Class: GoCardlessPro::Services::ScenarioSimulatorsService

  • Object
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Service for making requests to the ScenarioSimulator endpoints

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from BaseService

#initialize, #make_request, #sub_url

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from GoCardlessPro::Services::BaseService

Instance Method Details

#run(identity, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Runs the specific scenario simulator against the specific resource Example URL: /scenario_simulators/:identity/actions/run

One of: <ul> <li>‘creditor_verification_status_action_required`: Sets a creditor’s ‘verification status` to `action required`, meaning that the creditor must provide further information to GoCardless in order to verify their account to receive payouts.</li> <li>`creditor_verification_status_in_review`: Sets a creditor’s ‘verification status` to `in review`, meaning that the creditor has provided all of the information requested by GoCardless to verify their account, and is now awaiting review.</li> <li>`creditor_verification_status_successful`: Sets a creditor’s ‘verification status` to `successful`, meaning that the creditor is fully verified and can receive payouts.</li> <li>`payment_confirmed`: Transitions a payment through to `confirmed`. It must start in the `pending_submission` state, and its mandate must be in the `activated` state (unless it is a payment for ACH, BECS, BECS_NZ or SEPA, in which cases the mandate may be `pending_submission`, since their mandates are submitted with their first payment).</li> <li>`payment_paid_out`: Transitions a payment through to `paid_out`, having been collected successfully and paid out to you. It must start in the `pending_submission` state, and its mandate must be in the `activated` state (unless it is a payment for ACH, BECS, BECS_NZ or SEPA, in which cases the mandate may be `pending_submission`, since their mandates are submitted with their first payment).</li> <li>`payment_failed`: Transitions a payment through to `failed`. It must start in the `pending_submission` state, and its mandate must be in the `activated` state (unless it is a payment for ACH, BECS, BECS_NZ or SEPA, in which cases the mandate may be `pending_submission`, since their mandates are submitted with their first payment).</li> <li>`payment_charged_back`: Behaves the same as the `payout_paid_out` simulator, except that the payment is transitioned to `charged_back` after it is paid out, having been charged back by the customer.</li> <li>`payment_chargeback_settled`: Behaves the same as the `payment_charged_back` simulator, except that the charged back payment is additionally included as a debit item in a payout, thereby settling the charged back payment.</li> <li>`payment_late_failure`: Transitions a payment through to `late_failure`, having been apparently collected successfully beforehand. It must start in the `pending_submission` state, and its mandate must be in the `activated` state (unless it is a payment for ACH, BECS, BECS_NZ or SEPA, in which cases the mandate may be `pending_submission`, since their mandates are submitted with their first payment). Not compatible with Autogiro mandates.</li> <li>`payment_late_failure_settled`: Behaves the same as the `payment_late_failure` simulator, except that the late failure is additionally included as a debit item in a payout, thereby settling the late failure.</li> <li>`payment_submitted`: Transitions a payment to `submitted`, without proceeding any further. It must start in the `pending_submission` state.</li> <li>`mandate_activated`: Transitions a mandate through to `activated`, having been submitted to the banks and set up successfully. It must start in the `pending_submission` state. Not compatible with ACH, BECS, BECS_NZ and SEPA mandates, which are submitted and activated with their first payment.</li> <li>`mandate_customer_approval_granted`: Transitions a mandate through to `pending_submission`, as if the customer approved the mandate creation. It must start in the `pending_customer_approval` state. Compatible only with Bacs and SEPA mandates, which support customer signatures on the mandate. All payments associated with the mandate will be transitioned to `pending_submission`. All subscriptions associated with the mandate will become `active`.</li> <li>`mandate_customer_approval_skipped`: Transitions a mandate through to `pending_submission`, as if the customer skipped the mandate approval during the mandate creation process. It must start in the `pending_customer_approval` state. Compatible only with Bacs and SEPA mandates, which support customer signatures on the mandate. All payments associated with the mandate will be transitioned to `pending_submission`. All subscriptions associated with the mandate will become `active`.</li> <li>`mandate_failed`: Transitions a mandate through to `failed`, having been submitted to the banks but found to be invalid (for example due to invalid bank details). It must start in the `pending_submission` or `submitted` states. Not compatible with SEPA mandates, which are submitted with their first payment.</li> <li>`mandate_expired`: Transitions a mandate through to `expired`, having been submitted to the banks, set up successfully and then expired because no collection attempts were made against it for longer than the scheme’s dormancy period (13 months for Bacs, 3 years for SEPA, 15 months for ACH, Betalingsservice, and BECS). It must start in the ‘pending_submission` state. Not compatible with Autogiro, BECS NZ, and PAD mandates, which do not expire.</li> <li>`mandate_transferred`: Transitions a mandate through to `transferred`, having been submitted to the banks, set up successfully and then moved to a new bank account due to the customer using the UK’s Current Account Switching Service (CASS). It must start in the ‘pending_submission` state. Only compatible with Bacs mandates.</li> <li>`mandate_transferred_with_resubmission`: Transitions a mandate through `transferred` and resubmits it to the banks, can be caused be the UK’s Current Account Switching Service (CASS) or when a customer contacts GoCardless to change their bank details. It must start in the ‘pending_submission` state. Only compatible with Bacs mandates.</li> <li>`mandate_suspended_by_payer`: Transitions a mandate to `suspended_by_payer`, as if payer has suspended the mandate after it has been setup successfully. It must start in the `activated` state. Only compatible with PAY_TO mandates.</li> <li>`refund_paid`: Transitions a refund to `paid`. It must start in either the `pending_submission` or `submitted` state.</li> <li>`refund_settled`: Transitions a refund to `paid`, if it’s not already, then generates a payout that includes the refund, thereby settling the funds. It must start in one of ‘pending_submission`, `submitted` or `paid` states.</li> <li>`refund_bounced`: Transitions a refund to `bounced`. It must start in either the `pending_submission`, `submitted`, or `paid` state.</li> <li>`refund_returned`: Transitions a refund to `refund_returned`. The refund must start in `pending_submission`.</li> <li>`payout_bounced`: Transitions a payout to `bounced`. It must start in the `paid` state.</li> <li>`billing_request_fulfilled`: Authorises the billing request, and then fulfils it. The billing request must be in the `pending` state, with all actions completed except for `bank_authorisation`. Only billing requests with a `payment_request` are supported.</li> <li>`billing_request_fulfilled_and_payment_failed`: Authorises the billing request, fulfils it, and moves the associated payment to `failed`. The billing request must be in the `pending` state, with all actions completed except for `bank_authorisation`. Only billing requests with a `payment_request` are supported.</li> <li>`billing_request_fulfilled_and_payment_paid_out`: Authorises the billing request, fulfils it, and moves the associated payment to `paid_out`. The billing request must be in the `pending` state, with all actions completed except for `bank_authorisation`. Only billing requests with a `payment_request` are supported.</li> </ul>


  • identity

    # The unique identifier of the simulator, used to initiate simulations.

  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    parameters as a hash, under a params key.

# File 'lib/gocardless_pro/services/scenario_simulators_service.rb', line 141

def run(identity, options = {})
  path = sub_url('/scenario_simulators/:identity/actions/run', {
                   'identity' => identity

  params = options.delete(:params) || {}
  options[:params] = {}
  options[:params]['data'] = params

  options[:retry_failures] = false

  response = make_request(:post, path, options)

  return if response.body.nil?, response)