Class: Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Datatransfer::V1::ScheduleOptions

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Options customizing the data transfer schedule.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details

#disable_auto_schedulingtrue, false

Returns If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using StartManualTransferRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.


  • (true, false)

    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using StartManualTransferRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigquery/data_transfer/v1/doc/google/cloud/bigquery/datatransfer/v1/transfer.rb', line 48

class ScheduleOptions; end


Returns Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be trigerred manually is not limited by this option.


  • (Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)

    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be trigerred manually is not limited by this option.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigquery/data_transfer/v1/doc/google/cloud/bigquery/datatransfer/v1/transfer.rb', line 48

class ScheduleOptions; end


Returns Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be trigerred manually is not limited by this option.


  • (Google::Protobuf::Timestamp)

    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be trigerred manually is not limited by this option.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigquery/data_transfer/v1/doc/google/cloud/bigquery/datatransfer/v1/transfer.rb', line 48

class ScheduleOptions; end