Exception: Git::Error

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Base class for all custom git module errors

The git gem will only raise an ArgumentError or an error that is a subclass of Git::Error. It does not explicitly raise any other types of errors.

It is recommended to rescue Git::Error to catch any runtime error raised by this gem unless you need more specific error handling.

Git's custom errors are arranged in the following class heirarchy:

└─> Git::Error
    ├─> Git::CommandLineError
    │   ├─> Git::FailedError
    │   └─> Git::SignaledError
    │       └─> Git::TimeoutError
    ├─> Git::ProcessIOError
    └─> Git::UnexpectedResultError
Error Class Description
Error This catch-all error serves as the base class for other custom errors raised by the git gem.
CommandLineError A subclass of this error is raised when there is a problem executing the git command line.
FailedError This error is raised when the git command line exits with a non-zero status code that is not expected by the git gem.
SignaledError This error is raised when the git command line is terminated as a result of receiving a signal. This could happen if the process is forcibly terminated or if there is a serious system error.
TimeoutError This is a specific type of SignaledError that is raised when the git command line operation times out and is killed via the SIGKILL signal. This happens if the operation takes longer than the timeout duration configured in Git.config.timeout or via the :timeout parameter given in git methods that support timeouts.
ProcessIOError An error was encountered reading or writing to a subprocess.
UnexpectedResultError The command line ran without error but did not return the expected results.


Rescuing a generic error

  # some git operation
rescue Git::Error => e
  puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"

Rescuing a timeout error

  timeout_duration = 0.001 # seconds
  repo = Git.clone('https://github.com/ruby-git/ruby-git', 'ruby-git-temp', timeout: timeout_duration)
rescue Git::TimeoutError => e # Catch the more specific error first!
  puts "Git clone took too long and timed out #{e}"
rescue Git::Error => e
  puts "Received the following error: #{e}"

See Also: