Class: Google_search_cmdline::Interface
- Inherits:
- Object
- Google_search_cmdline::Interface
- Defined in:
- lib/google_search_cmdline_interface.rb
This class starts a interactive interface based on a ‘in’-IO and ‘out-IO. If none is given, then ’stdout’ and ‘stdin’ will be used.
interface = => gsc)
Constant Summary collapse
[:debug, :gsc, :io_out, :io_in]
Instance Method Summary collapse
#cmd_exit ⇒ Object
Called when ‘exit’.
#cmd_help ⇒ Object
Called when ‘help’.
#cmd_search(results) ⇒ Object
Called when ‘search [something]’.
#initialize(args = {}) ⇒ Interface
Constructor Details
permalink #initialize(args = {}) ⇒ Interface
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/google_search_cmdline_interface.rb', line 8 def initialize(args = {}) @args = args @args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid argument: '#{key}'." if !ALLOWED_ARGUMENTS.include?(key) end #Used to execute Google-searches. @gsc = @args[:gsc] raise "No ':gsc'-argument was given. This should be a 'Google_search_cmdline' or compatible." if !@gsc #Take IO's from arguments or std-IO's. if @args[:io_out] @io_out = @args[:io_out] else @io_out = $stdout end if @args[:io_in] @io_in = @args[:io_in] else @io_in = $stdin end #If not synced buffers will ruin the application. @io_out.sync = true @io_in.sync = true #Commands that should be called directly on the interface-object. direct_cmds = ["exit", "help"] @io_out.puts "Welcome to Google Search Cmdline." @io_in.each_line do |line_full| begin line = line_full[0, line_full.length - 1] puts "Got line: '#{line}'." if @args[:debug] if match = line.match(/^search\s+(.+)$/) @io_out.puts "Searching - please wait..." search_text = match[1] results = self.cmd_search(results) elsif direct_cmds.include?(line) self.__send__("cmd_#{line}") elsif line.to_s.strip.empty? #ignore. else @io_out.puts "Can't understand that command: '#{line}'. Try 'help' to see available commands." end rescue => e @io_out.puts "An error occurred: '#{e.}'." @io_out.puts "Backtrace:" @io_out.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") @io_out.puts "" end end end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #cmd_exit ⇒ Object
Called when ‘exit’.
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# File 'lib/google_search_cmdline_interface.rb', line 90 def cmd_exit @io_out.puts "Goodbye." exit end |
permalink #cmd_help ⇒ Object
Called when ‘help’. Shows a help-message explaining various available commands.
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# File 'lib/google_search_cmdline_interface.rb', line 96 def cmd_help @io_out.puts "Available commands:" @io_out.puts " exit - Ends the application." @io_out.puts " help - Shows this message." @io_out.puts " search [text] - Executes a Google search and shots the results." @io_out.puts "" end |
permalink #cmd_search(results) ⇒ Object
Called when ‘search [something]’. Shows the results of the search.
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/google_search_cmdline_interface.rb', line 67 def cmd_search(results) count = 0 results.each do |result| count += 1 @io_out.puts "Result #{count} - #{result.title}" @io_out.puts "URL: #{result.url}" @io_out.puts " " if count >= 8 @io_out.puts "The maximum of 8 results was found. Please be more specific." break end end if count <= 0 @io_out.puts "No results was found (which is very very weird)." end @io_out.puts "" end |