Module: GraphQL::Introspection
- Defined in:
- lib/graphql/introspection.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: SchemaField, TypeByNameField, TypenameField
Constant Summary collapse
- TypeType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__Type" description "A type in the GraphQL schema" field :name, types.String, "The name of this type" field :description, types.String, "What this type represents" field :kind do type !GraphQL::Introspection::TypeKindEnum description "The kind of this type" resolve -> (target, a, c) { } end field :fields, field: GraphQL::Introspection::FieldsField field :ofType, field: GraphQL::Introspection::OfTypeField field :inputFields, field: GraphQL::Introspection::InputFieldsField field :possibleTypes, field: GraphQL::Introspection::PossibleTypesField field :enumValues, field: GraphQL::Introspection::EnumValuesField field :interfaces, field: GraphQL::Introspection::InterfacesField end
- FieldType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__Field" description "Field on a GraphQL type" field :name, !types.String, "The name for accessing this field" field :description, types.String, "The description of this field" field :type, !GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType, "The return type of this field" field :isDeprecated, !types.Boolean, "Is this field deprecated?" do resolve -> (obj, a, c) { !!obj.deprecation_reason } end field :args, field: GraphQL::Introspection::ArgumentsField field :deprecationReason, types.String, "Why this field was deprecated", property: :deprecation_reason end
- SchemaType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__Schema" description "A GraphQL schema" field :types, !types[!GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType], "Types in this schema" do resolve -> (obj, arg, ctx) { obj.types.values } end field :directives, !types[!GraphQL::Introspection::DirectiveType], "Directives in this schema" do resolve -> (obj, arg, ctx) { obj.directives.values } end field :queryType, !GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType, "The query root of this schema" do resolve -> (obj, arg, ctx) { obj.query } end field :mutationType, GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType, "The mutation root of this schema" do resolve -> (obj, arg, ctx) { obj.mutation } end end
- FieldsField =
GraphQL::Field.define do description "List of fields on this object" type -> { types[!GraphQL::Introspection::FieldType] } argument :includeDeprecated, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, default_value: false resolve -> (object, arguments, context) { return nil if !object.kind.fields? fields = object.fields.values if !arguments["includeDeprecated"] fields = {|f| !f.deprecation_reason } end fields } end
- OfTypeField =
GraphQL::Field.define do name "ofType" description "The modified type of this type" type -> { GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType } resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { obj.kind.wraps? ? obj.of_type : nil } end
- DirectiveType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__Directive" description "A query directive in this schema" field :name, !types.String, "The name of this directive" field :description, types.String, "The description for this type" field :args, field: GraphQL::Introspection::ArgumentsField field :onOperation, !types.Boolean, "Does this directive apply to operations?", property: :on_operation? field :onFragment, !types.Boolean, "Does this directive apply to fragments?", property: :on_fragment? field :onField, !types.Boolean, "Does this directive apply to fields?", property: :on_field? end
- TypeKindEnum =
GraphQL::EnumType.define do name "__TypeKind" description "The kinds of types in this GraphQL system" GraphQL::TypeKinds::KIND_NAMES.each do |kind_name| value(kind_name) end end
- ArgumentsField =
GraphQL::Field.define do description "Arguments allowed to this object" type ! !GraphQL::Introspection::InputValueType) resolve -> (target, a, c) { target.arguments.values } end
- EnumValueType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__EnumValue" description "A possible value for an Enum" field :name, !types.String field :description, types.String field :deprecationReason, types.String, property: :deprecation_reason field :isDeprecated, !types.Boolean do resolve -> (obj, a, c) { !!obj.deprecation_reason } end end
- InputValueType =
GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "__InputValue" description "An input for a field or InputObject" field :name, !types.String, "The key for this value" field :description, types.String, "What this value is used for" field :type, -> { !GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType }, "The expected type for this value" field :defaultValue, types.String, "The value applied if no other value is provided", property: :default_value end
- InterfacesField =
GraphQL::Field.define do description "Interfaces which this object implements" type -> { types[!GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType] } resolve -> (target, a, c) { target.kind.object? ? target.interfaces : nil } end
- EnumValuesField =
GraphQL::Field.define do description "Values for this enum" type types[!GraphQL::Introspection::EnumValueType] argument :includeDeprecated, types.Boolean, default_value: false resolve -> (object, arguments, context) do return nil if !object.kind.enum? fields = object.values.values if !arguments["includeDeprecated"] fields = {|f| !f.deprecation_reason } end fields end end
- InputFieldsField =
GraphQL::Field.define do name "inputFields" description "fields on this input object" type types[!GraphQL::Introspection::InputValueType] resolve -> (target, a, c) { if target.kind.input_object? target.input_fields.values else nil end } end
The introspection query to end all introspection queries, copied from
" query IntrospectionQuery { __schema { queryType { name } mutationType { name } types { ...FullType } directives { name description args { ...InputValue } onOperation onFragment onField } } } fragment FullType on __Type { kind name description fields { name description args { ...InputValue } type { ...TypeRef } isDeprecated deprecationReason } inputFields { ...InputValue } interfaces { ...TypeRef } enumValues { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } possibleTypes { ...TypeRef } } fragment InputValue on __InputValue { name description type { ...TypeRef } defaultValue } fragment TypeRef on __Type { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } "
- PossibleTypesField =
GraphQL::Field.define do description "Types which compose this Union or Interface" type -> { types[!GraphQL::Introspection::TypeType] } resolve -> (target, a, c) { target.kind.resolves? ? target.possible_types : nil } end