Class: Gviz
- Includes:
- Draw
- Defined in:
- lib/gviz.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Constant Summary collapse
{"aliceblue"=>["aliceblue"], "antiquewhite"=>["antiquewhite", "antiquewhite1", "antiquewhite2", "antiquewhite3", "antiquewhite4"], "aquamarine"=>["aquamarine", "aquamarine1", "aquamarine2", "aquamarine3", "aquamarine4"], "azure"=>["azure", "azure1", "azure2", "azure3", "azure4"], "beige"=>["beige"], "bisque"=>["bisque", "bisque1", "bisque2", "bisque3", "bisque4"], "black"=>["black"], "blanchedalmond"=>["blanchedalmond"], "blue"=>["blue", "blue1", "blue2", "blue3", "blue4"], "blueviolet"=>["blueviolet"], "brown"=>["brown", "brown1", "brown2", "brown3", "brown4"], "burlywood"=>["burlywood", "burlywood1", "burlywood2", "burlywood3", "burlywood4"], "cadetblue"=>["cadetblue", "cadetblue1", "cadetblue2", "cadetblue3", "cadetblue4"], "chartreuse"=>["chartreuse", "chartreuse1", "chartreuse2", "chartreuse3", "chartreuse4"], "chocolate"=>["chocolate", "chocolate1", "chocolate2", "chocolate3", "chocolate4"], "coral"=>["coral", "coral1", "coral2", "coral3", "coral4"], "cornflowerblue"=>["cornflowerblue"], "cornsilk"=>["cornsilk", "cornsilk1", "cornsilk2", "cornsilk3", "cornsilk4"], "crimson"=>["crimson"], "cyan"=>["cyan", "cyan1", "cyan2", "cyan3", "cyan4"], "darkgoldenrod"=>["darkgoldenrod", "darkgoldenrod1", "darkgoldenrod2", "darkgoldenrod3", "darkgoldenrod4"], "darkgreen"=>["darkgreen"], "darkkhaki"=>["darkkhaki"], "darkolivegreen"=>["darkolivegreen", "darkolivegreen1", "darkolivegreen2", "darkolivegreen3", "darkolivegreen4"], "darkorange"=>["darkorange", "darkorange1", "darkorange2", "darkorange3", "darkorange4"], "darkorchid"=>["darkorchid", "darkorchid1", "darkorchid2", "darkorchid3", "darkorchid4"], "darksalmon"=>["darksalmon"], "darkseagreen"=>["darkseagreen", "darkseagreen1", "darkseagreen2", "darkseagreen3", "darkseagreen4"], "darkslateblue"=>["darkslateblue"], "darkslategray"=>["darkslategray", "darkslategray1", "darkslategray2", "darkslategray3", "darkslategray4"], "darkslategrey"=>["darkslategrey"], "darkturquoise"=>["darkturquoise"], "darkviolet"=>["darkviolet"], "deeppink"=>["deeppink", "deeppink1", "deeppink2", "deeppink3", "deeppink4"], "deepskyblue"=>["deepskyblue", "deepskyblue1", "deepskyblue2", "deepskyblue3", "deepskyblue4"], "dimgray"=>["dimgray"], "dimgrey"=>["dimgrey"], "dodgerblue"=>["dodgerblue", "dodgerblue1", "dodgerblue2", "dodgerblue3", "dodgerblue4"], "firebrick"=>["firebrick", "firebrick1", "firebrick2", "firebrick3", "firebrick4"], "floralwhite"=>["floralwhite"], "forestgreen"=>["forestgreen"], "gainsboro"=>["gainsboro"], "ghostwhite"=>["ghostwhite"], "gold"=>["gold", "gold1", "gold2", "gold3", "gold4"], "goldenrod"=>["goldenrod", "goldenrod1", "goldenrod2", "goldenrod3", "goldenrod4"], "gray"=>["gray", "gray0", "gray1", "gray2", "gray3", "gray4", "gray5", "gray6", "gray7", "gray8", "gray9", "gray10", "gray11", "gray12", "gray13", "gray14", "gray15", "gray16", "gray17", "gray18", "gray19", "gray20", "gray21", "gray22", "gray23", "gray24", "gray25", "gray26", "gray27", "gray28", "gray29", "gray30", "gray31", "gray32", "gray33", "gray34", "gray35", "gray36", "gray37", "gray38", "gray39", "gray40", "gray41", "gray42", "gray43", "gray44", "gray45", "gray46", "gray47", "gray48", "gray49", "gray50", "gray51", "gray52", "gray53", "gray54", "gray55", "gray56", "gray57", "gray58", "gray59", "gray60", "gray61", "gray62", "gray63", "gray64", "gray65", "gray66", "gray67", "gray68", "gray69", "gray70", "gray71", "gray72", "gray73", "gray74", "gray75", "gray76", "gray77", "gray78", "gray79", "gray80", "gray81", "gray82", "gray83", "gray84", "gray85", "gray86", "gray87", "gray88", "gray89", "gray90", "gray91", "gray92", "gray93", "gray94", "gray95", "gray96", "gray97", "gray98", "gray99", "gray100"], "green"=>["green", "green1", "green2", "green3", "green4"], "greenyellow"=>["greenyellow"], "grey"=>["grey", "grey0", "grey1", "grey2", "grey3", "grey4", "grey5", "grey6", "grey7", "grey8", "grey9", "grey10", "grey11", "grey12", "grey13", "grey14", "grey15", "grey16", "grey17", "grey18", 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["black", "darkgreen", "darkolivegreen", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "dimgray", "dimgrey", "gray0", "gray1", "gray10", "gray11", "gray12", "gray13", "gray14", "gray15", "gray16", "gray17", "gray18", "gray19", "gray2", "gray20", "gray21", "gray22", "gray23", "gray24", "gray25", "gray26", "gray27", "gray28", "gray29", "gray3", "gray30", "gray31", "gray32", "gray33", "gray34", "gray35", "gray36", "gray37", "gray38", "gray39", "gray4", "gray40", "gray41", "gray42", "gray43", "gray44", "gray45", "gray46", "gray47", "gray48", "gray49", "gray5", "gray50", "gray51", "gray6", "gray7", "gray8", "gray9", "grey0", "grey1", "grey10", "grey11", "grey12", "grey13", "grey14", "grey15", "grey16", "grey17", "grey18", "grey19", "grey2", "grey20", "grey21", "grey22", "grey23", "grey24", "grey25", "grey26", "grey27", "grey28", "grey29", "grey3", "grey30", "grey31", "grey32", "grey33", "grey34", "grey35", "grey36", "grey37", "grey38", "grey39", "grey4", "grey40", "grey41", "grey42", "grey43", "grey44", "grey45", "grey46", "grey47", "grey48", "grey49", "grey5", "grey50", "grey51", "grey6", "grey7", "grey8", "grey9", "indigo", "midnightblue", "navy", "navyblue", "antiquewhite4", "aquamarine4", "blue4", "blueviolet", "brown", "brown4", "burlywood4", "cadetblue4", "chartreuse4", "chocolate4", "coral4", "darkgoldenrod4", "darkolivegreen4", "darkorange4", "darkorchid4", "darkslateblue", "darkviolet", "deeppink4", "deepskyblue4", "dodgerblue4", "firebrick", "firebrick4", "green4", "hotpink4", "indianred4", "ivory4", "khaki4", "lightgoldenrod4", "lightpink4", "lightsalmon4", "magenta4", "maroon4", "mediumblue", "mediumorchid4", "mediumpurple4", "mediumvioletred", "navajowhite4", "livedrab4", "orange4", "orangered4", "orchid4", "palegreen4", "paleturquoise4", "palevioletred4", "peachpuff4", "pink4", "purple3", "purple4", "red4", "rayalblue4", "saddlebrown", "salmon4", "sienna4", "skyblue4", "slateblue4", "slategray4", "steelblue4", "violetred4", "tomato4", "wheat4"]
SVG color scheme
["aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige", "bisque", "black", "blanchedalmond", "blue", "blueviolet", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkblue", "darkcyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgreen", "darkgrey", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dimgray", "dimgrey", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite", "forestgreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod", "gray", "grey", "green", "greenyellow", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indianred", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgray", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightslategrey", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime", "limegreen", "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue", "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "navy", "oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategray", "slategrey", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "whitesmoke", "yellow", "yellowgreen"]
Brewer color schemes
{"accent"=>["accent3", "accent4", "accent5", "accent6", "accent7", "accent8"], "blues"=>["blues3", "blues4", "blues5", "blues6", "blues7", "blues8", "blues9"], "brbg"=>["brbg3", "brbg4", "brbg5", "brbg6", "brbg7", "brbg8", "brbg9", "brbg10", "brbg11"], "bugn"=>["bugn3", "bugn4", "bugn5", "bugn6", "bugn7", "bugn8", "bugn9"], "bupu"=>["bupu3", "bupu4", "bupu5", "bupu6", "bupu7", "bupu8", "bupu9"], "dark"=>["dark23", "dark24", "dark25", "dark26", "dark27", "dark28"], "gnbu"=>["gnbu3", "gnbu4", "gnbu5", "gnbu6", "gnbu7", "gnbu8", "gnbu9"], "greens"=>["greens3", "greens4", "greens5", "greens6", "greens7", "greens8", "greens9"], "greys"=>["greys3", "greys4", "greys5", "greys6", "greys7", "greys8", "greys9"], "oranges"=>["oranges3", "oranges4", "oranges5", "oranges6", "oranges7", "oranges8", "oranges9"], "orrd"=>["orrd3", "orrd4", "orrd5", "orrd6", "orrd7", "orrd8", "orrd9"], "paired"=>["paired3", "paired4", "paired5", "paired6", "paired7", "paired8", "paired9", "paired10", "paired11", "paired12"], "pastel"=>["pastel13", "pastel14", "pastel15", "pastel16", "pastel17", "pastel18", "pastel19", "pastel23", "pastel24", "pastel25", "pastel26", "pastel27", "pastel28"], "piyg"=>["piyg3", "piyg4", "piyg5", "piyg6", "piyg7", "piyg8", "piyg9", "piyg10", "piyg11"], "prgn"=>["prgn3", "prgn4", "prgn5", "prgn6", "prgn7", "prgn8", "prgn9", "prgn10", "prgn11"], "pubu"=>["pubu3", "pubu4", "pubu5", "pubu6", "pubu7", "pubu8", "pubu9"], "pubugn"=>["pubugn3", "pubugn4", "pubugn5", "pubugn6", "pubugn7", "pubugn8", "pubugn9"], "puor"=>["puor3", "puor4", "puor5", "puor6", "puor7", "puor8", "puor9", "puor10", "puor11"], "purd"=>["purd3", "purd4", "purd5", "purd6", "purd7", "purd8", "purd9"], "purples"=>["purples3", "purples4", "purples5", "purples6", "purples7", "purples8", "purples9"], "rdbu"=>["rdbu3", "rdbu4", "rdbu5", "rdbu6", "rdbu7", "rdbu8", "rdbu9", "rdbu10", "rdbu11"], "rdgy"=>["rdgy3", "rdgy4", "rdgy5", "rdgy6", "rdgy7", "rdgy8", "rdgy9", "rdgy10", "rdgy11"], "rdpu"=>["rdpu3", "rdpu4", "rdpu5", "rdpu6", "rdpu7", "rdpu8", "rdpu9"], "rdylbu"=>["rdylbu3", "rdylbu4", "rdylbu5", "rdylbu6", "rdylbu7", "rdylbu8", "rdylbu9", "rdylbu10", "rdylbu11"], "rdylgn"=>["rdylgn3", "rdylgn4", "rdylgn5", "rdylgn6", "rdylgn7", "rdylgn8", "rdylgn9", "rdylgn10", "rdylgn11"], "reds"=>["reds3", "reds4", "reds5", "reds6", "reds7", "reds8", "reds9"], "set"=>["set13", "set14", "set15", "set16", "set17", "set18", "set19", "set23", "set24", "set25", "set26", "set27", "set28", "set33", "set34", "set35", "set36", "set37", "set38", "set39", "set310", "set311", "set312"], "spectral"=>["spectral3", "spectral4", "spectral5", "spectral6", "spectral7", "spectral8", "spectral9", "spectral10", "spectral11"], "ylgn"=>["ylgn3", "ylgn4", "ylgn5", "ylgn6", "ylgn7", "ylgn8", "ylgn9"], "ylgnbu"=>["ylgnbu3", "ylgnbu4", "ylgnbu5", "ylgnbu6", "ylgnbu7", "ylgnbu8", "ylgnbu9"], "ylorbr"=>["ylorbr3", "ylorbr4", "ylorbr5", "ylorbr6", "ylorbr7", "ylorbr8", "ylorbr9"], "ylorrd"=>["ylorrd3", "ylorrd4", "ylorrd5", "ylorrd6", "ylorrd7", "ylorrd8", "ylorrd9"]}
Arrow Shapes
["box", "lbox", "rbox", "obox", "olbox", "orbox", "crow", "lcrow", "rcrow", "diamond", "ldiamond", "rdiamond", "odiamond", "oldiamond", "ordiamond", "dot", "odot", "inv", "linv", "rinv", "oinv", "olinv", "orinv", "none", "normal", "lnormal", "rnormal", "onormal", "olnormal", "ornormal", "tee", "ltee", "rtee", "vee", "lvee", "rvee", "curve", "lcurve", "rcurve"]
Polygon-based Nodes
["box", "polygon", "ellipse", "oval", "circle", "point", "egg", "triangle", "plaintext", "diamond", "trapezium", "parallelogram", "house", "pentagon", "hexagon", "septagon", "octagon", "doublecircle", "doubleoctagon", "tripleoctagon", "invtriangle", "invtrapezium", "invhouse", "Mdiamond", "Msquare", "Mcircle", "rect", "rectangle", "square", "star", "none", "underline", "note", "tab", "folder", "box3d", "component", "promoter", "cds", "terminator", "utr", "primersite", "restrictionsite", "fivepoverhang", "threepoverhang", "noverhang", "assembly", "signature", "insulator", "ribosite", "rnastab", "proteasesite", "proteinstab", "rpromoter", "rarrow", "larrow", "lpromoter"]
Graph Layouts
%w(circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi)
Output Formats
['bmp', 'canon', 'dot', 'xdot', 'cmap', 'eps', 'fig', 'gd', 'gd2', 'gif', 'gtk', 'ico', 'imap', 'cmapx', 'imap_np', 'cmapx_np', 'ismap', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'pdf', 'plain', 'plain-ext', 'png', 'ps', 'ps2', 'svg', 'svgz', 'tif', 'tiff', 'vml', 'vmlz', 'vrml', 'wbmp', 'webp', 'xlib']
[[[:G], "Damping", "double", "0.99", "0.0", "neato only"], [[:G, :C], "K", "double", "0.3", "0", "sfdp, fdp only"], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "URL", "escString", "<none>", nil, "svg, postscript, map only"], [[:N, :C], "area", "double", "1.0", ">0", "patchwork only"], [[:E], "arrowhead", "arrowType", "normal", nil, nil], [[:E], "arrowsize", "double", "1.0", "0.0", nil], [[:E], "arrowtail", "arrowType", "normal", nil, nil], [[:G], "aspect", "aspectType", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "bb", "rect", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:G, :C], "bgcolor", "color/colorList", "<none>", nil, nil], [[:G], "center", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:G], "charset", "string", "UTF-8", nil, nil], [[:G], "clusterrank", "clusterMode", "local", nil, "dot only"], [[:E, :N, :C], "color", "color/colorList", "black", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :C, :G], "colorscheme", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G], "comment", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "compound", "bool", "false", nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "concentrate", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:E], "constraint", "bool", "true", nil, "dot only"], [[:E], "decorate", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:G], "defaultdist", "double", "1+(avg. len)*sqrt(|V|)", "epsilon", "neato only"], [[:G], "dim", "int", "2", "2", "sfdp, fdp, neato only"], [[:G], "dimen", "int", "2", "2", "sfdp, fdp, neato only"], [[:E], "dir", "dirType", "forward(directed)none(undirected)", nil, nil], [[:G], "diredgeconstraints", "stringbool", "false", nil, "neato only"], [[:N], "distortion", "double", "0.0", "-100.0", nil], [[:G], "dpi", "double", "96.00.0", nil, "svg, bitmap output only"], [[:E], "edgeURL", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "edgehref", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "edgetarget", "escString", "<none>", nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "edgetooltip", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, cmap only"], [[:G], "epsilon", "double", ".0001 * # nodes(mode == KK).0001(mode == major)", nil, "neato only"], [[:G], "esep", "addDouble/addPoint", "+3", nil, "not dot"], [[:N, :E, :C], "fillcolor", "color/colorList", "lightgrey(nodes)black(clusters)", nil, nil], [[:N], "fixedsize", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "fontcolor", "color", "black", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "fontname", "string", "Times-Roman", nil, nil], [[:G], "fontnames", "string", nil, nil, "svg only"], [[:G], "fontpath", "string", "system-dependent", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "fontsize", "double", "14.0", "1.0", nil], [[:G], "forcelabels", "bool", "true", nil, nil], [[:N, :C, :G], "gradientangle", "int", nil, nil, nil], [[:N], "group", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:E], "headURL", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "headclip", "bool", "true", nil, nil], [[:E], "headhref", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "headlabel", "lblString", nil, nil, nil], [[:E], "headport", "portPos", "center", nil, nil], [[:E], "headtarget", "escString", "<none>", nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "headtooltip", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, cmap only"], [[:N], "height", "double", "0.5", "0.02", nil], [[:G, :C, :N, :E], "href", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, postscript, map only"], [[:G, :N, :E], "id", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, postscript, map only"], [[:N], "image", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "imagepath", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:N], "imagescale", "bool/string", "false", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "label", "lblString", "'N (nodes) (otherwise)", nil, nil], [[:E], "labelURL", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:G], "label_scheme", "int", "0", "0", "sfdp only"], [[:E], "labelangle", "double", "-25.0", "-180.0", nil], [[:E], "labeldistance", "double", "1.0", "0.0", nil], [[:E], "labelfloat", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:E], "labelfontcolor", "color", "black", nil, nil], [[:E], "labelfontname", "string", "Times-Roman", nil, nil], [[:E], "labelfontsize", "double", "14.0", "1.0", nil], [[:E], "labelhref", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:G, :C], "labeljust", "string", "c", nil, nil], [[:N, :G, :C], "labelloc", "string", "t(clusters)b(root graphs)c(nodes)", nil, nil], [[:E], "labeltarget", "escString", "<none>", nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "labeltooltip", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, cmap only"], [[:G], "landscape", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :C], "layer", "layerRange", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "layerlistsep", "string", ",", nil, nil], [[:G], "layers", "layerList", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "layerselect", "layerRange", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "layersep", "string", " :'t", nil, nil], [[:G], "layout", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:E], "len", "double", "1.0(neato)0.3(fdp)", nil, "fdp, neato only"], [[:G], "levels", "int", "MAXINT", "0.0", "sfdp only"], [[:G], "levelsgap", "double", "0.0", nil, "neato only"], [[:E], "lhead", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:G, :C], "lheight", "double", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:E, :G, :C], "lp", "point", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:E], "ltail", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:G, :C], "lwidth", "double", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:N, :C, :G], "margin", "doublepoint", "<device-dependent>", nil, nil], [[:G], "maxiter", "int", "100 * # nodes(mode == KK)200(mode == major)600(fdp)", nil, "fdp, neato only"], [[:G], "mclimit", "double", "1.0", nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "mindist", "double", "1.0", "0.0", "circo only"], [[:E], "minlen", "int", "1", "0", "dot only"], [[:G], "mode", "string", "major", nil, "neato only"], [[:G], "model", "string", "shortpath", nil, "neato only"], [[:G], "mosek", "bool", "false", nil, "neato only"], [[:G], "nodesep", "double", "0.25", "0.02", nil], [[:G, :C, :N, :E], "nojustify", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:G], "normalize", "bool", "false", nil, "not dot"], [[:G], "nslimit/nslimit1", "double", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:G, :N], "ordering", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:N], "orientation", "double", "0.0", "360.0", nil], [[:G], "orientation", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "outputorder", "outputMode", "breadthfirst", nil, nil], [[:G], "overlap", "stringbool", "true", nil, "not dot"], [[:G], "overlap_scaling", "double", "-4", "-1.0e10", "prism only"], [[:G], "pack", "bool/int", "false", nil, "not dot"], [[:G], "packmode", "packMode", "node", nil, "not dot"], [[:G], "pad", "doublepoint", "0.0555 (4 points)", nil, nil], [[:G], "page", "doublepoint", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "pagedir", "pagedir", "BL", nil, nil], [[:C], "pencolor", "color", "black", nil, nil], [[:C, :N, :E], "penwidth", "double", "1.0", "0.0", nil], [[:N, :C], "peripheries", "int", "shape default(nodes)1(clusters)", "0", nil], [[:N], "pin", "bool", "false", nil, "fdp, neato only"], [[:E, :N], "pos", "point/splineType", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "quadtree", "quadType/bool", "normal", nil, "sfdp only"], [[:G], "quantum", "double", "0.0", "0.0", nil], [[:S], "rank", "rankType", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "rankdir", "rankdir", "TB", nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "ranksep", "doubledoubleList", "0.5(dot)1.0(twopi)", "0.02", "twopi, dot only"], [[:G], "ratio", "doublestring", nil, nil, nil], [[:N], "rects", "rect", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:N], "regular", "bool", "false", nil, nil], [[:G], "remincross", "bool", "false", nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "repulsiveforce", "double", "1.0", "0.0", "sfdp only"], [[:G], "resolution", "double", "96.00.0", nil, "svg, bitmap output only"], [[:G, :N], "root", "stringbool", "<none>(graphs)false(nodes)", nil, "circo, twopi only"], [[:G], "rotate", "int", "0", nil, nil], [[:G], "rotation", "double", "0", nil, "sfdp only"], [[:E], "samehead", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:E], "sametail", "string", nil, nil, "dot only"], [[:N], "samplepoints", "int", "8(output)20(overlap and image maps)", nil, nil], [[:G], "scale", "doublepoint", nil, nil, "twopi only"], [[:G], "searchsize", "int", "30", nil, "dot only"], [[:G], "sep", "addDouble/addPoint", "+4", nil, "not dot"], [[:N], "shape", "shape", "ellipse", nil, nil], [[:N], "shapefile", "string", nil, nil, nil], [[:E, :N, :G], "showboxes", "int", "0", "0", "dot only"], [[:N], "sides", "int", "4", "0", nil], [[:G], "size", "doublepoint", nil, nil, nil], [[:N], "skew", "double", "0.0", "-100.0", nil], [[:G], "smoothing", "smoothType", "none", nil, "sfdp only"], [[:G, :C, :N], "sortv", "int", "0", "0", nil], [[:G], "splines", "bool/string", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "start", "startType", nil, nil, "fdp, neato only"], [[:E, :N, :C, :G], "style", "style", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "stylesheet", "string", nil, nil, "svg only"], [[:E], "tailURL", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "tailclip", "bool", "true", nil, nil], [[:E], "tailhref", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "taillabel", "lblString", nil, nil, nil], [[:E], "tailport", "portPos", "center", nil, nil], [[:E], "tailtarget", "escString", "<none>", nil, "svg, map only"], [[:E], "tailtooltip", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, cmap only"], [[:E, :N, :G, :C], "target", "escString/string", "<none>", nil, "svg, map only"], [[:N, :E, :C], "tooltip", "escString", nil, nil, "svg, cmap only"], [[:G], "truecolor", "bool", nil, nil, "bitmap output only"], [[:N], "vertices", "pointList", nil, nil, "write only"], [[:G], "viewport", "viewPort", nil, nil, nil], [[:G], "voro_margin", "double", "0.05", "0.0", "not dot"], [[:E], "weight", "intdouble", "1", "0(dot)1(neato,fdp)", nil], [[:N], "width", "double", "0.75", "0.01", nil], [[:E, :N], "xlabel", "lblString", nil, nil, nil], [[:N], "z", "double", "0.0", "-MAXFLOAT-1000", nil]]
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#gedge_attrs ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute gedge_attrs.
#gnode_attrs ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute gnode_attrs.
#graph_attrs ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute graph_attrs.
#name ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute name.
#ranks ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute ranks.
#subgraphs ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute subgraphs.
Class Method Summary collapse
.ATTR(target) ⇒ Object
Returns Graphviz attributes.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add(*nodes_or_routes) ⇒ Object
(also: #route)
Define nodes or routes(node-edge combinaitons).
#edge(id, attrs = {}) ⇒ Object
Difine a edge or update a edge attributes.
#edges(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define all edges attributes.
#edgeset ⇒ Object
Access to all defined edge objects.
#global(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define graph global attributes.
#graph(&blk) ⇒ Object
is a shortcut method. -
#initialize(name = :G, type = :digraph) ⇒ Gviz
A new instance of Gviz.
#node(id, attrs = {}) ⇒ Object
Define a node or update a node attributes.
#nodes(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define all nodes attributes.
#nodeset ⇒ Object
Access to all defined node objects.
#rank(type, *nodes) ⇒ Object
Define a rank to nodes.
#save(path, type = nil) ⇒ Object
Create a graphviz dot file.
#subgraph(name = :"cluster#{subgraphs.size}", &blk) ⇒ Object
Define subgraph.
- #to_s ⇒ Object
Methods included from Draw
#circle, #ellipse, #line, #point, #square
Constructor Details
#initialize(name = :G, type = :digraph) ⇒ Gviz
Returns a new instance of Gviz.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 3 def initialize(name=:G, type=:digraph) @name, @type = name, type $graph_type = type.intern if type.intern==:graph @edges = {} @nodes = {} @gnode_attrs = {} @gedge_attrs = {} @graph_attrs = {} @subgraphs = [] @ranks = [] end |
Instance Attribute Details
#gedge_attrs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute gedge_attrs.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def gedge_attrs @gedge_attrs end |
#gnode_attrs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute gnode_attrs.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def gnode_attrs @gnode_attrs end |
#graph_attrs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute graph_attrs.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def graph_attrs @graph_attrs end |
#name ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute name.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def name @name end |
#ranks ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute ranks.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def ranks @ranks end |
#subgraphs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute subgraphs.
2 3 4 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 2 def subgraphs @subgraphs end |
Class Method Details
.ATTR(target) ⇒ Object
Returns Graphviz attributes. Acceptable attributes are: :Graph, :Node, :Edge, :Subgraph or :Cluster
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/gviz/graphviz_attrs.rb', line 45 def self.ATTR(target) target = target[0].upcase return nil unless %w(Graph Node Edge Subgraph Cluster).detect { |n| n[0] == target } { |attr| attr[0].include? target.intern } .map { |_, name, *desc| [name, desc] } end |
Instance Method Details
#add(*nodes_or_routes) ⇒ Object Also known as: route
Define nodes or routes(node-edge combinaitons). When an argument is a symbol, a node is defined.
add :a, :b
is equivalent to:
node :a
node :b
When an argument is a hash, edges are defined.
add :a => [:b, :c], :c => :d
is equivalent to:
edge :a_b
edge :a_c
edge :c_d
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 158 def add(*nodes_or_routes) nodes_or_routes.each do |unit| case unit when Hash unit.each do |sts, eds| Array(sts).product(Array(eds)) .each { |st, ed| edge "#{st}_#{ed}" } end when Symbol node(unit) else raise ArgumentError, 'pass nodes in symbol or edges in hash' end end self end |
#edge(id, attrs = {}) ⇒ Object
Difine a edge or update a edge attributes. The first argument is ‘id` of the edge, which is a symbol or string constructed from two nodes joined with ’_’(underscore).
edge(:a_b, color:'red')
The corresponding nodes will be defined if these are not exist.
When ‘id` includes ’*‘(asterisk), multiple edges are updated.
add(:a => [:b, :c])
edge('a_*', arrowhead:'none')
is equivalent to:
edge(:a_b, arrowhead:'none')
edge(:a_c, arrowhead:'none')
You can draw two or more edges between a pair of nodes, by adding a identifier with a underscore after the edge id.
This create two nodes between a, b nodes.
You can define a endpoint to a node, by adding a point identifier with a colon after the each node. You must specify the identifiers in the label of the corresponding nodes.
gv.node(:a, label:"<x> 1 | 2 | 3")
gv.node(:b, label:"4 | 5 |<y> 6")
The edge ‘a-b’ joins 1 of the node ‘a’ with 6 of the node ‘b’.
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 75 def edge(id, attrs={}) if md = id.match(/\*/) return multi_edge(md, attrs) end Edge[id, attrs].tap do |edge| if exist = @edges[id.intern] exist.attrs.update(edge.attrs) else @edges.update( => edge) create_nodes end end end |
#edges(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define all edges attributes.
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 96 def edges(attrs) @gedge_attrs.update(attrs) end |
#edgeset ⇒ Object
Access to all defined edge objects.
21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 21 def edgeset @edges.values end |
#global(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define graph global attributes.
101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 101 def global(attrs) @graph_attrs.update(attrs) end |
#graph(&blk) ⇒ Object
is a shortcut method.
gv =
gv.graph do
add :a => :b
node :a, color:'red'
is equivalent to:
gv =
gv.add :a => :b
gv.node :a, color:'red'
133 134 135 136 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 133 def graph(&blk) instance_eval(&blk) self end |
#node(id, attrs = {}) ⇒ Object
Define a node or update a node attributes. The first argument is ‘id` of the node which must a symbol form.
node(:a, color:'red', shape:'circle')
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 30 def node(id, attrs={}) Node[id, attrs].tap do |node| if exist = @nodes[] exist.attrs.update(node.attrs) else @nodes.update( => node) end end end |
#nodes(attrs) ⇒ Object
Define all nodes attributes.
91 92 93 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 91 def nodes(attrs) @gnode_attrs.update(attrs) end |
#nodeset ⇒ Object
Access to all defined node objects.
16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 16 def nodeset @nodes.values end |
#rank(type, *nodes) ⇒ Object
Define a rank to nodes. :same, :min, :max, :source and :sink are acceptable types.
rank(:same, :a, :b)
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 181 def rank(type, *nodes) types = [:same, :min, :max, :source, :sink] unless types.include?(type) raise ArgumentError, "type must match any of #{types.join(', ')}" end @ranks << [type, nodes] end |
#save(path, type = nil) ⇒ Object
Create a graphviz dot file. When an image type is specified, the image is also created.
230 231 232 233 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 230 def save(path, type=nil)"#{path}.dot", "w") { |f| f.puts self } system "dot", "-T", type.to_s, "#{path}.dot", "-o", "#{path}.#{type}" if type end |
#subgraph(name = :"cluster#{subgraphs.size}", &blk) ⇒ Object
Define subgraph.
subgraph do
global label:sub1
add :a => :b
112 113 114 115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 112 def subgraph(name=:"cluster#{subgraphs.size}", &blk), :subgraph).tap do |graph| subgraphs << graph graph.instance_eval &blk end end |
#to_s ⇒ Object
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 |
# File 'lib/gviz/core.rb', line 189 def to_s result = [] tabs = " " result << "#{@type} #{@name} {" subgraphs.each do |graph| graph.to_s.lines do |line| result << tabs + line.chomp end end unless graph_attrs.empty? result << tabs + build_attrs(graph_attrs, false).join(";\n#{tabs}") + ";" end unless gnode_attrs.empty? result << tabs + "node#{build_attrs(gnode_attrs)};" end unless gedge_attrs.empty? result << tabs + "edge#{build_attrs(gedge_attrs)};" end @nodes.values.each do |node| result << tabs + "#{}#{build_attrs(node.attrs)};" end @edges.values.each do |edge| result << tabs + "#{edge}#{build_attrs(edge.attrs)};" end @ranks.each do |type, nodes| result << tabs + "{ rank=#{type}; #{nodes.join('; ')}; }" end result << "}\n" result.join("\n") end |