Class: HomographicSpoofing::Detector::Rule::Idn::DangerousPattern

  • Object
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Defined in:


  1. of Google Chrome IDN policy

Constant Summary collapse

  /# Disallow the following as they may be mistaken for slashes when
  # they're surrounded by non-Japanese scripts (i.e. has non-Katakana
  # Hiragana or Han scripts on both sides):
  # "ノ" (Katakana no, U+30ce), "ソ" (Katakana so, U+30bd),
  # "ゾ" (Katakana zo, U+30be), "ン" (Katakana n, U+30f3),
  # "丶" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E36),
  # "乀" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E40),
  # "乁" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E41),
  # "丿" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E3F).
  # If {no, so, zo, n} next to a
  # non-Japanese script on either side is disallowed.

    /# Disallow three Hiragana letters (U+307[8-A]) or Katakana letters
    # (U+30D[8-A]) that look exactly like each other when they're used
    # in a label otherwise entirely in Katakana or Hiragana.

    /# Disallow U+30FD (Katakana iteration mark) and U+30FE (Katakana
                                                             # voiced iteration mark) unless they're preceded by a Katakana.

      /# Disallow U+30FB (Katakana Middle Dot) and U+30FC (Hiragana-
                                                           # Katakana Prolonged Sound) used out-of-context.

        /# Disallow these CJK ideographs if they are next to non-CJK
        # characters. These characters can be used to spoof Latin
        # characters or punctuation marks:
        # U+4E00 (一), U+3127 (ㄧ), U+4E28 (丨), U+4E5B (乛), U+4E03 (七),
        # U+4E05 (丅), U+5341 (十), U+3007 (〇), U+3112 (ㄒ), U+311A (ㄚ),
        # U+311F (ㄟ), U+3128 (ㄨ), U+3129 (ㄩ), U+3108 (ㄈ), U+31BA (ㆺ),
        # U+31B3 (ㆳ), U+5DE5 (工), U+31B2 (ㆲ), U+8BA0 (讠), U+4E01 (丁)
        # These characters are already blocked:
        # U+2F00 (⼀) (normalized to U+4E00), U+3192 (㆒), U+2F02 (⼂),
        # U+2F17 (⼗) and U+3038 (〸) (both normalized to U+5341 (十)).
        # Check if there is non-{Hiragana, Katagana, Han, Bopomofo} on the
        # left.
    /# Check if there is non-{Hiragana, Katagana, Han, Bopomofo} on the
    # right.

    /# Disallow combining diacritical mark (U+0300-U+0339) after a
    # non-LGC character. Other combining diacritical marks are not in
    # the allowed character set.

    /# Disallow dotless i (U+0131) followed by a combining mark.

    /# Disallow combining Kana voiced sound marks.

    /# Disallow U+0307 (dot above) after 'i', 'j', 'l' or dotless i
    # (U+0131). Dotless j (U+0237) is not in the allowed set to begin
    # with.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details



  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/homographic_spoofing/detector/rule/idn/dangerous_pattern.rb', line 70

def attack_detected?