Class: Google::Cloud::AutoML::V1beta1::ClassificationEvaluationMetrics::ConfusionMatrix::Row

  • Object
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Output only. A row in the confusion matrix.

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Returns Output only. Value of the specific cell in the confusion matrix. The number of values each row has (i.e. the length of the row) is equal to the length of the annotation_spec_id field or, if that one is not populated, length of the display_name field.


  • (Array<Integer>)

    Output only. Value of the specific cell in the confusion matrix. The number of values each row has (i.e. the length of the row) is equal to the length of the annotation_spec_id field or, if that one is not populated, length of the display_name field.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/automl/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/automl/v1beta1/classification.rb', line 185

class Row; end