Class: Geocoder::US::Database
- Inherits:
- Object
- Geocoder::US::Database
- Defined in:
- lib/geocoder/us/database.rb
Provides an interface to a Geocoder::US database.
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary collapse
- Street_Weight =
- Number_Weight =
- Parity_Weight =
- City_Weight =
- @@mutex =
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #add_ranges!(address, candidates) ⇒ Object
#assign_number!(hn, candidates) ⇒ Object
Given a query hash and a list of candidates, assign :number and :precision values to each candidate.
#best_candidates!(candidates) ⇒ Object
Find the candidates in a list of candidates that are tied for the top score and prune the remainder from the list.
- #best_places(address, places, canonicalize = false) ⇒ Object
#canonicalize_places!(candidates) ⇒ Object
Find and replace the city, state, and county information in a list of candidates with the primary place information for the ZIP codes in the candidate list.
#clean_record!(record) ⇒ Object
Clean up a candidate record by formatting the score, replacing nil values with empty strings, and deleting artifacts from database queries.
#distance(a, b) ⇒ Object
Simple Euclidean distances between two 2-D coordinate pairs, scaled along the longitudinal axis by scale_lon.
#edges(edge_ids) ⇒ Object
Query the edge table for a list of edges matching a list of edge IDs.
#execute(sql, *params) ⇒ Object
Execute an SQL statement, bind a list of parameters, and return the result as a list of hashes.
#execute_statement(st, *params) ⇒ Object
Execute an SQLite statement object, bind the parameters, map the column names to symbols, and return the rows as a list of hashes.
- #extend_ranges!(candidates) ⇒ Object
#features_by_street(street, tokens) ⇒ Object
Generate an SQL query and set of parameters against the feature and range tables for a street name and optional building number.
#features_by_street_and_zip(street, tokens, zips) ⇒ Object
Query the feature and range tables for a set of ranges, given a building number, street name, and list of candidate ZIP codes.
- #find_candidates(address) ⇒ Object
- #flush_statements ⇒ Object
#geocode(info_to_geocode, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
Geocode a given address or place name string.
#geocode_address(address, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
Given an Address object, return a list of possible geocodes by address range interpolation.
- #geocode_intersection(address, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
#geocode_place(address, canonicalize = false) ⇒ Object
Given an Address object, return a list of possible geocodes by place name.
#initialize(filename, options = {}) ⇒ Database
Takes the path of an SQLite 3 database prepared for Geocoder::US as the sole mandatory argument.
#interpolate(points, fraction) ⇒ Object
Find an interpolated point along a list of linestring vertices proportional to the given fractional distance along the line.
#interpolation_distance(candidate) ⇒ Object
Compute the fractional interpolation distance for a query number along an edge, given all of the ranges for the same side of that edge.
- #intersections_by_fid(fids) ⇒ Object
- #merge_edges!(candidates) ⇒ Object
#merge_rows!(dest, src, *keys) ⇒ Object
Merge the values in the list of rows given in src into the list of rows in dest, matching rows on the given list of keys.
#metaphone_placeholders_for(list) ⇒ Object
Generate enough SQL placeholders for a list of objects.
#more_features_by_street_and_zip(street, tokens, zips) ⇒ Object
Query the feature and range tables for a set of ranges, given a building number, street name, and list of candidate ZIP codes.
#placeholders_for(list) ⇒ Object
Generate enough SQL placeholders for a list of objects.
#places_by_city(city, tokens, state) ⇒ Object
Query the place table for by city, optional state, and zip.
- #places_by_zip(city, zip) ⇒ Object
#prepare(sql) ⇒ Object
Return a cached SQLite statement object, preparing it first if it’s not already in the cache.
#primary_places(zips) ⇒ Object
Query the place table for notional “primary” place names for each of a list of ZIP codes.
#range_ends(edge_ids) ⇒ Object
Query the range table for all ranges associated with the given list of edge IDs.
- #ranges_by_feature(fids, number, prenum) ⇒ Object
#rows_to_h(rows, *keys) ⇒ Object
Convert a list of rows into a hash keyed by the given keys.
#scale_lon(lat1, lat2) ⇒ Object
Calculate the longitude scaling for the average of two latitudes.
#score_candidates!(address, candidates) ⇒ Object
Score a list of candidates.
- #synchronize ⇒ Object
#tune(helper, cache_size) ⇒ Object
Load the SQLite extension and tune the database settings.
#unique_values(rows, key) ⇒ Object
Given a list of rows, find the unique values for a given key.
#unpack_geometry(geom) ⇒ Object
Unpack an array of little-endian 4-byte ints, and convert them into signed floats by dividing by 10^6, inverting the process used by the compress_wkb_line() function in the SQLite helper extension.
Constructor Details
#initialize(filename, options = {}) ⇒ Database
Takes the path of an SQLite 3 database prepared for Geocoder::US as the sole mandatory argument. The helper argument points to the Geocoder::US SQLite plugin; the module looks for this in the same directory as database.rb by default. The cache_size argument is measured in kilobytes and is used to set the SQLite cache size; larger values will trade memory for speed in long-running processes.
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 30 def initialize (filename, = {}) defaults = {:debug => false, :cache_size => 50000, :helper => "", :threadsafe => false, :create => false} = defaults.merge raise ArgumentError, "can't find database #{filename}" \ unless [:create] or File.exists? filename @db = filename ) @st = {} @debug = [:debug] @threadsafe = [:threadsafe] tune [:helper], [:cache_size] end |
Instance Method Details
#add_ranges!(address, candidates) ⇒ Object
379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 379 def add_ranges! (address, candidates) number = address.number.to_i fids = unique_values candidates, :fid ranges = ranges_by_feature fids, number, address.prenum ranges = ranges_by_feature fids, number, nil unless !ranges.empty? merge_rows! candidates, ranges, :fid assign_number! number, candidates end |
#assign_number!(hn, candidates) ⇒ Object
Given a query hash and a list of candidates, assign :number and :precision values to each candidate. If the query building number is inside the candidate range, set the number on the result and set the precision to :range; otherwise, find the closest corner and set precision to :street.
364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 364 def assign_number! (hn, candidates) hn = 0 unless hn for candidate in candidates fromhn, tohn = candidate[:fromhn].to_i, candidate[:tohn].to_i if (hn >= fromhn and hn <= tohn) or (hn <= fromhn and hn >= tohn) candidate[:number] = hn.to_s candidate[:precision] = :range else candidate[:number] = ((hn - fromhn).abs < (hn - tohn).abs ? candidate[:fromhn] : candidate[:tohn]).to_s candidate[:precision] = :street end end end |
#best_candidates!(candidates) ⇒ Object
Find the candidates in a list of candidates that are tied for the top score and prune the remainder from the list.
467 468 469 470 471 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 467 def best_candidates! (candidates) candidates.sort! {|a,b| b[:score] <=> a[:score]} #candidates.reverse_each {|c| print "#{c[:number]} #{c[:state]} #{c[:city]} #{c[:raw_score]} #{c[:number_score]} #{c[:street_score]} #{c[:city_score]}\n" } candidates.delete_if {|record| record[:score] < candidates[0][:score]} end |
#best_places(address, places, canonicalize = false) ⇒ Object
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 590 def best_places (address, places, canonicalize=false) return [] unless !places.empty? score_candidates! address, places best_candidates! places canonicalize_places! places if canonicalize # uniqify places by_name = rows_to_h(places, :city, :state) if !by_name.nil? begin by_name.values.each {|v| v.sort! {|a,b| a[:zip] <=> b[:zip] }} rescue end places = {|k,v| v[0]} places.each {|record| clean_record! record} places.each {|record| record[:precision] = (record[:zip] == ? :zip : :city) } end places end |
#canonicalize_places!(candidates) ⇒ Object
Find and replace the city, state, and county information in a list of candidates with the primary place information for the ZIP codes in the candidate list.
557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 557 def canonicalize_places! (candidates) zips_used = unique_values(candidates, :zip) pri_places = rows_to_h primary_places(zips_used), :zip! {|record| current_places = pri_places[[record[:zip]]] # FIXME: this should never happen! return [] unless current_places top_priority ={|p| p[:priority]}.min {|p| p[:priority] == top_priority}.map {|p| record.merge({ :city => p[:city], :state => p[:state], :fips_county => p[:fips_county] }) } } candidates.flatten! end |
#clean_record!(record) ⇒ Object
Clean up a candidate record by formatting the score, replacing nil values with empty strings, and deleting artifacts from database queries.
579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 579 def clean_record! (record) record[:score] = format("%.3f", record[:score]).to_f \ unless record[:score].nil? record.keys.each {|k| record[k] = "" if record[k].nil? } # clean up nils record.delete :components unless @debug record.delete_if {|k,v| k.is_a? Fixnum or [:geometry, :side, :tlid, :fid, :fid1, :fid2, :street_phone, :city_phone, :fromhn, :tohn, :paflag, :flipped, :street_score, :city_score, :priority, :fips_class, :fips_place, :status].include? k} end |
#distance(a, b) ⇒ Object
Simple Euclidean distances between two 2-D coordinate pairs, scaled along the longitudinal axis by scale_lon.
524 525 526 527 528 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 524 def distance (a, b) dx = (b[0] - a[0]) * scale_lon(a[1], b[1]) dy = (b[1] - a[1]) Math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) end |
#edges(edge_ids) ⇒ Object
Query the edge table for a list of edges matching a list of edge IDs.
236 237 238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 236 def edges (edge_ids) in_list = placeholders_for edge_ids sql = "SELECT edge.* FROM edge WHERE edge.tlid IN (#{in_list})" execute sql, *edge_ids end |
#execute(sql, *params) ⇒ Object
Execute an SQL statement, bind a list of parameters, and return the result as a list of hashes.
120 121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 120 def execute (sql, *params) st = prepare(sql) execute_statement st, *params end |
#execute_statement(st, *params) ⇒ Object
Execute an SQLite statement object, bind the parameters, map the column names to symbols, and return the rows as a list of hashes.
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 129 def execute_statement (st, *params) if @debug start = $stderr.print "EXEC: #{params.inspect}\n" if !params.empty? end rows = [] synchronize do result = st.execute(*params) columns = {|c| c.to_sym} result.each {|row| rows << Hash[*(]} end if @debug runtime = format("%.3f", - start) $stderr.print "ROWS: #{rows.length} (#{runtime}s)\n" end rows.reverse! end |
#extend_ranges!(candidates) ⇒ Object
396 397 398 399 400 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 396 def extend_ranges! (candidates) edge_ids = merge_edges! candidates full_ranges = range_ends edge_ids merge_rows! candidates, full_ranges, :tlid, :side end |
#features_by_street(street, tokens) ⇒ Object
Generate an SQL query and set of parameters against the feature and range tables for a street name and optional building number. The SQL is used by candidate_records and more_candidate_records to filter results by ZIP code.
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 177 def features_by_street (street, tokens) = (["metaphone(?,5)"] * tokens.length).join(",") sql = " SELECT feature.*, levenshtein(?, street) AS street_score FROM feature WHERE street_phone IN (#{})" params = [street] + tokens return [sql, params] end |
#features_by_street_and_zip(street, tokens, zips) ⇒ Object
Query the feature and range tables for a set of ranges, given a building number, street name, and list of candidate ZIP codes. The metaphone and ZIP code indexes on the feature table are used to match results.
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 191 def features_by_street_and_zip (street, tokens, zips) sql, params = features_by_street(street, tokens) in_list = placeholders_for zips sql += " AND IN (#{in_list})" params += zips execute sql, *params end |
#find_candidates(address) ⇒ Object
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 332 def find_candidates (address) places = [] candidates = [] city = {|a,b|a.length <=> b.length}[0] if(! && ! places = places_by_zip city, end places = places_by_city city, address.city_parts, address.state if places.empty? return [] if places.empty? = unique_values places, :city return places if address.street.empty? zips = unique_values places, :zip street = address.street.sort {|a,b|a.length <=> b.length}[0] # puts "street parts = #{address.street_parts.inspect}" candidates = features_by_street_and_zip street, address.street_parts, zips if candidates.empty? candidates = more_features_by_street_and_zip street, address.street_parts, zips end merge_rows! candidates, places, :zip candidates end |
#flush_statements ⇒ Object
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 104 def flush_statements @st = {} end |
#geocode(info_to_geocode, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
Geocode a given address or place name string. The max_penalty and cutoff arguments are passed to the Address parse functions. If canonicalize is true, attempt to return the “primary” street and place names, if they are different from the ones given.
Returns possible candidate matches as a list of hashes.
The :lat and :lon values of each hash store the range-interpolated address coordinates as latitude and longitude in the WGS84 spheroid.
The :precision value may be one of :city, :zip, :street, or :range, in order of increasing precision.
The :score value will be a float between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the approximate “goodness” of the candidate match.
The other values in the hash will represent various structured components of the address and place name.
719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 719 def geocode (info_to_geocode, canonical_place=false) address = info_to_geocode $stderr.print "ADDR: #{address.inspect}\n" if @debug return [] if and results = [] start_time = if @debug if address.po_box? and ! results = geocode_place address, canonical_place end if address.intersection? and !address.street.empty? and address.number.empty? results = geocode_intersection address, canonical_place end if results.empty? and !address.street.empty? results = geocode_address address, canonical_place end if results.empty? results = geocode_place address, canonical_place end if @debug runtime = format("%.3f", - start_time) $stderr.print "DONE: #{runtime}s\n" end results end |
#geocode_address(address, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
Given an Address object, return a list of possible geocodes by address range interpolation. If canonicalize is true, attempt to return the “primary” street and place names, if they are different from the ones given.
661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 661 def geocode_address (address, canonical_place=false) candidates = find_candidates address return [] if candidates.empty? return best_places(address, candidates, canonical_place) if candidates[0][:street].nil? score_candidates! address, candidates best_candidates! candidates #candidates.sort {|a,b| b[:score] <=> a[:score]}.each {|candidate| add_ranges! address, candidates score_candidates! address, candidates #pp candidates.sort {|a,b| b[:score] <=> a[:score]} best_candidates! candidates # sometimes multiple fids match the same tlid by_tlid = rows_to_h candidates, :tlid candidates = {|records| records[0]} # if no number is assigned in the query, only return one # result for each street/zip combo if !address.number.empty? extend_ranges! candidates else by_street = rows_to_h candidates, :street, :zip candidates = {|records| records[0]} merge_edges! candidates end {|record| dist = interpolation_distance record $stderr.print "DIST: #{dist}\n" if @debug points = unpack_geometry record[:geometry] points.reverse! if record[:flipped] record[:lon], record[:lat] = interpolate points, dist } canonicalize_places! candidates if canonical_place candidates.each {|record| clean_record! record} candidates end |
#geocode_intersection(address, canonical_place = false) ⇒ Object
627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 627 def geocode_intersection (address, canonical_place=false) candidates = find_candidates address return [] if candidates.empty? return best_places(address, candidates, canonical_place) if candidates[0][:street].nil? features = rows_to_h candidates, :fid intersects = intersections_by_fid features.keys.flatten! {|record| feat1, feat2 = record.values_at(:fid1, :fid2).map {|k| features[[k]][0]} record.merge! feat1 record[:street1] = record.delete(:street) record[:street2] = feat2[:street] record[:lon], record[:lat] = unpack_geometry(record.delete(:point))[0] record[:precision] = :intersection record[:street_score] = (feat1[:street_score].to_f + feat2[:street_score].to_f)/2 record } #pp(intersects) score_candidates! address, intersects best_candidates! intersects by_point = rows_to_h(intersects, :lon, :lat) candidates = {|records| records[0]} canonicalize_places! candidates if canonical_place candidates.each {|record| clean_record! record} candidates end |
#geocode_place(address, canonicalize = false) ⇒ Object
Given an Address object, return a list of possible geocodes by place name. If canonicalize is true, attempt to return the “primary” postal place name for the given city, state, or ZIP.
620 621 622 623 624 625 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 620 def geocode_place (address, canonicalize=false) places = [] places = places_by_zip address.text, if ! or ! places = places_by_city address.text, address.city_parts, address.state if places.empty? best_places address, places, canonicalize end |
#interpolate(points, fraction) ⇒ Object
Find an interpolated point along a list of linestring vertices proportional to the given fractional distance along the line.
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 532 def interpolate (points, fraction) $stderr.print "POINTS: #{points.inspect}" if @debug return points[0] if fraction == 0.0 return points[-1] if fraction == 1.0 total = 0.0 (1...points.length).each {|n| total += distance(points[n-1], points[n])} target = total * fraction for n in 1...points.length step = distance(points[n-1], points[n]) if step < target target -= step else scale = scale_lon(points[n][1], points[n-1][1]) dx = (points[n][0] - points[n-1][0]) * (target/step) * scale dy = (points[n][1] - points[n-1][1]) * (target/step) found = [points[n-1][0]+dx, points[n-1][1]+dy] return {|x| format("%.6f", x).to_f} end end # raise "Can't happen!" end |
#interpolation_distance(candidate) ⇒ Object
Compute the fractional interpolation distance for a query number along an edge, given all of the ranges for the same side of that edge.
475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 475 def interpolation_distance (candidate) fromhn, tohn, number = candidate.values_at(:fromhn, :tohn, :number).map{|x| x.to_i} $stderr.print "NUM : #{fromhn} < #{number} < #{tohn} (flipped? #{candidate[:flipped]})\n" if @debug # don't need this anymore since range_ends was improved... fromhn, tohn = tohn, fromhn if fromhn > tohn if fromhn > number 0.0 elsif tohn < number 1.0 else (number - fromhn) / (tohn - fromhn).to_f end end |
#intersections_by_fid(fids) ⇒ Object
265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 265 def intersections_by_fid (fids) in_list = placeholders_for fids sql = " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE intersection AS SELECT fid, substr(geometry,1,8) AS point FROM feature_edge, edge WHERE feature_edge.tlid = edge.tlid AND fid IN (#{in_list}) UNION SELECT fid, substr(geometry,length(geometry)-7,8) AS point FROM feature_edge, edge WHERE feature_edge.tlid = edge.tlid AND fid IN (#{in_list}); CREATE INDEX intersect_pt_idx ON intersection (point);" execute sql, *(fids + fids) # the a.fid < b.fid inequality guarantees consistent ordering of street # names in the output results = execute " SELECT a.fid AS fid1, b.fid AS fid2, a.point FROM intersection a, intersection b, feature f1, feature f2 WHERE a.point = b.point AND a.fid < b.fid AND f1.fid = a.fid AND f2.fid = b.fid AND = AND f1.paflag = 'P' AND f2.paflag = 'P';" execute "DROP TABLE intersection;" flush_statements # the CREATE/DROP TABLE invalidates prepared statements results end |
#merge_edges!(candidates) ⇒ Object
388 389 390 391 392 393 394 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 388 def merge_edges! (candidates) edge_ids = unique_values candidates, :tlid records = edges edge_ids merge_rows! candidates, records, :tlid candidates.reject! {|record| record[:tlid].nil?} edge_ids end |
#merge_rows!(dest, src, *keys) ⇒ Object
Merge the values in the list of rows given in src into the list of rows in dest, matching rows on the given list of keys. May generate more than one row in dest for each input dest row.
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 319 def merge_rows! (dest, src, *keys) src = rows_to_h src, *keys! {|row| vals = row.values_at(*keys) if src.key? vals src[vals].map {|row2| row.merge row2} else [row] end } dest.flatten! end |
#metaphone_placeholders_for(list) ⇒ Object
Generate enough SQL placeholders for a list of objects.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 114 def (list) (["metaphone(?,5)"] * list.length).join(",") end |
#more_features_by_street_and_zip(street, tokens, zips) ⇒ Object
Query the feature and range tables for a set of ranges, given a building number, street name, and list of candidate ZIP codes. The ZIP codes are reduced to a set of 3-digit prefixes, broadening the search area.
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 203 def more_features_by_street_and_zip (street, tokens, zips) sql, params = features_by_street(street, tokens) if !zips.empty? and !zips[0].nil? zip3s = {|z| z[0..2]+'%'}.to_set.to_a like_list = {|z| " LIKE ?"}.join(" OR ") sql += " AND (#{like_list})" params += zip3s end st = @db.prepare sql execute_statement st, *params end |
#placeholders_for(list) ⇒ Object
Generate enough SQL placeholders for a list of objects.
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 109 def placeholders_for (list) (["?"] * list.length).join(",") end |
#places_by_city(city, tokens, state) ⇒ Object
Query the place table for by city, optional state, and zip. The metaphone index on the place table is used to match city names.
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 157 def places_by_city (city, tokens, state) if city.nil? city = "" end if state.nil? or state.empty? and_state = "" args = [city] + tokens.clone else and_state = "AND state = ?" args = [city] + tokens.clone + [state] end = tokens execute("SELECT *, levenshtein(?, city) AS city_score FROM place WHERE city_phone IN (#{}) #{and_state} order by priority desc LIMIT 1;", *args) end |
#places_by_zip(city, zip) ⇒ Object
149 150 151 152 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 149 def places_by_zip (city, zip) execute("SELECT *, levenshtein(?, city) AS city_score FROM place WHERE zip = ? order by priority desc LIMIT 1;", city, zip) end |
#prepare(sql) ⇒ Object
Return a cached SQLite statement object, preparing it first if it’s not already in the cache.
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 96 def prepare (sql) $stderr.print "SQL : #{sql}\n" if @debug synchronize do @st[sql] ||= @db.prepare sql end return @st[sql] end |
#primary_places(zips) ⇒ Object
Query the place table for notional “primary” place names for each of a list of ZIP codes. Since the place table shipped with this code is bespoke, and constructed from a variety of public domain sources, the primary name for a ZIP is not always the “right” one.
298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 298 def primary_places (zips) in_list = placeholders_for zips sql = "SELECT * FROM place WHERE zip IN (#{in_list}) order by priority desc;" execute sql, *zips end |
#range_ends(edge_ids) ⇒ Object
Query the range table for all ranges associated with the given list of edge IDs.
244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 244 def range_ends (edge_ids) in_list = placeholders_for edge_ids sql = "SELECT tlid, side, min(fromhn) > min(tohn) AS flipped, min(fromhn) AS from0, max(tohn) AS to0, min(tohn) AS from1, max(fromhn) AS to1 FROM range WHERE tlid IN (#{in_list}) GROUP BY tlid, side;" execute(sql, *edge_ids).map {|r| if r[:flipped] == "0" r[:flipped] = false r[:fromhn], r[:tohn] = r[:from0], r[:to0] else r[:flipped] = true r[:fromhn], r[:tohn] = r[:from1], r[:to1] end [:from0, :to0, :from1, :to1].each {|k| r.delete k} r } end |
#ranges_by_feature(fids, number, prenum) ⇒ Object
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 215 def ranges_by_feature (fids, number, prenum) in_list = placeholders_for fids limit = 4 * fids.length sql = " SELECT feature_edge.fid AS fid, range.* FROM feature_edge, range WHERE fid IN (#{in_list}) AND feature_edge.tlid = range.tlid" params = fids.clone unless prenum.nil? sql += " AND prenum = ?" params += [prenum] end sql += " ORDER BY min(abs(fromhn - ?), abs(tohn - ?)) LIMIT #{limit};" params += [number, number] execute sql, *params end |
#rows_to_h(rows, *keys) ⇒ Object
Convert a list of rows into a hash keyed by the given keys.
310 311 312 313 314 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 310 def rows_to_h (rows, *keys) hash = {} rows.each {|row| (hash[row.values_at(*keys)] ||= []) << row; } hash end |
#scale_lon(lat1, lat2) ⇒ Object
Calculate the longitude scaling for the average of two latitudes.
514 515 516 517 518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 514 def scale_lon (lat1,lat2) # an approximation in place of lookup.rst (10e) and (10g) # = scale longitude distances by the cosine of the latitude # (or, actually, the mean of two latitudes) # -- is this even necessary? Math.cos((lat1+lat2) / 2 * Math::PI / 180) end |
#score_candidates!(address, candidates) ⇒ Object
Score a list of candidates. For each candidate:
For each item in the query:
** if the query item is blank but the candidate is not, score 0.15;
otherwise, if both are blank, score 1.0.
** If both items are set, compute the scaled Levenshtein-Damerau distance
between them, and add that value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to the score.
Add 0.5 to the score for each numbered end of the range that matches the parity of the query number.
Add 1.0 if the query number is in the candidate range, otherwise add a fractional value for the notional distance between the closest candidate corner and the query.
Finally, divide the score by the total number of comparisons. The result should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 indicating a perfect match.
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 416 def score_candidates! (address, candidates) for candidate in candidates candidate[:components] = {} compare = [:prenum, :state, :zip] denominator = compare.length + Street_Weight + City_Weight street_score = (1.0 - candidate[:street_score].to_f) * Street_Weight candidate[:components][:street] = street_score city_score = (1.0 - candidate[:city_score].to_f) * City_Weight candidate[:components][:city] = city_score score = street_score + city_score compare.each {|key| src = address.send(key); src = src ? src.downcase : "" dest = candidate[key]; dest = dest ? dest.downcase : "" item_score = (src == dest) ? 1 : 0 candidate[:components][key] = item_score score += item_score } if address.number and !address.number.empty? parity = subscore = 0.0 fromhn, tohn, assigned, hn = [ candidate[:fromhn], candidate[:tohn], candidate[:number], address.number].map {|s|s.to_i} if candidate[:precision] == :range subscore += Number_Weight elsif assigned > 0 # only credit number subscore if assigned subscore += Number_Weight/(assigned - hn).abs.to_f end candidate[:components][:number] = subscore if hn > 0 and assigned > 0 # only credit parity if a number was given *and* assigned parity += Parity_Weight/2.0 if fromhn % 2 == hn % 2 parity += Parity_Weight/2.0 if tohn % 2 == hn % 2 end candidate[:components][:parity] = parity score += subscore + parity denominator += Number_Weight + Parity_Weight end candidate[:components][:total] = score.to_f candidate[:components][:denominator] = denominator candidate[:score] = score.to_f / denominator end end |
#synchronize ⇒ Object
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 44 def synchronize if not @threadsafe @@mutex.synchronize { yield } else yield end end |
#tune(helper, cache_size) ⇒ Object
Load the SQLite extension and tune the database settings. q.v.
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 56 def tune (helper, cache_size) synchronize do @db.create_function("levenshtein", 2) do |func, word1, word2| test1, test2 = [word1, word2].map {|w| w.to_s.gsub(/\W/o, "").downcase } dist = Text::Levenshtein.distance(test1, test2) result = dist.to_f / [test1.length, test2.length].max func.set_result result end @db.create_function("metaphone", 2) do |func, string, len| test = string.to_s.gsub(/\W/o, "") if test =~ /^(\d+)/o mph = $1 elsif test =~ /^([wy])$/io mph = $1 else mph = Text::Metaphone. test end func.result = mph[0...len.to_i] end @db.create_function("nondigit_prefix", 1) do |func, string| string.to_s =~ /^(.*\D)?(\d+)$/o func.result = ($1 || "") end @db.create_function("digit_suffix", 1) do |func, string| string.to_s =~ /^(.*\D)?(\d+)$/o func.result = ($2 || "") end #@db.enable_load_extension(1) #@db.load_extension(helper) #@db.enable_load_extension(0) @db.cache_size = cache_size @db.temp_store = "memory" @db.synchronous = "off" end end |
#unique_values(rows, key) ⇒ Object
Given a list of rows, find the unique values for a given key.
305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 305 def unique_values (rows, key) {|r| r[key]}.to_set.to_a end |
#unpack_geometry(geom) ⇒ Object
Unpack an array of little-endian 4-byte ints, and convert them into signed floats by dividing by 10^6, inverting the process used by the compress_wkb_line() function in the SQLite helper extension.
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 |
# File 'lib/geocoder/us/database.rb', line 492 def unpack_geometry (geom) points = [] if !geom.nil? # Pete - The database format is completely different to the one # expected by the code, so I've done some detective work to # figure out what it should be. It looks like the format is # | 1 byte Type | 4 byte SRID | 4 byte element count| 8 byte double coordinates * # I've added new code to read this, and commented out the old. info = geom.unpack('CVVD*') coords = info.slice(3, info.length) points << [coords.shift, coords.shift] until coords.empty? # coords = geom.unpack "V*" # little-endian 4-byte long ints # ## now map them into signed floats #! {|i| ( i > (1 << 31) ? i - (1 << 32) : i ) / 1_000_000.0} # points << [coords.shift, coords.shift] until coords.empty? end points end |