Class: HomographicSpoofing::Detector::Rule::DisallowedCharacters

  • Object
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Defined in:


Constant Summary collapse

  "\u0020", # Space
  "\u00a0", # No-break space
  "\u00bc", # Vulgar fraction one quarter
  "\u00bd", # Vulgar fraction one half
  "\u00be", # Vulgar fraction three quarters
  "\u01c3", # Latin letter retroflex click
  "\u02d0", # Modifier letter triangular colon
  "\u0337", # Combining short solidus overlay
  "\u0338", # Combining long solidus overlay
  "\u0589", # Armenian full stop
  "\u058a", # Armenian hyphen
  "\u05c3", # Hebrew punctuation sof pasuq
  "\u05f4", # Hebrew punctuation gershayim
  "\u0609", # Arabic-indic per mille sign
  "\u060a", # Arabic-indic per ten thousand sign
  "\u066a", # Arabic percent sign
  "\u06d4", # Arabic full stop
  "\u0701", # Syriac supralinear full stop
  "\u0702", # Syriac sublinear full stop
  "\u0703", # Syriac supralinear colon
  "\u0704", # Syriac sublinear colon
  "\u115f", # Hangul choseong filler
  "\u1160", # Hangul jungseong filler
  "\u1735", # Philippine single punctuation
  "\u2000", # En quad
  "\u2001", # Em quad
  "\u2002", # En space
  "\u2003", # Em space
  "\u2004", # Three-per-em space
  "\u2005", # Four-per-em space
  "\u2006", # Six-per-em-space
  "\u2007", # Figure space
  "\u2008", # Punctuation space
  "\u2009", # Thin space
  "\u200a", # Hair space
  "\u200b", # Zero width space
  "\u200e", # Left-to-right mark
  "\u200f", # Right-to-left mark
  "\u2010", # Hyphen
  "\u2019", # Right single quotation mark
  "\u2024", # One dot leader
  "\u2027", # Hyphenation point
  "\u2028", # Line separator
  "\u2029", # Paragraph separator
  "\u202a", # Left-to-right embedding
  "\u202b", # Right-to-left embedding
  "\u202c", # Pop directional formatting
  "\u202d", # Left-to-right override
  "\u202e", # Right-to-left override
  "\u202f", # Narrow no-break space
  "\u2039", # Single left-pointing angle quotation mark
  "\u203a", # Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
  "\u2041", # Caret insertion point
  "\u2044", # Fraction slash
  "\u2052", # Commercial minus sign
  "\u205f", # Medium mathematical space
  "\u2153", # Vulgar fraction one third
  "\u2154", # Vulgar fraction two thirds
  "\u2155", # Vulgar fraction one fifth
  "\u2156", # Vulgar fraction two fifths
  "\u2157", # Vulgar fraction three fifths
  "\u2158", # Vulgar fraction four fifths
  "\u2159", # Vulgar fraction one sixth
  "\u215a", # Vulgar fraction five sixths
  "\u215b", # Vulgar fraction one eight
  "\u215c", # Vulgar fraction three eighths
  "\u215d", # Vulgar fraction five eighths
  "\u215e", # Vulgar fraction seven eighths
  "\u215f", # Fraction numerator one
  "\u2215", # Division slash
  "\u2236", # Ratio
  "\u23ae", # Integral extension
  "\u2571", # Box drawings light diagonal upper right to lower left
  "\u29f6", # Solidus with overbar
  "\u29f8", # Big solidus
  "\u2afb", # Triple solidus binary relation
  "\u2afd", # Double solidus operator
  "\u2ff0", # Ideographic description character left to right
  "\u2ff1", # Ideographic description character above to below
  "\u2ff2", # Ideographic description character left to middle and right
  "\u2ff3", # Ideographic description character above to middle and below
  "\u2ff4", # Ideographic description character full surround
  "\u2ff5", # Ideographic description character surround from above
  "\u2ff6", # Ideographic description character surround from below
  "\u2ff7", # Ideographic description character surround from left
  "\u2ff8", # Ideographic description character surround from upper left
  "\u2ff9", # Ideographic description character surround from upper right
  "\u2ffa", # Ideographic description character surround from lower left
  "\u2ffb", # Ideographic description character overlaid
  "\u3000", # Ideographic space
  "\u3002", # Ideographic full stop
  "\u3014", # Left tortoise shell bracket
  "\u3015", # Right tortoise shell bracket
  "\u3033", # Vertical kana repeat mark upper half
  "\u30a0", # Katakana-hiragana double hyphen
  "\u3164", # Hangul filler
  "\u321d", # Parenthesized korean character ojeon
  "\u321e", # Parenthesized korean character o hu
  "\u33ae", # Square rad over s
  "\u33af", # Square rad over s squared
  "\u33c6", # Square c over kg
  "\u33df", # Square a over m
  "\ua789", # Modifier letter colon
  "\ufe14", # Presentation form for vertical semicolon
  "\ufe15", # Presentation form for vertical exclamation mark
  "\ufe3f", # Presentation form for vertical left angle bracket
  "\ufe5d", # Small left tortoise shell bracket
  "\ufe5e", # Small right tortoise shell bracket
  "\ufeff", # Zero-width no-break space
  "\uff0e", # Fullwidth full stop
  "\uff0f", # Fullwidth solidus
  "\uff61", # Halfwidth ideographic full stop
  "\uffa0", # Halfwidth hangul filler
  "\ufff9", # Interlinear annotation anchor
  "\ufffa", # Interlinear annotation separator
  "\ufffb", # Interlinear annotation terminator
  "\ufffc", # Object replacement character
  "\ufffd"  # Replacement character

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details


# File 'lib/homographic_spoofing/detector/rule/disallowed_characters.rb', line 126

def allowed_chars_set
  @@allowed_chars_set ||= (read_allowed_idn_chars.chars.to_set - MOZZILLA_DISALLOWED_CHARACTERS)

Instance Method Details



  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/homographic_spoofing/detector/rule/disallowed_characters.rb', line 137

def attack_detected?