Class: Google::Cloud::Monitoring::V3::UpdateSnoozeRequest

  • Object
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The message definition for updating a Snooze. The field, identifies the Snooze to be updated. The remainder of snooze gives the content the Snooze in question will be assigned.

What fields can be updated depends on the start time and end time of the Snooze.

  • end time is in the past: These Snoozes are considered read-only and cannot be updated.
  • start time is in the past and end time is in the future: display_name and interval.end_time can be updated.
  • start time is in the future: display_name, interval.start_time and interval.end_time can be updated.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Required. The Snooze to update. Must have the name field present.


# File 'proto_docs/google/monitoring/v3/snooze_service.rb', line 147

class UpdateSnoozeRequest
  include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
  extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


Returns Required. The fields to update.

For each field listed in update_mask:

  • If the Snooze object supplied in the UpdateSnoozeRequest has a value for that field, the value of the field in the existing Snooze will be set to the value of the field in the supplied Snooze.
  • If the field does not have a value in the supplied Snooze, the field in the existing Snooze is set to its default value.

Fields not listed retain their existing value.

The following are the field names that are accepted in update_mask:

  • display_name
  • interval.start_time
  • interval.end_time

That said, the start time and end time of the Snooze determines which fields can legally be updated. Before attempting an update, users should consult the documentation for UpdateSnoozeRequest, which talks about which fields can be updated.


  • (::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask)

    Required. The fields to update.

    For each field listed in update_mask:

    • If the Snooze object supplied in the UpdateSnoozeRequest has a value for that field, the value of the field in the existing Snooze will be set to the value of the field in the supplied Snooze.
    • If the field does not have a value in the supplied Snooze, the field in the existing Snooze is set to its default value.

    Fields not listed retain their existing value.

    The following are the field names that are accepted in update_mask:

    • display_name
    • interval.start_time
    • interval.end_time

    That said, the start time and end time of the Snooze determines which fields can legally be updated. Before attempting an update, users should consult the documentation for UpdateSnoozeRequest, which talks about which fields can be updated.

# File 'proto_docs/google/monitoring/v3/snooze_service.rb', line 147

class UpdateSnoozeRequest
  include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
  extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods