Class: Graph
Graph models directed graphs and subgraphs and outputs in graphviz’s dot format.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Attribute, CompoundAttribute, Edge, Node, Thingy
Constant Summary collapse
%w(gray lightblue lightcyan lightgray lightpink lightslategray lightsteelblue white)
WTF – can’t be %w() because of a bug in rcov
["black", "brown", "mediumblue", "blueviolet", "orange", "magenta", "darkgreen", "maroon", "violetred", "purple", "greenyellow", "deeppink", "midnightblue", "firebrick", "darkturquoise", "mediumspringgreen", "chartreuse", "navy", "lightseagreen", "chocolate", "lawngreen", "green", "indigo", "darkgoldenrod", "darkviolet", "red", "springgreen", "saddlebrown", "mediumvioletred", "goldenrod", "tomato", "cyan", "forestgreen", "darkorchid", "crimson", "coral", "deepskyblue", "seagreen", "peru", "turquoise", "orangered", "dodgerblue", "sienna", "limegreen", "royalblue", "darkorange", "blue"]
Defines the brewer color schemes and the maximum number of colors in each set.
{ :accent => 8, :blues => 9, :brbg => 11, :bugn => 9, :dark2 => 8, :gnbu => 9, :greens => 9, :greys => 9, :oranges => 9, :orrd => 9, :paired => 12, :pastel1 => 9, :pastel2 => 8, :piyg => 11, :prgn => 11, :pubu => 9, :pubugn => 9, :puor => 11, :purd => 9, :purples => 9, :rdbu => 11, :rdgy => 11, :rdylbu => 11, :rdylgn => 11, :reds => 9, :set1 => 9, :set2 => 8, :set3 => 12, :spectral => 11, :ylgn => 9, :ylgnbu => 9, :ylorbr => 9, :ylorrd => 9 }
%w(Mcircle Mdiamond Msquare box box3d circle component diamond doublecircle doubleoctagon egg ellipse folder hexagon house invhouse invtrapezium invtriangle none note octagon parallelogram pentagon plaintext point polygon rect rectangle septagon square tab trapezium triangle tripleoctagon)
%w(dashed dotted solid invis bold filled diagonals rounded)
%w(box crow diamond dot inv none normal tee vee)
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#edge_attribs ⇒ Object
Global attributes for edges in this graph.
#edges ⇒ Object
The hash of hashes of edges in this graph.
#edges_order ⇒ Object
#graph ⇒ Object
A parent graph, if any.
#graph_attribs ⇒ Object
Global attributes for this graph.
#name ⇒ Object
The name of the graph.
#node_attribs ⇒ Object
Global attributes for nodes in this graph.
#nodes ⇒ Object
The hash of nodes in this graph.
#nodes_order ⇒ Object
TODO: remove if/when I drop 1.8 support.
#scheme ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new colorscheme Attribute instance.
#subgraphs ⇒ Object
An array of subgraphs.
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#<<(subgraph) ⇒ Object
Push a subgraph into the current graph.
#[](name) ⇒ Object
Access a node by name.
#arrowhead(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowhead attribute.
#arrowsize(size) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowsize attribute.
#arrowtail(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowtail attribute.
#bgcolor(n) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fillcolor Attribute instance.
#boxes ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to set the global node attributes to use boxes.
#cluster(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a clustered subgraph in the current graph.
#color(color) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new color Attribute instance.
#colorscheme(name, n = nil) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create and set the graph to use a colorscheme.
#compact! ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to rotate and use boxes.
#delete_node(node_name) ⇒ Object
Deletes a node from the graph.
#edge(*names) ⇒ Object
Define one or more edges.
#fillcolor(n) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fillcolor Attribute instance.
#font(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new font Attribute instance.
#fontcolor(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fontcolor Attribute instance.
#fontsize(size) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fontsize Attribute instance.
#initialize(name = nil, graph = nil, &block) ⇒ Graph
Creates a new graph object.
#invert ⇒ Object
Creates a new Graph whose edges point the other direction.
#label(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to set the graph’s label.
#node(name, label = nil) ⇒ Object
Access a node by name, supplying an optional label.
#orient(dir = "TB") ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to specify the orientation of the graph.
#rotate(dir = "LR") ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to specify the orientation of the graph.
#save(path, type = nil, cmd = "dot") ⇒ Object
Saves out both a dot file to path and an image for the specified type.
#shape(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new shape Attribute instance.
#style(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new style Attribute instance.
#subgraph(name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a subgraph in the current graph.
#to_s ⇒ Object
Outputs a graphviz graph.
Constructor Details
#initialize(name = nil, graph = nil, &block) ⇒ Graph
Creates a new graph object. Optional name and parent graph are available. Also takes an optional block for DSL-like use.
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 139 def initialize name = nil, graph = nil, &block @name = name @graph = graph graph << self if graph @nodes_order = [] @nodes = { |h,k| @nodes_order << k; h[k] = self, k } @edges_order = [] @edges = { |h,k| h[k] = { |h2, k2| @edges_order << [k, k2] h2[k2] = self, self[k], self[k2] } } @graph_attribs = [] @node_attribs = [] @edge_attribs = [] @subgraphs = [] self.scheme = graph.scheme if graph node_attribs << scheme if scheme instance_eval(&block) if block end |
Instance Attribute Details
#edge_attribs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Global attributes for edges in this graph.
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 104 def edge_attribs @edge_attribs end |
#edges ⇒ Object (readonly)
The hash of hashes of edges in this graph. Use #[] or #node to create edges.
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 109 def edges @edges end |
#edges_order ⇒ Object (readonly)
133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 133 def edges_order @edges_order end |
#graph ⇒ Object
A parent graph, if any. Only used for subgraphs.
93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 93 def graph @graph end |
#graph_attribs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Global attributes for this graph.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 114 def graph_attribs @graph_attribs end |
#name ⇒ Object
The name of the graph. Optional for graphs and subgraphs. Prefix the name of a subgraph with “cluster” for subgraph that is boxed.
99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 99 def name @name end |
#node_attribs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Global attributes for nodes in this graph.
119 120 121 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 119 def node_attribs @node_attribs end |
#nodes ⇒ Object (readonly)
The hash of nodes in this graph. Use #[] or #node to create nodes.
124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 124 def nodes @nodes end |
#nodes_order ⇒ Object (readonly)
TODO: remove if/when I drop 1.8 support.
132 133 134 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 132 def nodes_order @nodes_order end |
#scheme ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new colorscheme Attribute instance. If passed n
, name
must match one of the brewer color scheme names and it will generate accessors for each fillcolor as well as push the colorscheme onto the node_attribs.
221 222 223 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 221 def scheme @scheme end |
#subgraphs ⇒ Object (readonly)
An array of subgraphs.
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 129 def subgraphs @subgraphs end |
Class Method Details
.escape_label(s) ⇒ Object
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 309 def self.escape_label s s = s.to_s.gsub(/\n/, '\n').gsub(/\"/, '\\\"') if s[0] == ?< and s[-1] == ?> then s else "\"#{s}\"" end end |
Instance Method Details
#<<(subgraph) ⇒ Object
Push a subgraph into the current graph. Sets the subgraph’s graph to self.
166 167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 166 def << subgraph subgraphs << subgraph subgraph.graph = self end |
#[](name) ⇒ Object
Access a node by name
174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 174 def [] name nodes[name] end |
#arrowhead(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowhead attribute.
181 182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 181 def arrowhead shape raise ArgumentError, "Bad arrow shape: #{shape}" unless shape =~ ARROW_RE "arrowhead = #{shape}" end |
#arrowsize(size) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowsize attribute.
197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 197 def arrowsize size "arrowsize = #{size}" end |
#arrowtail(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method for creating an arrowtail attribute.
189 190 191 192 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 189 def arrowtail shape raise ArgumentError, "Bad arrow shape: #{shape}" unless shape =~ ARROW_RE "arrowtail = #{shape}" end |
#bgcolor(n) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fillcolor Attribute instance.
283 284 285 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 283 def bgcolor n "bgcolor = %p" % [n] end |
#boxes ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to set the global node attributes to use boxes.
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 204 def boxes node_attribs << shape("box") end |
#cluster(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a clustered subgraph in the current graph. Use with the top-level digraph
method in block form for a graph DSL.
397 398 399 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 397 def cluster name, &block subgraph "cluster_#{name}", &block end |
#color(color) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new color Attribute instance.
211 212 213 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 211 def color color "color = #{color}" end |
#colorscheme(name, n = nil) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create and set the graph to use a colorscheme.
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 226 def colorscheme name, n = nil self.scheme = "colorscheme = %p" % ["#{name}#{n}"] max = COLOR_SCHEME_MAX[name.to_sym] node_attribs << scheme if max scheme end |
#compact! ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to rotate and use boxes. Helps compact when there is lots of long text nodes.
353 354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 353 def compact! rotate boxes end |
#delete_node(node_name) ⇒ Object
Deletes a node from the graph
403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 403 def delete_node node_name nodes.delete node_name nodes_order.delete node_name edges_order.each do |(a, b)| edges[a].delete b if b == node_name edges.delete a if a == node_name edges.delete a if edges[a].empty? end edges_order.delete_if { |ary| ary.include? node_name } end |
#edge(*names) ⇒ Object
Define one or more edges.
edge "a", "b", "c", ...
is equivalent to:
edge "a", "b"
edge "b", "c"
252 253 254 255 256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 252 def edge(*names) last = nil names.each_cons(2) do |from, to| last = self[from][to] end last end |
#fillcolor(n) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fillcolor Attribute instance.
276 277 278 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 276 def fillcolor n "fillcolor = %p" % [n] end |
#font(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new font Attribute instance. You can pass in both the name and an optional font size.
291 292 293 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 291 def font name "fontname = %p" % [name] end |
#fontcolor(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fontcolor Attribute instance.
298 299 300 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 298 def fontcolor name "fontcolor = %p" % [name] end |
#fontsize(size) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new fontsize Attribute instance.
305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 305 def fontsize size "fontsize = #{size}" end |
#invert ⇒ Object
Creates a new Graph whose edges point the other direction.
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 263 def invert result = edges.each do |from, h| h.each do |to, edge| result[to][from] end end result end |
#label(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to set the graph’s label. Usually used with subgraphs.
321 322 323 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 321 def label name graph_attribs << "label = #{Graph.escape_label name}" end |
#node(name, label = nil) ⇒ Object
Access a node by name, supplying an optional label
328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 328 def node name, label = nil n = nodes[name] n.label label if label n end |
#orient(dir = "TB") ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to specify the orientation of the graph. Defaults to the graphviz default “TB”.
338 339 340 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 338 def orient dir = "TB" graph_attribs << "rankdir = #{dir}" end |
#rotate(dir = "LR") ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to specify the orientation of the graph. Defaults to “LR”.
345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 345 def rotate dir = "LR" orient dir end |
#save(path, type = nil, cmd = "dot") ⇒ Object
Saves out both a dot file to path and an image for the specified type. Specify type as nil to skip exporting an image. Specify cmd as the command name like “neato” to use a command other than “dot”.
363 364 365 366 367 368 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 363 def save path, type = nil, cmd = "dot" "#{path}.dot", "w" do |f| f.puts self.to_s end system "#{cmd} -T#{type} #{path}.dot > #{path}.#{type}" if type end |
#shape(shape) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new shape Attribute instance.
373 374 375 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 373 def shape shape "shape = %p" % [shape] end |
#style(name) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a new style Attribute instance.
380 381 382 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 380 def style name "style = %p" % [name] end |
#subgraph(name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Shortcut method to create a subgraph in the current graph. Use with the top-level digraph
method in block form for a graph DSL.
388 389 390 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 388 def subgraph name = nil, &block name, self, &block end |
#to_s ⇒ Object
Outputs a graphviz graph.
419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 |
# File 'lib/graph.rb', line 419 def to_s result = [] type = graph ? "subgraph " : "digraph " type = "%s%p" % [type, name] if name and !name.empty? result << type result << " {" graph_attribs.each do |line| result << " #{line};" end unless node_attribs.empty? then result << " node [ #{node_attribs.join(", ")} ];" end unless edge_attribs.empty? then result << " edge [ #{edge_attribs.join(", ")} ];" end subgraphs.each do |line| result << " #{line};" end nodes_order.each do |name| node = nodes[name] result << " #{node};" if graph or node.attributes? or node.orphan? end edges_order.uniq.each do |(from, to)| edge = edges[from][to] result << " #{edge};" end result << " }" result.join "\n" end |