Class: Genfrag::App::SearchCommand
- Defined in:
- lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ProcessFile
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Command
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #adapter_setup_1(hsh) ⇒ Object
- #adapter_setup_2 ⇒ Object
#calculate_left_and_right_trims(trim) ⇒ Object
Calculate left and right trims.
#calculate_trim_for_nucleotides(re5_ds, re3_ds) ⇒ Object
Keep track of extraneous nucleotides that should be removed from the final fragment.
- #cli_run(args) ⇒ Object
- #left_tail_of(s) ⇒ Object
#matches_adapter(five_or_three, primary_frag, complement_frag, raw_frag, trim, primary_strand) ⇒ Object
Does the sequence match the adapter.
- #opt_parser ⇒ Object
- #parse(args) ⇒ Object
- #preserve_or_add(size, lead_in, adapter_sequence, primary_frag, complement_frag) ⇒ Object
- #right_tail_of(s) ⇒ Object
- #run(ops =, processed_fasta_file = nil, processed_freq_lookup = nil, processed_adapters = nil, cli = false) ⇒ Object
#trim_sequences(primary_frag, complement_frag, left, right, trim) ⇒ Object
Do the trimming.
- #validate_options(o) ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from Command
#cli_p, #clierr_p, #initialize, #standard_options
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Genfrag::App::Command
Instance Method Details
#adapter_setup_1(hsh) ⇒ Object
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 299 def adapter_setup_1(hsh) l = lambda do |i| if @ops.send("adapter#{i}") @adapters["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}") if @ops.send("adapter#{i}_sequence") @adapters["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}_sequence").gsub(/\|N*$/i,'') @adapters["adapter#{i}_size".to_sym] = @adapters["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym].size + @adapters["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym].size else @adapters["adapter#{i}_size".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}_size") end elsif hsh["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym] @adapters["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym] = hsh["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym] @adapters["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym] = hsh["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym] @adapters["adapter#{i}_size".to_sym] = hsh["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym].size + hsh["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym].size end end # set adapter 5' and 3' respectively using above procs end |
#adapter_setup_2 ⇒ Object
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 320 def adapter_setup_2 l = lambda do |i| @adapters["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}") if @ops.send("adapter#{i}_sequence") @adapters["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}_sequence").gsub(/\|N*$/i,'') @adapters["adapter#{i}_size".to_sym] = @adapters["adapter#{i}_sequence".to_sym].size + @adapters["adapter#{i}_specificity".to_sym].size else @adapters["adapter#{i}_size".to_sym] = @ops.send("adapter#{i}_size") end end end |
#calculate_left_and_right_trims(trim) ⇒ Object
Calculate left and right trims
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/trim.rb', line 83 def calculate_left_and_right_trims(trim) left = {} # Should we "dot out" (nucleotide padding) from the primary strand? If no, then we assume the complement needs padding. left[:dot_out_from_primary] = (trim[:from_left_primary] > trim[:from_left_complement]) # How much gets cut off on both primary and complement strands left[:trim_from_both] = [trim[:from_left_primary], trim[:from_left_complement]].min right = {} right[:dot_out_from_primary] = (trim[:from_right_primary] > trim[:from_right_complement]) right[:trim_from_both] = [trim[:from_right_primary], trim[:from_right_complement]].min return [left,right] end |
#calculate_trim_for_nucleotides(re5_ds, re3_ds) ⇒ Object
Keep track of extraneous nucleotides that should be removed from the final fragment
Example BstYI used as RE5 BstYI -
5' - r^g a t c y - 3'
3' - y c t a g^r - 5'
re5_ds.cut_locations.primary # => [0]
re5_ds.cut_locations.complement # => [4]
re5_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size # => 6
# number of nucleotides to trim from the left side on the primary strand
re5_ds.cut_locations.primary.max + 1 # => 1
# number of nucleotides to trim from the left side on the complement strand
re5_ds.cut_locations.complement.max + 1 # => 5
Example BstYI used as RE3 BstYI -
5' - r^g a t c y - 3'
3' - y c t a g^r - 5'
re3_ds.cut_locations.primary # => [0]
re3_ds.cut_locations.complement # => [4]
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size # => 6
# number of nucleotides to trim from the right side on the primary strand
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.primary.min + 1) # => 5
# number of nucleotides to trim from the right side on the complement strand
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.complement.min + 1) # => 1
Example PpiI used as RE5 PpiI -
5' - n n n n n n^n n n n n n n g a a c n n n n n c t c n n n n n n n n n n n n n^n - 3'
3' - n^n n n n n n n n n n n n c t t g n n n n n g a g n n n n n n n n^n n n n n n - 5'
re5_ds.cut_locations.primary # => [5, 37]
re5_ds.cut_locations.complement # => [0, 32]
re5_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size # => 39
# number of nucleotides to trim from the left side on the primary strand
re5_ds.cut_locations.primary.max + 1 # => 38
# number of nucleotides to trim from the left side on the complement strand
re5_ds.cut_locations.complement.max + 1 # => 33
Example PpiI used as RE3 PpiI -
5' - n n n n n n^n n n n n n n g a a c n n n n n c t c n n n n n n n n n n n n n^n - 3'
3' - n^n n n n n n n n n n n n c t t g n n n n n g a g n n n n n n n n^n n n n n n - 5'
re3_ds.cut_locations.primary # => [5, 37]
re3_ds.cut_locations.complement # => [0, 32]
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size # => 39
# number of nucleotides to trim from the right side on the primary strand
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.primary.min + 1) # => 33
# number of nucleotides to trim from the right side on the complement strand
re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.complement.min + 1) # => 38
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/trim.rb', line 72 def calculate_trim_for_nucleotides(re5_ds, re3_ds) trim = {} trim[:from_left_primary] = re5_ds.cut_locations.primary.max + 1 trim[:from_left_complement] = re5_ds.cut_locations.complement.max + 1 trim[:from_right_primary] = re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.primary.min + 1) trim[:from_right_complement] = re3_ds.aligned_strands.primary.size - (re3_ds.cut_locations.complement.min + 1) return trim end |
#cli_run(args) ⇒ Object
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 6 def cli_run( args ) parse args @input_filenames = ARGV input_filenames = [@input_filenames].flatten processed_adapters=nil () if [:sqlite] processed_fasta_file = SearchCommand::ProcessFile.process_db_fasta_file( Genfrag.name_normalized_fasta(input_filenames,[:filefasta]) + '.db' ) ) processed_freq_lookup = SearchCommand::ProcessFile.process_db_freq_lookup( Genfrag.name_freq_lookup(input_filenames,[:filefasta],[:filelookup],[:re5],[:re3]) + '.db' ) ) else processed_fasta_file = SearchCommand::ProcessFile.process_tdf_fasta_file( IO.readlines( Genfrag.name_normalized_fasta(input_filenames,[:filefasta]) + '.tdf' ) ) processed_freq_lookup = SearchCommand::ProcessFile.process_tdf_freq_lookup( IO.readlines( Genfrag.name_freq_lookup(input_filenames,[:filefasta],[:filelookup],[:re5],[:re3]) + '.tdf' ) ) end if [:fileadapters] processed_adapters = SearchCommand::ProcessFile.process_tdf_adapters( IO.readlines( Genfrag.name_adapters([:fileadapters]) + '.tdf' ), [:named_adapter5], [:named_adapter3] ) end run(, processed_fasta_file, processed_freq_lookup, processed_adapters, true) end |
#left_tail_of(s) ⇒ Object
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/match.rb', line 120 def left_tail_of(s) # 'PpiI' => "n n n n n n^n n n n n n n g a a c n n n n n c t c n n n n n n n n n n n n n^n" # => 'nnnnnn' # 'BstYI' => "r^g a t c y" # => 'r' if s =~ /([^\^]*)\^/ return $' ', '') else raise "Sequence #{s} has no cuts (defined by symbol '^')" end end |
#matches_adapter(five_or_three, primary_frag, complement_frag, raw_frag, trim, primary_strand) ⇒ Object
Does the sequence match the adapter
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/match.rb', line 9 def matches_adapter(five_or_three, primary_frag, complement_frag, raw_frag, trim, primary_strand) adapter_specificity = nil adapter_sequence = nil adapter_size = nil trim_primary = nil trim_complement = nil if five_or_three == 5 tail = right_tail_of(primary_strand) adapter_specificity = @adapters[:adapter5_specificity].upcase adapter_sequence = @adapters[:adapter5_sequence].upcase if @adapters[:adapter5_sequence] adapter_size = @adapters[:adapter5_size] trim_primary = trim[:from_left_primary] trim_complement = trim[:from_left_complement] # TEMP Check for match primary_frag =~ /(\.*)/ dots_on_primary = $1.size lead_in = tail.size + dots_on_primary return false if primary_frag[ lead_in .. -1 ].tr('.', '') !~ /^#{adapter_specificity}/i elsif five_or_three == 3 tail = left_tail_of(primary_strand) if @adapters[:adapter3_specificity][0].chr == '_' adapter_specificity = @adapters[:adapter3_specificity][1..-1].reverse.upcase else adapter_specificity =[:adapter3_specificity]).forward_complement.to_s.upcase end adapter_sequence =[:adapter3_sequence]).forward_complement.to_s.upcase if @adapters[:adapter3_sequence] adapter_size = @adapters[:adapter3_size] trim_primary = trim[:from_right_primary] trim_complement = trim[:from_right_complement] primary_frag.reverse! complement_frag.reverse! raw_frag.reverse! # TEMP Check for match primary_frag =~ /(\.*)/ dots_on_primary = $1.size lead_in = tail.size + dots_on_primary return false if primary_frag[ lead_in .. -1 ].tr('.', '') !~ /^#{adapter_specificity}/i else raise "First argument to matches_adapter must be a '5' or a '3'. Received: #{five_or_three.inspect}" end if adapter_sequence # adapter-sequence supplied new_primary_frag, new_complement_frag = preserve_or_add(adapter_sequence.size, lead_in, adapter_sequence, primary_frag, complement_frag) elsif adapter_size # adapter-size supplied new_primary_frag, new_complement_frag = preserve_or_add(adapter_size, lead_in, adapter_sequence, primary_frag, complement_frag) else # only the specificity has been provided new_primary_frag = ('.' * dots_on_primary) + ('+' * tail.size) + primary_frag[ lead_in .. -1 ] new_complement_frag = complement_frag end if five_or_three == 3 return [new_primary_frag.reverse, new_complement_frag.reverse] else return [new_primary_frag, new_complement_frag] end end |
#opt_parser ⇒ Object
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 31 def opt_parser std_opts = opts = opts. = 'Usage: genfrag search [options]' opts.separator '' opts.separator " Search a database of sequence fragments that match the last 5'" opts.separator " fragment cut by two restricting enzymes RE3 and RE5, as created by the" opts.separator " index function. Next, adapters are applied to search a subset of" opts.separator " fragments, as is used in some protocols." opts.separator '' ary = [:verbose, :quiet, :tracktime, :indir, :outdir, :sqlite, :re5, :re3, :filelookup, :filefasta, :fileadapters, :adapter5_sequence, :adapter3_sequence, :adapter5_size, :adapter3_size, :named_adapter5, :named_adapter3, :adapter5, :adapter3, :seqsize ] ary.each { |a| opts.on(*std_opts[a]) } opts.separator '' opts.separator ' Common Options:' opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'show this message' ) { @out.puts opts; exit } opts.separator ' Examples:' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI -v' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --adapter5 tt' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --add 26 --adapter5 ct --adapter3 aa --size 190,215' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --adapter5-size 11 --adapter5 tt --adapter3-size 15 --size 168' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --adapter5-sequence GACTGCGTAGTGATC --adapter5 tt --size 168' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --adapter5-size 11 --adapter5 ct --adapter3-size 15 --adapter3 aa --size 190,215' opts.separator ' genfrag search -f example.fasta --re5 BstYI --re3 MseI --add 26 --named-adapter5 BstYI-T4 --named-adapter3 MseI-21 --size 190,215' opts end |
#parse(args) ⇒ Object
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 66 def parse( args ) opts = opt_parser if args.empty? @out.puts opts exit 1 end # parse the command line arguments opts.parse! args end |
#preserve_or_add(size, lead_in, adapter_sequence, primary_frag, complement_frag) ⇒ Object
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/match.rb', line 134 def preserve_or_add(size, lead_in, adapter_sequence, primary_frag, complement_frag) if adapter_sequence.nil? or adapter_sequence.empty? adapter_sequence = '?' * size end if lead_in >= size # need to preserve dots on primary string p = ('=' * (lead_in - size)) + adapter_sequence + primary_frag[ lead_in .. -1 ] c = complement_frag else # need to add dots to beginning of complement string p = adapter_sequence + primary_frag[ lead_in .. -1 ] c = ('=' * (size - lead_in) ) + complement_frag end [p,c] end |
#right_tail_of(s) ⇒ Object
# Find the fragments that match the search parameters #
def find_matching_fragments(sizes, left, right)
s = (@adapters[:adapter5_size] or 0) + (@adapters[:adapter3_size] or 0)
if [@ops.seqsize].flatten == [0] or [@ops.seqsize].flatten == [nil] or [@ops.seqsize].flatten == ['0']
sizes.each do |raw_size, info|
hits << info
[@ops.seqsize].flatten.each do |seek_size|
seek_size = seek_size.to_i
sizes.each do |raw_size, info|
frag_size = raw_size - left[:trim_from_both] - right[:trim_from_both]
if (frag_size >= seek_size - s) and (frag_size <= seek_size + s)
hits << info
return hits
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/match.rb', line 107 def right_tail_of(s) # 'PpiI' => "n n n n n n^n n n n n n n g a a c n n n n n c t c n n n n n n n n n n n n n^n" # => 'n' # 'BstYI' => "r^g a t c y" # => 'gatcy' if s =~ /.*\^(.*)/ return $' ', '') else raise "Sequence #{s} has no cuts (defined by symbol '^')" end end |
#run(ops =, processed_fasta_file = nil, processed_freq_lookup = nil, processed_adapters = nil, cli = false) ⇒ Object
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 110 def run(, processed_fasta_file=nil, processed_freq_lookup=nil, processed_adapters=nil, cli=false) if ops.kind_of? OpenStruct @ops = ops.dup elsif ops.kind_of? Hash @ops = else raise ArgumentError end # Set defaults @ops.verbose ||= false @ops.quiet ||= false @ops.sqlite ||= false @ops.re5 ||= nil @ops.re3 ||= nil @ops.seqsize ||= [0] @ops.adapter5_size ||= nil @ops.adapter3_size ||= nil @ops.adapter5 ||= nil @ops.adapter3 ||= nil @sizes = processed_freq_lookup @sequences = processed_fasta_file @adapters = {} @re5_ds, @re3_ds = [@ops.re5, @ops.re3].map {|x|} @re5_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary = @re5_ds.aligned_strands_with_cuts.primary @re3_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary = @re3_ds.aligned_strands_with_cuts.primary if @ops.verbose cli_p(cli, <<-END RE5: #{@ops.re5} #{@re5_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary} #{@re5_ds.aligned_strands_with_cuts.complement} RE3: #{@ops.re3} #{@re5_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary} #{@re3_ds.aligned_strands_with_cuts.complement} adapter5: #{@ops.adapter5} adapter3: #{@ops.adapter3} END ) end if @ops.named_adapter5 and @ops.adapter5 raise ArgumentError, "Cannot have both 'adapter5' and 'named_adapter5'" elsif @ops.named_adapter3 and @ops.adapter3 raise ArgumentError, "Cannot have both 'adapter3' and 'named_adapter3'" end if !processed_adapters and (@ops.named_adapter5 or @ops.named_adapter3) raise ArgumentError, "Must specify --fileadapters when using a named_adapter" end if @ops.adapter5_size and @ops.adapter5_sequence raise ArgumentError, '--adapter5-sequence and --adapter5-size both supplied, may only have one' end if @ops.adapter3_size and @ops.adapter3_sequence raise ArgumentError, '--adapter3-sequence and --adapter3-size both supplied, may only have one' end if (@ops.adapter5_sequence or @ops.adapter5_size) and !@ops.adapter5 raise ArgumentError, '--adapter5 missing in presence of --adapter5-sequence or --adapter5-size' end if (@ops.adapter3_sequence or @ops.adapter3_size) and !@ops.adapter3 raise ArgumentError, '--adapter3 missing in presence of --adapter3-sequence or --adapter3-size' end if [@ops.seqsize].flatten == [0] or [@ops.seqsize].flatten == [nil] or [@ops.seqsize].flatten == ['0'] @ops.seqsize = nil else h = {:ranges => [], :ints => []} @ops.seqsize.flatten.each do |s| if s.include?('+') a = s.split('+') c = a[0].to_i r = a[1].to_i h[:ranges] << (c-r..c+r) else h[:ints] << s.to_i end end @ops.seqsize = h end if processed_adapters adapter_setup_1(processed_adapters) else adapter_setup_2 end # translated adapter 3' if given in reverse orientation - e.g. _tt is # translated to aa (reversed) and _tct returns the primary strand # ending in specific 'tct' if @adapters[:adapter3_specificity] =~ /^_/ seq3 =[:adapter3_specificity][1..-1]).downcase @adapters[:adapter3_specificity] = seq3.complement.to_s end @trim = calculate_trim_for_nucleotides(@re5_ds, @re3_ds) # ------ # Start calculations # left_trim, right_trim = calculate_left_and_right_trims(@trim) results = [] @sizes.values.each do |hit| hit.each do |entry| seq = @sequences[entry[:fasta_id]][:sequence] raw_frag = seq[entry[:offset]..(entry[:offset]+entry[:raw_size]-1)] primary_frag, complement_frag = trim_sequences(raw_frag,, left_trim, right_trim, @trim) p = primary_frag.dup c = complement_frag.dup # note the next two if-statements at this level chain together with 'p' and 'c' if @adapters[:adapter5_specificity] p, c = matches_adapter(5, p, c, raw_frag, @trim, @re5_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary) next if !p # next if returned false -- no match end if @adapters[:adapter3_specificity] p, c = matches_adapter(3, p, c, raw_frag, @trim, @re3_ds_aligned_strands_with_cuts_primary) next if !p # next if returned false -- no match end primary_frag_with_adapters = p complement_frag_with_adapters = c if @ops.seqsize primary_frag_with_adapters_size = primary_frag_with_adapters.size good = false if @ops.seqsize[:ints].include?(primary_frag_with_adapters_size) good = true else @ops.seqsize[:ranges].each do |range| good = true if range.include?(primary_frag_with_adapters_size) break if good end end # next if fragment size not in range next if !good end results << {:raw_frag => raw_frag, :primary_frag => primary_frag, :primary_frag_with_adapters => primary_frag_with_adapters, :complement_frag => complement_frag, :complement_frag_with_adapters => complement_frag_with_adapters, :entry => entry, :seq => seq, :definitions => @sequences[entry[:fasta_id]][:definitions]} end end if results.size == 0 cli_p(cli,"Nothing found") if @ops.verbose end sorted_results = {} results.sort {|a,b| a[:seq] <=> b[:seq]}.each do |r| raise "shouldn't happen" if sorted_results[r[:seq]] != nil sorted_results[r[:seq]] = {} x = sorted_results[r[:seq]] x['fasta definition'] = r[:definitions] x['sequence size'] = r[:seq].size x['fragment - primary strand'] = r[:primary_frag] x['fragment - complement strand'] = r[:complement_frag] x['fragment with adapters - primary strand'] = r[:primary_frag_with_adapters] x['fragment with adapters - complement strand'] = r[:complement_frag_with_adapters] end if @ops.verbose ary = ['fasta definition', 'sequence size', 'fragment - primary strand', 'fragment - complement strand', 'fragment with adapters - primary strand', 'fragment with adapters - complement strand'] else ary = ['fragment with adapters - primary strand', 'fragment with adapters - complement strand'] end sorted_results.each do |k,v| cli_p(cli, '---') if @ops.verbose cli_p(cli, '- sequence') cli_p(cli, " #{k}") end ary.each do |a| cli_p(cli, "- #{a}") cli_p(cli, " #{v[a]}") end end return results end |
#trim_sequences(primary_frag, complement_frag, left, right, trim) ⇒ Object
Do the trimming
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command/trim.rb', line 98 def trim_sequences(primary_frag, complement_frag, left, right, trim) if left[:dot_out_from_primary] primary_frag = "." * trim[:from_left_primary] + primary_frag[trim[:from_left_primary]..-1] else complement_frag = "." * trim[:from_left_complement] + complement_frag[trim[:from_left_complement]..-1] end if right[:dot_out_from_primary] primary_frag = primary_frag[0..(-1 - trim[:from_right_primary])] + "." * trim[:from_right_primary] else complement_frag = complement_frag[0..(-1 - trim[:from_right_primary])] + "." * trim[:from_right_primary] end primary_frag = primary_frag[left[:trim_from_both]..(-1-right[:trim_from_both])] complement_frag = complement_frag[left[:trim_from_both]..(-1-right[:trim_from_both])] return [primary_frag, complement_frag] end |
#validate_options(o) ⇒ Object
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 |
# File 'lib/genfrag/app/search_command.rb', line 79 def (o) if o[:filefasta] == nil clierr_p "missing option: must supply fasta filename" exit 1 end if o[:re5] == nil clierr_p "missing option: re5" exit 1 end if o[:re3] == nil clierr_p "missing option: re3" exit 1 end begin[:re3]) rescue clierr_p "re3 is not an enzyme name" exit 1 end begin[:re5]) rescue clierr_p "re5 is not an enzyme name" exit 1 end end |