Class: Girl::Proxy
- Inherits:
- Object
- Girl::Proxy
- Defined in:
- lib/girl/proxy.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(config_path = nil) ⇒ Proxy
A new instance of Proxy.
Constructor Details
#initialize(config_path = nil) ⇒ Proxy
Returns a new instance of Proxy.
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# File 'lib/girl/proxy.rb', line 17 def initialize( config_path = nil ) unless config_path then config_path = File.( '../girl.conf.json', __FILE__ ) end raise "missing config file #{ config_path }" unless File.exist?( config_path ) conf = JSON.parse( IO.binread( config_path ), symbolize_names: true ) puts "load #{ config_path } #{ conf.inspect }" redir_host = conf[ :redir_host ] redir_port = conf[ :redir_port ] memd_port = conf[ :memd_port ] relayd_host = conf[ :relayd_host ] relayd_port = conf[ :relayd_port ] tspd_host = conf[ :tspd_host ] tspd_port = conf[ :tspd_port ] proxyd_host = conf[ :proxyd_host ] proxyd_port = conf[ :proxyd_port ] nameserver = conf[ :nameserver ] im = conf[ :im ] direct_path = conf[ :direct_path ] remote_path = conf[ :remote_path ] appd_host = conf[ :appd_host ] appd_port = conf[ :appd_port ] head_len = conf[ :head_len ] # 头长度 h_a_new_source = conf[ :h_a_new_source ] # A h_a_new_p2 = conf[ :h_a_new_p2 ] # B h_dst_close = conf[ :h_dst_close ] # D h_heartbeat = conf[ :h_heartbeat ] # H h_p1_close = conf[ :h_p1_close ] # I h_p2_close = conf[ :h_p2_close ] # J h_p2_traffic = conf[ :h_p2_traffic ] # K h_p1_overflow = conf[ :h_p1_overflow ] # L h_p1_underhalf = conf[ :h_p1_underhalf ] # M h_p2_overflow = conf[ :h_p2_overflow ] # N h_p2_underhalf = conf[ :h_p2_underhalf ] # O h_query = conf[ :h_query ] # Q h_response = conf[ :h_response ] # R h_src_close = conf[ :h_src_close ] # S h_traffic = conf[ :h_traffic ] # T h_src_overflow = conf[ :h_src_overflow ] # U h_src_underhalf = conf[ :h_src_underhalf ] # V h_dst_overflow = conf[ :h_dst_overflow ] # W h_dst_underhalf = conf[ :h_dst_underhalf ] # X expire_connecting = conf[ :expire_connecting ] # 连接多久没有建成关闭(秒) expire_long_after = conf[ :expire_long_after ] # 长连接多久没有新流量关闭(秒) expire_proxy_after = conf[ :expire_proxy_after ] # proxy多久没有收到流量重建(秒) expire_resolv_cache = conf[ :expire_resolv_cache ] # dns查询结果缓存多久(秒) expire_short_after = conf[ :expire_short_after ] # 短连接创建多久后关闭(秒) is_debug = conf[ :is_debug ] redir_host = redir_host ? redir_host.to_s : '' redir_port = redir_port ? redir_port.to_i : 6666 memd_port = memd_port ? memd_port.to_i : redir_port + 1 relayd_host = relayd_host ? relayd_host.to_s : '' relayd_port = relayd_port ? relayd_port.to_i : redir_port + 2 tspd_host = tspd_host ? tspd_host.to_s : '' tspd_port = tspd_port ? tspd_port.to_i : 7777 raise "missing proxyd host" unless proxyd_host proxyd_port = proxyd_port ? proxyd_port.to_i : 6060 nameserver = '' unless nameserver nameservers = nameserver.split( ' ' ) im = 'office-pc' unless im directs = [] if direct_path then raise "not found direct file #{ direct_path }" unless File.exist?( direct_path ) directs = ( RESERVED_ROUTE.split( "\n" ) + IO.binread( direct_path ).split( "\n" ) ).map{ | line | line.strip ) } end remotes = [] if remote_path then raise "not found remote file #{ remote_path }" unless File.exist?( remote_path ) remotes = IO.binread( remote_path ).split( "\n" ).map{ | line | line.strip } end appd_host = appd_host ? appd_host.to_s : '' appd_port = appd_port ? appd_port.to_i : 22 head_len = head_len ? head_len.to_i : 59 h_a_new_source = h_a_new_source ? h_a_new_source.to_s : 'A' h_a_new_p2 = h_a_new_p2 ? h_a_new_p2.to_s : 'B' h_dst_close = h_dst_close ? h_dst_close.to_s : 'D' h_heartbeat = h_heartbeat ? h_heartbeat.to_s : 'H' h_p1_close = h_p1_close ? h_p1_close.to_s : 'I' h_p2_close = h_p2_close ? h_p2_close.to_s : 'J' h_p2_traffic = h_p2_traffic ? h_p2_traffic.to_s : 'K' h_p1_overflow = h_p1_overflow ? h_p1_overflow.to_s : 'L' h_p1_underhalf = h_p1_underhalf ? h_p1_underhalf.to_s : 'M' h_p2_overflow = h_p2_overflow ? h_p2_overflow.to_s : 'N' h_p2_underhalf = h_p2_underhalf ? h_p2_underhalf.to_s : 'O' h_query = h_query ? h_query.to_s : 'Q' h_response = h_response ? h_response.to_s : 'R' h_src_close = h_src_close ? h_src_close.to_s : 'S' h_traffic = h_traffic ? h_traffic.to_s : 'T' h_src_overflow = h_src_overflow ? h_src_overflow.to_s : 'U' h_src_underhalf = h_src_underhalf ? h_src_underhalf.to_s : 'V' h_dst_overflow = h_dst_overflow ? h_dst_overflow.to_s : 'W' h_dst_underhalf = h_dst_underhalf ? h_dst_underhalf.to_s : 'X' expire_connecting = expire_connecting ? expire_connecting.to_i : 5 expire_long_after = expire_long_after ? expire_long_after.to_i : 3600 expire_proxy_after = expire_proxy_after ? expire_proxy_after.to_i : 60 expire_resolv_cache = expire_resolv_cache ? expire_resolv_cache.to_i : 600 expire_short_after = expire_short_after ? expire_short_after.to_i : 5 is_client_fastopen = is_server_fastopen = false if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?( 'linux' ) then IO.popen( 'sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen' ) do | io | output = val = output.to_i % 4 if [ 1, 3 ].include?( val ) then is_client_fastopen = true end if [ 2, 3 ].include?( val ) then is_server_fastopen = true end end end puts "girl proxy #{ Girl::VERSION } #{ im } #{ redir_port } #{ relayd_port } #{ tspd_port }" puts "#{ proxyd_host } #{ proxyd_port } #{ appd_host } #{ appd_port } #{ nameservers.inspect } #{ is_client_fastopen } #{ is_server_fastopen }" puts "#{ direct_path } #{ directs.size } directs" puts "#{ remote_path } #{ remotes.size } remotes" if %w[ darwin linux ].any?{ | plat | RUBY_PLATFORM.include?( plat ) } then Process.setrlimit( :NOFILE, RLIMIT ) puts "NOFILE #{ Process.getrlimit( :NOFILE ).inspect }" end worker = redir_host, redir_port, memd_port, relayd_host, relayd_port, tspd_host, tspd_port, proxyd_host, proxyd_port, nameservers, im, directs, remotes, appd_host, appd_port, head_len, h_a_new_source, h_a_new_p2, h_dst_close, h_heartbeat, h_p1_close, h_p2_close, h_p2_traffic, h_p1_overflow, h_p1_underhalf, h_p2_overflow, h_p2_underhalf, h_query, h_response, h_src_close, h_traffic, h_src_overflow, h_src_underhalf, h_dst_overflow, h_dst_underhalf, expire_connecting, expire_long_after, expire_proxy_after, expire_resolv_cache, expire_short_after, is_debug, is_client_fastopen, is_server_fastopen ) Signal.trap( :TERM ) do puts 'exit' worker.quit! end worker.looping end |