of the original Markdown syntax ![](), because Markdown does not have native support for figure alignments (see #611)
295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 295 def fig__align @fig__align end |
#fig__asp ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.asp: (NULL; numeric) the aspect ratio of the plot, i.e. the ratio of height/width; when fig.asp is specified, the height of a plot (the chunk option fig.height) is calculated from fig.width * fig.asp
246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 246 def fig__asp @fig__asp end |
#fig__cap ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.cap: (NULL; character) figure caption to be used in a figure environment in LaTeX (in caption{}); if NULL or NA, it will be ignored, otherwise a figure environment will be used for the plots in the chunk (output in beginfigure and endfigure)
305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 305 def fig__cap @fig__cap end |
#fig__dim ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.dim: (NULL; numeric) if a numeric vector of length 2, it gives fig.width and fig.height, e.g., fig.dim = c(5, 7) is a shorthand of fig.width = 5, fig.height = 7; if both fig.asp and fig.dim are provided, fig.asp will be ignored (with a warning)
252 253 254 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 252 def fig__dim @fig__dim end |
#fig__env ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.env: (‘figure’) the LaTeX environment for figures, e.g. set fig.env=‘marginfigure’ to get beginmarginfigure
299 300 301 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 299 def fig__env @fig__env end |
#fig__ext ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.ext: (NULL; character) file extension of the figure output (if NULL, it will be derived from the graphical device; see knitr:::auto_exts for details)
233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 233 def fig__ext @fig__ext end |
#fig__filename ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute fig__filename.
179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 179 def fig__filename @fig__filename end |
#fig__height ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute fig__height.
241 242 243 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 241 def fig__height @fig__height end |
#fig__keep ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.keep: (‘high’; character) how plots in chunks should be kept; it takes five possible character values or a numeric vector (see the end of this section for an example)
high: only keep high-level plots (merge low-level changes into high-level plots);
none: discard all plots;
all: keep all plots (low-level plot changes may produce new plots)
first: only keep the first plot
last: only keep the last plot
if set to a numeric vector: interpret value as index of (low-level) plots to keep
190 191 192 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 190 def fig__keep @fig__keep end |
#fig__lp ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute fig__lp.
315 316 317 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 315 def fig__lp @fig__lp end |
#fig__ncol ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.ncol: (NULL; integer) the number of columns of subfigures; see here for examples (note that fig.ncol and fig.sep only work for LaTeX output)
329 330 331 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 329 def fig__ncol @fig__ncol end |
#fig__path ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.path: (‘figure/’; character) prefix to be used for figure filenames (fig.path and chunk labels are concatenated to make filenames); it may contain a directory like figure/prefix- (will be created if it does not exist); this path is relative to the current working directory; if the prefix ends in a trailing slash, e.g. output/figures/, figures will be saved in the specified directory without any changes to filename prefix, thus providing a relative filepath alternative to the package-level option base.dir
178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 178 def fig__path @fig__path end |
#fig__pos ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.pos: (”; character) a character string for the figure position arrangement to be used in beginfigure
319 320 321 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 319 def fig__pos @fig__pos end |
#fig__process ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.process: (NULL) a function to post-process a figure file; it should take a filename, and return a character string as the new source of the figure to be inserted in the output
341 342 343 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 341 def fig__process @fig__process end |
#fig__retina ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.retina: (1; numeric) this option only applies to HTML output; for Retina displays, setting this option to a ratio (usually 2) will change the chunk option dpi to dpi * fig.retina, and out.width to fig.width * dpi / fig.retina internally; for example, the physical size of an image is doubled and its display size is halved when fig.retina = 2
278 279 280 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 278 def fig__retina @fig__retina end |
#fig__scap ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.scap: (NULL; character) short caption; if NULL, all the words before . or ; or : will be used as a short caption; if NA, it will be ignored
309 310 311 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 309 def fig__scap @fig__scap end |
#fig__sep ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.sep: (NULL; character) a character vector of separators to be inserted among subfigures; when fig.ncol is specified, fig.sep defaults to a character vector of which every N-th element is newline (where N is the number of columns), e.g., fig.ncol = 2 means fig.sep = c(”, ”, ‘\newline’, ”, ”, ‘\newline’, ”, …)
336 337 338 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 336 def fig__sep @fig__sep end |
#fig__show ⇒ Object (readonly) (‘asis’; character) how to show/arrange the plots; four possible values are
asis: show plots exactly in places where they were generated
(as if the code were run in an R terminal);
hold: hold all plots and output them in the very end of a code chunk;
animate: wrap all plots into an animation if there are mutiple plots in a chunk;
hide: generate plot files but hide them in the output document
199 200 201 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 199 def fig__show @fig__show end |
#fig__showtext ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.showtext: (NULL) if TRUE, call showtext::showtext.begin() before drawing plots; see the documentation of the showtext package for details
345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 345 def fig__showtext @fig__showtext end |
#fig__subcap ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.subcap: (NULL) captions for subfigures; when there are multiple plots in a chunk, and neither fig.subcap nor fig.cap is NULL, subfloat{} will be used for individual plots (you need to add usepackagesubfig in the preamble); see 067-graphics-options.Rnw for an example
325 326 327 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 325 def fig__subcap @fig__subcap end |
#fig__width ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.width, fig.height: (both are 7; numeric) width and height of the plot, to be used in the graphics device (in inches) and have to be numeric
240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 240 def fig__width @fig__width end |
#highlight ⇒ Object (readonly)
highlight: (TRUE; logical) whether to highlight the source code (it is FALSE by default if the output is Sweave or listings)
148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 148 def highlight @highlight end |
#include ⇒ Object (readonly)
include: (TRUE; logical) whether to include the chunk output in the final output document; if include=FALSE, nothing will be written into the output document, but the code is still evaluated and plot files are generated if there are any plots in the chunk, so you can manually insert figures; note this is the only chunk option that is not cached, i.e., changing it will not invalidate the cache
95 96 97 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 95 def include @include end |
#keep ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute keep.
356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 356 def keep @keep end |
#label ⇒ Object (readonly)
fig.lp: (‘fig:’; character) label prefix for the figure label to be used in label{}; the actual label is made by concatenating this prefix and the chunk label, e.g. the figure label for <<foo-plot>>= will be fig:foo-plot by default
314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 314 def label @label end |
#message ⇒ Object (readonly)
message: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve messages emitted by message() (similar to warning)
81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 81 def @message end |
#options ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute options.
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 34 def @options end |
#out__extra ⇒ Object (readonly)
out.extra: (NULL; character) extra options for figures, e.g. out.extra=‘angle=90’ in LaTeX output will rotate the figure by 90 degrees; it can be an arbitrary string, e.g. you can write multiple figure options in this option; it also applies to HTML images (extra options will be written into the <img /> tag, e.g. out.extra=‘style=“display:block;”’)
271 272 273 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 271 def out__extra @out__extra end |
#out__height ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute out__height.
264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 264 def out__height @out__height end |
#out__width ⇒ Object (readonly)
out.width, out.height: (NULL; character) width and height of the plot in the final output file (can be different with its real fig.width and fig.height, i.e. plots can be scaled in the output document); depending on the output format, these two options can take flexible values, e.g. for LaTeX output, they can be .8\linewidth, 3in or 8cm and for HTML, they may be 300px (do not have to be in inches like fig.width and fig.height; backslashes must be escaped as \); for LaTeX output, the default value for out.width will be changed to \maxwidth which is defined here out.width can also be a percentage, e.g. ‘40%’ will be translated to 0.4linewidth when the output format is LaTeX
263 264 265 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 263 def out__width @out__width end |
#prompt ⇒ Object (readonly)
prompt: (FALSE; logical) whether to add the prompt characters in the R code (see prompt and continue in ?base::options; note that adding prompts can make it difficult for readers to copy R code from the output, so prompt=FALSE may be a better choice
this option may not work well when the chunk option engine is not R (#1274)
138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 138 def prompt @prompt end |
#render ⇒ Object (readonly)
render: (knitr::knit_print; function(x, options, …)) the function which formats the result of the chunk for the final output format. The function is given the chunk result as first argument and the list of chunk options as a named argument options. If the function contains further arguments which match names of chunk options, they are filled with the respective values. The function is expected to return one string which is then rendered appropriately for the current output format. For more information, invoke the help about custom chunk rendering: Invoke in R: vignette(‘knit_print’, package = ‘knitr’) and ?knitr::knit_print.
110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 110 def render @render end |
#resize__height ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute resize__height.
287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 287 def resize__height @resize__height end |
#resize__width ⇒ Object (readonly)
resize.width, resize.height: (NULL; character) the width and height to be used in resizebox{}{} in LaTeX; these two options are not needed unless you want to resize tikz graphics because there is no natural way to do it; however, according to tikzDevice authors, tikz graphics is not meant to be resized to maintain consistency in style with other texts in LaTeX; if only one of them is NULL, ! will be used (read the documentation of graphicx if you do not understand this)
286 287 288 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 286 def resize__width @resize__width end |
#results ⇒ Object (readonly)
results: (‘markup’; character) takes these possible values markup: mark up the results using the output hook, e.g. put results in a
special LaTeX environment
asis: output as-is, i.e., write raw results from R into the output document hold: hold all the output pieces and push them to the end of a chunk hide (or FALSE): hide results; this option only applies to normal R
output (not warnings, messages or errors)
58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 58 def results @results end |
#sanitize ⇒ Object (readonly)
sanitize: (FALSE; character) whether to sanitize tikz graphics (escape special LaTeX characters); see documentation in the tikzDevice package
354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 354 def sanitize @sanitize end |
#size ⇒ Object (readonly)
size: (‘normalsize’; character) font size for the default LaTeX output (see ?highlight in the highlight package for a list of possible values)
152 153 154 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 152 def size @size end |
#split ⇒ Object (readonly)
split: (FALSE; logical) whether to split the output from R into separate files and include them into LaTeX by input{} or HTML by <iframe></iframe>; this option only works for .Rnw, .Rtex, and .Rhtml documents (it does not work for R Markdown)
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 87 def split @split end |
#strip__white ⇒ Object (readonly)
strip.white: (TRUE; logical) whether to remove the white lines in the beginning or end of a source chunk in the output
99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 99 def strip__white @strip__white end |
#tidy ⇒ Object (readonly)
tidy: (FALSE) whether to reformat the R code; other possible values are:
* TRUE (equivalent to 'formatR'): use formatR::tidy_source() to reformat the code;
* 'styler': use styler::style_text() to reformat the code;
* a custom function of the form function(code, ...) {} to return the reformatted code;
* if reformatting failed, the original R code will not be changed (with a warning)
125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 125 def tidy @tidy end |
#tidy__opts ⇒ Object (readonly)
tidy.opts: (NULL; list) a list of options to be passed to the function determined by the tidy option, e.g., tidy.opts = list(blank = FALSE, width.cutoff = 60) for tidy = ‘formatR’ to remove blank lines and set the approximate line width to be 60
131 132 133 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 131 def tidy__opts @tidy__opts end |
#warning ⇒ Object (readonly)
warning: (TRUE; logical) whether to preserve warnings (produced by warning()) in the output like we run R code in a terminal (if FALSE, all warnings will be printed in the console instead of the output document); it can also take numeric values as indices to select a subset of warnings to include in the output
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 70 def warning @warning end |
Class Method Details
.device(dev_type, filename = nil, *args, width: 480, height: 480, units: "px", res: 72, pointsize: 12, bg: "white") ⇒ Object
544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 544 def self.device(dev_type, filename = nil, *args, width: 480, height: 480, units: "px", res: 72, pointsize: 12, bg: "white") case dev_type when "awt" when "svg" R.svg(filename) when "png", "pdf" R.png(filename, width, height, units, pointsize, bg, res, *args) when "jpg", "jpeg" R.jpeg(filename, width, height, units, pointsize, bg, res, *args) when "bmp" R.bmp(filename, width, height, units, pointsize, bg, res, *args) else raise "Invalid device type #{device}" end end |
Instance Method Details
#add(spec) ⇒ Object
Adds the new knitr engine to the list of engines
602 603 604 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 602 def add(spec) (~:knit_engines) end |
#add_hook(spec) ⇒ Object
610 611 612 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 610 def add_hook(spec) end |
#capture_plot ⇒ Object
Captures a plot by calling evaluate::plot_snapshot, which has the latest plotted graphics.
569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 569 def capture_plot # gets a plot snapshot. Uses function plot_snapshot from package 'evaluate' plot = R.evaluate_plot_snapshot if (!(plot.is__null >> 0)) # create directory for the graphics files if does not already exists # unless (R.dir__exists(@fig__path) >> 0) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(@fig__path) end do |dev_type| KnitrEngine.device(dev_type >> 0, @filename, width: @options.fig__width, height: @options.fig__height, units: units) R.print(plot) R.dev__off return plot end end false end |
#fig_keep ⇒ Object
Process the fig.keep chunk option
422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 422 def fig_keep @keep = @options.fig__keep @keep_idx = nil if (@keep.is__numeric >> 0) @keep_idx = @keep @keep = "index" end end |
#file_ext ⇒ Object
437 438 439 440 441 442 443 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 437 def file_ext # guess plot file type if it is NULL if (((@keep != 'none') >> 0) && (@options.fig__ext.is__null >> 0)) @fig__ext = (R.knitr_dev2ext( >> 0) end end |
#process_options(options) ⇒ Object
Process the chunk options
449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 449 def () @options = # Chunk options @label = (['label'] >> 0) # Text results @eval = ['eval'] @echo = (['echo'] >> 0) @results = ['results'] @collapse = ['collapse'] @warning = ['warning'] @error = ['error'] @message = ['message'] @split = ['split'] @include = ['include'] @strip__white = ['strip.white'] # @render = options['render'] # a function @class__output = ['class.output'] # Code Decoration # @tidy = options['tidy'] # @tidy__opts = options['tidy.opts'] @prompt = ['prompt'] @comment = ['comment'] @highlight = ['highlight'] @size = ['size'] @background = ['background'] @class__source = ['class_source'] # Plots @fig__path = (['fig.path'] >> 0) # @fig__keep = options['fig.keep'] # can be a vector @fig__show = [''] @dev = ['dev'] # @dev__args = options['dev.args'] # can be a vector @fig__ext = (['fig.ext'] >> 0) @dpi = ['dpi'] @fig__width = ['fig.width'] @fig__height = ['fig.height'] @fig__asp = ['fig.asp'] # @fig__dim = options['fig.dim'] # vector with two elements @out__width = ['out.width'] @out__height = ['out.height'] @out__extra = ['out.extra'] @fig__retina = ['fig.retina'] @resize__width = ['resize.width'] @resize__height = ['resize.height'] @fig__align = ['fig.align'] @fig__env = ['fig.env'] @fig__cap = ['fig.cap'] @fig__scap = ['fig.scap'] @fig__lp = ['fig.lp'] @fig__pos = ['fig.pos'] @fig__subcap = ['fig.subcap'] @fig__ncol = ['fig.ncol'] # @fig__sep = options['fig.sep'] # a vector @fig__process = ['fig.process'] @fig__showtext = ['fig.showtext'] @external = ['external'] @sanitize = ['sanitize'] # verifies if figures should be kept fig_keep # if figures are to be kept, take or guess the file extension file_ext # make final filename @filename = "#{@fig__path}#{@label}.#{@fig__ext}" @options["filename"] = "." # create temporary file for storing plots # TODO: should remove this directory afterwards @tmp_fig = (R.tempfile() >> 0) end |
#units ⇒ Object
403 404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/gknit/knitr_engine.rb', line 403 def units opt_units = (@options[["units"]]) (opt_units.is__null >> 0) ? "in" : opt_units end |