Class: GOBL::Pay::Instructions
- Defined in:
- lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb
Instructions determine how the payment has or should be made.
Constant Summary collapse
The Schema ID of the GOBL Instructions structure
Enumeration of possible values for #key with their corresponding descriptions
{ 'any' => 'Any method available, no preference.', 'card' => 'Payment card.', 'credit-transfer' => 'Sender initiated bank or wire transfer.', 'debit-transfer' => 'Receiver initiated bank or wire transfer.', 'cash' => 'Cash in hand.', 'cheque' => 'Cheque from bank.', 'bank-draft' => 'Bankers Draft or Bank Cheque.', 'direct-debit' => 'Direct debit from the customers bank account.', 'online' => 'Online or web payment.', 'promissory-note' => 'Promissory note contract.', 'netting' => 'Intercompany clearing or clearing between partners.', 'other' => 'Other or mutually defined means of payment.' }.freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#card ⇒ Card
Details of the payment that will be made via a credit or debit card.
#credit_transfer ⇒ Array<CreditTransfer>
Instructions for sending payment via a bank transfer.
#detail ⇒ String
Optional text description of the payment method.
#direct_debit ⇒ DirectDebit
A group of terms that can be used by the customer or payer to consolidate direct debit payments.
#ext ⇒ GOBL::Tax::Extensions
Extension key-pairs values defined by a tax regime.
#key ⇒ GOBL::CBC::Key
The payment means expected or that have been arranged to be used to make the payment.
#meta ⇒ GOBL::CBC::Meta
Non-structured additional data that may be useful.
#notes ⇒ String
Any additional instructions that may be required to make the payment.
#online ⇒ Array<Online>
Array of online payment options.
#ref ⇒ String
Remittance information or concept, a text value used to link the payment with the invoice.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Object
Methods inherited from Struct
#as_json, from_data, from_json!, #to_json
Instance Attribute Details
#card ⇒ Card (readonly)
Details of the payment that will be made via a credit or debit card.
55 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 55 property :card, Card |
#credit_transfer ⇒ Array<CreditTransfer> (readonly)
Instructions for sending payment via a bank transfer.
50 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 50 property :credit_transfer, [CreditTransfer] |
#detail ⇒ String (readonly)
Optional text description of the payment method
40 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 40 property :detail, String |
#direct_debit ⇒ DirectDebit (readonly)
A group of terms that can be used by the customer or payer to consolidate direct debit payments.
60 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 60 property :direct_debit, DirectDebit |
#ext ⇒ GOBL::Tax::Extensions (readonly)
Extension key-pairs values defined by a tax regime.
75 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 75 property :ext, GOBL::Tax::Extensions |
#key ⇒ GOBL::CBC::Key (readonly)
The payment means expected or that have been arranged to be used to make the payment.
34 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 34 property :key, GOBL::CBC::Key |
#meta ⇒ GOBL::CBC::Meta (readonly)
Non-structured additional data that may be useful.
80 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 80 property :meta, GOBL::CBC::Meta |
#notes ⇒ String (readonly)
Any additional instructions that may be required to make the payment.
70 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 70 property :notes, String |
#online ⇒ Array<Online> (readonly)
Array of online payment options
65 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 65 property :online, [Online] |
#ref ⇒ String (readonly)
Remittance information or concept, a text value used to link the payment with the invoice.
45 |
# File 'lib/generated/gobl/pay/instructions.rb', line 45 property :ref, String |