Module: Html5jpGraphsHelper

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Instance Method Details

#line_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Draw a line chart using Html5jp radar chart (


<%= line_chart [['accesses', 520, 340, 804, 602], ['clicks', 101, 76, 239, 321]] %>

The first argument ‘resource’ can be one of the following forms.

  • ‘accesses’, 520, 340, 804, 602
  • [‘accesses’, 520, 340, 804, 602], [‘clicks’, 101, 76, 239, 321]
  • Any other object which has required methods as follows;

    • each - to supply record objects.

    • items - If :x option does not exist and your resource object has items method, it is called to get :x. You can change the method name by :items_method option.

    • scales - If :y option does not exist and your resource object has scales method, it is called to get :y. You can change the method name by :scales_method option

    • max_scale - Would be used as :yMax option if it exists.

    • min_scale - Would be used as :yMin option if it exists.

    • The record object shoud have methods as follows.

      • label - Like ‘accesses’ in the example. You can use other method if you specify :label_method option.

      • values - Like [520, 340, 804, 602] in the example. You can use other method if you specify :values_method option.

Additionaly, the following options are available.

  • :canvas_id - element id of the canvas. Default is ‘line_chart’. Note that all rader charts in one page sould have unique canvas_ids.

  • :width - The width of the canvas. Default is 400.

  • :height - The height of the canvas. Default is 300.

  • All options in ex. ‘yMax’ or :yMax.

And you can use html_options for the top level div.

# File 'lib/html5jp_graphs_helper.rb', line 86

def line_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {})
  options = {:width => 400, :height => 300, :canvas_id => 'line_chart'}.merge(options.symbolize_keys)
  output = canvas(options, html_options)
  output << "\n"
  output << line_chart_js(resource, options)

#pie_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Draw a pie chart using HTML5jp pie chart (


<%= pie_chart([["very good", 400], ["good", 300], ["bad", 100], ["very bad", 300]]) %>

The first argument ‘resource’ can be one of the following forms.

  • [“very good”, 400], [“good”, 300], [“bad”, 100], [“very bad”, 300, “red”]
  • Any other object which has required methods as follows;

    • each - to supply record objects.

    • The record object shoud have methods as follows.

      • label - Like ‘very good’ in the example. You can use other method if you specify :label_method option.

      • value - Like 400 in the example. You can use other method if you specify :value_method option.

      • color - Like “red” in the example. You can use other method if you specify :color_method option. This is optional.

Additionaly, the following options are available.

  • :canvas_id - element id of the canvas. Default is ‘pie_chart’. Note that all rader charts in one page sould have unique canvas_ids.

  • :width - The width of the canvas. Default is 400.

  • :height - The height of the canvas. Default is 300.

  • :sort - If true, sort the records in descending order. Default is false.

  • All options in ex. ‘startAngle’ or :startAngle.

And you can use html_options for the top level div.

# File 'lib/html5jp_graphs_helper.rb', line 113

def pie_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {})
  options = {:width => 400, :height => 300, :canvas_id => 'pie_chart', :sort => false}.merge(options.symbolize_keys)
  output = canvas(options, html_options)
  output << "\n"
  output << pie_chart_js(resource, options)

#radar_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {}) ⇒ Object

Draw a radar chart using Html5jp radar chart (


<%= radar_chart [['review1', 5, 4, 3], ['review2', 3, 5, 2]], :aCap => ['price', 'style', 'sound'] %>

The first argument ‘resource’ can be one of the following forms.

  • ‘my review’, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • [‘my review’, 1, 2, 3, 4], [‘all reviews’, 2, 3, 4, 3]
  • Any other object which has required methods as follows;

    • each - to supply record objects.

    • items - If :aCap option does not exist and your resource object has items method, it is called to get :aCap. You can change the method name by :items_method option.

    • The record object shoud have methods as follows.

      • label - Like ‘my review’ in the example. You can use other method if you specify :label_method option.

      • values - Like [1, 2, 3, 4] in the example. You can use other method if you specify :values_method option.

      • color - If :faceColors option does not exist and your record object has color method, it is used for :faceColors. You can change the method name by :color_method option.

Additionaly, the following options are available.

  • :canvas_id - element id of the canvas. Default is ‘rader_chart’. Note that all rader charts in one page sould have unique canvas_ids.

  • :width - The width of the canvas. Default is 400.

  • :height - The height of the canvas. Default is 300.

  • All options in ex. ‘aMax’ or :aMax.

And you can use html_options for the top level div.

# File 'lib/html5jp_graphs_helper.rb', line 56

def radar_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {})
  options = {:width => 400, :height => 300, :canvas_id => 'reader_chart'}.merge(options.symbolize_keys)
  output = canvas(options, html_options)
  output << "\n"
  output << rader_chart_js(resource, options)

#vertical_bar_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {}) ⇒ Object

  • each - to supply record objects.

    • items - If :x option does not exist and your resource object has items method, it is called to get :x. You can change the method name by :items_method option.

    • scales - If :y option does not exist and your resource object has scales method, it is called to get :y. You can change the method name by :scales_method option

    • max_scale - Would be used as :yMax option if it exists.

    • The record object shoud have methods as follows.

      • label - Like ‘accesses’ in the example. You can use other method if you specify :label_method option.

      • values - Like [520, 340, 804, 602] in the example. You can use other method if you specify :values_method option.

      • color - If :barColors option does not exist and your record object has color method, it is used for :barColors. You can change the method name by :color_method option.

Additionaly, the following options are available.

  • :canvas_id - element id of the canvas. Default is ‘line_chart’. Note that all rader charts in one page sould have unique canvas_ids.

  • :width - The width of the canvas. Default is 400.

  • :height - The height of the canvas. Default is 300.

  • All options in ex. ‘backgroundColor’ or :backgroundColor.

And you can use html_options for the top level div.

# File 'lib/html5jp_graphs_helper.rb', line 27

def vertical_bar_chart(resource, options = {}, html_options = {})
  options = {:width => 400, :height => 300, :canvas_id => 'vertical_bar_chart'}.merge(options.symbolize_keys)
  output = canvas(options, html_options)
  output << "\n"
  output << vertical_bar_chart_js(resource, options)