Class: Google::Cloud::AutoML::V1beta1::TextSentimentAnnotation

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Contains annotation details specific to text sentiment.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Output only. The sentiment with the semantic, as given to the AutoML::ImportData when populating the dataset from which the model used for the prediction had been trained. The sentiment values are between 0 and Dataset.text_sentiment_dataset_metadata.sentiment_max (inclusive), with higher value meaning more positive sentiment. They are completely relative, i.e. 0 means least positive sentiment and sentiment_max means the most positive from the sentiments present in the train data. Therefore e.g. if train data had only negative sentiment, then sentiment_max, would be still negative (although least negative). The sentiment shouldn't be confused with "score" or "magnitude" from the previous Natural Language Sentiment Analysis API.


  • (Integer)

    Output only. The sentiment with the semantic, as given to the AutoML::ImportData when populating the dataset from which the model used for the prediction had been trained. The sentiment values are between 0 and Dataset.text_sentiment_dataset_metadata.sentiment_max (inclusive), with higher value meaning more positive sentiment. They are completely relative, i.e. 0 means least positive sentiment and sentiment_max means the most positive from the sentiments present in the train data. Therefore e.g. if train data had only negative sentiment, then sentiment_max, would be still negative (although least negative). The sentiment shouldn't be confused with "score" or "magnitude" from the previous Natural Language Sentiment Analysis API.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/automl/v1beta1/doc/google/cloud/automl/v1beta1/text_sentiment.rb', line 35

class TextSentimentAnnotation; end