Module: ImGui
- Extended by:
- FFI::Library
- Defined in:
- lib/imgui.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ImGui_ImplGlfw_Data, ImGui_ImplRaylib_Data, ImGui_ImplSDL2_Data, ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_Data
Constant Summary collapse
Support ClipboardText
g_ClipboardTextData ImplRaylib_GetClipboardText ImplRaylib_SetClipboardText
[ # Alphanumeric keys Raylib::KEY_APOSTROPHE, # Key: ' Raylib::KEY_COMMA, # Key: , Raylib::KEY_MINUS, # Key: - Raylib::KEY_PERIOD, # Key: . Raylib::KEY_SLASH, # Key: / Raylib::KEY_ZERO, # Key: 0 Raylib::KEY_ONE, # Key: 1 Raylib::KEY_TWO, # Key: 2 Raylib::KEY_THREE, # Key: 3 Raylib::KEY_FOUR, # Key: 4 Raylib::KEY_FIVE, # Key: 5 Raylib::KEY_SIX, # Key: 6 Raylib::KEY_SEVEN, # Key: 7 Raylib::KEY_EIGHT, # Key: 8 Raylib::KEY_NINE, # Key: 9 Raylib::KEY_SEMICOLON, # Key: ; Raylib::KEY_EQUAL, # Key: = Raylib::KEY_A, # Key: A | a Raylib::KEY_B, # Key: B | b Raylib::KEY_C, # Key: C | c Raylib::KEY_D, # Key: D | d Raylib::KEY_E, # Key: E | e Raylib::KEY_F, # Key: F | f Raylib::KEY_G, # Key: G | g Raylib::KEY_H, # Key: H | h Raylib::KEY_I, # Key: I | i Raylib::KEY_J, # Key: J | j Raylib::KEY_K, # Key: K | k Raylib::KEY_L, # Key: L | l Raylib::KEY_M, # Key: M | m Raylib::KEY_N, # Key: N | n Raylib::KEY_O, # Key: O | o Raylib::KEY_P, # Key: P | p Raylib::KEY_Q, # Key: Q | q Raylib::KEY_R, # Key: R | r Raylib::KEY_S, # Key: S | s Raylib::KEY_T, # Key: T | t Raylib::KEY_U, # Key: U | u Raylib::KEY_V, # Key: V | v Raylib::KEY_W, # Key: W | w Raylib::KEY_X, # Key: X | x Raylib::KEY_Y, # Key: Y | y Raylib::KEY_Z, # Key: Z | z Raylib::KEY_LEFT_BRACKET, # Key: [ Raylib::KEY_BACKSLASH, # Key: '\' Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET, # Key: ] Raylib::KEY_GRAVE, # Key: ` # Function keys Raylib::KEY_SPACE, # Key: Space Raylib::KEY_ESCAPE, # Key: Esc Raylib::KEY_ENTER, # Key: Enter Raylib::KEY_TAB, # Key: Tab Raylib::KEY_BACKSPACE, # Key: Backspace Raylib::KEY_INSERT, # Key: Ins Raylib::KEY_DELETE, # Key: Del Raylib::KEY_RIGHT, # Key: Cursor right Raylib::KEY_LEFT, # Key: Cursor left Raylib::KEY_DOWN, # Key: Cursor down Raylib::KEY_UP, # Key: Cursor up Raylib::KEY_PAGE_UP, # Key: Page up Raylib::KEY_PAGE_DOWN, # Key: Page down Raylib::KEY_HOME, # Key: Home Raylib::KEY_END, # Key: End Raylib::KEY_CAPS_LOCK, # Key: Caps lock Raylib::KEY_SCROLL_LOCK, # Key: Scroll down Raylib::KEY_NUM_LOCK, # Key: Num lock Raylib::KEY_PRINT_SCREEN, # Key: Print screen Raylib::KEY_PAUSE, # Key: Pause Raylib::KEY_F1, # Key: F1 Raylib::KEY_F2, # Key: F2 Raylib::KEY_F3, # Key: F3 Raylib::KEY_F4, # Key: F4 Raylib::KEY_F5, # Key: F5 Raylib::KEY_F6, # Key: F6 Raylib::KEY_F7, # Key: F7 Raylib::KEY_F8, # Key: F8 Raylib::KEY_F9, # Key: F9 Raylib::KEY_F10, # Key: F10 Raylib::KEY_F11, # Key: F11 Raylib::KEY_F12, # Key: F12 Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SHIFT, # Key: Shift left Raylib::KEY_LEFT_CONTROL, # Key: Control left Raylib::KEY_LEFT_ALT, # Key: Alt left Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SUPER, # Key: Super left Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT, # Key: Shift right Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL, # Key: Control right Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_ALT, # Key: Alt right Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SUPER, # Key: Super right Raylib::KEY_KB_MENU, # Key: KB menu # Keypad keys Raylib::KEY_KP_0, # Key: Keypad 0 Raylib::KEY_KP_1, # Key: Keypad 1 Raylib::KEY_KP_2, # Key: Keypad 2 Raylib::KEY_KP_3, # Key: Keypad 3 Raylib::KEY_KP_4, # Key: Keypad 4 Raylib::KEY_KP_5, # Key: Keypad 5 Raylib::KEY_KP_6, # Key: Keypad 6 Raylib::KEY_KP_7, # Key: Keypad 7 Raylib::KEY_KP_8, # Key: Keypad 8 Raylib::KEY_KP_9, # Key: Keypad 9 Raylib::KEY_KP_DECIMAL, # Key: Keypad . Raylib::KEY_KP_DIVIDE, # Key: Keypad / Raylib::KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, # Key: Keypad * Raylib::KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, # Key: Keypad - Raylib::KEY_KP_ADD, # Key: Keypad + Raylib::KEY_KP_ENTER, # Key: Keypad Enter Raylib::KEY_KP_EQUAL, # Key: Keypad = ]
- @@imgui_import_done =
- @@imgui_import_internal_done =
- @@g_BackendPlatformName =
- @@g_BackendData =
ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address => ImGui_ImplRaylib_Data
- @@ImplGlfw_MouseButtonCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWmousebuttonfun) do |window, , action, mods| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd..null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWmousebuttonfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWmousebuttonfun_cb_retval), , action, mods) end ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateKeyModifiers(mods) io = if >= 0 && < ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT io.AddMouseButtonEvent(, action == GLFW::PRESS) end end
- @@ImplGlfw_ScrollCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWscrollfun) do |window, xoffset, yoffset| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackScroll.null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWscrollfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWscrollfun_cb_retval), xoffset, yoffset) end io = io.AddMouseWheelEvent(xoffset.to_f, yoffset.to_f) end
- @@ImplGlfw_KeyCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWkeyfun) do |window, keycode, scancode, action, mods| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackKey.null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWkeyfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWkeyfun_cb_retval), keycode, scancode, action, mods) end return if (action != GLFW::PRESS && action != GLFW::RELEASE) ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateKeyModifiers(mods) keycode = ImGui_ImplGlfw_TranslateUntranslatedKey(keycode, scancode) io = imgui_key = ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyToImGuiKey(keycode) io.AddKeyEvent(imgui_key, (action == GLFW::PRESS)) io.SetKeyEventNativeData(imgui_key, keycode, scancode) # To support legacy indexing (<1.87 user code) end
- @@ImplGlfw_WindowFocusCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWwindowfocusfun) do |window, focused| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackWindowFocus.null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWwindowfocusfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWwindowfocusfun_cb_retval), focused) end io = io.AddFocusEvent(focused != 0) end
- @@ImplGlfw_CursorPosCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWcursorposfun) do |window, x, y| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackCursorPos.null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWcursorposfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWcursorposfun_cb_retval), x, y) end io = io.AddMousePosEvent(x.to_f, y.to_f) bd.lastValidMousePos[:x] = x.to_f bd.lastValidMousePos[:y] = y.to_f end
- @@ImplGlfw_CursorEnterCallback =
Workaround: X11 seems to send spurious Leave/Enter events which would make us lose our position, so we back it up and restore on Leave/Enter (see
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWcursorenterfun) do |window, entered| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackCursorEnter.null? userfunc =, GLFW::GLFWcursorenterfun_cb_args, GLFW::GLFWcursorenterfun_cb_retval), entered) end io = if entered bd.mouseWindow = window io.AddMousePosEvent(bd.lastValidMousePos[:x], bd.lastValidMousePos[:y]) elsif !entered && bd.mouseWindow == window bd.lastValidMousePos[:x] = io[:MousePos][:x] bd.lastValidMousePos[:y] = io[:MousePos][:y] bd.mouseWindow = nil io.AddMousePosEvent(-Float::MAX, -Float::MAX) end end
- @@ImplGlfw_CharCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWcharfun) do |window, c| bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() unless bd.prevUserCallbackChar.null?, c) end io = io.AddInputCharacter(c); end
- @@ImplGlfw_MonitorCallback =
GLFW::create_callback(:GLFWmonitorfun) do |monitor, event| # Unused in 'master' branch but 'docking' branch will use this, so we declare it ahead of it so if you have to install callbacks you can install this one too. # bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() # unless bd.prevUserCallbackMonitor.null? #, event) # end end
- @@g_FontTexture =
- @@g_BackendRendererName =
- @@g_GlVersion =
Extracted at runtime using GL::MAJOR_VERSION, GL::MINOR_VERSION queries.
- @@g_GlslVersionString =
Specified by user or detected based on compile time
- @@g_ShaderHandle =
- @@g_AttribLocationTex =
- @@g_AttribLocationProjMtx =
- @@g_AttribLocationVtxPos =
- @@g_AttribLocationVtxUV =
- @@g_AttribLocationVtxColor =
- @@g_VboHandle =
- @@g_ElementsHandle =
- @@g_BackendRendererUserData =
Class Method Summary collapse
.AcceptDragDropPayload(type, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: type(const char*), flags(ImGuiDragDropFlags) ret: pointer.
.AlignTextToFramePadding ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.ArrowButton(str_id, dir) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), dir(ImGuiDir) ret: bool.
.Begin(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginChild(*arg) ⇒ Object
Child Windows - Use child windows to begin into a self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions within a host window.
.BeginChild_ID(id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID), size(ImVec2), child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginChild_Str(str_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), size(ImVec2), child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), preview_value(const char*), flags(ImGuiComboFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginDisabled(disabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: disabled(bool) ret: void.
.BeginDragDropSource(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiDragDropFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginDragDropTarget ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.BeginGroup ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.BeginItemTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.BeginListBox(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.BeginMainMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.BeginMenu(label, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), enabled(bool) ret: bool.
.BeginMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.BeginMultiSelect(flags, selection_size = -1,, items_count = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiMultiSelectFlags), selection_size(int), items_count(int) ret: pointer.
.BeginPopup(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginPopupContextItem(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginPopupModal(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginTabBar(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiTabBarFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginTabItem(label, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiTabItemFlags) ret: bool.
.BeginTable(str_id, columns, flags = 0, outer_size = ImVec2.create(0.0,0.0), inner_width = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), columns(int), flags(ImGuiTableFlags), outer_size(ImVec2), inner_width(float) ret: bool.
.BeginTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.Bullet ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.BulletText(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.Button(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.CalcItemWidth ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.CalcTextSize(text, text_end = nil, hide_text_after_double_hash = false, wrap_width = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*), text_end(const char*), hide_text_after_double_hash(bool), wrap_width(float) ret: void.
.Checkbox(label, v) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(bool*) ret: bool.
- .CheckboxFlags(*arg) ⇒ Object
.CheckboxFlags_IntPtr(label, flags, flags_value) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(int*), flags_value(int) ret: bool.
.CheckboxFlags_UintPtr(label, flags, flags_value) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(unsigned int*), flags_value(unsigned int) ret: bool.
.CloseCurrentPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.CollapsingHeader(*arg) ⇒ Object
if returning ‘true’ the header is open.
.CollapsingHeader_BoolPtr(label, p_visible, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_visible(bool*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool.
.CollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool.
.ColorButton(desc_id, col, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: desc_id(const char*), col(ImVec4), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(_in_) ⇒ Object
arg: in(ImVec4) ret: uint.
.ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, out_r, out_g, out_b) ⇒ Object
arg: h(float), s(float), v(float), out_r(float*), out_g(float*), out_b(float*) ret: void.
.ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, out_h, out_s, out_v) ⇒ Object
arg: r(float), g(float), b(float), out_h(float*), out_s(float*), out_v(float*) ret: void.
.ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(_in_) ⇒ Object
arg: in(ImU32) ret: void.
.ColorEdit3(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool.
.ColorEdit4(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool.
.ColorPicker3(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool.
.ColorPicker4(label, col, flags = 0, ref_col = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags), ref_col(const float*) ret: bool.
.Columns(count = 1, id = nil, borders = true) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int), id(const char*), borders(bool) ret: void.
.Combo(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied popup_max_height_in_items = -1.
.Combo_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), user_data(void*), items_count(int), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool.
.Combo_Str(label, current_item, items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items_separated_by_zeros(const char*), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool.
.Combo_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items(const char* const[]), items_count(int), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool.
.CreateContext(shared_font_atlas = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: shared_font_atlas(ImFontAtlas*) ret: pointer.
.DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str, sz_io, sz_style, sz_vec2, sz_vec4, sz_drawvert, sz_drawidx) ⇒ Object
arg: version_str(const char*), sz_io(size_t), sz_style(size_t), sz_vec2(size_t), sz_vec4(size_t), sz_drawvert(size_t), sz_drawidx(size_t) ret: bool.
.DebugFlashStyleColor(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: void.
.DebugLog(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.DebugStartItemPicker ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.DebugTextEncoding(text) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*) ret: void.
.DestroyContext(ctx = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: ctx(ImGuiContext*) ret: void.
.DestroyPlatformWindows ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.DockSpace(dockspace_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, window_class = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dockspace_id(ImGuiID), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiDockNodeFlags), window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: uint.
.DockSpaceOverViewport(dockspace_id = 0, viewport = nil, flags = 0, window_class = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dockspace_id(ImGuiID), viewport(const ImGuiViewport*), flags(ImGuiDockNodeFlags), window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: uint.
.DragFloat(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", format_max = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_current_min(float*), v_current_max(float*), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), format_max(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragInt(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragInt2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragInt3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragInt4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", format_max = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_current_min(int*), v_current_max(int*), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), format_max(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragScalar(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), v_speed(float), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.DragScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), v_speed(float), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.Dummy(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: void.
.End ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndChild ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndCombo ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndDisabled ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndDragDropSource ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndDragDropTarget ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndFrame ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndGroup ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndListBox ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndMainMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndMenu ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndMultiSelect ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.EndPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndTabBar ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndTabItem ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndTable ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.EndTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.FindViewportByID(id) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID) ret: pointer.
.FindViewportByPlatformHandle(platform_handle) ⇒ Object
arg: platform_handle(void*) ret: pointer.
- .FocusWindow(window) ⇒ Object
.GetAllocatorFunctions(p_alloc_func, p_free_func, p_user_data) ⇒ Object
arg: p_alloc_func(ImGuiMemAllocFunc*), p_free_func(ImGuiMemFreeFunc*), p_user_data(void**) ret: void.
.GetBackgroundDrawList(viewport = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport(ImGuiViewport*) ret: pointer.
.GetClipboardText ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetColorU32(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied alpha_mul = 1.0f.
.GetColorU32_Col(idx, alpha_mul = 1.0) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), alpha_mul(float) ret: uint.
.GetColorU32_U32(col, alpha_mul = 1.0) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImU32), alpha_mul(float) ret: uint.
.GetColorU32_Vec4(col) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImVec4) ret: uint.
.GetColumnIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.GetColumnOffset(column_index = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int) ret: float.
.GetColumnsCount ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.GetColumnWidth(column_index = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int) ret: float.
.GetContentRegionAvail ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetCurrentContext ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetCurrentWindow ⇒ Object
.GetCursorPos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetCursorPosX ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetCursorPosY ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetCursorScreenPos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetCursorStartPos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetDragDropPayload ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetDrawData ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetDrawListSharedData ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetFont ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetFontSize ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetFontTexUvWhitePixel ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetForegroundDrawList(viewport = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport(ImGuiViewport*) ret: pointer.
.GetFrameCount ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.GetFrameHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetID(*arg) ⇒ Object
calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter).
.GetID_Int(int_id) ⇒ Object
arg: int_id(int) ret: uint.
.GetID_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: uint.
.GetID_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: uint.
.GetID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id_begin(const char*), str_id_end(const char*) ret: uint.
.GetIO ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetItemID ⇒ Object
ret: uint.
.GetItemRectMax ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetItemRectMin ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetItemRectSize ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetKeyName(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: pointer.
.GetKeyPressedAmount(key, repeat_delay, rate) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey), repeat_delay(float), rate(float) ret: int.
.GetMainViewport ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetMouseClickedCount(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: int.
.GetMouseCursor ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.GetMouseDragDelta(button = 0, lock_threshold = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), lock_threshold(float) ret: void.
.GetMousePos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetPlatformIO ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetScrollMaxX ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetScrollMaxY ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetScrollX ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetScrollY ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetStateStorage ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetStyle ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetStyleColorName(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: pointer.
.GetStyleColorVec4(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: pointer.
.GetTextLineHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetTime ⇒ Object
ret: double.
.GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetVersion ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetWindowDockID ⇒ Object
ret: uint.
.GetWindowDpiScale ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetWindowDrawList ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetWindowHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.GetWindowPos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetWindowSize ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.GetWindowViewport ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.GetWindowWidth ⇒ Object
ret: float.
.Image(user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1), border_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: user_texture_id(ImTextureID), image_size(ImVec2), uv0(ImVec2), uv1(ImVec2), tint_col(ImVec4), border_col(ImVec4) ret: void.
.ImageButton(str_id, user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), bg_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1)) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), user_texture_id(ImTextureID), image_size(ImVec2), uv0(ImVec2), uv1(ImVec2), bg_col(ImVec4), tint_col(ImVec4) ret: bool.
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts.
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText(user_data) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks(window) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_RestoreCallbacks(window) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_TranslateUntranslatedKey(key, scancode) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateKeyModifiers(mods) ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_UpdateKeyModifiers ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts.
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetClipboardText(user_data) ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) ⇒ Object
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateKeyModifiers(sdl_key_mods) ⇒ Object
- .ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
.ImplGlfw_Init(window, install_callbacks, client_api) ⇒ Object
- .ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(window, install_callbacks) ⇒ Object
- .ImplGlfw_NewFrame ⇒ Object
- .ImplGlfw_Shutdown ⇒ Object
- .ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
- .ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_Init ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_NewFrame ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
.ImplOpenGL2_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height) ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL2_Shutdown ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_Init(glsl_version = nil) ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
.ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height, vertex_array_object) ⇒ Object
- .ImplOpenGL3_Shutdown ⇒ Object
.ImplRaylib_Init ⇒ Object
Support ImplRaylib_UpdateGamepads.
- .ImplRaylib_NewFrame ⇒ Object
- .ImplRaylib_ProcessKeyboard ⇒ Object
- .ImplRaylib_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
- .ImplRaylib_Shutdown ⇒ Object
.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDL2_Init(window, renderer) ⇒ Object
.ImplSDL2_NewFrame ⇒ Object
Support ImplSDL2_UpdateGamepads.
.ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(event) ⇒ Object
You can read the io.WantCaptureMouse, io.WantCaptureKeyboard flags to tell if dear imgui wants to use your inputs.
- .ImplSDL2_Shutdown ⇒ Object
.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
.ImplSDLRenderer_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
Called by Init/NewFrame/Shutdown.
- .ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_Init(renderer) ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_NewFrame ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
.ImplSDLRenderer_SetupRenderState ⇒ Object
- .ImplSDLRenderer_Shutdown ⇒ Object
- .import_internal_symbols(output_error = false) ⇒ Object
- .import_symbols(output_error = false) ⇒ Object
.Indent(indent_w = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: indent_w(float) ret: void.
.InputDouble(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.6f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(double*), step(double), step_fast(double), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputFloat(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), step(float), step_fast(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputFloat2(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputFloat3(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputFloat4(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputInt(label, v, step = 1, step_fast = 100, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), step(int), step_fast(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputInt2(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputInt3(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputInt4(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_step(const void*), p_step_fast(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), p_step(const void*), p_step_fast(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool.
.InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool.
.InputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool.
.InputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), hint(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool.
.InvisibleButton(str_id, size, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiButtonFlags) ret: bool.
.IsAnyItemActive ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsAnyItemFocused ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsAnyItemHovered ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsAnyMouseDown ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemActivated ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemActive ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemClicked(mouse_button = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: mouse_button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool.
.IsItemDeactivated ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemEdited ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemFocused ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemHovered(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiHoveredFlags) ret: bool.
.IsItemToggledOpen ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemToggledSelection ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsItemVisible ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsKeyChordPressed(key_chord) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord) ret: bool.
.IsKeyDown(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: bool.
.IsKeyPressed(key, repeat = true) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey), repeat(bool) ret: bool.
.IsKeyReleased(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: bool.
.IsMouseClicked(button, repeat = false) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), repeat(bool) ret: bool.
.IsMouseDoubleClicked(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool.
.IsMouseDown(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool.
.IsMouseDragging(button, lock_threshold = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), lock_threshold(float) ret: bool.
.IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, clip = true) ⇒ Object
arg: r_min(ImVec2), r_max(ImVec2), clip(bool) ret: bool.
.IsMousePosValid(mouse_pos = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: mouse_pos(const ImVec2*) ret: bool.
.IsMouseReleased(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool.
.IsPopupOpen(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool.
.IsRectVisible(*arg) ⇒ Object
test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped.
.IsRectVisible_Nil(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.IsRectVisible_Vec2(rect_min, rect_max) ⇒ Object
arg: rect_min(ImVec2), rect_max(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.IsWindowAppearing ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsWindowCollapsed ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsWindowDocked ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.IsWindowFocused(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiFocusedFlags) ret: bool.
.IsWindowHovered(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiHoveredFlags) ret: bool.
.LabelText(label, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
- .ListBox(*arg) ⇒ Object
.ListBox_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), user_data(void*), items_count(int), height_in_items(int) ret: bool.
.ListBox_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items(const char* const[]), items_count(int), height_in_items(int) ret: bool.
- .load_lib(libpath = './imgui.dylib', output_error = false) ⇒ Object
.LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_filename(const char*) ret: void.
.LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data, ini_size = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_data(const char*), ini_size(size_t) ret: void.
.LogButtons ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.LogFinish ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.LogText(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.LogToClipboard(auto_open_depth = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int) ret: void.
.LogToFile(auto_open_depth = -1,, filename = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int), filename(const char*) ret: void.
.LogToTTY(auto_open_depth = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int) ret: void.
.MemAlloc(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(size_t) ret: pointer.
.MemFree(ptr) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr(void*) ret: void.
.MenuItem(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied shortcut = NULL, selected = false, enabled = true.
.MenuItem_Bool(label, shortcut = nil, selected = false, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), shortcut(const char*), selected(bool), enabled(bool) ret: bool.
.MenuItem_BoolPtr(label, shortcut, p_selected, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), shortcut(const char*), p_selected(bool*), enabled(bool) ret: bool.
.NewFrame ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.NewLine ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.NextColumn ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.OpenPopup(*arg) ⇒ Object
Popups: open/close functions - OpenPopup(): set popup state to open.
.OpenPopup_ID(id, popup_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void.
.OpenPopup_Str(str_id, popup_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void.
.OpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void.
.PlotHistogram(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied values_offset = 0, overlay_text = NULL, scale_min = FLT_MAX, scale_max = FLT_MAX, graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), stride = sizeof(float).
.PlotHistogram_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values(const float*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2), stride(int) ret: void.
.PlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), data(void*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2) ret: void.
.PlotLines(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Data Plotting - Consider using ImPlot ( which is much better!.
.PlotLines_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values(const float*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2), stride(int) ret: void.
.PlotLines_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), data(void*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2) ret: void.
.PopClipRect ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.PopFont ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.PopID ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.PopItemFlag ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.PopItemWidth ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.PopStyleColor(count = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int) ret: void.
.PopStyleVar(count = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int) ret: void.
.PopTextWrapPos ⇒ Object
ret: void.
- .PrintProgramLinkStatus(handle) ⇒ Object
- .PrintShaderCompileStatus(handle) ⇒ Object
.ProgressBar(fraction, size_arg = ImVec2.create(-FLT_MIN,0), overlay = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: fraction(float), size_arg(ImVec2), overlay(const char*) ret: void.
.PushClipRect(clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, intersect_with_current_clip_rect) ⇒ Object
arg: clip_rect_min(ImVec2), clip_rect_max(ImVec2), intersect_with_current_clip_rect(bool) ret: void.
.PushFont(font) ⇒ Object
arg: font(ImFont*) ret: void.
.PushID(*arg) ⇒ Object
ID stack/scopes Read the FAQ (docs/ or for more details about how ID are handled in dear imgui.
.PushID_Int(int_id) ⇒ Object
arg: int_id(int) ret: void.
.PushID_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: void.
.PushID_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: void.
.PushID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id_begin(const char*), str_id_end(const char*) ret: void.
.PushItemFlag(option, enabled) ⇒ Object
arg: option(ImGuiItemFlags), enabled(bool) ret: void.
.PushItemWidth(item_width) ⇒ Object
arg: item_width(float) ret: void.
.PushStyleColor(*arg) ⇒ Object
modify a style color.
.PushStyleColor_U32(idx, col) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), col(ImU32) ret: void.
.PushStyleColor_Vec4(idx, col) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), col(ImVec4) ret: void.
.PushStyleVar(*arg) ⇒ Object
modify a style float variable.
.PushStyleVar_Float(idx, val) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val(float) ret: void.
.PushStyleVar_Vec2(idx, val) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val(ImVec2) ret: void.
.PushStyleVarX(idx, val_x) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val_x(float) ret: void.
.PushStyleVarY(idx, val_y) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val_y(float) ret: void.
.PushTextWrapPos(wrap_local_pos_x = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: wrap_local_pos_x(float) ret: void.
.RadioButton(*arg) ⇒ Object
use with e.g.
.RadioButton_Bool(label, active) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), active(bool) ret: bool.
.RadioButton_IntPtr(label, v, v_button) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_button(int) ret: bool.
.Render ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg = nil, renderer_render_arg = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: platform_render_arg(void*), renderer_render_arg(void*) ret: void.
.ResetMouseDragDelta(button = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: void.
.SameLine(offset_from_start_x = 0.0, spacing = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: offset_from_start_x(float), spacing(float) ret: void.
.SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_filename(const char*) ret: void.
.SaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: out_ini_size(size_t*) ret: pointer.
.Selectable(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Selectables - A selectable highlights when hovered, and can display another color when selected.
.Selectable_Bool(label, selected = false, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), selected(bool), flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.Selectable_BoolPtr(label, p_selected, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_selected(bool*), flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool.
.Separator ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SeparatorText(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void.
.set_vertex(xy, uv, color) ⇒ Object
.SetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func, free_func, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: alloc_func(ImGuiMemAllocFunc), free_func(ImGuiMemFreeFunc), user_data(void*) ret: void.
.SetClipboardText(text) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*) ret: void.
.SetColorEditOptions(flags) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: void.
.SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int), offset_x(float) ret: void.
.SetColumnWidth(column_index, width) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int), width(float) ret: void.
.SetCurrentContext(ctx) ⇒ Object
arg: ctx(ImGuiContext*) ret: void.
.SetCursorPos(local_pos) ⇒ Object
arg: local_pos(ImVec2) ret: void.
.SetCursorPosX(local_x) ⇒ Object
arg: local_x(float) ret: void.
.SetCursorPosY(local_y) ⇒ Object
arg: local_y(float) ret: void.
.SetCursorScreenPos(pos) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2) ret: void.
.SetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: type(const char*), data(const void*), sz(size_t), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: bool.
.SetItemDefaultFocus ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SetItemKeyOwner(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: void.
.SetItemTooltip(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.SetKeyboardFocusHere(offset = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: offset(int) ret: void.
.SetMouseCursor(cursor_type) ⇒ Object
arg: cursor_type(ImGuiMouseCursor) ret: void.
.SetNavCursorVisible(visible) ⇒ Object
arg: visible(bool) ret: void.
.SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard) ⇒ Object
arg: want_capture_keyboard(bool) ret: void.
.SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse) ⇒ Object
arg: want_capture_mouse(bool) ret: void.
.SetNextItemAllowOverlap ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: is_open(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetNextItemSelectionUserData(selection_user_data) ⇒ Object
arg: selection_user_data(ImGuiSelectionUserData) ret: void.
.SetNextItemShortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord), flags(ImGuiInputFlags) ret: void.
.SetNextItemStorageID(storage_id) ⇒ Object
arg: storage_id(ImGuiID) ret: void.
.SetNextItemWidth(item_width) ⇒ Object
arg: item_width(float) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha) ⇒ Object
arg: alpha(float) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowClass(window_class) ⇒ Object
arg: window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowContentSize(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: dock_id(ImGuiID), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowFocus ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SetNextWindowPos(pos, cond = 0, pivot = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond), pivot(ImVec2) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowScroll(scroll) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll(ImVec2) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowSize(size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback = nil, custom_callback_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: size_min(ImVec2), size_max(ImVec2), custom_callback(ImGuiSizeCallback), custom_callback_data(void*) ret: void.
.SetNextWindowViewport(viewport_id) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport_id(ImGuiID) ret: void.
.SetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: local_x(float), center_x_ratio(float) ret: void.
.SetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: local_y(float), center_y_ratio(float) ret: void.
.SetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: center_x_ratio(float) ret: void.
.SetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: center_y_ratio(float) ret: void.
.SetScrollX(scroll_x) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll_x(float) ret: void.
.SetScrollY(scroll_y) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll_y(float) ret: void.
.SetStateStorage(storage) ⇒ Object
arg: storage(ImGuiStorage*) ret: void.
.SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label) ⇒ Object
arg: tab_or_docked_window_label(const char*) ret: void.
.SetTooltip(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.SetWindowCollapsed(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window collapsed state.
.SetWindowCollapsed_Bool(collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetWindowCollapsed_Str(name, collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetWindowFocus(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most.
.SetWindowFocus_Nil ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SetWindowFocus_Str(name) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*) ret: void.
.SetWindowFontScale(scale) ⇒ Object
arg: scale(float) ret: void.
.SetWindowPos(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End().
.SetWindowPos_Str(name, pos, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetWindowPos_Vec2(pos, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetWindowSize(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End().
.SetWindowSize_Str(name, size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.SetWindowSize_Vec2(size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void.
.Shortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord), flags(ImGuiInputFlags) ret: bool.
.ShowAboutWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void.
.ShowDebugLogWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void.
.ShowDemoWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void.
.ShowFontSelector(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void.
.ShowIDStackToolWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void.
.ShowMetricsWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void.
.ShowStyleEditor(ref = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: ref(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void.
.ShowStyleSelector(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool.
.ShowUserGuide ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.SliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min = -360.0,, v_degrees_max = +360.0, format = "%.0f deg", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_rad(float*), v_degrees_min(float), v_degrees_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SliderScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.SmallButton(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool.
.Spacing ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.StyleColorsClassic(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void.
.StyleColorsDark(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void.
.StyleColorsLight(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void.
.TabItemButton(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTabItemFlags) ret: bool.
.TableAngledHeadersRow ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.TableGetColumnCount ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.TableGetColumnFlags(column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: int.
.TableGetColumnIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.TableGetColumnName(column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: pointer.
.TableGetHoveredColumn ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.TableGetRowIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int.
.TableGetSortSpecs ⇒ Object
ret: pointer.
.TableHeader(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void.
.TableHeadersRow ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.TableNextColumn ⇒ Object
ret: bool.
.TableNextRow(row_flags = 0, min_row_height = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: row_flags(ImGuiTableRowFlags), min_row_height(float) ret: void.
.TableSetBgColor(target, color, column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: target(ImGuiTableBgTarget), color(ImU32), column_n(int) ret: void.
.TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int), v(bool) ret: void.
.TableSetColumnIndex(column_n) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: bool.
.TableSetupColumn(label, flags = 0, init_width_or_weight = 0.0, user_id = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTableColumnFlags), init_width_or_weight(float), user_id(ImGuiID) ret: void.
.TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows) ⇒ Object
arg: cols(int), rows(int) ret: void.
.Text(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.TextColored(col, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImVec4), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.TextDisabled(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.TextLink(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool.
.TextLinkOpenURL(label, url = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), url(const char*) ret: void.
.TextUnformatted(text, text_end = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*), text_end(const char*) ret: void.
.TextWrapped(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void.
.TreeNode(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Trees - TreeNode functions return true when the node is open, in which case you need to also call TreePop() when you are finished displaying the tree node contents.
.TreeNode_Ptr(ptr_id, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool.
.TreeNode_Str(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool.
.TreeNode_StrStr(str_id, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool.
- .TreeNodeEx(*arg) ⇒ Object
.TreeNodeEx_Ptr(ptr_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool.
.TreeNodeEx_Str(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool.
.TreeNodeEx_StrStr(str_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool.
.TreePop ⇒ Object
ret: void.
.TreePush(*arg) ⇒ Object
~ Indent()+PushID().
.TreePush_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: void.
.TreePush_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: void.
.Unindent(indent_w = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: indent_w(float) ret: void.
.UpdatePlatformWindows ⇒ Object
ret: void.
- .Value(*arg) ⇒ Object
.Value_Bool(prefix, b) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), b(bool) ret: void.
.Value_Float(prefix, v, float_format = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(float), float_format(const char*) ret: void.
.Value_Int(prefix, v) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(int) ret: void.
.Value_Uint(prefix, v) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(unsigned int) ret: void.
.VSliderFloat(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), v(float*), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.VSliderInt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), v(int*), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
.VSliderScalar(label, size, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool.
Class Method Details
.AcceptDragDropPayload(type, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: type(const char*), flags(ImGuiDragDropFlags) ret: pointer
3554 3555 3556 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3554 def self.AcceptDragDropPayload(type, flags = 0) # accept contents of a given type. If ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery is set you can peek into the payload before the mouse button is released. igAcceptDragDropPayload(type, flags) end |
.AlignTextToFramePadding ⇒ Object
ret: void
3559 3560 3561 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3559 def self.AlignTextToFramePadding() # vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item) igAlignTextToFramePadding() end |
.ArrowButton(str_id, dir) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), dir(ImGuiDir) ret: bool
3565 3566 3567 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3565 def self.ArrowButton(str_id, dir) # square button with an arrow shape igArrowButton(str_id, dir) end |
.Begin(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool
Begin() = push window to the stack and start appending to it. End() = pop window from the stack.
Passing ‘bool* p_open != NULL’ shows a window-closing widget in the upper-right corner of the window, which clicking will set the boolean to false when clicked.
You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame by calling Begin()/End() pairs multiple times. Some information such as ‘flags’ or ‘p_open’ will only be considered by the first call to Begin().
Begin() return false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting anything to the window. Always call a matching End() for each Begin() call, regardless of its return value! [Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions
such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.]
Note that the bottom of window stack always contains a window called “Debug”.
3584 3585 3586 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3584 def self.Begin(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) igBegin(name, p_open, flags) end |
.BeginChild(*arg) ⇒ Object
Child Windows
Use child windows to begin into a self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions within a host window. Child windows can embed their own child.
Before 1.90 (November 2023), the “ImGuiChildFlags child_flags = 0” parameter was “bool border = false”. This API is backward compatible with old code, as we guarantee that ImGuiChildFlags_Borders == true. Consider updating your old code:
BeginChild("Name", size, false) -> Begin("Name", size, 0); or Begin("Name", size, ImGuiChildFlags_None); BeginChild("Name", size, true) -> Begin("Name", size, ImGuiChildFlags_Borders);
Manual sizing (each axis can use a different setting e.g. ImVec2(0.0f, 400.0f)):
== 0.0f: use remaining parent window size for this axis. > 0.0f: use specified size for this axis. < 0.0f: right/bottom-align to specified distance from available content boundaries.
Specifying ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX or ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeY makes the sizing automatic based on child contents. Combining both ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX and ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeY defeats purpose of a scrolling region and is NOT recommended.
BeginChild() returns false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting anything to the window. Always call a matching EndChild() for each BeginChild() call, regardless of its return value. [Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions
such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.]
6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6152 def self.BeginChild(*arg) # arg: 0:str_id(const char*), 1:size(ImVec2), 2:child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), 3:window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) # ret: bool return igBeginChild_Str(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:id(ImGuiID), 1:size(ImVec2), 2:child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), 3:window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) # ret: bool return igBeginChild_ID(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] BeginChild : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.BeginChild_ID(id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID), size(ImVec2), child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool
3596 3597 3598 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3596 def self.BeginChild_ID(id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) igBeginChild_ID(id, size, child_flags, window_flags) end |
.BeginChild_Str(str_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), size(ImVec2), child_flags(ImGuiChildFlags), window_flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool
3590 3591 3592 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3590 def self.BeginChild_Str(str_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), child_flags = 0, window_flags = 0) igBeginChild_Str(str_id, size, child_flags, window_flags) end |
.BeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), preview_value(const char*), flags(ImGuiComboFlags) ret: bool
Widgets: Combo Box (Dropdown)
The BeginCombo()/EndCombo() api allows you to manage your contents and selection state however you want it, by creating e.g. Selectable() items.
The old Combo() api are helpers over BeginCombo()/EndCombo() which are kept available for convenience purpose. This is analogous to how ListBox are created.
3606 3607 3608 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3606 def self.BeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags = 0) igBeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags) end |
.BeginDisabled(disabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: disabled(bool) ret: void
Disabling [BETA API]
Disable all user interactions and dim items visuals (applying style.DisabledAlpha over current colors)
Those can be nested but it cannot be used to enable an already disabled section (a single BeginDisabled(true) in the stack is enough to keep everything disabled)
Tooltips windows by exception are opted out of disabling.
BeginDisabled(false)/EndDisabled() essentially does nothing but is provided to facilitate use of boolean expressions (as a micro-optimization: if you have tens of thousands of BeginDisabled(false)/EndDisabled() pairs, you might want to reformulate your code to avoid making those calls)
3618 3619 3620 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3618 def self.BeginDisabled(disabled = true) igBeginDisabled(disabled) end |
.BeginDragDropSource(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiDragDropFlags) ret: bool
Drag and Drop
On source items, call BeginDragDropSource(), if it returns true also call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource().
On target candidates, call BeginDragDropTarget(), if it returns true also call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget().
If you stop calling BeginDragDropSource() the payload is preserved however it won’t have a preview tooltip (we currently display a fallback “…” tooltip, see #1725)
An item can be both drag source and drop target.
3630 3631 3632 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3630 def self.BeginDragDropSource(flags = 0) # call after submitting an item which may be dragged. when this return true, you can call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource() igBeginDragDropSource(flags) end |
.BeginDragDropTarget ⇒ Object
ret: bool
3635 3636 3637 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3635 def self.BeginDragDropTarget() # call after submitting an item that may receive a payload. If this returns true, you can call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget() igBeginDragDropTarget() end |
.BeginGroup ⇒ Object
ret: void
3640 3641 3642 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3640 def self.BeginGroup() # lock horizontal starting position igBeginGroup() end |
.BeginItemTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: bool
Tooltips: helpers for showing a tooltip when hovering an item
BeginItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the ‘if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip) && BeginTooltip())’ idiom.
SetItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the ‘if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip)) { SetTooltip(…); }’ idiom.
Where ‘ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip’ itself is a shortcut to use ‘style.HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse’ or ‘style.HoverFlagsForTooltipNav’ depending on active input type. For mouse it defaults to ‘ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary | ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort’.
3650 3651 3652 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3650 def self.BeginItemTooltip() # begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered. igBeginItemTooltip() end |
.BeginListBox(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2) ret: bool
Widgets: List Boxes
This is essentially a thin wrapper to using BeginChild/EndChild with the ImGuiChildFlags_FrameStyle flag for stylistic changes + displaying a label.
If you don’t need a label you can probably simply use BeginChild() with the ImGuiChildFlags_FrameStyle flag for the same result.
You can submit contents and manage your selection state however you want it, by creating e.g. Selectable() or any other items.
The simplified/old ListBox() api are helpers over BeginListBox()/EndListBox() which are kept available for convenience purpose. This is analoguous to how Combos are created.
Choose frame width: size.x > 0.0f: custom / size.x < 0.0f or -FLT_MIN: right-align / size.x = 0.0f (default): use current ItemWidth
Choose frame height: size.y > 0.0f: custom / size.y < 0.0f or -FLT_MIN: bottom-align / size.y = 0.0f (default): arbitrary default height which can fit ~7 items
3664 3665 3666 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3664 def self.BeginListBox(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) # open a framed scrolling region igBeginListBox(label, size) end |
.BeginMainMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: bool
3669 3670 3671 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3669 def self.BeginMainMenuBar() # create and append to a full screen menu-bar. igBeginMainMenuBar() end |
.BeginMenu(label, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), enabled(bool) ret: bool
3675 3676 3677 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3675 def self.BeginMenu(label, enabled = true) # Implied enabled = true igBeginMenu(label, enabled) end |
.BeginMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: bool
Widgets: Menus
Use BeginMenuBar() on a window ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar to append to its menu bar.
Use BeginMainMenuBar() to create a menu bar at the top of the screen and append to it.
Use BeginMenu() to create a menu. You can call BeginMenu() multiple time with the same identifier to append more items to it.
Not that MenuItem() keyboardshortcuts are displayed as a convenience but _not processed_ by Dear ImGui at the moment.
3686 3687 3688 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3686 def self.BeginMenuBar() # append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set on parent window). igBeginMenuBar() end |
.BeginMultiSelect(flags, selection_size = -1,, items_count = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiMultiSelectFlags), selection_size(int), items_count(int) ret: pointer
Multi-selection system for Selectable(), Checkbox(), TreeNode() functions [BETA]
This enables standard multi-selection/range-selection idioms (CTRL+Mouse/Keyboard, SHIFT+Mouse/Keyboard, etc.) in a way that also allow a clipper to be used.
ImGuiSelectionUserData is often used to store your item index within the current view (but may store something else).
Read comments near ImGuiMultiSelectIO for instructions/details and see ‘Demo->Widgets->Selection State & Multi-Select’ for demo.
TreeNode() is technically supported but… using this correctly is more complicated. You need some sort of linear/random access to your tree, which is suited to advanced trees setups already implementing filters and clipper. We will work simplifying the current demo.
‘selection_size’ and ‘items_count’ parameters are optional and used by a few features. If they are costly for you to compute, you may avoid them.
3700 3701 3702 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3700 def self.BeginMultiSelect(flags, selection_size = -1, items_count = -1) # Implied selection_size = -1, items_count = -1 igBeginMultiSelect(flags, selection_size, items_count) end |
.BeginPopup(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool
Popups, Modals
- They block normal mouse hovering detection (and therefore most mouse interactions) behind them.
- If not modal: they can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them, or by pressing ESCAPE.
- Their visibility state (~bool) is held internally instead of being held by the programmer as we are used to with regular Begin*() calls.
- The 3 properties above are related: we need to retain popup visibility state in the library because popups may be closed as any time.
- You can bypass the hovering restriction by using ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup when calling IsItemHovered() or IsWindowHovered().
- IMPORTANT: Popup identifiers are relative to the current ID stack, so OpenPopup and BeginPopup generally needs to be at the same level of the stack.
This is sometimes leading to confusing mistakes. May rework this in the future.
- BeginPopup(): query popup state, if open start appending into the window. Call EndPopup() afterwards if returned true. ImGuiWindowFlags are forwarded to the window.
- BeginPopupModal(): block every interaction behind the window, cannot be closed by user, add a dimming background, has a title bar.
3717 3718 3719 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3717 def self.BeginPopup(str_id, flags = 0) # return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it. igBeginPopup(str_id, flags) end |
.BeginPopupContextItem(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool
Popups: open+begin combined functions helpers
- Helpers to do OpenPopup+BeginPopup where the Open action is triggered by e.g. hovering an item and right-clicking.
- They are convenient to easily create context menus, hence the name.
- IMPORTANT: Notice that BeginPopupContextXXX takes ImGuiPopupFlags just like OpenPopup() and unlike BeginPopup(). For full consistency, we may add ImGuiWindowFlags to the BeginPopupContextXXX functions in the future.
- IMPORTANT: Notice that we exceptionally default their flags to 1 (== ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight) for backward compatibility with older API taking 'int mouse_button = 1' parameter, so if you add other flags remember to re-add the ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight.
3729 3730 3731 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3729 def self.BeginPopupContextItem(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) # Implied str_id = NULL, popup_flags = 1 igBeginPopupContextItem(str_id, popup_flags) end |
.BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool
3735 3736 3737 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3735 def self.BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) # Implied str_id = NULL, popup_flags = 1 igBeginPopupContextVoid(str_id, popup_flags) end |
.BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool
3741 3742 3743 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3741 def self.BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) # Implied str_id = NULL, popup_flags = 1 igBeginPopupContextWindow(str_id, popup_flags) end |
.BeginPopupModal(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiWindowFlags) ret: bool
3747 3748 3749 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3747 def self.BeginPopupModal(name, p_open = nil, flags = 0) # return true if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it. igBeginPopupModal(name, p_open, flags) end |
.BeginTabBar(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiTabBarFlags) ret: bool
Tab Bars, Tabs
Note: Tabs are automatically created by the docking system (when in ‘docking’ branch). Use this to create tab bars/tabs yourself.
3756 3757 3758 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3756 def self.BeginTabBar(str_id, flags = 0) # create and append into a TabBar igBeginTabBar(str_id, flags) end |
.BeginTabItem(label, p_open = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_open(bool*), flags(ImGuiTabItemFlags) ret: bool
3762 3763 3764 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3762 def self.BeginTabItem(label, p_open = nil, flags = 0) # create a Tab. Returns true if the Tab is selected. igBeginTabItem(label, p_open, flags) end |
.BeginTable(str_id, columns, flags = 0, outer_size = ImVec2.create(0.0,0.0), inner_width = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), columns(int), flags(ImGuiTableFlags), outer_size(ImVec2), inner_width(float) ret: bool
Full-featured replacement for old Columns API.
See Demo->Tables for demo code. See top of imgui_tables.cpp for general commentary.
See ImGuiTableFlags_ and ImGuiTableColumnFlags_ enums for a description of available flags.
The typical call flow is:
Call BeginTable(), early out if returning false.
Optionally call TableSetupColumn() to submit column name/flags/defaults.
Optionally call TableSetupScrollFreeze() to request scroll freezing of columns/rows.
Optionally call TableHeadersRow() to submit a header row. Names are pulled from TableSetupColumn() data.
Populate contents:
- In most situations you can use TableNextRow() + TableSetColumnIndex(N) to start appending into a column. - If you are using tables as a sort of grid, where every column is holding the same type of contents, you may prefer using TableNextColumn() instead of TableNextRow() + TableSetColumnIndex(). TableNextColumn() will automatically wrap-around into the next row if needed. - IMPORTANT: Comparatively to the old Columns() API, we need to call TableNextColumn() for the first column! - Summary of possible call flow: - TableNextRow() -> TableSetColumnIndex(0) -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableSetColumnIndex(1) -> Text("Hello 1") // OK - TableNextRow() -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 1") // OK - TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 1") // OK: TableNextColumn() automatically gets to next row! - TableNextRow() -> Text("Hello 0") // Not OK! Missing TableSetColumnIndex() or TableNextColumn()! Text will not appear!
Call EndTable()
3790 3791 3792 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3790 def self.BeginTable(str_id, columns, flags = 0, outer_size = ImVec2.create(0.0,0.0), inner_width = 0.0) # Implied outer_size = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), inner_width = 0.0f igBeginTable(str_id, columns, flags, outer_size, inner_width) end |
.BeginTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: bool
Tooltips are windows following the mouse. They do not take focus away.
A tooltip window can contain items of any types.
SetTooltip() is more or less a shortcut for the ‘if (BeginTooltip()) { Text(…); EndTooltip(); }’ idiom (with a subtlety that it discard any previously submitted tooltip)
3800 3801 3802 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3800 def self.BeginTooltip() # begin/append a tooltip window. igBeginTooltip() end |
.Bullet ⇒ Object
ret: void
3805 3806 3807 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3805 def self.Bullet() # draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. advance cursor x position by GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(), same distance that TreeNode() uses igBullet() end |
.BulletText(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
3811 3812 3813 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3811 def self.BulletText(fmt, *varargs) # shortcut for Bullet()+Text() igBulletText(fmt, *varargs) end |
.Button(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2) ret: bool
Widgets: Main
Most widgets return true when the value has been changed or when pressed/selected
You may also use one of the many IsItemXXX functions (e.g. IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.) to query widget state.
3821 3822 3823 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3821 def self.Button(label, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) # Implied size = ImVec2(0, 0) igButton(label, size) end |
.CalcItemWidth ⇒ Object
ret: float
3826 3827 3828 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3826 def self.CalcItemWidth() # width of item given pushed settings and current cursor position. NOT necessarily the width of last item unlike most 'Item' functions. igCalcItemWidth() end |
.CalcTextSize(text, text_end = nil, hide_text_after_double_hash = false, wrap_width = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*), text_end(const char*), hide_text_after_double_hash(bool), wrap_width(float) ret: void
Text Utilities
3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3834 def self.CalcTextSize(text, text_end = nil, hide_text_after_double_hash = false, wrap_width = -1.0) # Implied text_end = NULL, hide_text_after_double_hash = false, wrap_width = -1.0f pOut = igCalcTextSize(pOut, text, text_end, hide_text_after_double_hash, wrap_width) return pOut end |
.Checkbox(label, v) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(bool*) ret: bool
3842 3843 3844 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3842 def self.Checkbox(label, v) igCheckbox(label, v) end |
.CheckboxFlags(*arg) ⇒ Object
6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6162 def self.CheckboxFlags(*arg) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:flags(int*), 2:flags_value(int) # ret: bool return igCheckboxFlags_IntPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:flags(unsigned int*), 2:flags_value(unsigned int) # ret: bool return igCheckboxFlags_UintPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] CheckboxFlags : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.CheckboxFlags_IntPtr(label, flags, flags_value) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(int*), flags_value(int) ret: bool
3848 3849 3850 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3848 def self.CheckboxFlags_IntPtr(label, flags, flags_value) igCheckboxFlags_IntPtr(label, flags, flags_value) end |
.CheckboxFlags_UintPtr(label, flags, flags_value) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(unsigned int*), flags_value(unsigned int) ret: bool
3854 3855 3856 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3854 def self.CheckboxFlags_UintPtr(label, flags, flags_value) igCheckboxFlags_UintPtr(label, flags, flags_value) end |
.CloseCurrentPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void
3859 3860 3861 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3859 def self.CloseCurrentPopup() # manually close the popup we have begin-ed into. igCloseCurrentPopup() end |
.CollapsingHeader(*arg) ⇒ Object
if returning ‘true’ the header is open. doesn’t indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn’t have to call TreePop().
6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6172 def self.CollapsingHeader(*arg) # if returning 'true' the header is open. doesn't indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn't have to call TreePop(). # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) # ret: bool return igCollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:p_visible(bool*), 2:flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) # ret: bool return igCollapsingHeader_BoolPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] CollapsingHeader : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.CollapsingHeader_BoolPtr(label, p_visible, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_visible(bool*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool
3871 3872 3873 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3871 def self.CollapsingHeader_BoolPtr(label, p_visible, flags = 0) igCollapsingHeader_BoolPtr(label, p_visible, flags) end |
.CollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool
3865 3866 3867 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3865 def self.CollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags(label, flags = 0) igCollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags(label, flags) end |
.ColorButton(desc_id, col, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: desc_id(const char*), col(ImVec4), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool
3877 3878 3879 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3877 def self.ColorButton(desc_id, col, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) # Implied size = ImVec2(0, 0) igColorButton(desc_id, col, flags, size) end |
.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(_in_) ⇒ Object
arg: in(ImVec4) ret: uint
3883 3884 3885 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3883 def self.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(_in_) igColorConvertFloat4ToU32(_in_) end |
.ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, out_r, out_g, out_b) ⇒ Object
arg: h(float), s(float), v(float), out_r(float*), out_g(float*), out_b(float*) ret: void
3889 3890 3891 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3889 def self.ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, out_r, out_g, out_b) igColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, out_r, out_g, out_b) end |
.ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, out_h, out_s, out_v) ⇒ Object
arg: r(float), g(float), b(float), out_h(float*), out_s(float*), out_v(float*) ret: void
3895 3896 3897 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3895 def self.ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, out_h, out_s, out_v) igColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, out_h, out_s, out_v) end |
.ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(_in_) ⇒ Object
arg: in(ImU32) ret: void
Color Utilities
3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3903 def self.ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(_in_) pOut = igColorConvertU32ToFloat4(pOut, _in_) return pOut end |
.ColorEdit3(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool
Widgets: Color Editor/Picker (tip: the ColorEdit* functions have a little color square that can be left-clicked to open a picker, and right-clicked to open an option menu.)
Note that in C++ a ‘float v’ function argument is the same as ‘float* v’, the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible.
You can pass the address of a first float element out of a contiguous structure, e.g. &myvector.x
3915 3916 3917 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3915 def self.ColorEdit3(label, col, flags = 0) igColorEdit3(label, col, flags) end |
.ColorEdit4(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool
3921 3922 3923 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3921 def self.ColorEdit4(label, col, flags = 0) igColorEdit4(label, col, flags) end |
.ColorPicker3(label, col, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: bool
3927 3928 3929 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3927 def self.ColorPicker3(label, col, flags = 0) igColorPicker3(label, col, flags) end |
.ColorPicker4(label, col, flags = 0, ref_col = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), col(float), flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags), ref_col(const float*) ret: bool
3933 3934 3935 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3933 def self.ColorPicker4(label, col, flags = 0, ref_col = nil) igColorPicker4(label, col, flags, ref_col) end |
.Columns(count = 1, id = nil, borders = true) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int), id(const char*), borders(bool) ret: void
Legacy Columns API (prefer using Tables!)
You can also use SameLine(pos_x) to mimic simplified columns.
3942 3943 3944 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3942 def self.Columns(count = 1, id = nil, borders = true) # Implied count = 1, id = NULL, borders = true igColumns(count, id, borders) end |
.Combo(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied popup_max_height_in_items = -1
6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6182 def self.Combo(*arg) # Implied popup_max_height_in_items = -1 # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:current_item(int*), 2:items(const char* const[]), 3:items_count(int), 4:popup_max_height_in_items(int) # ret: bool return igCombo_Str_arr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]) if arg.length == 5 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:current_item(int*), 2:items_separated_by_zeros(const char*), 3:popup_max_height_in_items(int) # ret: bool return igCombo_Str(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(String) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:current_item(int*), 2:getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), 3:user_data(void*), 4:items_count(int), 5:popup_max_height_in_items(int) # ret: bool return igCombo_FnStrPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5]) if arg.length == 6 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(String) && arg[3].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[5].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] Combo : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.Combo_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), user_data(void*), items_count(int), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool
3960 3961 3962 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3960 def self.Combo_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1) igCombo_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items) end |
.Combo_Str(label, current_item, items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items_separated_by_zeros(const char*), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool
3954 3955 3956 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3954 def self.Combo_Str(label, current_item, items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items = -1) igCombo_Str(label, current_item, items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items) end |
.Combo_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items(const char* const[]), items_count(int), popup_max_height_in_items(int) ret: bool
3948 3949 3950 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3948 def self.Combo_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items = -1) igCombo_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items) end |
.CreateContext(shared_font_atlas = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: shared_font_atlas(ImFontAtlas*) ret: pointer
Context creation and access
Each context create its own ImFontAtlas by default. You may instance one yourself and pass it to CreateContext() to share a font atlas between contexts.
DLL users: heaps and globals are not shared across DLL boundaries! You will need to call SetCurrentContext() + SetAllocatorFunctions() for each static/DLL boundary you are calling from. Read “Context and Memory Allocators” section of imgui.cpp for details.
3971 3972 3973 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3971 def self.CreateContext(shared_font_atlas = nil) igCreateContext(shared_font_atlas) end |
.DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str, sz_io, sz_style, sz_vec2, sz_vec4, sz_drawvert, sz_drawidx) ⇒ Object
arg: version_str(const char*), sz_io(size_t), sz_style(size_t), sz_vec2(size_t), sz_vec4(size_t), sz_drawvert(size_t), sz_drawidx(size_t) ret: bool
3977 3978 3979 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3977 def self.DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str, sz_io, sz_style, sz_vec2, sz_vec4, sz_drawvert, sz_drawidx) # This is called by IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro. igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str, sz_io, sz_style, sz_vec2, sz_vec4, sz_drawvert, sz_drawidx) end |
.DebugFlashStyleColor(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: void
3983 3984 3985 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3983 def self.DebugFlashStyleColor(idx) igDebugFlashStyleColor(idx) end |
.DebugLog(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
3989 3990 3991 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3989 def self.DebugLog(fmt, *varargs) # Call via IMGUI_DEBUG_LOG() for maximum stripping in caller code! igDebugLog(fmt, *varargs) end |
.DebugStartItemPicker ⇒ Object
ret: void
3994 3995 3996 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 3994 def self.DebugStartItemPicker() igDebugStartItemPicker() end |
.DebugTextEncoding(text) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*) ret: void
Debug Utilities
Your main debugging friend is the ShowMetricsWindow() function, which is also accessible from Demo->Tools->Metrics Debugger
4003 4004 4005 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4003 def self.DebugTextEncoding(text) igDebugTextEncoding(text) end |
.DestroyContext(ctx = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: ctx(ImGuiContext*) ret: void
4009 4010 4011 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4009 def self.DestroyContext(ctx = nil) # NULL = destroy current context igDestroyContext(ctx) end |
.DestroyPlatformWindows ⇒ Object
ret: void
4014 4015 4016 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4014 def self.DestroyPlatformWindows() # call DestroyWindow platform functions for all viewports. call from backend Shutdown() if you need to close platform windows before imgui shutdown. otherwise will be called by DestroyContext(). igDestroyPlatformWindows() end |
.DockSpace(dockspace_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, window_class = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dockspace_id(ImGuiID), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiDockNodeFlags), window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: uint
Enable with io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable.
Note: You can use most Docking facilities without calling any API. You DO NOT need to call DockSpace() to use Docking!
Drag from window title bar or their tab to dock/undock. Hold SHIFT to disable docking.
Drag from window menu button (upper-left button) to undock an entire node (all windows).
When io.ConfigDockingWithShift == true, you instead need to hold SHIFT to enable docking.
About dockspaces:
Use DockSpaceOverViewport() to create a window covering the screen or a specific viewport + a dockspace inside it. This is often used with ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode to make it transparent.
Use DockSpace() to create an explicit dock node within an existing window. See Docking demo for details.
Important: Dockspaces need to be submitted before any window they can host. Submit it early in your frame!
Important: Dockspaces need to be kept alive if hidden, otherwise windows docked into it will be undocked. e.g. if you have multiple tabs with a dockspace inside each tab: submit the non-visible dockspaces with ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly.
4034 4035 4036 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4034 def self.DockSpace(dockspace_id, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, window_class = nil) # Implied size = ImVec2(0, 0), flags = 0, window_class = NULL igDockSpace(dockspace_id, size, flags, window_class) end |
.DockSpaceOverViewport(dockspace_id = 0, viewport = nil, flags = 0, window_class = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dockspace_id(ImGuiID), viewport(const ImGuiViewport*), flags(ImGuiDockNodeFlags), window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: uint
4040 4041 4042 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4040 def self.DockSpaceOverViewport(dockspace_id = 0, = nil, flags = 0, window_class = nil) # Implied dockspace_id = 0, viewport = NULL, flags = 0, window_class = NULL igDockSpaceOverViewport(dockspace_id, , flags, window_class) end |
.DragFloat(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
Widgets: Drag Sliders
CTRL+Click on any drag box to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren’t clamped by default and can go off-bounds. Use ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp to always clamp.
For all the Float2/Float3/Float4/Int2/Int3/Int4 versions of every function, note that a ‘float v’ function argument is the same as ‘float* v’, the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can pass address of your first element out of a contiguous set, e.g. &myvector.x
Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. “%.3f” -> 1.234; “%5.2f secs” -> 01.23 secs; “Biscuit: %.0f” -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format (“%f” or “%d”).
Speed are per-pixel of mouse movement (v_speed=0.2f: mouse needs to move by 5 pixels to increase value by 1). For keyboard/gamepad navigation, minimum speed is Max(v_speed, minimum_step_at_given_precision).
Use v_min < v_max to clamp edits to given limits. Note that CTRL+Click manual input can override those limits if ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp is not used.
Use v_max = FLT_MAX / INT_MAX etc to avoid clamping to a maximum, same with v_min = -FLT_MAX / INT_MIN to avoid clamping to a minimum.
We use the same sets of flags for DragXXX() and SliderXXX() functions as the features are the same and it makes it easier to swap them.
Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are DragXXX() function signatures that take a final ‘float power=1.0f’ argument instead of the ‘ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0’ argument. If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read
4059 4060 4061 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4059 def self.DragFloat(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0.0f, v_max = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igDragFloat(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4065 4066 4067 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4065 def self.DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0.0f, v_max = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igDragFloat2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4071 4072 4073 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4071 def self.DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0.0f, v_max = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igDragFloat3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4077 4078 4079 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4077 def self.DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0.0f, v_max = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igDragFloat4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", format_max = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_current_min(float*), v_current_max(float*), v_speed(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), format_max(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4083 4084 4085 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4083 def self.DragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0.0, v_max = 0.0, format = "%.3f", format_max = nil, flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0.0f, v_max = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", format_max = NULL, flags = 0 igDragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, format_max, flags) end |
.DragInt(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4089 4090 4091 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4089 def self.DragInt(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0 igDragInt(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragInt2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4095 4096 4097 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4095 def self.DragInt2(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0 igDragInt2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragInt3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4101 4102 4103 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4101 def self.DragInt3(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0 igDragInt3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragInt4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4107 4108 4109 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4107 def self.DragInt4(label, v, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", flags = 0 igDragInt4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.DragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", format_max = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_current_min(int*), v_current_max(int*), v_speed(float), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), format_max(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4113 4114 4115 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4113 def self.DragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed = 1.0, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", format_max = nil, flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, v_min = 0, v_max = 0, format = "%d", format_max = NULL, flags = 0 igDragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, format_max, flags) end |
.DragScalar(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), v_speed(float), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4119 4120 4121 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4119 def self.DragScalar(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, p_min = NULL, p_max = NULL, format = NULL, flags = 0 igDragScalar(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, flags) end |
.DragScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), v_speed(float), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
4125 4126 4127 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4125 def self.DragScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed = 1.0, p_min = nil, p_max = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied v_speed = 1.0f, p_min = NULL, p_max = NULL, format = NULL, flags = 0 igDragScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, flags) end |
.Dummy(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: void
4131 4132 4133 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4131 def self.Dummy(size) # add a dummy item of given size. unlike InvisibleButton(), Dummy() won't take the mouse click or be navigable into. igDummy(size) end |
.End ⇒ Object
ret: void
4136 4137 4138 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4136 def self.End() igEnd() end |
.EndChild ⇒ Object
ret: void
4141 4142 4143 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4141 def self.EndChild() igEndChild() end |
.EndCombo ⇒ Object
ret: void
4146 4147 4148 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4146 def self.EndCombo() # only call EndCombo() if BeginCombo() returns true! igEndCombo() end |
.EndDisabled ⇒ Object
ret: void
4151 4152 4153 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4151 def self.EndDisabled() igEndDisabled() end |
.EndDragDropSource ⇒ Object
ret: void
4156 4157 4158 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4156 def self.EndDragDropSource() # only call EndDragDropSource() if BeginDragDropSource() returns true! igEndDragDropSource() end |
.EndDragDropTarget ⇒ Object
ret: void
4161 4162 4163 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4161 def self.EndDragDropTarget() # only call EndDragDropTarget() if BeginDragDropTarget() returns true! igEndDragDropTarget() end |
.EndFrame ⇒ Object
ret: void
4166 4167 4168 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4166 def self.EndFrame() # ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by Render(). If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame() without Render()... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render, better to not create any windows and not call NewFrame() at all! igEndFrame() end |
.EndGroup ⇒ Object
ret: void
4171 4172 4173 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4171 def self.EndGroup() # unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use IsItemHovered() or layout primitives such as SameLine() on whole group, etc.) igEndGroup() end |
.EndListBox ⇒ Object
ret: void
4176 4177 4178 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4176 def self.EndListBox() # only call EndListBox() if BeginListBox() returned true! igEndListBox() end |
.EndMainMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: void
4181 4182 4183 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4181 def self.EndMainMenuBar() # only call EndMainMenuBar() if BeginMainMenuBar() returns true! igEndMainMenuBar() end |
.EndMenu ⇒ Object
ret: void
4186 4187 4188 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4186 def self.EndMenu() # only call EndMenu() if BeginMenu() returns true! igEndMenu() end |
.EndMenuBar ⇒ Object
ret: void
4191 4192 4193 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4191 def self.EndMenuBar() # only call EndMenuBar() if BeginMenuBar() returns true! igEndMenuBar() end |
.EndMultiSelect ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4196 4197 4198 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4196 def self.EndMultiSelect() igEndMultiSelect() end |
.EndPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void
4201 4202 4203 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4201 def self.EndPopup() # only call EndPopup() if BeginPopupXXX() returns true! igEndPopup() end |
.EndTabBar ⇒ Object
ret: void
4206 4207 4208 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4206 def self.EndTabBar() # only call EndTabBar() if BeginTabBar() returns true! igEndTabBar() end |
.EndTabItem ⇒ Object
ret: void
4211 4212 4213 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4211 def self.EndTabItem() # only call EndTabItem() if BeginTabItem() returns true! igEndTabItem() end |
.EndTable ⇒ Object
ret: void
4216 4217 4218 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4216 def self.EndTable() # only call EndTable() if BeginTable() returns true! igEndTable() end |
.EndTooltip ⇒ Object
ret: void
4221 4222 4223 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4221 def self.EndTooltip() # only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true! igEndTooltip() end |
.FindViewportByID(id) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID) ret: pointer
4227 4228 4229 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4227 def self.FindViewportByID(id) # this is a helper for backends. igFindViewportByID(id) end |
.FindViewportByPlatformHandle(platform_handle) ⇒ Object
arg: platform_handle(void*) ret: pointer
4233 4234 4235 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4233 def self.FindViewportByPlatformHandle(platform_handle) # this is a helper for backends. the type platform_handle is decided by the backend (e.g. HWND, MyWindow*, GLFWwindow* etc.) igFindViewportByPlatformHandle(platform_handle) end |
.FocusWindow(window) ⇒ Object
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/imgui_internal.rb', line 45 def self.FocusWindow(window) igFocusWindow(window) end |
.GetAllocatorFunctions(p_alloc_func, p_free_func, p_user_data) ⇒ Object
arg: p_alloc_func(ImGuiMemAllocFunc*), p_free_func(ImGuiMemFreeFunc*), p_user_data(void**) ret: void
4239 4240 4241 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4239 def self.GetAllocatorFunctions(p_alloc_func, p_free_func, p_user_data) igGetAllocatorFunctions(p_alloc_func, p_free_func, p_user_data) end |
.GetBackgroundDrawList(viewport = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport(ImGuiViewport*) ret: pointer
Background/Foreground Draw Lists
4247 4248 4249 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4247 def self.GetBackgroundDrawList( = nil) # Implied viewport = NULL igGetBackgroundDrawList() end |
.GetClipboardText ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
Clipboard Utilities
Also see the LogToClipboard() function to capture GUI into clipboard, or easily output text data to the clipboard.
4255 4256 4257 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4255 def self.GetClipboardText() igGetClipboardText() end |
.GetColorU32(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied alpha_mul = 1.0f
6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6195 def self.GetColorU32(*arg) # Implied alpha_mul = 1.0f # arg: 0:idx(ImGuiCol), 1:alpha_mul(float) # ret: uint return igGetColorU32_Col(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Float)) # arg: 0:col(ImVec4) # ret: uint return igGetColorU32_Vec4(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(ImVec4)) # arg: 0:col(ImU32), 1:alpha_mul(float) # ret: uint return igGetColorU32_U32(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Float)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] GetColorU32 : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.GetColorU32_Col(idx, alpha_mul = 1.0) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), alpha_mul(float) ret: uint
4261 4262 4263 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4261 def self.GetColorU32_Col(idx, alpha_mul = 1.0) igGetColorU32_Col(idx, alpha_mul) end |
.GetColorU32_U32(col, alpha_mul = 1.0) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImU32), alpha_mul(float) ret: uint
4273 4274 4275 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4273 def self.GetColorU32_U32(col, alpha_mul = 1.0) igGetColorU32_U32(col, alpha_mul) end |
.GetColorU32_Vec4(col) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImVec4) ret: uint
4267 4268 4269 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4267 def self.GetColorU32_Vec4(col) igGetColorU32_Vec4(col) end |
.GetColumnIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int
4278 4279 4280 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4278 def self.GetColumnIndex() # get current column index igGetColumnIndex() end |
.GetColumnOffset(column_index = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int) ret: float
4284 4285 4286 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4284 def self.GetColumnOffset(column_index = -1) # get position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column, otherwise 0..GetColumnsCount() inclusive. column 0 is typically 0.0f igGetColumnOffset(column_index) end |
.GetColumnsCount ⇒ Object
ret: int
4295 4296 4297 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4295 def self.GetColumnsCount() igGetColumnsCount() end |
.GetColumnWidth(column_index = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int) ret: float
4290 4291 4292 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4290 def self.GetColumnWidth(column_index = -1) # get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column igGetColumnWidth(column_index) end |
.GetContentRegionAvail ⇒ Object
ret: void
4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4300 def self.GetContentRegionAvail() # available space from current position. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. pOut = igGetContentRegionAvail(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetCurrentContext ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4307 4308 4309 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4307 def self.GetCurrentContext() igGetCurrentContext() end |
.GetCurrentWindow ⇒ Object
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/imgui_internal.rb', line 41 def self.GetCurrentWindow() igGetCurrentWindow() end |
.GetCursorPos ⇒ Object
ret: void
4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4312 def self.GetCursorPos() # [window-local] cursor position in window-local coordinates. This is not your best friend. pOut = igGetCursorPos(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetCursorPosX ⇒ Object
ret: float
4319 4320 4321 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4319 def self.GetCursorPosX() # [window-local] " igGetCursorPosX() end |
.GetCursorPosY ⇒ Object
ret: float
4324 4325 4326 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4324 def self.GetCursorPosY() # [window-local] " igGetCursorPosY() end |
.GetCursorScreenPos ⇒ Object
ret: void
Layout cursor positioning
By “cursor” we mean the current output position.
The typical widget behavior is to output themselves at the current cursor position, then move the cursor one line down.
You can call SameLine() between widgets to undo the last carriage return and output at the right of the preceding widget.
YOU CAN DO 99% OF WHAT YOU NEED WITH ONLY GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail().
Attention! We currently have inconsistencies between window-local and absolute positions we will aim to fix with future API:
- Absolute coordinate: GetCursorScreenPos(), SetCursorScreenPos(), all ImDrawList:: functions. -> this is the preferred way forward. - Window-local coordinates: SameLine(offset), GetCursorPos(), SetCursorPos(), GetCursorStartPos(), PushTextWrapPos() - Window-local coordinates: GetContentRegionMax(), GetWindowContentRegionMin(), GetWindowContentRegionMax() --> all obsoleted. YOU DON'T NEED THEM.
GetCursorScreenPos() = GetCursorPos() + GetWindowPos(). GetWindowPos() is almost only ever useful to convert from window-local to absolute coordinates. Try not to use it.
4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4340 def self.GetCursorScreenPos() # cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND (prefer using this rather than GetCursorPos(), also more useful to work with ImDrawList API). pOut = igGetCursorScreenPos(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetCursorStartPos ⇒ Object
ret: void
4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4347 def self.GetCursorStartPos() # [window-local] initial cursor position, in window-local coordinates. Call GetCursorScreenPos() after Begin() to get the absolute coordinates version. pOut = igGetCursorStartPos(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetDragDropPayload ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4354 4355 4356 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4354 def self.GetDragDropPayload() # peek directly into the current payload from anywhere. returns NULL when drag and drop is finished or inactive. use ImGuiPayload::IsDataType() to test for the payload type. igGetDragDropPayload() end |
.GetDrawData ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4359 4360 4361 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4359 def self.GetDrawData() # valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render. igGetDrawData() end |
.GetDrawListSharedData ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4364 4365 4366 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4364 def self.GetDrawListSharedData() # you may use this when creating your own ImDrawList instances. igGetDrawListSharedData() end |
.GetFont ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
Style read access
Use the ShowStyleEditor() function to interactively see/edit the colors.
4372 4373 4374 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4372 def self.GetFont() # get current font igGetFont() end |
.GetFontSize ⇒ Object
ret: float
4377 4378 4379 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4377 def self.GetFontSize() # get current font size (= height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied igGetFontSize() end |
.GetFontTexUvWhitePixel ⇒ Object
ret: void
4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4382 def self.GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() # get UV coordinate for a white pixel, useful to draw custom shapes via the ImDrawList API pOut = igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetForegroundDrawList(viewport = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport(ImGuiViewport*) ret: pointer
4390 4391 4392 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4390 def self.GetForegroundDrawList( = nil) # Implied viewport = NULL igGetForegroundDrawList() end |
.GetFrameCount ⇒ Object
ret: int
4395 4396 4397 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4395 def self.GetFrameCount() # get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame. igGetFrameCount() end |
.GetFrameHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float
4400 4401 4402 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4400 def self.GetFrameHeight() # ~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 igGetFrameHeight() end |
.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float
4405 4406 4407 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4405 def self.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() # ~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of framed widgets) igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing() end |
.GetID(*arg) ⇒ Object
calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself
6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6208 def self.GetID(*arg) # calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself # arg: 0:str_id(const char*) # ret: uint return igGetID_Str(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:str_id_begin(const char*), 1:str_id_end(const char*) # ret: uint return igGetID_StrStr(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:ptr_id(const void*) # ret: uint return igGetID_Ptr(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer)) # arg: 0:int_id(int) # ret: uint return igGetID_Int(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] GetID : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.GetID_Int(int_id) ⇒ Object
arg: int_id(int) ret: uint
4429 4430 4431 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4429 def self.GetID_Int(int_id) igGetID_Int(int_id) end |
.GetID_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: uint
4423 4424 4425 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4423 def self.GetID_Ptr(ptr_id) igGetID_Ptr(ptr_id) end |
.GetID_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: uint
4411 4412 4413 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4411 def self.GetID_Str(str_id) igGetID_Str(str_id) end |
.GetID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id_begin(const char*), str_id_end(const char*) ret: uint
4417 4418 4419 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4417 def self.GetID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) igGetID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) end |
.GetIO ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4436 4437 4438 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4436 def self.GetIO() # access the ImGuiIO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags) igGetIO() end |
.GetItemID ⇒ Object
ret: uint
4441 4442 4443 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4441 def self.GetItemID() # get ID of last item (~~ often same ImGui::GetID(label) beforehand) igGetItemID() end |
.GetItemRectMax ⇒ Object
ret: void
4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4446 def self.GetItemRectMax() # get lower-right bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space) pOut = igGetItemRectMax(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetItemRectMin ⇒ Object
ret: void
4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4453 def self.GetItemRectMin() # get upper-left bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space) pOut = igGetItemRectMin(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetItemRectSize ⇒ Object
ret: void
4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4460 def self.GetItemRectSize() # get size of last item pOut = igGetItemRectSize(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetKeyName(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: pointer
4468 4469 4470 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4468 def self.GetKeyName(key) # [DEBUG] returns English name of the key. Those names a provided for debugging purpose and are not meant to be saved persistently not compared. igGetKeyName(key) end |
.GetKeyPressedAmount(key, repeat_delay, rate) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey), repeat_delay(float), rate(float) ret: int
4474 4475 4476 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4474 def self.GetKeyPressedAmount(key, repeat_delay, rate) # uses provided repeat rate/delay. return a count, most often 0 or 1 but might be >1 if RepeatRate is small enough that DeltaTime > RepeatRate igGetKeyPressedAmount(key, repeat_delay, rate) end |
.GetMainViewport ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
Currently represents the Platform Window created by the application which is hosting our Dear ImGui windows.
In ‘docking’ branch with multi-viewport enabled, we extend this concept to have multiple active viewports.
In the future we will extend this concept further to also represent Platform Monitor and support a “no main platform window” operation mode.
4484 4485 4486 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4484 def self.GetMainViewport() # return primary/default viewport. This can never be NULL. igGetMainViewport() end |
.GetMouseClickedCount(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: int
4490 4491 4492 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4490 def self.GetMouseClickedCount() # return the number of successive mouse-clicks at the time where a click happen (otherwise 0). igGetMouseClickedCount() end |
.GetMouseCursor ⇒ Object
ret: int
4495 4496 4497 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4495 def self.GetMouseCursor() # get desired mouse cursor shape. Important: reset in ImGui::NewFrame(), this is updated during the frame. valid before Render(). If you use software rendering by setting io.MouseDrawCursor ImGui will render those for you igGetMouseCursor() end |
.GetMouseDragDelta(button = 0, lock_threshold = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), lock_threshold(float) ret: void
4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4501 def self.GetMouseDragDelta( = 0, lock_threshold = -1.0) # return the delta from the initial clicking position while the mouse button is pressed or was just released. This is locked and return 0.0f until the mouse moves past a distance threshold at least once (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f) pOut = igGetMouseDragDelta(pOut, , lock_threshold) return pOut end |
.GetMousePos ⇒ Object
ret: void
4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4508 def self.GetMousePos() # shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls pOut = igGetMousePos(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup ⇒ Object
ret: void
4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4515 def self.GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() # retrieve mouse position at the time of opening popup we have BeginPopup() into (helper to avoid user backing that value themselves) pOut = igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetPlatformIO ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4522 4523 4524 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4522 def self.GetPlatformIO() # access the ImGuiPlatformIO structure (mostly hooks/functions to connect to platform/renderer and OS Clipboard, IME etc.) igGetPlatformIO() end |
.GetScrollMaxX ⇒ Object
ret: float
4527 4528 4529 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4527 def self.GetScrollMaxX() # get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x - DecorationsSize.x igGetScrollMaxX() end |
.GetScrollMaxY ⇒ Object
ret: float
4532 4533 4534 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4532 def self.GetScrollMaxY() # get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y - DecorationsSize.y igGetScrollMaxY() end |
.GetScrollX ⇒ Object
ret: float
Windows Scrolling
Any change of Scroll will be applied at the beginning of next frame in the first call to Begin().
You may instead use SetNextWindowScroll() prior to calling Begin() to avoid this delay, as an alternative to using SetScrollX()/SetScrollY().
4541 4542 4543 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4541 def self.GetScrollX() # get scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxX()] igGetScrollX() end |
.GetScrollY ⇒ Object
ret: float
4546 4547 4548 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4546 def self.GetScrollY() # get scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxY()] igGetScrollY() end |
.GetStateStorage ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4551 4552 4553 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4551 def self.GetStateStorage() igGetStateStorage() end |
.GetStyle ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4556 4557 4558 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4556 def self.GetStyle() # access the Style structure (colors, sizes). Always use PushStyleColor(), PushStyleVar() to modify style mid-frame! igGetStyle() end |
.GetStyleColorName(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: pointer
4562 4563 4564 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4562 def self.GetStyleColorName(idx) # get a string corresponding to the enum value (for display, saving, etc.). igGetStyleColorName(idx) end |
.GetStyleColorVec4(idx) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol) ret: pointer
4568 4569 4570 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4568 def self.GetStyleColorVec4(idx) # retrieve style color as stored in ImGuiStyle structure. use to feed back into PushStyleColor(), otherwise use GetColorU32() to get style color with style alpha baked in. igGetStyleColorVec4(idx) end |
.GetTextLineHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float
4573 4574 4575 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4573 def self.GetTextLineHeight() # ~ FontSize igGetTextLineHeight() end |
.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float
4578 4579 4580 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4578 def self.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() # ~ FontSize + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of text) igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() end |
.GetTime ⇒ Object
ret: double
4583 4584 4585 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4583 def self.GetTime() # get global imgui time. incremented by io.DeltaTime every frame. igGetTime() end |
.GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing ⇒ Object
ret: float
4588 4589 4590 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4588 def self.GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() # horizontal distance preceding label when using TreeNode*() or Bullet() == (g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x*2) for a regular unframed TreeNode igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() end |
.GetVersion ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4593 4594 4595 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4593 def self.GetVersion() # get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for IMGUI_VERSION from the compiled version of imgui.cpp) igGetVersion() end |
.GetWindowDockID ⇒ Object
ret: uint
4598 4599 4600 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4598 def self.GetWindowDockID() igGetWindowDockID() end |
.GetWindowDpiScale ⇒ Object
ret: float
4603 4604 4605 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4603 def self.GetWindowDpiScale() # get DPI scale currently associated to the current window's viewport. igGetWindowDpiScale() end |
.GetWindowDrawList ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4608 4609 4610 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4608 def self.GetWindowDrawList() # get draw list associated to the current window, to append your own drawing primitives igGetWindowDrawList() end |
.GetWindowHeight ⇒ Object
ret: float
4613 4614 4615 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4613 def self.GetWindowHeight() # get current window height (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().y. igGetWindowHeight() end |
.GetWindowPos ⇒ Object
ret: void
4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4618 def self.GetWindowPos() # get current window position in screen space (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead) pOut = igGetWindowPos(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetWindowSize ⇒ Object
ret: void
4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4625 def self.GetWindowSize() # get current window size (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead) pOut = igGetWindowSize(pOut) return pOut end |
.GetWindowViewport ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
4632 4633 4634 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4632 def self.GetWindowViewport() # get viewport currently associated to the current window. igGetWindowViewport() end |
.GetWindowWidth ⇒ Object
ret: float
4637 4638 4639 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4637 def self.GetWindowWidth() # get current window width (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().x. igGetWindowWidth() end |
.Image(user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1), border_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: user_texture_id(ImTextureID), image_size(ImVec2), uv0(ImVec2), uv1(ImVec2), tint_col(ImVec4), border_col(ImVec4) ret: void
Widgets: Images
Read about ImTextureID here:
‘uv0’ and ‘uv1’ are texture coordinates. Read about them from the same link above.
Note that Image() may add +2.0f to provided size if a border is visible, ImageButton() adds style.FramePadding*2.0f to provided size.
ImageButton() draws a background based on regular Button() color + optionally an inner background if specified.
4649 4650 4651 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4649 def self.Image(user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1), border_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0)) # Implied uv0 = ImVec2(0, 0), uv1 = ImVec2(1, 1), tint_col = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1), border_col = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0) igImage(user_texture_id, image_size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col) end |
.ImageButton(str_id, user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), bg_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1)) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), user_texture_id(ImTextureID), image_size(ImVec2), uv0(ImVec2), uv1(ImVec2), bg_col(ImVec4), tint_col(ImVec4) ret: bool
4655 4656 4657 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4655 def self.ImageButton(str_id, user_texture_id, image_size, uv0 = ImVec2.create(0,0), uv1 = ImVec2.create(1,1), bg_col = ImVec4.create(0,0,0,0), tint_col = ImVec4.create(1,1,1,1)) # Implied uv0 = ImVec2(0, 0), uv1 = ImVec2(1, 1), bg_col = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), tint_col = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1) igImageButton(str_id, user_texture_id, image_size, uv0, uv1, bg_col, tint_col) end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts
It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts.
FIXME: multi-context support is not well tested and probably dysfunctional in this backend.
- Because glfwPollEvents() process all windows and some events may be called outside of it, you will need to register your own callbacks
(passing install_callbacks=false in ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitXXX functions), set the current dear imgui context and then call our callbacks.
- Otherwise we may need to store a GLFWWindow* -> ImGuiContext* map and handle this in the backend, adding a little bit of extra complexity to it.
FIXME: some shared resources (mouse cursor shape, gamepad) are mishandled when using multi-context.
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 45 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() if ImGui::GetCurrentContext() != nil return @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] # io = # return[:BackendPlatformUserData]) else nil end end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText(user_data) ⇒ Object
55 56 57 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 55 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText(user_data) glfwGetClipboardString(user_data) end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks(window) ⇒ Object
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 320 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks(window) bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() bd.prevUserCallbackWindowFocus = GLFW.SetWindowFocusCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_WindowFocusCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackCursorEnter = GLFW.SetCursorEnterCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_CursorEnterCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackCursorPos = GLFW.SetCursorPosCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_CursorPosCallback) bd. = GLFW.SetMouseButtonCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_MouseButtonCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackScroll = GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_ScrollCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackKey = GLFW.SetKeyCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_KeyCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackChar = GLFW.SetCharCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_CharCallback) bd.prevUserCallbackMonitor = GLFW.SetMonitorCallback(@@ImplGlfw_MonitorCallback) bd.installedCallbacks = true end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 63 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_KeyToImGuiKey(key) case key when GLFW::KEY_TAB then ImGuiKey_Tab when GLFW::KEY_LEFT then ImGuiKey_LeftArrow when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT then ImGuiKey_RightArrow when GLFW::KEY_UP then ImGuiKey_UpArrow when GLFW::KEY_DOWN then ImGuiKey_DownArrow when GLFW::KEY_PAGE_UP then ImGuiKey_PageUp when GLFW::KEY_PAGE_DOWN then ImGuiKey_PageDown when GLFW::KEY_HOME then ImGuiKey_Home when GLFW::KEY_END then ImGuiKey_End when GLFW::KEY_INSERT then ImGuiKey_Insert when GLFW::KEY_DELETE then ImGuiKey_Delete when GLFW::KEY_BACKSPACE then ImGuiKey_Backspace when GLFW::KEY_SPACE then ImGuiKey_Space when GLFW::KEY_ENTER then ImGuiKey_Enter when GLFW::KEY_ESCAPE then ImGuiKey_Escape when GLFW::KEY_APOSTROPHE then ImGuiKey_Apostrophe when GLFW::KEY_COMMA then ImGuiKey_Comma when GLFW::KEY_MINUS then ImGuiKey_Minus when GLFW::KEY_PERIOD then ImGuiKey_Period when GLFW::KEY_SLASH then ImGuiKey_Slash when GLFW::KEY_SEMICOLON then ImGuiKey_Semicolon when GLFW::KEY_EQUAL then ImGuiKey_Equal when GLFW::KEY_LEFT_BRACKET then ImGuiKey_LeftBracket when GLFW::KEY_BACKSLASH then ImGuiKey_Backslash when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET then ImGuiKey_RightBracket when GLFW::KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT then ImGuiKey_GraveAccent when GLFW::KEY_CAPS_LOCK then ImGuiKey_CapsLock when GLFW::KEY_SCROLL_LOCK then ImGuiKey_ScrollLock when GLFW::KEY_NUM_LOCK then ImGuiKey_NumLock when GLFW::KEY_PRINT_SCREEN then ImGuiKey_PrintScreen when GLFW::KEY_PAUSE then ImGuiKey_Pause when GLFW::KEY_KP_0 then ImGuiKey_Keypad0 when GLFW::KEY_KP_1 then ImGuiKey_Keypad1 when GLFW::KEY_KP_2 then ImGuiKey_Keypad2 when GLFW::KEY_KP_3 then ImGuiKey_Keypad3 when GLFW::KEY_KP_4 then ImGuiKey_Keypad4 when GLFW::KEY_KP_5 then ImGuiKey_Keypad5 when GLFW::KEY_KP_6 then ImGuiKey_Keypad6 when GLFW::KEY_KP_7 then ImGuiKey_Keypad7 when GLFW::KEY_KP_8 then ImGuiKey_Keypad8 when GLFW::KEY_KP_9 then ImGuiKey_Keypad9 when GLFW::KEY_KP_DECIMAL then ImGuiKey_KeypadDecimal when GLFW::KEY_KP_DIVIDE then ImGuiKey_KeypadDivide when GLFW::KEY_KP_MULTIPLY then ImGuiKey_KeypadMultiply when GLFW::KEY_KP_SUBTRACT then ImGuiKey_KeypadSubtract when GLFW::KEY_KP_ADD then ImGuiKey_KeypadAdd when GLFW::KEY_KP_ENTER then ImGuiKey_KeypadEnter when GLFW::KEY_KP_EQUAL then ImGuiKey_KeypadEqual when GLFW::KEY_LEFT_SHIFT then ImGuiKey_LeftShift when GLFW::KEY_LEFT_CONTROL then ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl when GLFW::KEY_LEFT_ALT then ImGuiKey_LeftAlt when GLFW::KEY_LEFT_SUPER then ImGuiKey_LeftSuper when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT then ImGuiKey_RightShift when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL then ImGuiKey_RightCtrl when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_ALT then ImGuiKey_RightAlt when GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_SUPER then ImGuiKey_RightSuper when GLFW::KEY_MENU then ImGuiKey_Menu when GLFW::KEY_0 then ImGuiKey_0 when GLFW::KEY_1 then ImGuiKey_1 when GLFW::KEY_2 then ImGuiKey_2 when GLFW::KEY_3 then ImGuiKey_3 when GLFW::KEY_4 then ImGuiKey_4 when GLFW::KEY_5 then ImGuiKey_5 when GLFW::KEY_6 then ImGuiKey_6 when GLFW::KEY_7 then ImGuiKey_7 when GLFW::KEY_8 then ImGuiKey_8 when GLFW::KEY_9 then ImGuiKey_9 when GLFW::KEY_A then ImGuiKey_A when GLFW::KEY_B then ImGuiKey_B when GLFW::KEY_C then ImGuiKey_C when GLFW::KEY_D then ImGuiKey_D when GLFW::KEY_E then ImGuiKey_E when GLFW::KEY_F then ImGuiKey_F when GLFW::KEY_G then ImGuiKey_G when GLFW::KEY_H then ImGuiKey_H when GLFW::KEY_I then ImGuiKey_I when GLFW::KEY_J then ImGuiKey_J when GLFW::KEY_K then ImGuiKey_K when GLFW::KEY_L then ImGuiKey_L when GLFW::KEY_M then ImGuiKey_M when GLFW::KEY_N then ImGuiKey_N when GLFW::KEY_O then ImGuiKey_O when GLFW::KEY_P then ImGuiKey_P when GLFW::KEY_Q then ImGuiKey_Q when GLFW::KEY_R then ImGuiKey_R when GLFW::KEY_S then ImGuiKey_S when GLFW::KEY_T then ImGuiKey_T when GLFW::KEY_U then ImGuiKey_U when GLFW::KEY_V then ImGuiKey_V when GLFW::KEY_W then ImGuiKey_W when GLFW::KEY_X then ImGuiKey_X when GLFW::KEY_Y then ImGuiKey_Y when GLFW::KEY_Z then ImGuiKey_Z when GLFW::KEY_F1 then ImGuiKey_F1 when GLFW::KEY_F2 then ImGuiKey_F2 when GLFW::KEY_F3 then ImGuiKey_F3 when GLFW::KEY_F4 then ImGuiKey_F4 when GLFW::KEY_F5 then ImGuiKey_F5 when GLFW::KEY_F6 then ImGuiKey_F6 when GLFW::KEY_F7 then ImGuiKey_F7 when GLFW::KEY_F8 then ImGuiKey_F8 when GLFW::KEY_F9 then ImGuiKey_F9 when GLFW::KEY_F10 then ImGuiKey_F10 when GLFW::KEY_F11 then ImGuiKey_F11 when GLFW::KEY_F12 then ImGuiKey_F12 else ImGuiKey_None end end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_RestoreCallbacks(window) ⇒ Object
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 334 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_RestoreCallbacks(window) bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() GLFW.SetWindowFocusCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackWindowFocus) GLFW.SetCursorEnterCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackCursorEnter) GLFW.SetCursorPosCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackCursorPos) GLFW.SetMouseButtonCallback(window, bd.) GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackScroll) GLFW.SetKeyCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackKey) GLFW.SetCharCallback(window, bd.prevUserCallbackChar) GLFW.SetMonitorCallback(bd.prevUserCallbackMonitor) bd.installedCallbacks = false bd.prevUserCallbackWindowFocus = nil bd.prevUserCallbackCursorEnter = nil bd.prevUserCallbackCursorPos = nil bd. = nil bd.prevUserCallbackScroll = nil bd.prevUserCallbackKey = nil bd.prevUserCallbackChar = nil bd.prevUserCallbackMonitor = nil end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) ⇒ Object
59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 59 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) glfwSetClipboardString(user_data, text) end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_TranslateUntranslatedKey(key, scancode) ⇒ Object
208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 208 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_TranslateUntranslatedKey(key, scancode) # GLFW 3.1+ attempts to "untranslate" keys, which goes the opposite of what every other framework does, making using lettered shortcuts difficult. # (It had reasons to do so: namely GLFW is/was more likely to be used for WASD-type game controls rather than lettered shortcuts, but IHMO the 3.1 change could have been done differently) # See for details. # Adding a workaround to undo this (so our keys are translated->untranslated->translated, likely a lossy process). # This won't cover edge cases but this is at least going to cover common cases. return key if key >= GLFW::KEY_KP_0 && key <= GLFW::KEY_KP_EQUAL key_name_ptr = GLFW.GetKeyName(key, scancode) unless key_name_ptr.null? key_name = key_name_ptr.to_s if key_name[0] != 0 && key_name[1] == 0 char_names = "`-=[]\\,;\'./".chars char_keys = [GLFW::KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT, GLFW::KEY_MINUS, GLFW::KEY_EQUAL, GLFW::KEY_LEFT_BRACKET, GLFW::KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET, GLFW::KEY_BACKSLASH, GLFW::KEY_COMMA, GLFW::KEY_SEMICOLON, GLFW::KEY_APOSTROPHE, GLFW::KEY_PERIOD, GLFW::KEY_SLASH] if key_name[0] >= '0' && key_name[0] <= '9' key = GLFW::KEY_0 + (key_name[0] - '0') elsif key_name[0] >= 'A' && key_name[0] <= 'Z' key = GLFW::KEY_A + (key_name[0] - 'A') elsif char_names.include? key_name[0] key = char_keys[char_names.index(key_name[0])] end end end return key end |
.ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateKeyModifiers(mods) ⇒ Object
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 174 def self.ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateKeyModifiers(mods) io = io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Ctrl, (mods & GLFW::MOD_CONTROL) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Shift, (mods & GLFW::MOD_SHIFT) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Alt, (mods & GLFW::MOD_ALT) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Super, (mods & GLFW::MOD_SUPER) != 0) end |
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 23 def self.ImGui_ImplRaylib_GetBackendData() if ImGui::GetCurrentContext() != nil @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] else nil end end |
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 148 def self.ImGui_ImplRaylib_KeyToImGuiKey(key) case key when Raylib::KEY_TAB then ImGuiKey_Tab when Raylib::KEY_LEFT then ImGuiKey_LeftArrow when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT then ImGuiKey_RightArrow when Raylib::KEY_UP then ImGuiKey_UpArrow when Raylib::KEY_DOWN then ImGuiKey_DownArrow when Raylib::KEY_PAGE_UP then ImGuiKey_PageUp when Raylib::KEY_PAGE_DOWN then ImGuiKey_PageDown when Raylib::KEY_HOME then ImGuiKey_Home when Raylib::KEY_END then ImGuiKey_End when Raylib::KEY_INSERT then ImGuiKey_Insert when Raylib::KEY_DELETE then ImGuiKey_Delete when Raylib::KEY_BACKSPACE then ImGuiKey_Backspace when Raylib::KEY_SPACE then ImGuiKey_Space when Raylib::KEY_ENTER then ImGuiKey_Enter when Raylib::KEY_ESCAPE then ImGuiKey_Escape when Raylib::KEY_APOSTROPHE then ImGuiKey_Apostrophe when Raylib::KEY_COMMA then ImGuiKey_Comma when Raylib::KEY_MINUS then ImGuiKey_Minus when Raylib::KEY_PERIOD then ImGuiKey_Period when Raylib::KEY_SLASH then ImGuiKey_Slash when Raylib::KEY_SEMICOLON then ImGuiKey_Semicolon when Raylib::KEY_EQUAL then ImGuiKey_Equal when Raylib::KEY_LEFT_BRACKET then ImGuiKey_LeftBracket when Raylib::KEY_BACKSLASH then ImGuiKey_Backslash when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET then ImGuiKey_RightBracket when Raylib::KEY_GRAVE then ImGuiKey_GraveAccent when Raylib::KEY_CAPS_LOCK then ImGuiKey_CapsLock when Raylib::KEY_SCROLL_LOCK then ImGuiKey_ScrollLock when Raylib::KEY_NUM_LOCK then ImGuiKey_NumLock when Raylib::KEY_PRINT_SCREEN then ImGuiKey_PrintScreen when Raylib::KEY_PAUSE then ImGuiKey_Pause when Raylib::KEY_KP_0 then ImGuiKey_Keypad0 when Raylib::KEY_KP_1 then ImGuiKey_Keypad1 when Raylib::KEY_KP_2 then ImGuiKey_Keypad2 when Raylib::KEY_KP_3 then ImGuiKey_Keypad3 when Raylib::KEY_KP_4 then ImGuiKey_Keypad4 when Raylib::KEY_KP_5 then ImGuiKey_Keypad5 when Raylib::KEY_KP_6 then ImGuiKey_Keypad6 when Raylib::KEY_KP_7 then ImGuiKey_Keypad7 when Raylib::KEY_KP_8 then ImGuiKey_Keypad8 when Raylib::KEY_KP_9 then ImGuiKey_Keypad9 when Raylib::KEY_KP_DECIMAL then ImGuiKey_KeypadDecimal when Raylib::KEY_KP_DIVIDE then ImGuiKey_KeypadDivide when Raylib::KEY_KP_MULTIPLY then ImGuiKey_KeypadMultiply when Raylib::KEY_KP_SUBTRACT then ImGuiKey_KeypadSubtract when Raylib::KEY_KP_ADD then ImGuiKey_KeypadAdd when Raylib::KEY_KP_ENTER then ImGuiKey_KeypadEnter when Raylib::KEY_KP_EQUAL then ImGuiKey_KeypadEqual when Raylib::KEY_LEFT_CONTROL then ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl when Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SHIFT then ImGuiKey_LeftShift when Raylib::KEY_LEFT_ALT then ImGuiKey_LeftAlt when Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SUPER then ImGuiKey_LeftSuper when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL then ImGuiKey_RightCtrl when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT then ImGuiKey_RightShift when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_ALT then ImGuiKey_RightAlt when Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SUPER then ImGuiKey_RightSuper when Raylib::KEY_MENU then ImGuiKey_Menu when Raylib::KEY_ZERO then ImGuiKey_0 when Raylib::KEY_ONE then ImGuiKey_1 when Raylib::KEY_TWO then ImGuiKey_2 when Raylib::KEY_THREE then ImGuiKey_3 when Raylib::KEY_FOUR then ImGuiKey_4 when Raylib::KEY_FIVE then ImGuiKey_5 when Raylib::KEY_SIX then ImGuiKey_6 when Raylib::KEY_SEVEN then ImGuiKey_7 when Raylib::KEY_EIGHT then ImGuiKey_8 when Raylib::KEY_NINE then ImGuiKey_9 when Raylib::KEY_A then ImGuiKey_A when Raylib::KEY_B then ImGuiKey_B when Raylib::KEY_C then ImGuiKey_C when Raylib::KEY_D then ImGuiKey_D when Raylib::KEY_E then ImGuiKey_E when Raylib::KEY_F then ImGuiKey_F when Raylib::KEY_G then ImGuiKey_G when Raylib::KEY_H then ImGuiKey_H when Raylib::KEY_I then ImGuiKey_I when Raylib::KEY_J then ImGuiKey_J when Raylib::KEY_K then ImGuiKey_K when Raylib::KEY_L then ImGuiKey_L when Raylib::KEY_M then ImGuiKey_M when Raylib::KEY_N then ImGuiKey_N when Raylib::KEY_O then ImGuiKey_O when Raylib::KEY_P then ImGuiKey_P when Raylib::KEY_Q then ImGuiKey_Q when Raylib::KEY_R then ImGuiKey_R when Raylib::KEY_S then ImGuiKey_S when Raylib::KEY_T then ImGuiKey_T when Raylib::KEY_U then ImGuiKey_U when Raylib::KEY_V then ImGuiKey_V when Raylib::KEY_W then ImGuiKey_W when Raylib::KEY_X then ImGuiKey_X when Raylib::KEY_Y then ImGuiKey_Y when Raylib::KEY_Z then ImGuiKey_Z when Raylib::KEY_F1 then ImGuiKey_F1 when Raylib::KEY_F2 then ImGuiKey_F2 when Raylib::KEY_F3 then ImGuiKey_F3 when Raylib::KEY_F4 then ImGuiKey_F4 when Raylib::KEY_F5 then ImGuiKey_F5 when Raylib::KEY_F6 then ImGuiKey_F6 when Raylib::KEY_F7 then ImGuiKey_F7 when Raylib::KEY_F8 then ImGuiKey_F8 when Raylib::KEY_F9 then ImGuiKey_F9 when Raylib::KEY_F10 then ImGuiKey_F10 when Raylib::KEY_F11 then ImGuiKey_F11 when Raylib::KEY_F12 then ImGuiKey_F12 else ImGuiKey_None end end |
.ImGui_ImplRaylib_UpdateKeyModifiers ⇒ Object
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 260 def self.ImGui_ImplRaylib_UpdateKeyModifiers() io = io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Ctrl, Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Shift, Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Alt, Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_ALT) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_LEFT_ALT)) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Super, Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_RIGHT_SUPER) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(Raylib::KEY_LEFT_SUPER)) end |
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts. FIXME: multi-context support is not well tested and probably dysfunctional in this backend. FIXME: some shared resources (mouse cursor shape, gamepad) are mishandled when using multi-context.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 32 def self.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() if ImGui::GetCurrentContext() != nil @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] else nil end end |
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetClipboardText(user_data) ⇒ Object
46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 46 def self.ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetClipboardText(user_data) bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() if bd.clipboardTextData bd.clipboardTextData = SDL.GetClipboardText() return bd.clipboardTextData end |
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_KeyToImGuiKey(key) ⇒ Object
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 59 def self.ImGui_ImplSDL2_KeyToImGuiKey(key) case key when SDL::SDLK_TAB then ImGuiKey_Tab when SDL::SDLK_LEFT then ImGuiKey_LeftArrow when SDL::SDLK_RIGHT then ImGuiKey_RightArrow when SDL::SDLK_UP then ImGuiKey_UpArrow when SDL::SDLK_DOWN then ImGuiKey_DownArrow when SDL::SDLK_PAGEUP then ImGuiKey_PageUp when SDL::SDLK_PAGEDOWN then ImGuiKey_PageDown when SDL::SDLK_HOME then ImGuiKey_Home when SDL::SDLK_END then ImGuiKey_End when SDL::SDLK_INSERT then ImGuiKey_Insert when SDL::SDLK_DELETE then ImGuiKey_Delete when SDL::SDLK_BACKSPACE then ImGuiKey_Backspace when SDL::SDLK_SPACE then ImGuiKey_Space when SDL::SDLK_RETURN then ImGuiKey_Enter when SDL::SDLK_ESCAPE then ImGuiKey_Escape when SDL::SDLK_QUOTE then ImGuiKey_Apostrophe when SDL::SDLK_COMMA then ImGuiKey_Comma when SDL::SDLK_MINUS then ImGuiKey_Minus when SDL::SDLK_PERIOD then ImGuiKey_Period when SDL::SDLK_SLASH then ImGuiKey_Slash when SDL::SDLK_SEMICOLON then ImGuiKey_Semicolon when SDL::SDLK_EQUALS then ImGuiKey_Equal when SDL::SDLK_LEFTBRACKET then ImGuiKey_LeftBracket when SDL::SDLK_BACKSLASH then ImGuiKey_Backslash when SDL::SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET then ImGuiKey_RightBracket when SDL::SDLK_BACKQUOTE then ImGuiKey_GraveAccent when SDL::SDLK_CAPSLOCK then ImGuiKey_CapsLock when SDL::SDLK_SCROLLLOCK then ImGuiKey_ScrollLock when SDL::SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR then ImGuiKey_NumLock when SDL::SDLK_PRINTSCREEN then ImGuiKey_PrintScreen when SDL::SDLK_PAUSE then ImGuiKey_Pause when SDL::SDLK_KP_0 then ImGuiKey_Keypad0 when SDL::SDLK_KP_1 then ImGuiKey_Keypad1 when SDL::SDLK_KP_2 then ImGuiKey_Keypad2 when SDL::SDLK_KP_3 then ImGuiKey_Keypad3 when SDL::SDLK_KP_4 then ImGuiKey_Keypad4 when SDL::SDLK_KP_5 then ImGuiKey_Keypad5 when SDL::SDLK_KP_6 then ImGuiKey_Keypad6 when SDL::SDLK_KP_7 then ImGuiKey_Keypad7 when SDL::SDLK_KP_8 then ImGuiKey_Keypad8 when SDL::SDLK_KP_9 then ImGuiKey_Keypad9 when SDL::SDLK_KP_PERIOD then ImGuiKey_KeypadDecimal when SDL::SDLK_KP_DIVIDE then ImGuiKey_KeypadDivide when SDL::SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY then ImGuiKey_KeypadMultiply when SDL::SDLK_KP_MINUS then ImGuiKey_KeypadSubtract when SDL::SDLK_KP_PLUS then ImGuiKey_KeypadAdd when SDL::SDLK_KP_ENTER then ImGuiKey_KeypadEnter when SDL::SDLK_KP_EQUALS then ImGuiKey_KeypadEqual when SDL::SDLK_LCTRL then ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl when SDL::SDLK_LSHIFT then ImGuiKey_LeftShift when SDL::SDLK_LALT then ImGuiKey_LeftAlt when SDL::SDLK_LGUI then ImGuiKey_LeftSuper when SDL::SDLK_RCTRL then ImGuiKey_RightCtrl when SDL::SDLK_RSHIFT then ImGuiKey_RightShift when SDL::SDLK_RALT then ImGuiKey_RightAlt when SDL::SDLK_RGUI then ImGuiKey_RightSuper when SDL::SDLK_APPLICATION then ImGuiKey_Menu when SDL::SDLK_0 then ImGuiKey_0 when SDL::SDLK_1 then ImGuiKey_1 when SDL::SDLK_2 then ImGuiKey_2 when SDL::SDLK_3 then ImGuiKey_3 when SDL::SDLK_4 then ImGuiKey_4 when SDL::SDLK_5 then ImGuiKey_5 when SDL::SDLK_6 then ImGuiKey_6 when SDL::SDLK_7 then ImGuiKey_7 when SDL::SDLK_8 then ImGuiKey_8 when SDL::SDLK_9 then ImGuiKey_9 when SDL::SDLK_a then ImGuiKey_A when SDL::SDLK_b then ImGuiKey_B when SDL::SDLK_c then ImGuiKey_C when SDL::SDLK_d then ImGuiKey_D when SDL::SDLK_e then ImGuiKey_E when SDL::SDLK_f then ImGuiKey_F when SDL::SDLK_g then ImGuiKey_G when SDL::SDLK_h then ImGuiKey_H when SDL::SDLK_i then ImGuiKey_I when SDL::SDLK_j then ImGuiKey_J when SDL::SDLK_k then ImGuiKey_K when SDL::SDLK_l then ImGuiKey_L when SDL::SDLK_m then ImGuiKey_M when SDL::SDLK_n then ImGuiKey_N when SDL::SDLK_o then ImGuiKey_O when SDL::SDLK_p then ImGuiKey_P when SDL::SDLK_q then ImGuiKey_Q when SDL::SDLK_r then ImGuiKey_R when SDL::SDLK_s then ImGuiKey_S when SDL::SDLK_t then ImGuiKey_T when SDL::SDLK_u then ImGuiKey_U when SDL::SDLK_v then ImGuiKey_V when SDL::SDLK_w then ImGuiKey_W when SDL::SDLK_x then ImGuiKey_X when SDL::SDLK_y then ImGuiKey_Y when SDL::SDLK_z then ImGuiKey_Z when SDL::SDLK_F1 then ImGuiKey_F1 when SDL::SDLK_F2 then ImGuiKey_F2 when SDL::SDLK_F3 then ImGuiKey_F3 when SDL::SDLK_F4 then ImGuiKey_F4 when SDL::SDLK_F5 then ImGuiKey_F5 when SDL::SDLK_F6 then ImGuiKey_F6 when SDL::SDLK_F7 then ImGuiKey_F7 when SDL::SDLK_F8 then ImGuiKey_F8 when SDL::SDLK_F9 then ImGuiKey_F9 when SDL::SDLK_F10 then ImGuiKey_F10 when SDL::SDLK_F11 then ImGuiKey_F11 when SDL::SDLK_F12 then ImGuiKey_F12 else ImGuiKey_None end end |
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) ⇒ Object
54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 54 def self.ImGui_ImplSDL2_SetClipboardText(user_data, text) SDL.SetClipboardText(text) end |
.ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateKeyModifiers(sdl_key_mods) ⇒ Object
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 171 def self.ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateKeyModifiers(sdl_key_mods) io = io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Ctrl, (sdl_key_mods & SDL::KMOD_CTRL) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Shift, (sdl_key_mods & SDL::KMOD_SHIFT) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Alt, (sdl_key_mods & SDL::KMOD_ALT) != 0) io.AddKeyEvent(ImGuiMod_Super, (sdl_key_mods & SDL::KMOD_GUI) != 0) end |
.ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData ⇒ Object
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 14 def self.ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() if ImGui::GetCurrentContext() != nil io = instance =[:BackendRendererUserData]) return instance else return nil end end |
.ImplGlfw_Init(window, install_callbacks, client_api) ⇒ Object
452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 452 def self.ImplGlfw_Init(window, install_callbacks, client_api) # Setup backend capabilities flags bd = @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] = bd io = io[:BackendPlatformName] = @@g_BackendPlatformName io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors # We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional) io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos # We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used) bd.window = window bd.time = 0.0 # [TODO] Support ClipboardText & IME on Windows # io.SetClipboardTextFn = ImGui_ImplGlfw_SetClipboardText; # io.GetClipboardTextFn = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetClipboardText; # io.ClipboardUserData = g_Window; # #if defined(_WIN32) # io.ImeWindowHandle = (void*)glfwGetWin32Window(g_Window); # #endif # GLFWerrorfun prev_error_callback = glfwSetErrorCallback(NULL); # Create mouse cursors # (By design, on X11 cursors are user configurable and some cursors may be missing. When a cursor doesn't exist, # GLFW will emit an error which will often be printed by the app, so we temporarily disable error reporting. # Missing cursors will return NULL and our _UpdateMouseCursor() function will use the Arrow cursor instead.) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::ARROW_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::IBEAM_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::VRESIZE_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::HRESIZE_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::HAND_CURSOR) # GLFW_HAS_NEW_CURSORS == false bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::ARROW_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::ARROW_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::ARROW_CURSOR) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed] = GLFW.CreateStandardCursor(GLFW::ARROW_CURSOR) # glfwSetErrorCallback(prev_error_callback) # Chain GLFW callbacks: our callbacks will call the user's previously installed callbacks, if any. ImGui_ImplGlfw_InstallCallbacks(window) if install_callbacks # @@g_PrevUserCallbackMousebutton = nil # @@g_PrevUserCallbackScroll = nil # @@g_PrevUserCallbackKey = nil # @@g_PrevUserCallbackChar = nil # if install_callbacks # @@g_PrevUserCallbackCursorEnter = GLFW.SetCursorEnterCallback(window, @@ImGui_ImplGlfw_CursorEnterCallback) # @@g_PrevUserCallbackMousebutton = GLFW.SetMouseButtonCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_MouseButtonCallback) # @@g_PrevUserCallbackScroll = GLFW.SetScrollCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_ScrollCallback) # @@g_PrevUserCallbackKey = GLFW.SetKeyCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_KeyCallback) # @@g_PrevUserCallbackChar = GLFW.SetCharCallback(window, @@ImplGlfw_CharCallback) # end return true end |
.ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(window, install_callbacks) ⇒ Object
356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 356 def self.ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(window, install_callbacks) return ImplGlfw_Init(window, install_callbacks, :GlfwClientApi_OpenGL) end |
.ImplGlfw_NewFrame ⇒ Object
412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 412 def self.ImplGlfw_NewFrame() bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() io = # unless io[:Fonts].IsBuilt() # puts "Font atlas not built! It is generally built by the renderer back-end. Missing call to renderer _NewFrame() function? e.g. ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame()." # end # Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing) w = ' ' * 4 h = ' ' * 4 display_w = ' ' * 4 display_h = ' ' * 4 GLFW.GetWindowSize(bd.window, w, h) GLFW.GetFramebufferSize(bd.window, display_w, display_h) w = w.unpack1('L') h = h.unpack1('L') io[:DisplaySize][:x] = w io[:DisplaySize][:y] = h if w > 0 && h > 0 io[:DisplayFramebufferScale][:x] = display_w.unpack1('L') / w io[:DisplayFramebufferScale][:y] = display_h.unpack1('L') / h end # Setup time step current_time = GLFW.GetTime() io[:DeltaTime] = bd.time > 0.0 ? (current_time - bd.time).to_f : (1.0/60.0) bd.time = current_time ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseData() ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor() # TODO update gamepads # Update game controllers (if enabled and available) # ImGui_ImplGlfw_UpdateGamepads(); end |
.ImplGlfw_Shutdown ⇒ Object
360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 360 def self.ImplGlfw_Shutdown() bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() io = ImGui_ImplGlfw_RestoreCallbacks(bd.window) if bd.installedCallbacks ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT.times do |cursor_n| GLFW.DestroyCursor(bd.mouseCursors[cursor_n]) bd.mouseCursors[cursor_n] = nil end io[:BackendPlatformName] = nil io[:BackendPlatformUserData] = nil @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext()] = nil end |
.ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 395 def self.ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseCursor() io = bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() return if ((io[:ConfigFlags] & ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange) || GLFW.GetInputMode(bd.window, GLFW::CURSOR) == GLFW::CURSOR_DISABLED) imgui_cursor = ImGui::GetMouseCursor() if imgui_cursor == ImGuiMouseCursor_None || io[:MouseDrawCursor] # Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor GLFW.SetInputMode(bd.window, GLFW::CURSOR, GLFW::CURSOR_HIDDEN) else # Show OS mouse cursor # FIXME-PLATFORM: Unfocused windows seems to fail changing the mouse cursor with GLFW 3.2, but 3.3 works here. GLFW.SetCursor(bd.window, bd.mouseCursors[imgui_cursor] ? bd.mouseCursors[imgui_cursor] : bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow]) GLFW.SetInputMode(bd.window, GLFW::CURSOR, GLFW::CURSOR_NORMAL) end end |
.ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_glfw.rb', line 376 def self.ImplGlfw_UpdateMouseData() bd = ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetBackendData() io = is_app_focused = GLFW.GetWindowAttrib(bd.window, GLFW::FOCUSED) != 0 if is_app_focused # (Optional) Set OS mouse position from Dear ImGui if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user) if io[:WantSetMousePos] GLFW.SetCursorPos(bd.window, io[:MousePos][:x].to_f, io[:MousePos][:y].to_f) elsif bd.mouseWindow != nil mouse_x = ' ' * 8 mouse_y = ' ' * 8 GLFW.GetCursorPos(bd.window, mouse_x, mouse_y) io[:MousePos][:x] = mouse_x.unpack1('d') io[:MousePos][:y] = mouse_y.unpack1('d') end end end |
.ImplOpenGL2_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 204 def self.ImplOpenGL2_CreateDeviceObjects() return ImplOpenGL2_CreateFontsTexture() end |
.ImplOpenGL2_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 165 def self.ImplOpenGL2_CreateFontsTexture() # Build texture atlas io = pixels = :pointer width = :int height = :int io[:Fonts].GetTexDataAsRGBA32(pixels, width, height, nil) # Load as RGBA 32-bits (75% of the memory is wasted, but default font is so small) because it is more likely to be compatible with user's existing shaders. If your ImTextureId represent a higher-level concept than just a GL texture id, consider calling GetTexDataAsAlpha8() instead to save on GPU memory. # Upload texture to graphics system last_texture = ' ' * 4 @@g_FontTexture = ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, last_texture) GL.GenTextures(1, @@g_FontTexture) GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, @@g_FontTexture.unpack1('L')) GL.TexParameteri(GL::TEXTURE_2D, GL::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL::LINEAR) GL.TexParameteri(GL::TEXTURE_2D, GL::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL::LINEAR) GL.PixelStorei(GL::UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0) # Ruby/FFI <-> Fiddle pointer exchange pixels_ptr = GL.TexImage2D(GL::TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL::RGBA, width.read_uint, height.read_uint, 0, GL::RGBA, GL::UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels_ptr) # Store our identifier io[:Fonts][:TexID] = @@g_FontTexture.unpack1('L') # Restore state GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, last_texture.unpack1('L')) return true end |
.ImplOpenGL2_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
208 209 210 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 208 def self.ImplOpenGL2_DestroyDeviceObjects() ImplOpenGL2_DestroyFontsTexture() end |
.ImplOpenGL2_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 195 def self.ImplOpenGL2_DestroyFontsTexture() if @@g_FontTexture != 0 GL.DeleteTextures(1, @@g_FontTexture) io = io[:Fonts][:TexID] = 0 @@g_FontTexture = 0 end end |
.ImplOpenGL2_Init ⇒ Object
11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 11 def self.ImplOpenGL2_Init() io = io[:BackendRendererName] = @@g_BackendRendererName return true end |
.ImplOpenGL2_NewFrame ⇒ Object
22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 22 def self.ImplOpenGL2_NewFrame() ImplOpenGL2_CreateDeviceObjects() if @@g_FontTexture == nil end |
.ImplOpenGL2_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 26 def self.ImplOpenGL2_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) # Avoid rendering when minimized, scale coordinates for retina displays (screen coordinates != framebuffer coordinates) draw_data = fb_width = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:x] * draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:x]).to_i fb_height = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:y] * draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:y]).to_i return if fb_width == 0 || fb_height == 0 # Backup GL state last_texture = ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, last_texture) last_polygon_mode = ' ' * 8 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::POLYGON_MODE, last_polygon_mode) = ' ' * 16 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::VIEWPORT, ) last_scissor_box = ' ' * 16 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::SCISSOR_BOX, last_scissor_box) GL.PushAttrib(GL::ENABLE_BIT | GL::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL::TRANSFORM_BIT) last_shade_model = ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::SHADE_MODEL, last_shade_model) last_tex_env_mode = ' ' * 4 GL.GetTexEnviv(GL::TEXTURE_ENV, GL::TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, last_tex_env_mode) # Setup desired GL state ImplOpenGL2_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height) # Will project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space clip_off = draw_data[:DisplayPos] # (0,0) unless using multi-viewports clip_scale = draw_data[:FramebufferScale] # (1,1) unless using retina display which are often (2,2) # Render command lists draw_data[:CmdListsCount].times do |n| cmd_list =[:CmdLists][:Data] + 8 * n).read_pointer) # 8 == const ImDrawList* vtx_buffer =[:VtxBuffer][:Data]) # const ImDrawVert* idx_buffer = cmd_list[:IdxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawIdx* GL.VertexPointer(2, GL::FLOAT, ImDrawVert.size,[:VtxBuffer][:Data] + vtx_buffer.offset_of(:pos))) ) GL.TexCoordPointer(2, GL::FLOAT, ImDrawVert.size,[:VtxBuffer][:Data] + vtx_buffer.offset_of(:uv))) ) GL.ColorPointer(4, GL::UNSIGNED_BYTE, ImDrawVert.size,[:VtxBuffer][:Data] + vtx_buffer.offset_of(:col))) ) cmd_list[:CmdBuffer][:Size].times do |cmd_i| pcmd =[:CmdBuffer][:Data] + ImDrawCmd.size * cmd_i) # const ImDrawCmd* if pcmd[:UserCallback] != nil # [TODO] Handle user callback (Ref.: ) # User callback, registered via ImDrawList::AddCallback() # (ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState is a special callback value used by the user to request the renderer to reset render state.) # if pcmd[:UserCallback] == :ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState ImGui_ImplOpenGL2_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height) # else # pcmd[:UserCallback](cmd_list, pcmd) # end else # Project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space clip_rect = clip_rect[:x] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:x] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x] clip_rect[:y] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:y] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y] clip_rect[:z] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:z] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x] clip_rect[:w] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:w] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y] if (clip_rect[:x] < fb_width && clip_rect[:y] < fb_height && clip_rect[:z] >= 0.0 && clip_rect[:w] >= 0.0) # Apply scissor/clipping rectangle GL.Scissor(clip_rect[:x].to_i, (fb_height - clip_rect[:w]).to_i, (clip_rect[:z] - clip_rect[:x]).to_i, (clip_rect[:w] - clip_rect[:y]).to_i) # Bind texture, Draw GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, pcmd.GetTexID()) GL.DrawElements(GL::TRIANGLES, pcmd[:ElemCount], GL::UNSIGNED_SHORT, end end idx_buffer += pcmd[:ElemCount] * 2 # 2 == ImDrawIdx(:ushort).size end end # Restore modified GL state GL.DisableClientState(GL::COLOR_ARRAY) GL.DisableClientState(GL::TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) GL.DisableClientState(GL::VERTEX_ARRAY) GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, last_texture.unpack1('L')) GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW) GL.PopMatrix() GL.MatrixMode(GL::PROJECTION) GL.PopMatrix() GL.PopAttrib() last_polygon_mode = last_polygon_mode.unpack('L2') GL.PolygonMode(GL::FRONT, last_polygon_mode[0]) GL.PolygonMode(GL::BACK, last_polygon_mode[1]) = .unpack('L4') GL.Viewport([0], [1], [2], [3]) last_scissor_box = last_scissor_box.unpack('L4') GL.Scissor(last_scissor_box[0], last_scissor_box[1], last_scissor_box[2], last_scissor_box[3]) GL.ShadeModel(last_shade_model.unpack1('L')) GL.TexEnvi(GL::TEXTURE_ENV, GL::TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, last_tex_env_mode.unpack1('L')) end |
.ImplOpenGL2_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height) ⇒ Object
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 122 def self.ImplOpenGL2_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height) # Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled, vertex/texcoord/color pointers, polygon fill. GL.Enable(GL::BLEND) GL.BlendFunc(GL::SRC_ALPHA, GL::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # GL.BlendFuncSeparate(GL::SRC_ALPHA, GL::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL::ONE, GL::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # In order to composite our output buffer we need to preserve alpha GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE) GL.Disable(GL::STENCIL_TEST) GL.Disable(GL::DEPTH_TEST) GL.Disable(GL::LIGHTING) GL.Disable(GL::COLOR_MATERIAL) GL.Enable(GL::SCISSOR_TEST) GL.EnableClientState(GL::VERTEX_ARRAY) GL.EnableClientState(GL::TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) GL.EnableClientState(GL::COLOR_ARRAY) GL.DisableClientState(GL::NORMAL_ARRAY) GL.Enable(GL::TEXTURE_2D) GL.PolygonMode(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::FILL) GL.ShadeModel(GL::SMOOTH) GL.TexEnvi(GL::TEXTURE_ENV, GL::TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL::MODULATE) # If you are using this code with non-legacy OpenGL header/contexts (which you should not, prefer using imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp!!), # you may need to backup/reset/restore other state, e.g. for current shader using the commented lines below. # (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! Add the code in your calling function) # GLint last_program; # glGetIntegerv(GL::CURRENT_PROGRAM, &last_program); # glUseProgram(0); # ImGui_ImplOpenGL2_RenderDrawData(...); # glUseProgram(last_program) # There are potentially many more states you could need to clear/setup that we can't access from default headers. # e.g. glBindBuffer(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0), glDisable(GL::TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP). # Setup viewport, orthographic projection matrix # Our visible imgui space lies from draw_data->DisplayPos (top left) to draw_data->DisplayPos+data_data->DisplaySize (bottom right). DisplayPos is (0,0) for single viewport apps. GL.Viewport(0, 0, fb_width, fb_height) GL.MatrixMode(GL::PROJECTION) GL.PushMatrix() GL.LoadIdentity() GL.Ortho(draw_data[:DisplayPos][:x], draw_data[:DisplayPos][:x] + draw_data[:DisplaySize][:x], draw_data[:DisplayPos][:y] + draw_data[:DisplaySize][:y], draw_data[:DisplayPos][:y], -1.0, +1.0) GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW) GL.PushMatrix() GL.LoadIdentity() end |
.ImplOpenGL2_Shutdown ⇒ Object
18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl2.rb', line 18 def self.ImplOpenGL2_Shutdown() ImplOpenGL2_DestroyDeviceObjects() end |
.ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 309 def self.ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects() # Backup GL state last_texture, last_array_buffer = ' ' * 4, ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, last_texture) GL.GetIntegerv(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, last_array_buffer) last_texture = last_texture.unpack1('L') last_array_buffer = last_array_buffer.unpack1('L') last_vertex_array = ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, last_vertex_array) last_vertex_array = last_vertex_array.unpack1('L') glsl_version = @@g_GlslVersionString.split[1].to_i # == scanf(@@g_GlslVersionString, "#version %d") vertex_shader_glsl_120 = <<-'SRC' uniform mat4 ProjMtx; attribute vec2 Position; attribute vec2 UV; attribute vec4 Color; varying vec2 Frag_UV; varying vec4 Frag_Color; void main() { Frag_UV = UV; Frag_Color = Color; gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1); } SRC vertex_shader_glsl_130 = <<-'SRC' uniform mat4 ProjMtx; in vec2 Position; in vec2 UV; in vec4 Color; out vec2 Frag_UV; out vec4 Frag_Color; void main() { Frag_UV = UV; Frag_Color = Color; gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1); } SRC vertex_shader_glsl_300_es = <<-'SRC' precision mediump float; layout (location = 0) in vec2 Position; layout (location = 1) in vec2 UV; layout (location = 2) in vec4 Color; uniform mat4 ProjMtx; out vec2 Frag_UV; out vec4 Frag_Color; void main() { Frag_UV = UV; Frag_Color = Color; gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1); } SRC vertex_shader_glsl_410_core = <<-'SRC' layout (location = 0) in vec2 Position; layout (location = 1) in vec2 UV; layout (location = 2) in vec4 Color; uniform mat4 ProjMtx; out vec2 Frag_UV; out vec4 Frag_Color; void main() { Frag_UV = UV; Frag_Color = Color; gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1); } SRC fragment_shader_glsl_120 = <<-'SRC' #ifdef GL::ES precision mediump float; #endif uniform sampler2D Texture; varying vec2 Frag_UV; varying vec4 Frag_Color; void main() { gl_FragColor = Frag_Color * texture2D(Texture,; } SRC fragment_shader_glsl_130 = <<-'SRC' uniform sampler2D Texture; in vec2 Frag_UV; in vec4 Frag_Color; out vec4 Out_Color; void main() { Out_Color = Frag_Color * texture(Texture,; } SRC fragment_shader_glsl_300_es = <<-'SRC' precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D Texture; in vec2 Frag_UV; in vec4 Frag_Color; layout (location = 0) out vec4 Out_Color; void main() { Out_Color = Frag_Color * texture(Texture,; } SRC fragment_shader_glsl_410_core = <<-'SRC' in vec2 Frag_UV; in vec4 Frag_Color; uniform sampler2D Texture; layout (location = 0) out vec4 Out_Color; void main() { Out_Color = Frag_Color * texture(Texture,; } SRC vertex_shader, fragment_shader = if glsl_version < 130 [vertex_shader_glsl_120, fragment_shader_glsl_120] elsif glsl_version >= 410 [vertex_shader_glsl_410_core, fragment_shader_glsl_410_core] elsif glsl_version == 300 [vertex_shader_glsl_300_es, fragment_shader_glsl_300_es] else [vertex_shader_glsl_130, fragment_shader_glsl_130] end vertex_shader.prepend(@@g_GlslVersionString + "\n") vert_handle = GL.CreateShader(GL::VERTEX_SHADER) GL.ShaderSource(vert_handle, 1, [vertex_shader].pack('p'), nil) GL.CompileShader(vert_handle) PrintShaderCompileStatus(vert_handle) fragment_shader.prepend(@@g_GlslVersionString + "\n") frag_handle = GL.CreateShader(GL::FRAGMENT_SHADER) GL.ShaderSource(frag_handle, 1, [fragment_shader].pack('p'), [fragment_shader.size].pack('I')) GL.CompileShader(frag_handle) PrintShaderCompileStatus(frag_handle) @@g_ShaderHandle = GL.CreateProgram() GL.AttachShader(@@g_ShaderHandle, vert_handle) GL.AttachShader(@@g_ShaderHandle, frag_handle) GL.LinkProgram(@@g_ShaderHandle) PrintProgramLinkStatus(@@g_ShaderHandle) GL.DetachShader(@@g_ShaderHandle, vert_handle) GL.DetachShader(@@g_ShaderHandle, frag_handle) GL.DeleteShader(vert_handle) GL.DeleteShader(frag_handle) @@g_AttribLocationTex = GL.GetUniformLocation(@@g_ShaderHandle, "Texture") @@g_AttribLocationProjMtx = GL.GetUniformLocation(@@g_ShaderHandle, "ProjMtx") @@g_AttribLocationVtxPos = GL.GetAttribLocation(@@g_ShaderHandle, "Position") @@g_AttribLocationVtxUV = GL.GetAttribLocation(@@g_ShaderHandle, "UV") @@g_AttribLocationVtxColor = GL.GetAttribLocation(@@g_ShaderHandle, "Color") # Create buffers posBuf = ' ' * 4 GL.GenBuffers(1, posBuf) GL.BindBuffer(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, posBuf.unpack('L')[0]) @@g_VboHandle, @@g_ElementsHandle = ' ' * 4, ' ' * 4 GL.GenBuffers(1, @@g_VboHandle) GL.GenBuffers(1, @@g_ElementsHandle) @@g_VboHandle = @@g_VboHandle.unpack1('L') @@g_ElementsHandle = @@g_ElementsHandle.unpack1('L') ImplOpenGL3_CreateFontsTexture() # Restore modified GL state GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, last_texture) GL.BindBuffer(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, last_array_buffer) GL.BindVertexArray(last_vertex_array) return true end |
.ImplOpenGL3_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 267 def self.ImplOpenGL3_CreateFontsTexture() # Build texture atlas io = pixels = :pointer width = :int height = :int io[:Fonts].GetTexDataAsRGBA32(pixels, width, height, nil) # Load as RGBA 32-bits (75% of the memory is wasted, but default font is so small) because it is more likely to be compatible with user's existing shaders. If your ImTextureId represent a higher-level concept than just a GL texture id, consider calling GetTexDataAsAlpha8() instead to save on GPU memory. # Upload texture to graphics system last_texture = ' ' * 4 @@g_FontTexture = ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, last_texture) GL.GenTextures(1, @@g_FontTexture) GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, @@g_FontTexture.unpack1('L')) GL.TexParameteri(GL::TEXTURE_2D, GL::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL::LINEAR) GL.TexParameteri(GL::TEXTURE_2D, GL::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL::LINEAR) GL.PixelStorei(GL::UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0) # Ruby/FFI <-> Fiddle pointer exchange # p pixels # p pixels.read_pointer # p pixels.read_pointer.address.to_s(16) pixels_ptr = GL.TexImage2D(GL::TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL::RGBA, width.read_uint, height.read_uint, 0, GL::RGBA, GL::UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels_ptr) # Store our identifier io[:Fonts][:TexID] = @@g_FontTexture.unpack1('L') # Restore state GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, last_texture.unpack1('L')) return true end |
.ImplOpenGL3_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 492 def self.ImplOpenGL3_DestroyDeviceObjects() if @@g_VboHandle != 0 GL.DeleteBuffers(1, [@@g_VboHandle].pack('L')) @@g_VboHandle = 0 end if @@g_ElementsHandle != 0 GL.DeleteBuffers(1, [@@g_ElementsHandle].pack('L')) @@g_ElementsHandle = 0 end if @@g_ShaderHandle != 0 GL.DeleteProgram(@@g_ShaderHandle) @@g_ShaderHandle = 0 end ImplOpenGL3_DestroyFontsTexture() end |
.ImplOpenGL3_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 300 def self.ImplOpenGL3_DestroyFontsTexture() if @@g_FontTexture != 0 GL.DeleteTextures(1, @@g_FontTexture) io = io[:Fonts][:TexID] = 0 @@g_FontTexture = 0 end end |
.ImplOpenGL3_Init(glsl_version = nil) ⇒ Object
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 62 def self.ImplOpenGL3_Init(glsl_version = nil) major, minor = ' ' * 4, ' ' * 4 GL.GetIntegerv(GL::MAJOR_VERSION, major) GL.GetIntegerv(GL::MINOR_VERSION, minor) major = major.unpack1('L') minor = minor.unpack1('L') @@g_GlVersion = major * 1000 + minor io = io[:BackendRendererName] = @@g_BackendRendererName io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset if @@g_GlVersion >= 3200 # Ref.: Fix imgui_impl_opengl3 on MacOS # if GL.get_platform() == :OPENGL_PLATFORM_MACOSX glsl_version = "#version 150" if glsl_version == nil else glsl_version = "#version 130" if glsl_version == nil end @@g_GlslVersionString = glsl_version.dup return true end |
.ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame ⇒ Object
91 92 93 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 91 def self.ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame() ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects() if @@g_ShaderHandle == 0 end |
.ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 95 def self.ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) # Avoid rendering when minimized, scale coordinates for retina displays (screen coordinates != framebuffer coordinates) draw_data = fb_width = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:x] * draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:x]).to_i fb_height = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:y] * draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:y]).to_i return if fb_width == 0 || fb_height == 0 # Backup GL state last_active_texture = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::ACTIVE_TEXTURE, last_active_texture) last_program = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::CURRENT_PROGRAM, last_program) last_texture = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, last_texture) last_sampler = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::SAMPLER_BINDING, last_sampler) last_array_buffer = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, last_array_buffer) last_vertex_array_object = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, last_vertex_array_object) last_polygon_mode = ' ' * 8; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::POLYGON_MODE, last_polygon_mode) = ' ' * 16; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::VIEWPORT, ) last_scissor_box = ' ' * 16; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::SCISSOR_BOX, last_scissor_box) last_blend_src_rgb = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_SRC_RGB, last_blend_src_rgb) last_blend_dst_rgb = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_DST_RGB, last_blend_dst_rgb) last_blend_src_alpha = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, last_blend_src_alpha) last_blend_dst_alpha = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_DST_ALPHA, last_blend_dst_alpha) last_blend_equation_rgb = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_EQUATION_RGB, last_blend_equation_rgb) last_blend_equation_alpha = ' ' * 4; GL.GetIntegerv(GL::BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA, last_blend_equation_alpha) last_enable_blend = GL.IsEnabled(GL::BLEND) last_enable_cull_face = GL.IsEnabled(GL::CULL_FACE) last_enable_depth_test = GL.IsEnabled(GL::DEPTH_TEST) last_enable_stencil_test = GL.IsEnabled(GL::STENCIL_TEST) last_enable_scissor_test = GL.IsEnabled(GL::SCISSOR_TEST) # Setup desired GL state vertex_array_object = ' ' * 4 GL.GenVertexArrays(1, vertex_array_object) vertex_array_object = vertex_array_object.unpack1('L') ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height, vertex_array_object) # Will project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space clip_off = draw_data[:DisplayPos] # (0,0) unless using multi-viewports clip_scale = draw_data[:FramebufferScale] # (1,1) unless using retina display which are often (2,2) # Render command lists draw_data[:CmdListsCount].times do |n| cmd_list =[:CmdLists][:Data] + 8 * n).read_pointer) # 8 == const ImDrawList* # vtx_buffer =[:VtxBuffer][:Data]) # const ImDrawVert* # idx_buffer = cmd_list[:IdxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawIdx* # Upload vertex/index buffers GL.BufferData(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, cmd_list[:VtxBuffer][:Size] * ImDrawVert.size,[:VtxBuffer][:Data]), GL::STREAM_DRAW) # 2 == ImDrawIdx(:ushort).size GL.BufferData(GL::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, cmd_list[:IdxBuffer][:Size] * 2,[:IdxBuffer][:Data]), GL::STREAM_DRAW) # [TODO] Refer ImGui::ImDrawIdx cmd_list[:CmdBuffer][:Size].times do |cmd_i| pcmd =[:CmdBuffer][:Data] + ImDrawCmd.size * cmd_i) # const ImDrawCmd* if pcmd[:UserCallback] != nil # [TODO] Handle user callback (Ref.: ) # User callback, registered via ImDrawList::AddCallback() # (ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState is a special callback value used by the user to request the renderer to reset render state.) # if pcmd[:UserCallback] == :ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height, vertex_array_object) # else # pcmd[:UserCallback](cmd_list, pcmd) # end else # Project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space clip_rect = clip_rect[:x] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:x] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x] clip_rect[:y] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:y] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y] clip_rect[:z] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:z] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x] clip_rect[:w] = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:w] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y] if (clip_rect[:x] < fb_width && clip_rect[:y] < fb_height && clip_rect[:z] >= 0.0 && clip_rect[:w] >= 0.0) # Apply scissor/clipping rectangle GL.Scissor(clip_rect[:x].to_i, (fb_height - clip_rect[:w]).to_i, (clip_rect[:z] - clip_rect[:x]).to_i, (clip_rect[:w] - clip_rect[:y]).to_i) # Bind texture, Draw GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, pcmd.GetTexID()) if @@g_GlVersion >= 3200 # 2 == ImDrawIdx(:ushort).size GL.DrawElementsBaseVertex(GL::TRIANGLES, pcmd[:ElemCount], GL::UNSIGNED_SHORT,[:IdxOffset] * 2), pcmd[:VtxOffset]) else # 2 == ImDrawIdx(:ushort).size GL.DrawElements(GL::TRIANGLES, pcmd[:ElemCount], GL::UNSIGNED_SHORT,[:IdxOffset] * 2)) end end end # idx_buffer += pcmd[:ElemCount] * 2 # 2 == ImDrawIdx(:ushort).size end end # Destroy the temporary VAO GL.DeleteVertexArrays(1, [vertex_array_object].pack('L')) # Restore modified GL state GL.UseProgram(last_program.unpack1('L')) GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, last_texture.unpack1('L')) GL.BindSampler(0, last_sampler.unpack1('L')) GL.ActiveTexture(last_active_texture.unpack1('L')) GL.BindVertexArray(last_vertex_array_object.unpack1('L')) GL.BindBuffer(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, last_array_buffer.unpack1('L')) GL.BlendEquationSeparate(last_blend_equation_rgb.unpack1('L'), last_blend_equation_alpha.unpack1('L')) if last_enable_blend then GL.Enable(GL::BLEND) else GL.Disable(GL::BLEND) end if last_enable_cull_face then GL.Enable(GL::CULL_FACE) else GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE) end if last_enable_depth_test then GL.Enable(GL::DEPTH_TEST) else GL.Disable(GL::DEPTH_TEST) end if last_enable_stencil_test then GL.Enable(GL::STENCIL_TEST) else GL.Disable(GL::STENCIL_TEST) end if last_enable_scissor_test then GL.Enable(GL::SCISSOR_TEST) else GL.Disable(GL::SCISSOR_TEST) end last_polygon_mode = last_polygon_mode.unpack('L2') GL.PolygonMode(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, last_polygon_mode[0]) = .unpack('L4') GL.Viewport([0], [1], [2], [3]) last_scissor_box = last_scissor_box.unpack('L4') GL.Scissor(last_scissor_box[0], last_scissor_box[1], last_scissor_box[2], last_scissor_box[3]) end |
.ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height, vertex_array_object) ⇒ Object
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 221 def self.ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height, vertex_array_object) # Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled, polygon fill GL.Enable(GL::BLEND) GL.BlendEquation(GL::FUNC_ADD) GL.BlendFuncSeparate(GL::SRC_ALPHA, GL::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL::ONE, GL::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE) GL.Disable(GL::DEPTH_TEST) GL.Disable(GL::STENCIL_TEST) GL.Enable(GL::SCISSOR_TEST) GL.PolygonMode(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::FILL) # GL::POLYGON_MODE # Setup viewport, orthographic projection matrix # Our visible imgui space lies from draw_data->DisplayPos (top left) to draw_data->DisplayPos+data_data->DisplaySize (bottom right). DisplayPos is (0,0) for single viewport apps. GL.Viewport(0, 0, fb_width, fb_height) l = draw_data[:DisplayPos][:x] r = draw_data[:DisplayPos][:x] + draw_data[:DisplaySize][:x] t = draw_data[:DisplayPos][:y] b = draw_data[:DisplayPos][:y] + draw_data[:DisplaySize][:y] ortho_projection = [ 2.0/(r-l), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0/(t-b), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, (r+l)/(l-r), (t+b)/(b-t), 0.0, 1.0, ] GL.UseProgram(@@g_ShaderHandle) GL.Uniform1i(@@g_AttribLocationTex, 0) GL.UniformMatrix4fv(@@g_AttribLocationProjMtx, 1, GL::FALSE, ortho_projection.pack('F16')) # GL::SAMPLER_BINDING GL.BindSampler(0, 0) # We use combined texture/sampler state. Applications using GL 3.3 may set that otherwise. GL.BindVertexArray(vertex_array_object) # Bind vertex/index buffers and setup attributes for ImDrawVert GL.BindBuffer(GL::ARRAY_BUFFER, @@g_VboHandle) GL.BindBuffer(GL::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, @@g_ElementsHandle) GL.EnableVertexAttribArray(@@g_AttribLocationVtxPos) GL.EnableVertexAttribArray(@@g_AttribLocationVtxUV) GL.EnableVertexAttribArray(@@g_AttribLocationVtxColor) GL.VertexAttribPointer(@@g_AttribLocationVtxPos, 2, GL::FLOAT, GL::FALSE, ImDrawVert.size, ImDrawVert.offset_of(:pos)) GL.VertexAttribPointer(@@g_AttribLocationVtxUV, 2, GL::FLOAT, GL::FALSE, ImDrawVert.size, ImDrawVert.offset_of(:uv)) GL.VertexAttribPointer(@@g_AttribLocationVtxColor, 4, GL::UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL::TRUE, ImDrawVert.size, ImDrawVert.offset_of(:col)) end |
.ImplOpenGL3_Shutdown ⇒ Object
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 87 def self.ImplOpenGL3_Shutdown() ImplOpenGL3_DestroyDeviceObjects() end |
.ImplRaylib_Init ⇒ Object
Support ImplRaylib_UpdateGamepads
338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 338 def self.ImplRaylib_Init() # Setup backend capabilities flags bd = @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] = bd io = io[:BackendPlatformUserData] = nil io[:BackendPlatformName] = @@g_BackendPlatformName io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors # We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional) io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos # We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used) bd.time = 0.0 return true end |
.ImplRaylib_NewFrame ⇒ Object
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 362 def self.ImplRaylib_NewFrame() bd = ImGui_ImplRaylib_GetBackendData() io = # Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing) io[:DisplaySize][:x] = Raylib.GetScreenWidth() io[:DisplaySize][:y] = Raylib.GetScreenHeight() # Setup time step current_time = Raylib.GetTime() io[:DeltaTime] = bd.time > 0 ? (current_time - bd.time).to_f : 1.0 / 60.0 bd.time = current_time ImplRaylib_ProcessKeyboard() ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseData() ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseCursor() # [TODO] update gamepads end |
.ImplRaylib_ProcessKeyboard ⇒ Object
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 268 def self.ImplRaylib_ProcessKeyboard() io = ImGui_ImplRaylib_UpdateKeyModifiers() KEY_IDS.each do |raylib_key| if Raylib.IsKeyPressed(raylib_key) key = ImGui_ImplRaylib_KeyToImGuiKey(raylib_key) io.AddKeyEvent(key, true) elsif Raylib.IsKeyReleased(raylib_key) key = ImGui_ImplRaylib_KeyToImGuiKey(raylib_key) io.AddKeyEvent(key, false) end end while (charPressed = Raylib.GetCharPressed()) != 0 io.AddInputCharacter(charPressed) end return true end |
.ImplRaylib_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 390 def self.ImplRaylib_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) draw_data = Raylib.rlDisableBackfaceCulling() clip_offset = draw_data[:DisplayPos] draw_data[:CmdListsCount].times do |n| cmd_list =[:CmdLists][:Data] + FFI.type_size(:pointer) * n).read_pointer) vtx_buffer = cmd_list[:VtxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawVert* idx_buffer = cmd_list[:IdxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawIdx* cmd_list[:CmdBuffer][:Size].times do |cmd_i| pcmd =[:CmdBuffer][:Data] + ImDrawCmd.size * cmd_i) # const ImDrawCmd* if pcmd[:UserCallback] != nil # [TODO] Handle user callback (Ref.: ) else rect_min_x = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:x] - clip_offset[:x]) rect_min_y = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:y] - clip_offset[:y]) rect_max_x = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:z] - clip_offset[:x]) rect_max_y = (pcmd[:ClipRect][:w] - clip_offset[:y]) rect_w = rect_max_x - rect_min_x rect_h = rect_max_y - rect_min_y Raylib.BeginScissorMode(rect_min_x, rect_min_y, rect_w, rect_h) # Render triangles indices = idx_buffer + FFI.type_size(:ImDrawIdx) * pcmd[:IdxOffset] vertices = vtx_buffer + ImDrawVert.size * pcmd[:VtxOffset] 0.step(pcmd[:ElemCount] - 3, 3) do |i| Raylib.rlPushMatrix() Raylib.rlBegin(Raylib::RL_TRIANGLES) # Raylib.rlSetTexture(pcmd[:TextureId].read_uint32) Raylib.rlSetTexture(pcmd[:TextureId]) index = indices.get_array_of_uint16(i * FFI::type_size(:ImDrawIdx), 3) base_offset = ImDrawVert.size * index[0] xy = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:pos)) uv = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:uv)) color = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:col)) set_vertex(xy.read_array_of_float(2), uv.read_array_of_float(2), color.read_array_of_uint8(4)) base_offset = ImDrawVert.size * index[2] xy = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:pos)) uv = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:uv)) color = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:col)) set_vertex(xy.read_array_of_float(2), uv.read_array_of_float(2), color.read_array_of_uint8(4)) base_offset = ImDrawVert.size * index[1] xy = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:pos)) uv = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:uv)) color = vertices + (base_offset + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:col)) set_vertex(xy.read_array_of_float(2), uv.read_array_of_float(2), color.read_array_of_uint8(4)) Raylib.rlSetTexture(0) Raylib.rlEnd() Raylib.rlPopMatrix() end Raylib.EndScissorMode() end end end Raylib.rlEnableBackfaceCulling() end |
.ImplRaylib_Shutdown ⇒ Object
355 356 357 358 359 360 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 355 def self.ImplRaylib_Shutdown() io = io[:BackendPlatformName] = nil io[:BackendPlatformUserData] = nil @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext()] = nil end |
.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 323 def self.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseCursor() io = return if (io[:ConfigFlags] & ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange) if io[:MouseDrawCursor] || ImGui::GetMouseCursor() == ImGuiMouseCursor_None Raylib.HideCursor() # Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor else Raylib.ShowCursor() # Show OS mouse cursor end end |
.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 291 def self.ImplRaylib_UpdateMouseData() bd = ImGui_ImplRaylib_GetBackendData() io = # Set OS mouse position if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user) if io[:WantSetMousePos] Raylib.SetMousePosition(io[:MousePos][:x].to_i, io[:MousePos][:y].to_i) end wheel_move = Raylib.GetMouseWheelMove() wheel_y = if wheel_move > 0 1.0 elsif wheel_move < 0 -1.0 else 0.0 end io.AddMouseWheelEvent(0, wheel_y) # [TODO] Get wheel tilt from Raylib [Raylib::MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, Raylib::MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, Raylib::MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE].each_with_index do |, | pressed = Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed() released = Raylib.IsMouseButtonReleased() if pressed || released io.AddMouseButtonEvent(, pressed) end end mouse_pos = Raylib.GetMousePosition() io.AddMousePosEvent(mouse_pos[:x].to_f, mouse_pos[:y].to_f) end |
.ImplSDL2_Init(window, renderer) ⇒ Object
237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 237 def self.ImplSDL2_Init(window, renderer) # Check and store if we are on a SDL backend that supports global mouse position # ("wayland" and "rpi" don't support it, but we chose to use a white-list instead of a black-list) mouse_can_use_global_state = false sdl_backend = SDL.GetCurrentVideoDriver().read_string global_mouse_whitelist = ["windows", "cocoa", "x11", "DIVE", "VMAN"] global_mouse_whitelist.each do |platform| mouse_can_use_global_state = true if sdl_backend == platform end # Setup backend capabilities flags bd = @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext().address] = bd io = io[:BackendPlatformName] = @@g_BackendPlatformName io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors # We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional) io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos # We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used) bd.window = window bd.renderer = renderer bd.mouseCanUseGlobalState = mouse_can_use_global_state # [TODO] Support ClipboardText : pass callbacks as Proc or something # io[:SetClipboardTextFn] = ImGui_ImplSDL2_SetClipboardText # io[:GetClipboardTextFn] = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetClipboardText io[:ClipboardUserData] = nil # Load mouse cursors bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEALL) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENS) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENWSE) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND) bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed] = SDL.CreateSystemCursor(SDL::SYSTEM_CURSOR_NO) # Set platform dependent data in viewport case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin/ info = SDL.GetVersion(info[:version]) if SDL.GetWindowWMInfo(window, info) == SDL::TRUE = [:PlatformHandleRaw] = info[:info][:win][:window] end end # Set SDL hint to receive mouse click events on window focus, otherwise SDL doesn't emit the event. # Without this, when clicking to gain focus, our widgets wouldn't activate even though they showed as hovered. # (This is unfortunately a global SDL setting, so enabling it might have a side-effect on your application. # It is unlikely to make a difference, but if your app absolutely needs to ignore the initial on-focus click: # you can ignore SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN events coming right after a SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) if defined?(SDL::HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH) SDL.SetHint(SDL::HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1") end return true end |
.ImplSDL2_NewFrame ⇒ Object
Support ImplSDL2_UpdateGamepads
364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 364 def self.ImplSDL2_NewFrame() bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() io = # Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing) w = ' ' * 4 h = ' ' * 4 display_w = ' ' * 4 display_h = ' ' * 4 SDL.GetWindowSize(bd.window, w, h) w = w.unpack1('L') h = h.unpack1('L') if (SDL.GetWindowFlags(bd.window) & SDL::WINDOW_MINIMIZED) != 0 w = h = 0 end if bd.renderer != nil SDL.GetRendererOutputSize(bd.renderer, display_w, display_h) else SDL.GL_GetDrawableSize(bd.window, display_w, display_h) end display_w = display_w.unpack1('L') display_h = display_h.unpack1('L') io[:DisplaySize] = ImVec2.create(w.to_f, h.to_f) if w > 0 && h > 0 io[:DisplayFramebufferScale][:x] = display_w.to_f / w io[:DisplayFramebufferScale][:y] = display_h.to_f / h end # Setup time step (we don't use SDL_GetTicks() because it is using millisecond resolution) frequency = SDL.GetPerformanceFrequency() current_time = SDL.GetPerformanceCounter() io[:DeltaTime] = bd.time > 0 ? ((current_time - bd.time).to_f / frequency) : (1.0/60.0) bd.time = current_time ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseData() ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseCursor() # [TODO] update gamepads # ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateGamepads() end |
.ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(event) ⇒ Object
You can read the io.WantCaptureMouse, io.WantCaptureKeyboard flags to tell if dear imgui wants to use your inputs.
When io.WantCaptureMouse is true, do not dispatch mouse input data to your main application.
When io.WantCaptureKeyboard is true, do not dispatch keyboard input data to your main application.
Generally you may always pass all inputs to dear imgui, and hide them from your application based on those two flags. If you have multiple SDL events and some of them are not meant to be used by dear imgui, you may need to filter events based on their windowID field.
184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 184 def self.ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(event) io = bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() case event[:type] when SDL::MOUSEMOTION io.AddMousePosEvent(event[:motion][:x].to_f, event[:motion][:y].to_f) return true when SDL::MOUSEWHEEL wheel_x = (event[:wheel][:x] > 0) ? 1.0 : (event[:wheel][:x] < 0) ? -1.0 : 0.0 wheel_y = (event[:wheel][:y] > 0) ? 1.0 : (event[:wheel][:y] < 0) ? -1.0 : 0.0 io.AddMouseWheelEvent(wheel_x, wheel_y) return true when SDL::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, SDL::MOUSEBUTTONUP = -1 = 0 if event[:button][:button] == SDL::BUTTON_LEFT = 1 if event[:button][:button] == SDL::BUTTON_RIGHT = 2 if event[:button][:button] == SDL::BUTTON_MIDDLE if != -1 io.AddMouseButtonEvent(, event[:type] == SDL::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) bd.mouseButtonsDown = (event[:type] == SDL::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) ? (bd.mouseButtonsDown | (1 << )) : (bd.mouseButtonsDown & ~(1 << )) return true end when SDL::TEXTINPUT io.AddInputCharactersUTF8(event[:text][:text]) return true when SDL::KEYDOWN, SDL::KEYUP ImGui_ImplSDL2_UpdateKeyModifiers(event[:key][:keysym][:mod]) key = ImGui_ImplSDL2_KeyToImGuiKey(event[:key][:keysym][:sym]) io.AddKeyEvent(key, (event[:type] == SDL::KEYDOWN)) io.SetKeyEventNativeData(key, event[:key][:keysym][:sym], event[:key][:keysym][:scancode], event[:key][:keysym][:scancode]) # To support legacy indexing (<1.87 user code). Legacy backend uses SDLK_*** as indices to IsKeyXXX() functions. return true when SDL::WINDOWEVENT io.AddMousePosEvent(-Float::MAX, -Float::MAX) if event[:window][:event] == SDL::WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE if event[:window][:event] == SDL::WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED io.AddFocusEvent(true) elsif event[:window][:event] == SDL::WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST io.AddFocusEvent(false) end return true end return false end |
.ImplSDL2_Shutdown ⇒ Object
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 300 def self.ImplSDL2_Shutdown() io = bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() if bd.clipboardTextData ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT.times do |cursor_n| SDL.FreeCursor(bd.mouseCursors[cursor_n]) bd.mouseCursors[cursor_n] = nil end io[:BackendPlatformName] = nil io[:BackendPlatformUserData] = nil @@g_BackendData[ImGui::GetCurrentContext()] = nil end |
.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseCursor ⇒ Object
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 344 def self.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseCursor() io = return if (io[:ConfigFlags] & ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange) bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() imgui_cursor = ImGui::GetMouseCursor() if io[:MouseDrawCursor] || imgui_cursor == ImGuiMouseCursor_None # Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor SDL.ShowCursor(SDL::FALSE) else # Show OS mouse cursor SDL.SetCursor(bd.mouseCursors[imgui_cursor] ? bd.mouseCursors[imgui_cursor] : bd.mouseCursors[ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow]) SDL.ShowCursor(SDL::TRUE) end end |
.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseData ⇒ Object
317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdl2.rb', line 317 def self.ImplSDL2_UpdateMouseData() bd = ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetBackendData() io = SDL.CaptureMouse(bd.mouseButtonsDown != 0 ? SDL::TRUE : SDL::FALSE) focused_window = SDL.GetKeyboardFocus() is_app_focused = (bd.window == focused_window) if is_app_focused # (Optional) Set OS mouse position from Dear ImGui if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user) if io[:WantSetMousePos] SDL.WarpMouseInWindow(bd.window, io[:MousePos][:x].to_i, io[:MousePos][:y].to_i) end # (Optional) Fallback to provide mouse position when focused (SDL_MOUSEMOTION already provides this when hovered or captured) if bd.mouseCanUseGlobalState && bd.mouseButtonsDown == 0 wx = wy = mx = my = SDL.GetGlobalMouseState(mx, my) SDL.GetWindowPosition(bd.window, wx, wy) io.AddMousePosEvent( -, - end end end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_CreateDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 192 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_CreateDeviceObjects() return ImGui::ImplSDLRenderer_CreateFontsTexture() end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_CreateFontsTexture ⇒ Object
Called by Init/NewFrame/Shutdown
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 156 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_CreateFontsTexture() io = bd = ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() # Build texture atlas pixels = :pointer width = :int height = :int io[:Fonts].GetTexDataAsRGBA32(pixels, width, height, nil) # Load as RGBA 32-bits (75% of the memory is wasted, but default font is so small) because it is more likely to be compatible with user's existing shaders. If your ImTextureId represent a higher-level concept than just a GL texture id, consider calling GetTexDataAsAlpha8() instead to save on GPU memory. # Upload texture to graphics system bd[:FontTexture] = SDL.CreateTexture(bd[:SDLRenderer], SDL::PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, SDL::TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC, width.read_int, height.read_int) if bd[:FontTexture] == nil SDL.Log("error creating texture") return false end SDL.UpdateTexture(bd[:FontTexture], nil, pixels.read_pointer, 4 * width.read_int) SDL.SetTextureBlendMode(bd[:FontTexture], SDL::BLENDMODE_BLEND) # Store our identifier io[:Fonts].SetTexID(bd[:FontTexture]) return true end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyDeviceObjects ⇒ Object
196 197 198 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 196 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyDeviceObjects() ImGui::ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyFontsTexture() end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyFontsTexture ⇒ Object
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 182 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyFontsTexture() io = bd = ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() if bd[:FontTexture] != nil io[:Fonts].SetTexID(nil) SDL.DestroyTexture(bd[:FontTexture]) bd[:FontTexture] = nil end end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_Init(renderer) ⇒ Object
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 27 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_Init(renderer) io = # Setup backend capabilities flags io[:BackendRendererName] = @@g_BackendRendererName @@g_BackendRendererUserData = @@g_BackendRendererUserData[:SDLRenderer] = renderer @@g_BackendRendererUserData[:FontTexture] = nil io[:BackendRendererUserData] = @@g_BackendRendererUserData io[:BackendFlags] |= ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset # We can honor the ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset field, allowing for large meshes. return true end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_NewFrame ⇒ Object
62 63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 62 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_NewFrame() bd = ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() ImGui::ImplSDLRenderer_CreateDeviceObjects() if bd[:FontTexture] == nil end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) ⇒ Object
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 67 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_RenderDrawData(draw_data_raw) draw_data = bd = ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() # If there's a scale factor set by the user, use that instead # If the user has specified a scale factor to SDL_Renderer already via SDL_RenderSetScale(), SDL will scale whatever we pass # to SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() by that scale factor. In that case we don't want to be also scaling it ourselves here. rsx = :float rsy = :float SDL.RenderGetScale(bd[:SDLRenderer], rsx, rsy) render_scale = ImVec2.create(0, 0) render_scale[:x] = (rsx.read_float() == 1.0) ? draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:x] : 1.0 render_scale[:y] = (rsy.read_float() == 1.0) ? draw_data[:FramebufferScale][:y] : 1.0 # Avoid rendering when minimized, scale coordinates for retina displays (screen coordinates != framebuffer coordinates) fb_width = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:x] * render_scale[:x]).to_i fb_height = (draw_data[:DisplaySize][:y] * render_scale[:y]).to_i return if fb_width == 0 || fb_height == 0 # Backup SDL_Renderer state that will be modified to restore it afterwards oldViewport = oldClipEnabled = :bool oldClipRect = oldClipEnabled = (SDL.RenderIsClipEnabled(bd[:SDLRenderer]) == SDL::TRUE) SDL.RenderGetViewport(bd[:SDLRenderer], oldViewport) SDL.RenderGetClipRect(bd[:SDLRenderer], oldClipRect) # Will project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space clip_off = draw_data[:DisplayPos] # (0,0) unless using multi-viewports clip_scale = render_scale # Render command lists ImplSDLRenderer_SetupRenderState() draw_data[:CmdListsCount].times do |n| cmd_list =[:CmdLists][:Data] + FFI.type_size(:pointer) * n).read_pointer) vtx_buffer = cmd_list[:VtxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawVert* idx_buffer = cmd_list[:IdxBuffer][:Data] # const ImDrawIdx* cmd_list[:CmdBuffer][:Size].times do |cmd_i| pcmd =[:CmdBuffer][:Data] + ImDrawCmd.size * cmd_i) # const ImDrawCmd* if pcmd[:UserCallback] != nil # [TODO] Handle user callback (Ref.: ) # User callback, registered via ImDrawList::AddCallback() # (ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState is a special callback value used by the user to request the renderer to reset render state.) # if pcmd[:UserCallback] == :ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_SetupRenderState() # else # pcmd[:UserCallback](cmd_list, pcmd) # end else clip_min = ImVec2.create((pcmd[:ClipRect][:x] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x], (pcmd[:ClipRect][:y] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y]) clip_max = ImVec2.create((pcmd[:ClipRect][:z] - clip_off[:x]) * clip_scale[:x], (pcmd[:ClipRect][:w] - clip_off[:y]) * clip_scale[:y]) clip_min[:x] = 0.0 if clip_min[:x] < 0.0 clip_min[:y] = 0.0 if clip_min[:y] < 0.0 clip_max[:x] = fb_width.to_f if clip_max[:x] > fb_width clip_max[:y] = fb_height.to_f if clip_max[:y] > fb_height next if (clip_max[:x] <= clip_min[:x] || clip_max[:y] <= clip_min[:y]) r = r[:x] = clip_min[:x].to_i r[:y] = clip_min[:y].to_i r[:w] = (clip_max[:x] - clip_min[:x]).to_i r[:h] = (clip_max[:y] - clip_min[:y]).to_i SDL.RenderSetClipRect(bd[:SDLRenderer], r.to_ptr) xy = vtx_buffer + (pcmd[:VtxOffset] + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:pos)) uv = vtx_buffer + (pcmd[:VtxOffset] + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:uv)) color = vtx_buffer + (pcmd[:VtxOffset] + ImDrawVert.offset_of(:col)) SDL.RenderGeometryRaw(bd[:SDLRenderer], pcmd[:TextureId], xy, ImDrawVert.size, color, ImDrawVert.size, uv, ImDrawVert.size, cmd_list[:VtxBuffer][:Size] - pcmd[:VtxOffset], idx_buffer + FFI.type_size(:ImDrawIdx) * pcmd[:IdxOffset], pcmd[:ElemCount], FFI.type_size(:ImDrawIdx)) # FFI.type_size(:ImDrawIdx) == FFI::Type::UINT16.size # Restore modified SDL_Renderer state SDL.RenderSetViewport(bd[:SDLRenderer], oldViewport) SDL.RenderSetClipRect(bd[:SDLRenderer], oldClipEnabled ? oldClipRect : nil) end end end end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_SetupRenderState ⇒ Object
- Internal
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 53 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_SetupRenderState() bd = ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer_GetBackendData() # Clear out any viewports and cliprect set by the user # FIXME: Technically speaking there are lots of other things we could backup/setup/restore during our render process. SDL.RenderSetViewport(bd[:SDLRenderer], nil) SDL.RenderSetClipRect(bd[:SDLRenderer], nil) end |
.ImplSDLRenderer_Shutdown ⇒ Object
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer.rb', line 44 def self.ImplSDLRenderer_Shutdown() ImplSDLRenderer_DestroyDeviceObjects() io = io[:BackendRendererName] = nil io[:BackendRendererUserData] = nil @@g_BackendRendererUserData = nil end |
.import_internal_symbols(output_error = false) ⇒ Object
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/imgui_internal.rb', line 13 def self.import_internal_symbols(output_error = false) symbols = [ :igFocusWindow, :igGetCurrentWindow, ] args = { :igFocusWindow => [:pointer], :igGetCurrentWindow => [], } retvals = { :igFocusWindow => :void, :igGetCurrentWindow => :pointer, } symbols.each do |sym| begin attach_function sym, args[sym], retvals[sym] rescue FFI::NotFoundError $stderr.puts("[Warning] Failed to import #{sym}.\n") if output_error end end @@imgui_import_internal_done = true end |
.import_symbols(output_error = false) ⇒ Object
2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 2871 def self.import_symbols(output_error = false) callback :ImDrawCallback, [ImDrawList, ImDrawCmd], :void callback :ImGuiInputTextCallback, [ImGuiInputTextCallbackData], :int callback :ImGuiSizeCallback, [ImGuiSizeCallbackData], :void entries = [ [:ImDrawCmd_GetTexID, [:pointer], :uint64], [:ImDrawCmd_ImDrawCmd, [], :pointer], [:ImDrawCmd_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawData_AddDrawList, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawData_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawData_ImDrawData, [], :pointer], [:ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:ImDrawData_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_ClearFreeMemory, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_ImDrawListSplitter, [], :pointer], [:ImDrawListSplitter_Merge, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_SetCurrentChannel, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_Split, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :void], [:ImDrawListSplitter_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddBezierCubic, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddBezierQuadratic, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddCallback, [:pointer, :ImDrawCallback, :pointer, :size_t], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddCircle, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :uint, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :uint, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddConcavePolyFilled, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddEllipse, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddEllipseFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddImage, [:pointer, :uint64, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddImageQuad, [:pointer, :uint64, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddImageRounded, [:pointer, :uint64, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddLine, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddNgon, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :uint, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddNgonFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :uint, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddPolyline, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :uint, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddQuad, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddRect, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddRectFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddText_Vec2, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddText_FontPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :pointer, :pointer, :float, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddTriangle, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_CloneOutput, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_ImDrawList, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImDrawList_PathArcTo, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :float, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathArcToFast, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :int, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathBezierCubicCurveTo, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathClear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathEllipticalArcTo, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :float, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathFillConcave, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathFillConvex, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathLineTo, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathRect, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PathStroke, [:pointer, :uint, :int, :float], :void], [:ImDrawList_PopClipRect, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_PopTextureID, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimRect, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimRectUV, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimReserve, [:pointer, :int, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimUnreserve, [:pointer, :int, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimVtx, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx, [:pointer, :ushort], :void], [:ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :uint], :void], [:ImDrawList_PushClipRect, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :bool], :void], [:ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_PushTextureID, [:pointer, :uint64], :void], [:ImDrawList__CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount, [:pointer, :float], :int], [:ImDrawList__ClearFreeMemory, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__OnChangedClipRect, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__OnChangedTextureID, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__OnChangedVtxOffset, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__PathArcToFastEx, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :int, :int, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList__PathArcToN, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :float, :float, :float, :int], :void], [:ImDrawList__PopUnusedDrawCmd, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__ResetForNewFrame, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList__SetTextureID, [:pointer, :uint64], :void], [:ImDrawList__TryMergeDrawCmds, [:pointer], :void], [:ImDrawList_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImFontAtlasCustomRect, [], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlasCustomRect_IsPacked, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImFontAtlasCustomRect_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectFontGlyph, [:pointer, :pointer, :ushort, :int, :int, :float, ImVec2.by_value], :int], [:ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectRegular, [:pointer, :int, :int], :int], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFont, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :float, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :float, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_Build, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImFontAtlas_CalcCustomRectUV, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_ClearFonts, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_ClearInputData, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_GetCustomRectByIndex, [:pointer, :int], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseFull, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesGreek, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesVietnamese, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_GetMouseCursorTexData, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :bool], [:ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_ImFontAtlas, [], :pointer], [:ImFontAtlas_IsBuilt, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImFontAtlas_SetTexID, [:pointer, :uint64], :void], [:ImFontAtlas_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig, [], :pointer], [:ImFontConfig_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddChar, [:pointer, :ushort], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddRanges, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddText, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_BuildRanges, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_GetBit, [:pointer, :size_t], :bool], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder, [], :pointer], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_SetBit, [:pointer, :size_t], :void], [:ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFont_AddGlyph, [:pointer, :pointer, :ushort, :float, :float, :float, :float, :float, :float, :float, :float, :float], :void], [:ImFont_AddRemapChar, [:pointer, :ushort, :ushort, :bool], :void], [:ImFont_BuildLookupTable, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFont_CalcTextSizeA, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA, [:pointer, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :float], :pointer], [:ImFont_ClearOutputData, [:pointer], :void], [:ImFont_FindGlyph, [:pointer, :ushort], :pointer], [:ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback, [:pointer, :ushort], :pointer], [:ImFont_GetCharAdvance, [:pointer, :ushort], :float], [:ImFont_GetDebugName, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImFont_GrowIndex, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImFont_ImFont, [], :pointer], [:ImFont_IsGlyphRangeUnused, [:pointer, :uint, :uint], :bool], [:ImFont_IsLoaded, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImFont_RenderChar, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, :ushort], :void], [:ImFont_RenderText, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, ImVec2.by_value, :uint, ImVec4.by_value, :pointer, :pointer, :float, :bool], :void], [:ImFont_SetGlyphVisible, [:pointer, :ushort, :bool], :void], [:ImFont_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiFreeType_GetBuilderForFreeType, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiFreeType_SetAllocatorFunctions, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddFocusEvent, [:pointer, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacterUTF16, [:pointer, :ushort], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddKeyAnalogEvent, [:pointer, :int, :bool, :float], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddKeyEvent, [:pointer, :int, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddMouseButtonEvent, [:pointer, :int, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddMousePosEvent, [:pointer, :float, :float], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddMouseSourceEvent, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddMouseViewportEvent, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:ImGuiIO_AddMouseWheelEvent, [:pointer, :float, :float], :void], [:ImGuiIO_ClearEventsQueue, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiIO_ClearInputKeys, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiIO_ClearInputMouse, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiIO_ImGuiIO, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiIO_SetAppAcceptingEvents, [:pointer, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiIO_SetKeyEventNativeData, [:pointer, :int, :int, :int, :int], :void], [:ImGuiIO_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ClearSelection, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars, [:pointer, :int, :int], :void], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_HasSelection, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ImGuiInputTextCallbackData, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_SelectAll, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_Begin, [:pointer, :int, :float], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_End, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_ImGuiListClipper, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiListClipper_IncludeItemByIndex, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_IncludeItemsByIndex, [:pointer, :int, :int], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_SeekCursorForItem, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImGuiListClipper_Step, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiListClipper_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_ImGuiOnceUponAFrame, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiPayload_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiPayload_ImGuiPayload, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiPayload_IsDataType, [:pointer, :pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiPayload_IsDelivery, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiPayload_IsPreview, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiPayload_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiPlatformIO_ImGuiPlatformIO, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiPlatformIO_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiPlatformImeData_ImGuiPlatformImeData, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiPlatformImeData_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiPlatformMonitor_ImGuiPlatformMonitor, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiPlatformMonitor_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_ApplyRequests, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_Contains, [:pointer, :uint], :bool], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_GetNextSelectedItem, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_GetStorageIdFromIndex, [:pointer, :int], :uint], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_SetItemSelected, [:pointer, :uint, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_Swap, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage_ApplyRequests, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage_ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePair_Int, [:uint, :int], :pointer], [:ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePair_Float, [:uint, :float], :pointer], [:ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePair_Ptr, [:uint, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiStoragePair_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_BuildSortByKey, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_GetBool, [:pointer, :uint, :bool], :bool], [:ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef, [:pointer, :uint, :bool], :pointer], [:ImGuiStorage_GetFloat, [:pointer, :uint, :float], :float], [:ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef, [:pointer, :uint, :float], :pointer], [:ImGuiStorage_GetInt, [:pointer, :uint, :int], :int], [:ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef, [:pointer, :uint, :int], :pointer], [:ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr, [:pointer, :uint], :pointer], [:ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef, [:pointer, :uint, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_SetBool, [:pointer, :uint, :bool], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_SetFloat, [:pointer, :uint, :float], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_SetInt, [:pointer, :uint, :int], :void], [:ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr, [:pointer, :uint, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiStyle_ImGuiStyle, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiStyle_ScaleAllSizes, [:pointer, :float], :void], [:ImGuiStyle_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs_ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTableSortSpecs_ImGuiTableSortSpecs, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiTableSortSpecs_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_ImGuiTextBuffer, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_append, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf, [:pointer, :pointer, :varargs], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_begin, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_empty, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_end, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_reserve, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:ImGuiTextBuffer_size, [:pointer], :int], [:ImGuiTextFilter_Build, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextFilter_Clear, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextFilter_Draw, [:pointer, :pointer, :float], :bool], [:ImGuiTextFilter_ImGuiTextFilter, [:pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiTextFilter_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRange_Nil, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRange_Str, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer], [:ImGuiTextRange_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiTextRange_empty, [:pointer], :bool], [:ImGuiTextRange_split, [:pointer, :char, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiViewport_GetCenter, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiViewport_GetWorkCenter, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:ImGuiViewport_ImGuiViewport, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiViewport_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:ImGuiWindowClass_ImGuiWindowClass, [], :pointer], [:ImGuiWindowClass_destroy, [:pointer], :void], [:igAcceptDragDropPayload, [:pointer, :int], :pointer], [:igAlignTextToFramePadding, [], :void], [:igArrowButton, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBegin, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginChild_Str, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :int, :int], :bool], [:igBeginChild_ID, [:uint, ImVec2.by_value, :int, :int], :bool], [:igBeginCombo, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginDisabled, [:bool], :void], [:igBeginDragDropSource, [:int], :bool], [:igBeginDragDropTarget, [], :bool], [:igBeginGroup, [], :void], [:igBeginItemTooltip, [], :bool], [:igBeginListBox, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igBeginMainMenuBar, [], :bool], [:igBeginMenu, [:pointer, :bool], :bool], [:igBeginMenuBar, [], :bool], [:igBeginMultiSelect, [:int, :int, :int], :pointer], [:igBeginPopup, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginPopupContextItem, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginPopupContextVoid, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginPopupContextWindow, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginPopupModal, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginTabBar, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginTabItem, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igBeginTable, [:pointer, :int, :int, ImVec2.by_value, :float], :bool], [:igBeginTooltip, [], :bool], [:igBullet, [], :void], [:igBulletText, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igButton, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igCalcItemWidth, [], :float], [:igCalcTextSize, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :bool, :float], :void], [:igCheckbox, [:pointer, :pointer], :bool], [:igCheckboxFlags_IntPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igCheckboxFlags_UintPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :uint], :bool], [:igCloseCurrentPopup, [], :void], [:igCollapsingHeader_TreeNodeFlags, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igCollapsingHeader_BoolPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igColorButton, [:pointer, ImVec4.by_value, :int, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igColorConvertFloat4ToU32, [ImVec4.by_value], :uint], [:igColorConvertHSVtoRGB, [:float, :float, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igColorConvertRGBtoHSV, [:float, :float, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igColorConvertU32ToFloat4, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:igColorEdit3, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igColorEdit4, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igColorPicker3, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igColorPicker4, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :pointer], :bool], [:igColumns, [:int, :pointer, :bool], :void], [:igCombo_Str_arr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int], :bool], [:igCombo_Str, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igCombo_FnStrPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int], :bool], [:igCreateContext, [:pointer], :pointer], [:igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout, [:pointer, :size_t, :size_t, :size_t, :size_t, :size_t, :size_t], :bool], [:igDebugFlashStyleColor, [:int], :void], [:igDebugLog, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igDebugStartItemPicker, [], :void], [:igDebugTextEncoding, [:pointer], :void], [:igDestroyContext, [:pointer], :void], [:igDestroyPlatformWindows, [], :void], [:igDockSpace, [:uint, ImVec2.by_value, :int, :pointer], :uint], [:igDockSpaceOverViewport, [:uint, :pointer, :int, :pointer], :uint], [:igDragFloat, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragFloat2, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragFloat3, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragFloat4, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragFloatRange2, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragInt, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragInt2, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragInt3, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragInt4, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragIntRange2, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :float, :int, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragScalar, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDragScalarN, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :int, :float, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igDummy, [ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igEnd, [], :void], [:igEndChild, [], :void], [:igEndCombo, [], :void], [:igEndDisabled, [], :void], [:igEndDragDropSource, [], :void], [:igEndDragDropTarget, [], :void], [:igEndFrame, [], :void], [:igEndGroup, [], :void], [:igEndListBox, [], :void], [:igEndMainMenuBar, [], :void], [:igEndMenu, [], :void], [:igEndMenuBar, [], :void], [:igEndMultiSelect, [], :pointer], [:igEndPopup, [], :void], [:igEndTabBar, [], :void], [:igEndTabItem, [], :void], [:igEndTable, [], :void], [:igEndTooltip, [], :void], [:igFindViewportByID, [:uint], :pointer], [:igFindViewportByPlatformHandle, [:pointer], :pointer], [:igGetAllocatorFunctions, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igGetBackgroundDrawList, [:pointer], :pointer], [:igGetClipboardText, [], :pointer], [:igGetColorU32_Col, [:int, :float], :uint], [:igGetColorU32_Vec4, [ImVec4.by_value], :uint], [:igGetColorU32_U32, [:uint, :float], :uint], [:igGetColumnIndex, [], :int], [:igGetColumnOffset, [:int], :float], [:igGetColumnWidth, [:int], :float], [:igGetColumnsCount, [], :int], [:igGetContentRegionAvail, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetCurrentContext, [], :pointer], [:igGetCursorPos, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetCursorPosX, [], :float], [:igGetCursorPosY, [], :float], [:igGetCursorScreenPos, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetCursorStartPos, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetDragDropPayload, [], :pointer], [:igGetDrawData, [], :pointer], [:igGetDrawListSharedData, [], :pointer], [:igGetFont, [], :pointer], [:igGetFontSize, [], :float], [:igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetForegroundDrawList, [:pointer], :pointer], [:igGetFrameCount, [], :int], [:igGetFrameHeight, [], :float], [:igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing, [], :float], [:igGetID_Str, [:pointer], :uint], [:igGetID_StrStr, [:pointer, :pointer], :uint], [:igGetID_Ptr, [:pointer], :uint], [:igGetID_Int, [:int], :uint], [:igGetIO, [], :pointer], [:igGetItemID, [], :uint], [:igGetItemRectMax, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetItemRectMin, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetItemRectSize, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetKeyName, [:int], :pointer], [:igGetKeyPressedAmount, [:int, :float, :float], :int], [:igGetMainViewport, [], :pointer], [:igGetMouseClickedCount, [:int], :int], [:igGetMouseCursor, [], :int], [:igGetMouseDragDelta, [:pointer, :int, :float], :void], [:igGetMousePos, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetPlatformIO, [], :pointer], [:igGetScrollMaxX, [], :float], [:igGetScrollMaxY, [], :float], [:igGetScrollX, [], :float], [:igGetScrollY, [], :float], [:igGetStateStorage, [], :pointer], [:igGetStyle, [], :pointer], [:igGetStyleColorName, [:int], :pointer], [:igGetStyleColorVec4, [:int], :pointer], [:igGetTextLineHeight, [], :float], [:igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing, [], :float], [:igGetTime, [], :double], [:igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing, [], :float], [:igGetVersion, [], :pointer], [:igGetWindowDockID, [], :uint], [:igGetWindowDpiScale, [], :float], [:igGetWindowDrawList, [], :pointer], [:igGetWindowHeight, [], :float], [:igGetWindowPos, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetWindowSize, [:pointer], :void], [:igGetWindowViewport, [], :pointer], [:igGetWindowWidth, [], :float], [:igImage, [:uint64, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec4.by_value, ImVec4.by_value], :void], [:igImageButton, [:pointer, :uint64, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, ImVec4.by_value, ImVec4.by_value], :bool], [:igIndent, [:float], :void], [:igInputDouble, [:pointer, :pointer, :double, :double, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputFloat, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputFloat2, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputFloat3, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputFloat4, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputInt, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :int], :bool], [:igInputInt2, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputInt3, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputInt4, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputScalar, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputScalarN, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igInputText, [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t, :int, :ImGuiInputTextCallback, :pointer], :bool], [:igInputTextMultiline, [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t, ImVec2.by_value, :int, :ImGuiInputTextCallback, :pointer], :bool], [:igInputTextWithHint, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :size_t, :int, :ImGuiInputTextCallback, :pointer], :bool], [:igInvisibleButton, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :bool], [:igIsAnyItemActive, [], :bool], [:igIsAnyItemFocused, [], :bool], [:igIsAnyItemHovered, [], :bool], [:igIsAnyMouseDown, [], :bool], [:igIsItemActivated, [], :bool], [:igIsItemActive, [], :bool], [:igIsItemClicked, [:int], :bool], [:igIsItemDeactivated, [], :bool], [:igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit, [], :bool], [:igIsItemEdited, [], :bool], [:igIsItemFocused, [], :bool], [:igIsItemHovered, [:int], :bool], [:igIsItemToggledOpen, [], :bool], [:igIsItemToggledSelection, [], :bool], [:igIsItemVisible, [], :bool], [:igIsKeyChordPressed, [:int], :bool], [:igIsKeyDown, [:int], :bool], [:igIsKeyPressed, [:int, :bool], :bool], [:igIsKeyReleased, [:int], :bool], [:igIsMouseClicked, [:int, :bool], :bool], [:igIsMouseDoubleClicked, [:int], :bool], [:igIsMouseDown, [:int], :bool], [:igIsMouseDragging, [:int, :float], :bool], [:igIsMouseHoveringRect, [ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :bool], :bool], [:igIsMousePosValid, [:pointer], :bool], [:igIsMouseReleased, [:int], :bool], [:igIsPopupOpen, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igIsRectVisible_Nil, [ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igIsRectVisible_Vec2, [ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igIsWindowAppearing, [], :bool], [:igIsWindowCollapsed, [], :bool], [:igIsWindowDocked, [], :bool], [:igIsWindowFocused, [:int], :bool], [:igIsWindowHovered, [:int], :bool], [:igLabelText, [:pointer, :pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igListBox_Str_arr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int], :bool], [:igListBox_FnStrPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int], :bool], [:igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk, [:pointer], :void], [:igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory, [:pointer, :size_t], :void], [:igLogButtons, [], :void], [:igLogFinish, [], :void], [:igLogText, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igLogToClipboard, [:int], :void], [:igLogToFile, [:int, :pointer], :void], [:igLogToTTY, [:int], :void], [:igMemAlloc, [:size_t], :pointer], [:igMemFree, [:pointer], :void], [:igMenuItem_Bool, [:pointer, :pointer, :bool, :bool], :bool], [:igMenuItem_BoolPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :bool], :bool], [:igNewFrame, [], :void], [:igNewLine, [], :void], [:igNextColumn, [], :void], [:igOpenPopup_Str, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:igOpenPopup_ID, [:uint, :int], :void], [:igOpenPopupOnItemClick, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:igPlotHistogram_FloatPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :float, :float, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igPlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :float, :float, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igPlotLines_FloatPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :float, :float, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igPlotLines_FnFloatPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :float, :float, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igPopClipRect, [], :void], [:igPopFont, [], :void], [:igPopID, [], :void], [:igPopItemFlag, [], :void], [:igPopItemWidth, [], :void], [:igPopStyleColor, [:int], :void], [:igPopStyleVar, [:int], :void], [:igPopTextWrapPos, [], :void], [:igProgressBar, [:float, ImVec2.by_value, :pointer], :void], [:igPushClipRect, [ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :bool], :void], [:igPushFont, [:pointer], :void], [:igPushID_Str, [:pointer], :void], [:igPushID_StrStr, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igPushID_Ptr, [:pointer], :void], [:igPushID_Int, [:int], :void], [:igPushItemFlag, [:int, :bool], :void], [:igPushItemWidth, [:float], :void], [:igPushStyleColor_U32, [:int, :uint], :void], [:igPushStyleColor_Vec4, [:int, ImVec4.by_value], :void], [:igPushStyleVar_Float, [:int, :float], :void], [:igPushStyleVar_Vec2, [:int, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igPushStyleVarX, [:int, :float], :void], [:igPushStyleVarY, [:int, :float], :void], [:igPushTextWrapPos, [:float], :void], [:igRadioButton_Bool, [:pointer, :bool], :bool], [:igRadioButton_IntPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igRender, [], :void], [:igRenderPlatformWindowsDefault, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igResetMouseDragDelta, [:int], :void], [:igSameLine, [:float, :float], :void], [:igSaveIniSettingsToDisk, [:pointer], :void], [:igSaveIniSettingsToMemory, [:pointer], :pointer], [:igSelectable_Bool, [:pointer, :bool, :int, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igSelectable_BoolPtr, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, ImVec2.by_value], :bool], [:igSeparator, [], :void], [:igSeparatorText, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetAllocatorFunctions, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igSetClipboardText, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetColorEditOptions, [:int], :void], [:igSetColumnOffset, [:int, :float], :void], [:igSetColumnWidth, [:int, :float], :void], [:igSetCurrentContext, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetCursorPos, [ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igSetCursorPosX, [:float], :void], [:igSetCursorPosY, [:float], :void], [:igSetCursorScreenPos, [ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igSetDragDropPayload, [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t, :int], :bool], [:igSetItemDefaultFocus, [], :void], [:igSetItemKeyOwner, [:int], :void], [:igSetItemTooltip, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igSetKeyboardFocusHere, [:int], :void], [:igSetMouseCursor, [:int], :void], [:igSetNavCursorVisible, [:bool], :void], [:igSetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard, [:bool], :void], [:igSetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse, [:bool], :void], [:igSetNextItemAllowOverlap, [], :void], [:igSetNextItemOpen, [:bool, :int], :void], [:igSetNextItemSelectionUserData, [:int64], :void], [:igSetNextItemShortcut, [:int, :int], :void], [:igSetNextItemStorageID, [:uint], :void], [:igSetNextItemWidth, [:float], :void], [:igSetNextWindowBgAlpha, [:float], :void], [:igSetNextWindowClass, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetNextWindowCollapsed, [:bool, :int], :void], [:igSetNextWindowContentSize, [ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igSetNextWindowDockID, [:uint, :int], :void], [:igSetNextWindowFocus, [], :void], [:igSetNextWindowPos, [ImVec2.by_value, :int, ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igSetNextWindowScroll, [ImVec2.by_value], :void], [:igSetNextWindowSize, [ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints, [ImVec2.by_value, ImVec2.by_value, :ImGuiSizeCallback, :pointer], :void], [:igSetNextWindowViewport, [:uint], :void], [:igSetScrollFromPosX, [:float, :float], :void], [:igSetScrollFromPosY, [:float, :float], :void], [:igSetScrollHereX, [:float], :void], [:igSetScrollHereY, [:float], :void], [:igSetScrollX, [:float], :void], [:igSetScrollY, [:float], :void], [:igSetStateStorage, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetTabItemClosed, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetTooltip, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igSetWindowCollapsed_Bool, [:bool, :int], :void], [:igSetWindowCollapsed_Str, [:pointer, :bool, :int], :void], [:igSetWindowFocus_Nil, [], :void], [:igSetWindowFocus_Str, [:pointer], :void], [:igSetWindowFontScale, [:float], :void], [:igSetWindowPos_Vec2, [ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igSetWindowPos_Str, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igSetWindowSize_Vec2, [ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igSetWindowSize_Str, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :int], :void], [:igShortcut, [:int, :int], :bool], [:igShowAboutWindow, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowDebugLogWindow, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowDemoWindow, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowFontSelector, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowIDStackToolWindow, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowMetricsWindow, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowStyleEditor, [:pointer], :void], [:igShowStyleSelector, [:pointer], :bool], [:igShowUserGuide, [], :void], [:igSliderAngle, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderFloat, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderFloat2, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderFloat3, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderFloat4, [:pointer, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderInt, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderInt2, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderInt3, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderInt4, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderScalar, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSliderScalarN, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igSmallButton, [:pointer], :bool], [:igSpacing, [], :void], [:igStyleColorsClassic, [:pointer], :void], [:igStyleColorsDark, [:pointer], :void], [:igStyleColorsLight, [:pointer], :void], [:igTabItemButton, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igTableAngledHeadersRow, [], :void], [:igTableGetColumnCount, [], :int], [:igTableGetColumnFlags, [:int], :int], [:igTableGetColumnIndex, [], :int], [:igTableGetColumnName, [:int], :pointer], [:igTableGetHoveredColumn, [], :int], [:igTableGetRowIndex, [], :int], [:igTableGetSortSpecs, [], :pointer], [:igTableHeader, [:pointer], :void], [:igTableHeadersRow, [], :void], [:igTableNextColumn, [], :bool], [:igTableNextRow, [:int, :float], :void], [:igTableSetBgColor, [:int, :uint, :int], :void], [:igTableSetColumnEnabled, [:int, :bool], :void], [:igTableSetColumnIndex, [:int], :bool], [:igTableSetupColumn, [:pointer, :int, :float, :uint], :void], [:igTableSetupScrollFreeze, [:int, :int], :void], [:igText, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igTextColored, [ImVec4.by_value, :pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igTextDisabled, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igTextLink, [:pointer], :bool], [:igTextLinkOpenURL, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igTextUnformatted, [:pointer, :pointer], :void], [:igTextWrapped, [:pointer, :varargs], :void], [:igTreeNode_Str, [:pointer], :bool], [:igTreeNode_StrStr, [:pointer, :pointer, :varargs], :bool], [:igTreeNode_Ptr, [:pointer, :pointer, :varargs], :bool], [:igTreeNodeEx_Str, [:pointer, :int], :bool], [:igTreeNodeEx_StrStr, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :varargs], :bool], [:igTreeNodeEx_Ptr, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, :varargs], :bool], [:igTreePop, [], :void], [:igTreePush_Str, [:pointer], :void], [:igTreePush_Ptr, [:pointer], :void], [:igUnindent, [:float], :void], [:igUpdatePlatformWindows, [], :void], [:igVSliderFloat, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :pointer, :float, :float, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igVSliderInt, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :pointer, :int, :int, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igVSliderScalar, [:pointer, ImVec2.by_value, :int, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :bool], [:igValue_Bool, [:pointer, :bool], :void], [:igValue_Int, [:pointer, :int], :void], [:igValue_Uint, [:pointer, :uint], :void], [:igValue_Float, [:pointer, :float, :pointer], :void], ] entries.each do |entry| attach_function entry[0], entry[1], entry[2] rescue FFI::NotFoundError => e warn "[Warning] Failed to import #{entry[0]} (#{e})." end attach_function :ImVector_ImWchar_create, :ImVector_ImWchar_create, [], :pointer attach_function :ImVector_ImWchar_destroy, :ImVector_ImWchar_destroy, [:pointer], :void attach_function :ImVector_ImWchar_Init, :ImVector_ImWchar_destroy, [:pointer], :void attach_function :ImVector_ImWchar_UnInit, :ImVector_ImWchar_destroy, [:pointer], :void @@imgui_import_done = true end |
.Indent(indent_w = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: indent_w(float) ret: void
4661 4662 4663 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4661 def self.Indent(indent_w = 0.0) # Implied indent_w = 0.0f igIndent(indent_w) end |
.InputDouble(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.6f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(double*), step(double), step_fast(double), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4667 4668 4669 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4667 def self.InputDouble(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.6f", flags = 0) # Implied step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.6f", flags = 0 igInputDouble(label, v, step, step_fast, format, flags) end |
.InputFloat(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), step(float), step_fast(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4673 4674 4675 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4673 def self.InputFloat(label, v, step = 0.0, step_fast = 0.0, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied step = 0.0f, step_fast = 0.0f, format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igInputFloat(label, v, step, step_fast, format, flags) end |
.InputFloat2(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4679 4680 4681 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4679 def self.InputFloat2(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igInputFloat2(label, v, format, flags) end |
.InputFloat3(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4685 4686 4687 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4685 def self.InputFloat3(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igInputFloat3(label, v, format, flags) end |
.InputFloat4(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4691 4692 4693 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4691 def self.InputFloat4(label, v, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igInputFloat4(label, v, format, flags) end |
.InputInt(label, v, step = 1, step_fast = 100, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), step(int), step_fast(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4697 4698 4699 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4697 def self.InputInt(label, v, step = 1, step_fast = 100, flags = 0) # Implied step = 1, step_fast = 100, flags = 0 igInputInt(label, v, step, step_fast, flags) end |
.InputInt2(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4703 4704 4705 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4703 def self.InputInt2(label, v, flags = 0) igInputInt2(label, v, flags) end |
.InputInt3(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4709 4710 4711 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4709 def self.InputInt3(label, v, flags = 0) igInputInt3(label, v, flags) end |
.InputInt4(label, v, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4715 4716 4717 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4715 def self.InputInt4(label, v, flags = 0) igInputInt4(label, v, flags) end |
.InputScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_step(const void*), p_step_fast(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4721 4722 4723 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4721 def self.InputScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied p_step = NULL, p_step_fast = NULL, format = NULL, flags = 0 igInputScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_step, p_step_fast, format, flags) end |
.InputScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), p_step(const void*), p_step_fast(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags) ret: bool
4727 4728 4729 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4727 def self.InputScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_step = nil, p_step_fast = nil, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied p_step = NULL, p_step_fast = NULL, format = NULL, flags = 0 igInputScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_step, p_step_fast, format, flags) end |
.InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool
Widgets: Input with Keyboard
If you want to use InputText() with std::string or any custom dynamic string type, see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h and comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
Most of the ImGuiInputTextFlags flags are only useful for InputText() and not for InputFloatX, InputIntX, InputDouble etc.
4737 4738 4739 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4737 def self.InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) # Implied callback = NULL, user_data = NULL igInputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data) end |
.InputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool
4743 4744 4745 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4743 def self.InputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size = ImVec2.create(0,0), flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) # Implied size = ImVec2(0, 0), flags = 0, callback = NULL, user_data = NULL igInputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data) end |
.InputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), hint(const char*), buf(char*), buf_size(size_t), flags(ImGuiInputTextFlags), callback(ImGuiInputTextCallback), user_data(void*) ret: bool
4749 4750 4751 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4749 def self.InputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size, flags = 0, callback = nil, user_data = nil) # Implied callback = NULL, user_data = NULL igInputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data) end |
.InvisibleButton(str_id, size, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), size(ImVec2), flags(ImGuiButtonFlags) ret: bool
4755 4756 4757 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4755 def self.InvisibleButton(str_id, size, flags = 0) # flexible button behavior without the visuals, frequently useful to build custom behaviors using the public api (along with IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.) igInvisibleButton(str_id, size, flags) end |
.IsAnyItemActive ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4760 4761 4762 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4760 def self.IsAnyItemActive() # is any item active? igIsAnyItemActive() end |
.IsAnyItemFocused ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4765 4766 4767 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4765 def self.IsAnyItemFocused() # is any item focused? igIsAnyItemFocused() end |
.IsAnyItemHovered ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4770 4771 4772 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4770 def self.IsAnyItemHovered() # is any item hovered? igIsAnyItemHovered() end |
.IsAnyMouseDown ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4775 4776 4777 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4775 def self.IsAnyMouseDown() # [WILL OBSOLETE] is any mouse button held? This was designed for backends, but prefer having backend maintain a mask of held mouse buttons, because upcoming input queue system will make this invalid. igIsAnyMouseDown() end |
.IsItemActivated ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4780 4781 4782 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4780 def self.IsItemActivated() # was the last item just made active (item was previously inactive). igIsItemActivated() end |
.IsItemActive ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4785 4786 4787 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4785 def self.IsItemActive() # is the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited. This will continuously return true while holding mouse button on an item. Items that don't interact will always return false) igIsItemActive() end |
.IsItemClicked(mouse_button = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: mouse_button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool
4791 4792 4793 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4791 def self.IsItemClicked( = 0) # Implied mouse_button = 0 igIsItemClicked() end |
.IsItemDeactivated ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4796 4797 4798 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4796 def self.IsItemDeactivated() # was the last item just made inactive (item was previously active). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. igIsItemDeactivated() end |
.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4801 4802 4803 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4801 def self.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() # was the last item just made inactive and made a value change when it was active? (e.g. Slider/Drag moved). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. Note that you may get false positives (some widgets such as Combo()/ListBox()/Selectable() will return true even when clicking an already selected item). igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() end |
.IsItemEdited ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4806 4807 4808 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4806 def self.IsItemEdited() # did the last item modify its underlying value this frame? or was pressed? This is generally the same as the "bool" return value of many widgets. igIsItemEdited() end |
.IsItemFocused ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4811 4812 4813 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4811 def self.IsItemFocused() # is the last item focused for keyboard/gamepad navigation? igIsItemFocused() end |
.IsItemHovered(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiHoveredFlags) ret: bool
Item/Widgets Utilities and Query Functions
Most of the functions are referring to the previous Item that has been submitted.
See Demo Window under “Widgets->Querying Status” for an interactive visualization of most of those functions.
4821 4822 4823 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4821 def self.IsItemHovered(flags = 0) # is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.). See ImGuiHoveredFlags for more options. igIsItemHovered(flags) end |
.IsItemToggledOpen ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4826 4827 4828 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4826 def self.IsItemToggledOpen() # was the last item open state toggled? set by TreeNode(). igIsItemToggledOpen() end |
.IsItemToggledSelection ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4831 4832 4833 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4831 def self.IsItemToggledSelection() # Was the last item selection state toggled? Useful if you need the per-item information _before_ reaching EndMultiSelect(). We only returns toggle _event_ in order to handle clipping correctly. igIsItemToggledSelection() end |
.IsItemVisible ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4836 4837 4838 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4836 def self.IsItemVisible() # is the last item visible? (items may be out of sight because of clipping/scrolling) igIsItemVisible() end |
.IsKeyChordPressed(key_chord) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord) ret: bool
4842 4843 4844 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4842 def self.IsKeyChordPressed(key_chord) # was key chord (mods + key) pressed, e.g. you can pass 'ImGuiMod_Ctrl | ImGuiKey_S' as a key-chord. This doesn't do any routing or focus check, please consider using Shortcut() function instead. igIsKeyChordPressed(key_chord) end |
.IsKeyDown(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: bool
Inputs Utilities: Keyboard/Mouse/Gamepad
the ImGuiKey enum contains all possible keyboard, mouse and gamepad inputs (e.g. ImGuiKey_A, ImGuiKey_MouseLeft, ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadUp…).
(legacy: before v1.87, we used ImGuiKey to carry native/user indices as defined by each backends. This was obsoleted in 1.87 (2022-02) and completely removed in 1.91.5 (2024-11). See
(legacy: any use of ImGuiKey will assert when key < 512 to detect passing legacy native/user indices)
4853 4854 4855 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4853 def self.IsKeyDown(key) # is key being held. igIsKeyDown(key) end |
.IsKeyPressed(key, repeat = true) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey), repeat(bool) ret: bool
4859 4860 4861 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4859 def self.IsKeyPressed(key, repeat = true) # Implied repeat = true igIsKeyPressed(key, repeat) end |
.IsKeyReleased(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: bool
4865 4866 4867 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4865 def self.IsKeyReleased(key) # was key released (went from Down to !Down)? igIsKeyReleased(key) end |
.IsMouseClicked(button, repeat = false) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), repeat(bool) ret: bool
4871 4872 4873 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4871 def self.IsMouseClicked(, repeat = false) # Implied repeat = false igIsMouseClicked(, repeat) end |
.IsMouseDoubleClicked(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool
4877 4878 4879 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4877 def self.IsMouseDoubleClicked() # did mouse button double-clicked? Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 2. (note that a double-click will also report IsMouseClicked() == true) igIsMouseDoubleClicked() end |
.IsMouseDown(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool
Inputs Utilities: Mouse
To refer to a mouse button, you may use named enums in your code e.g. ImGuiMouseButton_Left, ImGuiMouseButton_Right.
You can also use regular integer: it is forever guaranteed that 0=Left, 1=Right, 2=Middle.
Dragging operations are only reported after mouse has moved a certain distance away from the initial clicking position (see ‘lock_threshold’ and ‘io.MouseDraggingThreshold’)
4888 4889 4890 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4888 def self.IsMouseDown() # is mouse button held? igIsMouseDown() end |
.IsMouseDragging(button, lock_threshold = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton), lock_threshold(float) ret: bool
4894 4895 4896 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4894 def self.IsMouseDragging(, lock_threshold = -1.0) # is mouse dragging? (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f) igIsMouseDragging(, lock_threshold) end |
.IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, clip = true) ⇒ Object
arg: r_min(ImVec2), r_max(ImVec2), clip(bool) ret: bool
4900 4901 4902 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4900 def self.IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, clip = true) # Implied clip = true igIsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, clip) end |
.IsMousePosValid(mouse_pos = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: mouse_pos(const ImVec2*) ret: bool
4906 4907 4908 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4906 def self.IsMousePosValid(mouse_pos = nil) # by convention we use (-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX) to denote that there is no mouse available igIsMousePosValid(mouse_pos) end |
.IsMouseReleased(button) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: bool
4912 4913 4914 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4912 def self.IsMouseReleased() # did mouse button released? (went from Down to !Down) igIsMouseReleased() end |
.IsPopupOpen(str_id, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: bool
Popups: query functions
- IsPopupOpen(): return true if the popup is open at the current BeginPopup() level of the popup stack.
- IsPopupOpen() with ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId: return true if any popup is open at the current BeginPopup() level of the popup stack.
- IsPopupOpen() with ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId + ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel: return true if any popup is open.
4923 4924 4925 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4923 def self.IsPopupOpen(str_id, flags = 0) # return true if the popup is open. igIsPopupOpen(str_id, flags) end |
.IsRectVisible(*arg) ⇒ Object
test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user’s side.
6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6224 def self.IsRectVisible(*arg) # test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user's side. # arg: 0:size(ImVec2) # ret: bool return igIsRectVisible_Nil(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(ImVec2)) # arg: 0:rect_min(ImVec2), 1:rect_max(ImVec2) # ret: bool return igIsRectVisible_Vec2(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] IsRectVisible : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.IsRectVisible_Nil(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: bool
4929 4930 4931 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4929 def self.IsRectVisible_Nil(size) igIsRectVisible_Nil(size) end |
.IsRectVisible_Vec2(rect_min, rect_max) ⇒ Object
arg: rect_min(ImVec2), rect_max(ImVec2) ret: bool
4935 4936 4937 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4935 def self.IsRectVisible_Vec2(rect_min, rect_max) igIsRectVisible_Vec2(rect_min, rect_max) end |
.IsWindowAppearing ⇒ Object
ret: bool
Windows Utilities
‘current window’ = the window we are appending into while inside a Begin()/End() block. ‘next window’ = next window we will Begin() into.
4943 4944 4945 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4943 def self.IsWindowAppearing() igIsWindowAppearing() end |
.IsWindowCollapsed ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4948 4949 4950 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4948 def self.IsWindowCollapsed() igIsWindowCollapsed() end |
.IsWindowDocked ⇒ Object
ret: bool
4953 4954 4955 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4953 def self.IsWindowDocked() # is current window docked into another window? igIsWindowDocked() end |
.IsWindowFocused(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiFocusedFlags) ret: bool
4959 4960 4961 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4959 def self.IsWindowFocused(flags = 0) # is current window focused? or its root/child, depending on flags. see flags for options. igIsWindowFocused(flags) end |
.IsWindowHovered(flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiHoveredFlags) ret: bool
4965 4966 4967 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4965 def self.IsWindowHovered(flags = 0) # is current window hovered and hoverable (e.g. not blocked by a popup/modal)? See ImGuiHoveredFlags_ for options. IMPORTANT: If you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your underlying app, you should not use this function! Use the 'io.WantCaptureMouse' boolean for that! Refer to FAQ entry "How can I tell whether to dispatch mouse/keyboard to Dear ImGui or my application?" for details. igIsWindowHovered(flags) end |
.LabelText(label, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
4971 4972 4973 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4971 def self.LabelText(label, fmt, *varargs) # display text+label aligned the same way as value+label widgets igLabelText(label, fmt, *varargs) end |
.ListBox(*arg) ⇒ Object
6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6234 def self.ListBox(*arg) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:current_item(int*), 2:items(const char* const[]), 3:items_count(int), 4:height_in_items(int) # ret: bool return igListBox_Str_arr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]) if arg.length == 5 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:current_item(int*), 2:getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), 3:user_data(void*), 4:items_count(int), 5:height_in_items(int) # ret: bool return igListBox_FnStrPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5]) if arg.length == 6 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(String) && arg[3].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[5].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] ListBox : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.ListBox_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), getter(const char*(*)(void* user_data,int idx)), user_data(void*), items_count(int), height_in_items(int) ret: bool
4983 4984 4985 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4983 def self.ListBox_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, height_in_items = -1) igListBox_FnStrPtr(label, current_item, getter, user_data, items_count, height_in_items) end |
.ListBox_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, height_in_items = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), current_item(int*), items(const char* const[]), items_count(int), height_in_items(int) ret: bool
4977 4978 4979 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4977 def self.ListBox_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, height_in_items = -1) igListBox_Str_arr(label, current_item, items, items_count, height_in_items) end |
.load_lib(libpath = './imgui.dylib', output_error = false) ⇒ Object
2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 2865 def self.load_lib(libpath = './imgui.dylib', output_error = false) ffi_lib_flags :now, :global ffi_lib libpath import_symbols(output_error) unless @@imgui_import_done end |
.LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_filename(const char*) ret: void
Settings/.Ini Utilities
The disk functions are automatically called if io.IniFilename != NULL (default is “imgui.ini”).
Set io.IniFilename to NULL to load/save manually. Read io.WantSaveIniSettings description about handling .ini saving manually.
Important: default value “imgui.ini” is relative to current working dir! Most apps will want to lock this to an absolute path (e.g. same path as executables).
4994 4995 4996 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 4994 def self.LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename) # call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame(). NewFrame() automatically calls LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(io.IniFilename). igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename) end |
.LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data, ini_size = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_data(const char*), ini_size(size_t) ret: void
5000 5001 5002 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5000 def self.LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data, ini_size = 0) # call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame() to provide .ini data from your own data source. igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data, ini_size) end |
.LogButtons ⇒ Object
ret: void
5005 5006 5007 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5005 def self.LogButtons() # helper to display buttons for logging to tty/file/clipboard igLogButtons() end |
.LogFinish ⇒ Object
ret: void
5010 5011 5012 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5010 def self.LogFinish() # stop logging (close file, etc.) igLogFinish() end |
.LogText(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5016 5017 5018 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5016 def self.LogText(fmt, *varargs) # pass text data straight to log (without being displayed) igLogText(fmt, *varargs) end |
.LogToClipboard(auto_open_depth = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int) ret: void
5022 5023 5024 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5022 def self.LogToClipboard(auto_open_depth = -1) # start logging to OS clipboard igLogToClipboard(auto_open_depth) end |
.LogToFile(auto_open_depth = -1,, filename = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int), filename(const char*) ret: void
5028 5029 5030 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5028 def self.LogToFile(auto_open_depth = -1, filename = nil) # start logging to file igLogToFile(auto_open_depth, filename) end |
.LogToTTY(auto_open_depth = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: auto_open_depth(int) ret: void
All text output from the interface can be captured into tty/file/clipboard. By default, tree nodes are automatically opened during logging.
5037 5038 5039 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5037 def self.LogToTTY(auto_open_depth = -1) # start logging to tty (stdout) igLogToTTY(auto_open_depth) end |
.MemAlloc(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(size_t) ret: pointer
5043 5044 5045 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5043 def self.MemAlloc(size) igMemAlloc(size) end |
.MemFree(ptr) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr(void*) ret: void
5049 5050 5051 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5049 def self.MemFree(ptr) igMemFree(ptr) end |
.MenuItem(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied shortcut = NULL, selected = false, enabled = true
6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6244 def self.MenuItem(*arg) # Implied shortcut = NULL, selected = false, enabled = true # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:shortcut(const char*), 2:selected(bool), 3:enabled(bool) # ret: bool return igMenuItem_Bool(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(String) && (arg[2].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[2].is_a?(FalseClass)) && (arg[3].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[3].is_a?(FalseClass))) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:shortcut(const char*), 2:p_selected(bool*), 3:enabled(bool) # ret: bool return igMenuItem_BoolPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(String) && arg[2].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && (arg[3].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[3].is_a?(FalseClass))) $stderr.puts("[Warning] MenuItem : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.MenuItem_Bool(label, shortcut = nil, selected = false, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), shortcut(const char*), selected(bool), enabled(bool) ret: bool
5055 5056 5057 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5055 def self.MenuItem_Bool(label, shortcut = nil, selected = false, enabled = true) igMenuItem_Bool(label, shortcut, selected, enabled) end |
.MenuItem_BoolPtr(label, shortcut, p_selected, enabled = true) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), shortcut(const char*), p_selected(bool*), enabled(bool) ret: bool
5061 5062 5063 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5061 def self.MenuItem_BoolPtr(label, shortcut, p_selected, enabled = true) igMenuItem_BoolPtr(label, shortcut, p_selected, enabled) end |
.NewFrame ⇒ Object
ret: void
5066 5067 5068 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5066 def self.NewFrame() # start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render()/EndFrame(). igNewFrame() end |
.NewLine ⇒ Object
ret: void
5071 5072 5073 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5071 def self.NewLine() # undo a SameLine() or force a new line when in a horizontal-layout context. igNewLine() end |
.NextColumn ⇒ Object
ret: void
5076 5077 5078 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5076 def self.NextColumn() # next column, defaults to current row or next row if the current row is finished igNextColumn() end |
.OpenPopup(*arg) ⇒ Object
Popups: open/close functions
- OpenPopup(): set popup state to open. ImGuiPopupFlags are available for opening options.
- If not modal: they can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them, or by pressing ESCAPE.
- CloseCurrentPopup(): use inside the BeginPopup()/EndPopup() scope to close manually.
- CloseCurrentPopup() is called by default by Selectable()/MenuItem() when activated (FIXME: need some options).
- Use ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverExistingPopup to avoid opening a popup if there's already one at the same level. This is equivalent to e.g. testing for !IsAnyPopupOpen() prior to OpenPopup().
- Use IsWindowAppearing() after BeginPopup() to tell if a window just opened.
- IMPORTANT: Notice that for OpenPopupOnItemClick() we exceptionally default flags to 1 (== ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight) for backward compatibility with older API taking 'int mouse_button = 1' parameter
6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6263 def self.OpenPopup(*arg) # call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!). # arg: 0:str_id(const char*), 1:popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) # ret: void return igOpenPopup_Str(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:id(ImGuiID), 1:popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) # ret: void return igOpenPopup_ID(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] OpenPopup : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.OpenPopup_ID(id, popup_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: id(ImGuiID), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void
5088 5089 5090 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5088 def self.OpenPopup_ID(id, popup_flags = 0) igOpenPopup_ID(id, popup_flags) end |
.OpenPopup_Str(str_id, popup_flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void
5082 5083 5084 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5082 def self.OpenPopup_Str(str_id, popup_flags = 0) igOpenPopup_Str(str_id, popup_flags) end |
.OpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), popup_flags(ImGuiPopupFlags) ret: void
5094 5095 5096 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5094 def self.OpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id = nil, popup_flags = 1) # helper to open popup when clicked on last item. Default to ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight == 1. (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released_ event to be consistent with popup behaviors) igOpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id, popup_flags) end |
.PlotHistogram(*arg) ⇒ Object
Implied values_offset = 0, overlay_text = NULL, scale_min = FLT_MAX, scale_max = FLT_MAX, graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), stride = sizeof(float)
6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6273 def self.PlotHistogram(*arg) # Implied values_offset = 0, overlay_text = NULL, scale_min = FLT_MAX, scale_max = FLT_MAX, graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), stride = sizeof(float) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:values(const float*), 2:values_count(int), 3:values_offset(int), 4:overlay_text(const char*), 5:scale_min(float), 6:scale_max(float), 7:graph_size(ImVec2), 8:stride(int) # ret: void return igPlotHistogram_FloatPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8]) if arg.length == 9 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(String) && arg[5].kind_of?(Float) && arg[6].kind_of?(Float) && arg[7].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[8].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), 2:data(void*), 3:values_count(int), 4:values_offset(int), 5:overlay_text(const char*), 6:scale_min(float), 7:scale_max(float), 8:graph_size(ImVec2) # ret: void return igPlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8]) if arg.length == 9 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[5].kind_of?(String) && arg[6].kind_of?(Float) && arg[7].kind_of?(Float) && arg[8].kind_of?(ImVec2)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] PlotHistogram : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.PlotHistogram_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values(const float*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2), stride(int) ret: void
5100 5101 5102 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5100 def self.PlotHistogram_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) igPlotHistogram_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset, , scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride) end |
.PlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), data(void*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2) ret: void
5106 5107 5108 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5106 def self.PlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) igPlotHistogram_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset, , scale_min, scale_max, graph_size) end |
.PlotLines(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Data Plotting
Consider using ImPlot ( which is much better!
6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6286 def self.PlotLines(*arg) # Implied values_offset = 0, overlay_text = NULL, scale_min = FLT_MAX, scale_max = FLT_MAX, graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), stride = sizeof(float) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:values(const float*), 2:values_count(int), 3:values_offset(int), 4:overlay_text(const char*), 5:scale_min(float), 6:scale_max(float), 7:graph_size(ImVec2), 8:stride(int) # ret: void return igPlotLines_FloatPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8]) if arg.length == 9 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(String) && arg[5].kind_of?(Float) && arg[6].kind_of?(Float) && arg[7].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[8].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), 2:data(void*), 3:values_count(int), 4:values_offset(int), 5:overlay_text(const char*), 6:scale_min(float), 7:scale_max(float), 8:graph_size(ImVec2) # ret: void return igPlotLines_FnFloatPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8]) if arg.length == 9 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[3].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[4].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[5].kind_of?(String) && arg[6].kind_of?(Float) && arg[7].kind_of?(Float) && arg[8].kind_of?(ImVec2)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] PlotLines : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.PlotLines_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values(const float*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2), stride(int) ret: void
5112 5113 5114 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5112 def self.PlotLines_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset = 0, = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0), stride = FFI::TYPE_FLOAT32.size) igPlotLines_FloatPtr(label, values, values_count, values_offset, , scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride) end |
.PlotLines_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, overlay_text = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), values_getter(float(*)(void* data,int idx)), data(void*), values_count(int), values_offset(int), overlay_text(const char*), scale_min(float), scale_max(float), graph_size(ImVec2) ret: void
5118 5119 5120 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5118 def self.PlotLines_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset = 0, = nil, scale_min = Float::MAX, scale_max = Float::MAX, graph_size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) igPlotLines_FnFloatPtr(label, values_getter, data, values_count, values_offset, , scale_min, scale_max, graph_size) end |
.PopClipRect ⇒ Object
ret: void
5123 5124 5125 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5123 def self.PopClipRect() igPopClipRect() end |
.PopFont ⇒ Object
ret: void
5128 5129 5130 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5128 def self.PopFont() igPopFont() end |
.PopID ⇒ Object
ret: void
5133 5134 5135 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5133 def self.PopID() # pop from the ID stack. igPopID() end |
.PopItemFlag ⇒ Object
ret: void
5138 5139 5140 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5138 def self.PopItemFlag() igPopItemFlag() end |
.PopItemWidth ⇒ Object
ret: void
5143 5144 5145 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5143 def self.PopItemWidth() igPopItemWidth() end |
.PopStyleColor(count = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int) ret: void
5149 5150 5151 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5149 def self.PopStyleColor(count = 1) # Implied count = 1 igPopStyleColor(count) end |
.PopStyleVar(count = 1) ⇒ Object
arg: count(int) ret: void
5155 5156 5157 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5155 def self.PopStyleVar(count = 1) # Implied count = 1 igPopStyleVar(count) end |
.PopTextWrapPos ⇒ Object
ret: void
5160 5161 5162 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5160 def self.PopTextWrapPos() igPopTextWrapPos() end |
.PrintProgramLinkStatus(handle) ⇒ Object
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 44 def self.PrintProgramLinkStatus(handle) rvalue = ' ' * 4 GL.GetProgramiv(handle, GL::LINK_STATUS, rvalue) rvalue = rvalue.unpack1('L') if rvalue == GL::FALSE $stderr.puts "Error in linking program" log_length = ' ' * 4 GL.GetProgramiv(handle, GL::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, log_length) log_length = log_length.unpack1('L') if log_length > 0 buf = ' ' * log_length GL.GetProgramInfoLog(handle, log_length, nil, buf) $stderr.puts(buf) exit() end end end |
.PrintShaderCompileStatus(handle) ⇒ Object
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_opengl3.rb', line 26 def self.PrintShaderCompileStatus(handle) rvalue = ' ' * 4 GL.GetShaderiv(handle, GL::COMPILE_STATUS, rvalue) rvalue = rvalue.unpack1('L') if rvalue == GL::FALSE $stderr.puts "Error in compiling shader" log_length = ' ' * 4 GL.GetShaderiv(handle, GL::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, log_length) log_length = log_length.unpack1('L') if log_length > 0 buf = ' ' * log_length GL.GetShaderInfoLog(handle, log_length, nil, buf) $stderr.puts(buf) exit() end end end |
.ProgressBar(fraction, size_arg = ImVec2.create(-FLT_MIN,0), overlay = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: fraction(float), size_arg(ImVec2), overlay(const char*) ret: void
5166 5167 5168 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5166 def self.ProgressBar(fraction, size_arg = ImVec2.create(-FLT_MIN,0), = nil) igProgressBar(fraction, size_arg, ) end |
.PushClipRect(clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, intersect_with_current_clip_rect) ⇒ Object
arg: clip_rect_min(ImVec2), clip_rect_max(ImVec2), intersect_with_current_clip_rect(bool) ret: void
Mouse hovering is affected by ImGui::PushClipRect() calls, unlike direct calls to ImDrawList::PushClipRect() which are render only.
5175 5176 5177 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5175 def self.PushClipRect(clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, intersect_with_current_clip_rect) igPushClipRect(clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, intersect_with_current_clip_rect) end |
.PushFont(font) ⇒ Object
arg: font(ImFont*) ret: void
Parameters stacks (shared)
5183 5184 5185 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5183 def self.PushFont(font) # use NULL as a shortcut to push default font igPushFont(font) end |
.PushID(*arg) ⇒ Object
ID stack/scopes Read the FAQ (docs/ or for more details about how ID are handled in dear imgui.
Those questions are answered and impacted by understanding of the ID stack system:
“Q: Why is my widget not reacting when I click on it?”
“Q: How can I have widgets with an empty label?”
“Q: How can I have multiple widgets with the same label?”
Short version: ID are hashes of the entire ID stack. If you are creating widgets in a loop you most likely want to push a unique identifier (e.g. object pointer, loop index) to uniquely differentiate them.
You can also use the “Label##foobar” syntax within widget label to distinguish them from each others.
In this header file we use the “label”/“name” terminology to denote a string that will be displayed + used as an ID, whereas “str_id” denote a string that is only used as an ID and not normally displayed.
6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6308 def self.PushID(*arg) # push string into the ID stack (will hash string). # arg: 0:str_id(const char*) # ret: void return igPushID_Str(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:str_id_begin(const char*), 1:str_id_end(const char*) # ret: void return igPushID_StrStr(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:ptr_id(const void*) # ret: void return igPushID_Ptr(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer)) # arg: 0:int_id(int) # ret: void return igPushID_Int(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] PushID : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.PushID_Int(int_id) ⇒ Object
arg: int_id(int) ret: void
5207 5208 5209 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5207 def self.PushID_Int(int_id) igPushID_Int(int_id) end |
.PushID_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: void
5201 5202 5203 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5201 def self.PushID_Ptr(ptr_id) igPushID_Ptr(ptr_id) end |
.PushID_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: void
5189 5190 5191 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5189 def self.PushID_Str(str_id) igPushID_Str(str_id) end |
.PushID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id_begin(const char*), str_id_end(const char*) ret: void
5195 5196 5197 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5195 def self.PushID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) igPushID_StrStr(str_id_begin, str_id_end) end |
.PushItemFlag(option, enabled) ⇒ Object
arg: option(ImGuiItemFlags), enabled(bool) ret: void
5213 5214 5215 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5213 def self.PushItemFlag(option, enabled) # modify specified shared item flag, e.g. PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, true) igPushItemFlag(option, enabled) end |
.PushItemWidth(item_width) ⇒ Object
arg: item_width(float) ret: void
Parameters stacks (current window)
5221 5222 5223 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5221 def self.PushItemWidth(item_width) # push width of items for common large "item+label" widgets. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side). igPushItemWidth(item_width) end |
.PushStyleColor(*arg) ⇒ Object
modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6324 def self.PushStyleColor(*arg) # modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame(). # arg: 0:idx(ImGuiCol), 1:col(ImU32) # ret: void return igPushStyleColor_U32(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:idx(ImGuiCol), 1:col(ImVec4) # ret: void return igPushStyleColor_Vec4(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec4)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] PushStyleColor : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.PushStyleColor_U32(idx, col) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), col(ImU32) ret: void
5227 5228 5229 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5227 def self.PushStyleColor_U32(idx, col) igPushStyleColor_U32(idx, col) end |
.PushStyleColor_Vec4(idx, col) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiCol), col(ImVec4) ret: void
5233 5234 5235 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5233 def self.PushStyleColor_Vec4(idx, col) igPushStyleColor_Vec4(idx, col) end |
.PushStyleVar(*arg) ⇒ Object
modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame()!
6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6334 def self.PushStyleVar(*arg) # modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame()! # arg: 0:idx(ImGuiStyleVar), 1:val(float) # ret: void return igPushStyleVar_Float(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Float)) # arg: 0:idx(ImGuiStyleVar), 1:val(ImVec2) # ret: void return igPushStyleVar_Vec2(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] PushStyleVar : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.PushStyleVar_Float(idx, val) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val(float) ret: void
5239 5240 5241 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5239 def self.PushStyleVar_Float(idx, val) igPushStyleVar_Float(idx, val) end |
.PushStyleVar_Vec2(idx, val) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val(ImVec2) ret: void
5245 5246 5247 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5245 def self.PushStyleVar_Vec2(idx, val) igPushStyleVar_Vec2(idx, val) end |
.PushStyleVarX(idx, val_x) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val_x(float) ret: void
5251 5252 5253 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5251 def self.PushStyleVarX(idx, val_x) # modify X component of a style ImVec2 variable. " igPushStyleVarX(idx, val_x) end |
.PushStyleVarY(idx, val_y) ⇒ Object
arg: idx(ImGuiStyleVar), val_y(float) ret: void
5257 5258 5259 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5257 def self.PushStyleVarY(idx, val_y) # modify Y component of a style ImVec2 variable. " igPushStyleVarY(idx, val_y) end |
.PushTextWrapPos(wrap_local_pos_x = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: wrap_local_pos_x(float) ret: void
5263 5264 5265 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5263 def self.PushTextWrapPos(wrap_local_pos_x = 0.0) # push word-wrapping position for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrap_pos_x' position in window local space igPushTextWrapPos(wrap_local_pos_x) end |
.RadioButton(*arg) ⇒ Object
use with e.g. if (RadioButton(“one”, my_value==1)) { my_value = 1; }
6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6344 def self.RadioButton(*arg) # use with e.g. if (RadioButton("one", my_value==1)) { my_value = 1; } # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:active(bool) # ret: bool return igRadioButton_Bool(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && (arg[1].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[1].is_a?(FalseClass))) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:v(int*), 2:v_button(int) # ret: bool return igRadioButton_IntPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] RadioButton : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.RadioButton_Bool(label, active) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), active(bool) ret: bool
5269 5270 5271 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5269 def self.RadioButton_Bool(label, active) igRadioButton_Bool(label, active) end |
.RadioButton_IntPtr(label, v, v_button) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_button(int) ret: bool
5275 5276 5277 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5275 def self.RadioButton_IntPtr(label, v, ) igRadioButton_IntPtr(label, v, ) end |
.Render ⇒ Object
ret: void
5280 5281 5282 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5280 def self.Render() # ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call GetDrawData(). igRender() end |
.RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg = nil, renderer_render_arg = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: platform_render_arg(void*), renderer_render_arg(void*) ret: void
5286 5287 5288 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5286 def self.RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg = nil, renderer_render_arg = nil) # Implied platform_render_arg = NULL, renderer_render_arg = NULL igRenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg, renderer_render_arg) end |
.ResetMouseDragDelta(button = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: button(ImGuiMouseButton) ret: void
5292 5293 5294 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5292 def self.ResetMouseDragDelta( = 0) # Implied button = 0 igResetMouseDragDelta() end |
.SameLine(offset_from_start_x = 0.0, spacing = -1.0)) ⇒ Object
arg: offset_from_start_x(float), spacing(float) ret: void
5298 5299 5300 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5298 def self.SameLine(offset_from_start_x = 0.0, spacing = -1.0) # Implied offset_from_start_x = 0.0f, spacing = -1.0f igSameLine(offset_from_start_x, spacing) end |
.SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename) ⇒ Object
arg: ini_filename(const char*) ret: void
5304 5305 5306 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5304 def self.SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename) # this is automatically called (if io.IniFilename is not empty) a few seconds after any modification that should be reflected in the .ini file (and also by DestroyContext). igSaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename) end |
.SaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: out_ini_size(size_t*) ret: pointer
5310 5311 5312 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5310 def self.SaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size = nil) # return a zero-terminated string with the .ini data which you can save by your own mean. call when io.WantSaveIniSettings is set, then save data by your own mean and clear io.WantSaveIniSettings. igSaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size) end |
.Selectable(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Selectables
A selectable highlights when hovered, and can display another color when selected.
Neighbors selectable extend their highlight bounds in order to leave no gap between them. This is so a series of selected Selectable appear contiguous.
6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6358 def self.Selectable(*arg) # Implied selected = false, flags = 0, size = ImVec2(0, 0) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:selected(bool), 2:flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), 3:size(ImVec2) # ret: bool return igSelectable_Bool(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && (arg[1].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[1].is_a?(FalseClass)) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(ImVec2)) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:p_selected(bool*), 2:flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), 3:size(ImVec2) # ret: bool return igSelectable_BoolPtr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]) if arg.length == 4 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[3].kind_of?(ImVec2)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] Selectable : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.Selectable_Bool(label, selected = false, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), selected(bool), flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool
5316 5317 5318 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5316 def self.Selectable_Bool(label, selected = false, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) igSelectable_Bool(label, selected, flags, size) end |
.Selectable_BoolPtr(label, p_selected, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), p_selected(bool*), flags(ImGuiSelectableFlags), size(ImVec2) ret: bool
5322 5323 5324 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5322 def self.Selectable_BoolPtr(label, p_selected, flags = 0, size = ImVec2.create(0,0)) igSelectable_BoolPtr(label, p_selected, flags, size) end |
.Separator ⇒ Object
ret: void
Other layout functions
5329 5330 5331 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5329 def self.Separator() # separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout mode, this becomes a vertical separator. igSeparator() end |
.SeparatorText(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void
5335 5336 5337 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5335 def self.SeparatorText(label) # currently: formatted text with an horizontal line igSeparatorText(label) end |
.set_vertex(xy, uv, color) ⇒ Object
384 385 386 387 388 |
# File 'lib/imgui_impl_raylib.rb', line 384 def self.set_vertex(xy, uv, color) Raylib.rlColor4ub(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) Raylib.rlTexCoord2f(uv[0], uv[1]) Raylib.rlVertex2f(xy[0], xy[1]) end |
.SetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func, free_func, user_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: alloc_func(ImGuiMemAllocFunc), free_func(ImGuiMemFreeFunc), user_data(void*) ret: void
Memory Allocators
Those functions are not reliant on the current context.
DLL users: heaps and globals are not shared across DLL boundaries! You will need to call SetCurrentContext() + SetAllocatorFunctions() for each static/DLL boundary you are calling from. Read “Context and Memory Allocators” section of imgui.cpp for more details.
5346 5347 5348 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5346 def self.SetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func, free_func, user_data = nil) igSetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func, free_func, user_data) end |
.SetClipboardText(text) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*) ret: void
5352 5353 5354 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5352 def self.SetClipboardText(text) igSetClipboardText(text) end |
.SetColorEditOptions(flags) ⇒ Object
arg: flags(ImGuiColorEditFlags) ret: void
5358 5359 5360 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5358 def self.SetColorEditOptions(flags) # initialize current options (generally on application startup) if you want to select a default format, picker type, etc. User will be able to change many settings, unless you pass the _NoOptions flag to your calls. igSetColorEditOptions(flags) end |
.SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int), offset_x(float) ret: void
5364 5365 5366 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5364 def self.SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x) # set position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column igSetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x) end |
.SetColumnWidth(column_index, width) ⇒ Object
arg: column_index(int), width(float) ret: void
5370 5371 5372 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5370 def self.SetColumnWidth(column_index, width) # set column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column igSetColumnWidth(column_index, width) end |
.SetCurrentContext(ctx) ⇒ Object
arg: ctx(ImGuiContext*) ret: void
5376 5377 5378 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5376 def self.SetCurrentContext(ctx) igSetCurrentContext(ctx) end |
.SetCursorPos(local_pos) ⇒ Object
arg: local_pos(ImVec2) ret: void
5382 5383 5384 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5382 def self.SetCursorPos(local_pos) # [window-local] " igSetCursorPos(local_pos) end |
.SetCursorPosX(local_x) ⇒ Object
arg: local_x(float) ret: void
5388 5389 5390 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5388 def self.SetCursorPosX(local_x) # [window-local] " igSetCursorPosX(local_x) end |
.SetCursorPosY(local_y) ⇒ Object
arg: local_y(float) ret: void
5394 5395 5396 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5394 def self.SetCursorPosY(local_y) # [window-local] " igSetCursorPosY(local_y) end |
.SetCursorScreenPos(pos) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2) ret: void
5400 5401 5402 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5400 def self.SetCursorScreenPos(pos) # cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. igSetCursorScreenPos(pos) end |
.SetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: type(const char*), data(const void*), sz(size_t), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: bool
5406 5407 5408 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5406 def self.SetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz, cond = 0) # type is a user defined string of maximum 32 characters. Strings starting with '_' are reserved for dear imgui internal types. Data is copied and held by imgui. Return true when payload has been accepted. igSetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz, cond) end |
.SetItemDefaultFocus ⇒ Object
ret: void
Focus, Activation
5413 5414 5415 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5413 def self.SetItemDefaultFocus() # make last item the default focused item of of a newly appearing window. igSetItemDefaultFocus() end |
.SetItemKeyOwner(key) ⇒ Object
arg: key(ImGuiKey) ret: void
Inputs Utilities: Key/Input Ownership [BETA]
One common use case would be to allow your items to disable standard inputs behaviors such as Tab or Alt key handling, Mouse Wheel scrolling, etc. e.g. Button(…); SetItemKeyOwner(ImGuiKey_MouseWheelY); to make hovering/activating a button disable wheel for scrolling.
Reminder ImGuiKey enum include access to mouse buttons and gamepad, so key ownership can apply to them.
Many related features are still in imgui_internal.h. For instance, most IsKeyXXX()/IsMouseXXX() functions have an owner-id-aware version.
5426 5427 5428 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5426 def self.SetItemKeyOwner(key) # Set key owner to last item ID if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) { SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'. igSetItemKeyOwner(key) end |
.SetItemTooltip(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5432 5433 5434 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5432 def self.SetItemTooltip(fmt, *varargs) # set a text-only tooltip if preceding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip(). igSetItemTooltip(fmt, *varargs) end |
.SetKeyboardFocusHere(offset = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: offset(int) ret: void
5438 5439 5440 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5438 def self.SetKeyboardFocusHere(offset = 0) # Implied offset = 0 igSetKeyboardFocusHere(offset) end |
.SetMouseCursor(cursor_type) ⇒ Object
arg: cursor_type(ImGuiMouseCursor) ret: void
5444 5445 5446 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5444 def self.SetMouseCursor(cursor_type) # set desired mouse cursor shape igSetMouseCursor(cursor_type) end |
.SetNavCursorVisible(visible) ⇒ Object
arg: visible(bool) ret: void
Keyboard/Gamepad Navigation
5452 5453 5454 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5452 def self.SetNavCursorVisible(visible) # alter visibility of keyboard/gamepad cursor. by default: show when using an arrow key, hide when clicking with mouse. igSetNavCursorVisible(visible) end |
.SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard) ⇒ Object
arg: want_capture_keyboard(bool) ret: void
5458 5459 5460 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5458 def self.SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard) # Override io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typically when true it instructs your app to ignore inputs). e.g. force capture keyboard when your widget is being hovered. This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureKeyboard = want_capture_keyboard"; after the next NewFrame() call. igSetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard) end |
.SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse) ⇒ Object
arg: want_capture_mouse(bool) ret: void
5464 5465 5466 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5464 def self.SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse) # Override io.WantCaptureMouse flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typical when true it instucts your app to ignore inputs). This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureMouse = want_capture_mouse;" after the next NewFrame() call. igSetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse) end |
.SetNextItemAllowOverlap ⇒ Object
ret: void
Overlapping mode
5471 5472 5473 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5471 def self.SetNextItemAllowOverlap() # allow next item to be overlapped by a subsequent item. Useful with invisible buttons, selectable, treenode covering an area where subsequent items may need to be added. Note that both Selectable() and TreeNode() have dedicated flags doing this. igSetNextItemAllowOverlap() end |
.SetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: is_open(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5477 5478 5479 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5477 def self.SetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond = 0) # set next TreeNode/CollapsingHeader open state. igSetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond) end |
.SetNextItemSelectionUserData(selection_user_data) ⇒ Object
arg: selection_user_data(ImGuiSelectionUserData) ret: void
5483 5484 5485 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5483 def self.SetNextItemSelectionUserData(selection_user_data) igSetNextItemSelectionUserData(selection_user_data) end |
.SetNextItemShortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord), flags(ImGuiInputFlags) ret: void
5489 5490 5491 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5489 def self.SetNextItemShortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) igSetNextItemShortcut(key_chord, flags) end |
.SetNextItemStorageID(storage_id) ⇒ Object
arg: storage_id(ImGuiID) ret: void
5495 5496 5497 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5495 def self.SetNextItemStorageID(storage_id) # set id to use for open/close storage (default to same as item id). igSetNextItemStorageID(storage_id) end |
.SetNextItemWidth(item_width) ⇒ Object
arg: item_width(float) ret: void
5501 5502 5503 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5501 def self.SetNextItemWidth(item_width) # set width of the _next_ common large "item+label" widget. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side) igSetNextItemWidth(item_width) end |
.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha) ⇒ Object
arg: alpha(float) ret: void
5507 5508 5509 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5507 def self.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha) # set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of ImGuiCol_WindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground. igSetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha) end |
.SetNextWindowClass(window_class) ⇒ Object
arg: window_class(const ImGuiWindowClass*) ret: void
5513 5514 5515 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5513 def self.SetNextWindowClass(window_class) # set next window class (control docking compatibility + provide hints to platform backend via custom viewport flags and platform parent/child relationship) igSetNextWindowClass(window_class) end |
.SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5519 5520 5521 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5519 def self.SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond = 0) # set next window collapsed state. call before Begin() igSetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond) end |
.SetNextWindowContentSize(size) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2) ret: void
5525 5526 5527 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5525 def self.SetNextWindowContentSize(size) # set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin() igSetNextWindowContentSize(size) end |
.SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: dock_id(ImGuiID), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5531 5532 5533 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5531 def self.SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id, cond = 0) # set next window dock id igSetNextWindowDockID(dock_id, cond) end |
.SetNextWindowFocus ⇒ Object
ret: void
5536 5537 5538 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5536 def self.SetNextWindowFocus() # set next window to be focused / top-most. call before Begin() igSetNextWindowFocus() end |
.SetNextWindowPos(pos, cond = 0, pivot = ImVec2.create(0,0)) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond), pivot(ImVec2) ret: void
Window manipulation
Prefer using SetNextXXX functions (before Begin) rather that SetXXX functions (after Begin).
5545 5546 5547 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5545 def self.SetNextWindowPos(pos, cond = 0, pivot = ImVec2.create(0,0)) # Implied pivot = ImVec2(0, 0) igSetNextWindowPos(pos, cond, pivot) end |
.SetNextWindowScroll(scroll) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll(ImVec2) ret: void
5551 5552 5553 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5551 def self.SetNextWindowScroll(scroll) # set next window scrolling value (use < 0.0f to not affect a given axis). igSetNextWindowScroll(scroll) end |
.SetNextWindowSize(size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5557 5558 5559 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5557 def self.SetNextWindowSize(size, cond = 0) # set next window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. call before Begin() igSetNextWindowSize(size, cond) end |
.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback = nil, custom_callback_data = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: size_min(ImVec2), size_max(ImVec2), custom_callback(ImGuiSizeCallback), custom_callback_data(void*) ret: void
5563 5564 5565 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5563 def self.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback = nil, custom_callback_data = nil) # set next window size limits. use 0.0f or FLT_MAX if you don't want limits. Use -1 for both min and max of same axis to preserve current size (which itself is a constraint). Use callback to apply non-trivial programmatic constraints. igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback, custom_callback_data) end |
.SetNextWindowViewport(viewport_id) ⇒ Object
arg: viewport_id(ImGuiID) ret: void
5569 5570 5571 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5569 def self.SetNextWindowViewport() # set next window viewport igSetNextWindowViewport() end |
.SetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: local_x(float), center_x_ratio(float) ret: void
5575 5576 5577 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5575 def self.SetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio = 0.5) # adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position. igSetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio) end |
.SetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: local_y(float), center_y_ratio(float) ret: void
5581 5582 5583 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5581 def self.SetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio = 0.5) # adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position. igSetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio) end |
.SetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: center_x_ratio(float) ret: void
5587 5588 5589 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5587 def self.SetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio = 0.5) # adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_x_ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead. igSetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio) end |
.SetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio = 0.5) ⇒ Object
arg: center_y_ratio(float) ret: void
5593 5594 5595 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5593 def self.SetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio = 0.5) # adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_y_ratio=0.0: top, 0.5: center, 1.0: bottom. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead. igSetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio) end |
.SetScrollX(scroll_x) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll_x(float) ret: void
5599 5600 5601 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5599 def self.SetScrollX(scroll_x) # set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxX()] igSetScrollX(scroll_x) end |
.SetScrollY(scroll_y) ⇒ Object
arg: scroll_y(float) ret: void
5605 5606 5607 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5605 def self.SetScrollY(scroll_y) # set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxY()] igSetScrollY(scroll_y) end |
.SetStateStorage(storage) ⇒ Object
arg: storage(ImGuiStorage*) ret: void
5611 5612 5613 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5611 def self.SetStateStorage(storage) # replace current window storage with our own (if you want to manipulate it yourself, typically clear subsection of it) igSetStateStorage(storage) end |
.SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label) ⇒ Object
arg: tab_or_docked_window_label(const char*) ret: void
5617 5618 5619 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5617 def self.SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label) # notify TabBar or Docking system of a closed tab/window ahead (useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars). For tab-bar: call after BeginTabBar() and before Tab submissions. Otherwise call with a window name. igSetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label) end |
.SetTooltip(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5623 5624 5625 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5623 def self.SetTooltip(fmt, *varargs) # set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip(). igSetTooltip(fmt, *varargs) end |
.SetWindowCollapsed(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed().
6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6368 def self.SetWindowCollapsed(*arg) # (not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed(). # arg: 0:collapsed(bool), 1:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowCollapsed_Bool(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && ((arg[0].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[0].is_a?(FalseClass)) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:name(const char*), 1:collapsed(bool), 2:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowCollapsed_Str(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && (arg[1].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[1].is_a?(FalseClass)) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] SetWindowCollapsed : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.SetWindowCollapsed_Bool(collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5629 5630 5631 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5629 def self.SetWindowCollapsed_Bool(collapsed, cond = 0) igSetWindowCollapsed_Bool(collapsed, cond) end |
.SetWindowCollapsed_Str(name, collapsed, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), collapsed(bool), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5635 5636 5637 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5635 def self.SetWindowCollapsed_Str(name, collapsed, cond = 0) igSetWindowCollapsed_Str(name, collapsed, cond) end |
.SetWindowFocus(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus().
6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6378 def self.SetWindowFocus(*arg) # (not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus(). # arg: # ret: void return igSetWindowFocus_Nil() if arg.length == 0 && () # arg: 0:name(const char*) # ret: void return igSetWindowFocus_Str(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] SetWindowFocus : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.SetWindowFocus_Nil ⇒ Object
ret: void
5640 5641 5642 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5640 def self.SetWindowFocus_Nil() igSetWindowFocus_Nil() end |
.SetWindowFocus_Str(name) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*) ret: void
5646 5647 5648 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5646 def self.SetWindowFocus_Str(name) igSetWindowFocus_Str(name) end |
.SetWindowFontScale(scale) ⇒ Object
arg: scale(float) ret: void
5652 5653 5654 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5652 def self.SetWindowFontScale(scale) # [OBSOLETE] set font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows. This is an old API! For correct scaling, prefer to reload font + rebuild ImFontAtlas + call style.ScaleAllSizes(). igSetWindowFontScale(scale) end |
.SetWindowPos(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects.
6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6388 def self.SetWindowPos(*arg) # (not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects. # arg: 0:pos(ImVec2), 1:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowPos_Vec2(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:name(const char*), 1:pos(ImVec2), 2:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowPos_Str(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] SetWindowPos : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.SetWindowPos_Str(name, pos, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5664 5665 5666 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5664 def self.SetWindowPos_Str(name, pos, cond = 0) igSetWindowPos_Str(name, pos, cond) end |
.SetWindowPos_Vec2(pos, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: pos(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5658 5659 5660 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5658 def self.SetWindowPos_Vec2(pos, cond = 0) igSetWindowPos_Vec2(pos, cond) end |
.SetWindowSize(*arg) ⇒ Object
(not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects.
6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6398 def self.SetWindowSize(*arg) # (not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects. # arg: 0:size(ImVec2), 1:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowSize_Vec2(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:name(const char*), 1:size(ImVec2), 2:cond(ImGuiCond) # ret: void return igSetWindowSize_Str(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(ImVec2) && arg[2].kind_of?(Integer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] SetWindowSize : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.SetWindowSize_Str(name, size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: name(const char*), size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5676 5677 5678 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5676 def self.SetWindowSize_Str(name, size, cond = 0) igSetWindowSize_Str(name, size, cond) end |
.SetWindowSize_Vec2(size, cond = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: size(ImVec2), cond(ImGuiCond) ret: void
5670 5671 5672 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5670 def self.SetWindowSize_Vec2(size, cond = 0) igSetWindowSize_Vec2(size, cond) end |
.Shortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: key_chord(ImGuiKeyChord), flags(ImGuiInputFlags) ret: bool
Inputs Utilities: Shortcut Testing & Routing [BETA]
ImGuiKeyChord = a ImGuiKey + optional ImGuiMod_Alt/ImGuiMod_Ctrl/ImGuiMod_Shift/ImGuiMod_Super.
ImGuiKey_C // Accepted by functions taking ImGuiKey or ImGuiKeyChord arguments) ImGuiMod_Ctrl | ImGuiKey_C // Accepted by functions taking ImGuiKeyChord arguments)
only ImGuiMod_XXX values are legal to combine with an ImGuiKey. You CANNOT combine two ImGuiKey values.
The general idea is that several callers may register interest in a shortcut, and only one owner gets it.
Parent -> call Shortcut(Ctrl+S) // When Parent is focused, Parent gets the shortcut. Child1 -> call Shortcut(Ctrl+S) // When Child1 is focused, Child1 gets the shortcut (Child1 overrides Parent shortcuts) Child2 -> no call // When Child2 is focused, Parent gets the shortcut.
The whole system is order independent, so if Child1 makes its calls before Parent, results will be identical. This is an important property as it facilitate working with foreign code or larger codebase.
To understand the difference:
IsKeyChordPressed() compares mods and call IsKeyPressed() -> function has no side-effect.
Shortcut() submits a route, routes are resolved, if it currently can be routed it calls IsKeyChordPressed() -> function has (desirable) side-effects as it can prevents another call from getting the route.
Visualize registered routes in ‘Metrics/Debugger->Inputs’.
5698 5699 5700 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5698 def self.Shortcut(key_chord, flags = 0) igShortcut(key_chord, flags) end |
.ShowAboutWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void
5704 5705 5706 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5704 def self.ShowAboutWindow(p_open = nil) # create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information. igShowAboutWindow(p_open) end |
.ShowDebugLogWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void
5710 5711 5712 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5710 def self.ShowDebugLogWindow(p_open = nil) # create Debug Log window. display a simplified log of important dear imgui events. igShowDebugLogWindow(p_open) end |
.ShowDemoWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void
Demo, Debug, Information
5718 5719 5720 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5718 def self.ShowDemoWindow(p_open = nil) # create Demo window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application! igShowDemoWindow(p_open) end |
.ShowFontSelector(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void
5724 5725 5726 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5724 def self.ShowFontSelector(label) # add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts. igShowFontSelector(label) end |
.ShowIDStackToolWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void
5730 5731 5732 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5730 def self.ShowIDStackToolWindow(p_open = nil) # Implied p_open = NULL igShowIDStackToolWindow(p_open) end |
.ShowMetricsWindow(p_open = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: p_open(bool*) ret: void
5736 5737 5738 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5736 def self.ShowMetricsWindow(p_open = nil) # create Metrics/Debugger window. display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw commands, various internal state, etc. igShowMetricsWindow(p_open) end |
.ShowStyleEditor(ref = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: ref(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void
5742 5743 5744 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5742 def self.ShowStyleEditor(ref = nil) # add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style) igShowStyleEditor(ref) end |
.ShowStyleSelector(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool
5748 5749 5750 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5748 def self.ShowStyleSelector(label) # add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles. igShowStyleSelector(label) end |
.ShowUserGuide ⇒ Object
ret: void
5753 5754 5755 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5753 def self.ShowUserGuide() # add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as an end-user (mouse/keyboard controls). igShowUserGuide() end |
.SliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min = -360.0,, v_degrees_max = +360.0, format = "%.0f deg", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v_rad(float*), v_degrees_min(float), v_degrees_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5759 5760 5761 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5759 def self.SliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min = -360.0, v_degrees_max = +360.0, format = "%.0f deg", flags = 0) # Implied v_degrees_min = -360.0f, v_degrees_max = +360.0f, format = "%.0f deg", flags = 0 igSliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float*), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
Widgets: Regular Sliders
CTRL+Click on any slider to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren’t clamped by default and can go off-bounds. Use ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp to always clamp.
Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. “%.3f” -> 1.234; “%5.2f secs” -> 01.23 secs; “Biscuit: %.0f” -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format (“%f” or “%d”).
Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are SliderXXX() function signatures that take a final ‘float power=1.0f’ argument instead of the ‘ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0’ argument. If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read
5772 5773 5774 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5772 def self.SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igSliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5778 5779 5780 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5778 def self.SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igSliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5784 5785 5786 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5784 def self.SliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igSliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(float), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5790 5791 5792 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5790 def self.SliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igSliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int*), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5796 5797 5798 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5796 def self.SliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%d", flags = 0 igSliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5802 5803 5804 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5802 def self.SliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%d", flags = 0 igSliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5808 5809 5810 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5808 def self.SliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%d", flags = 0 igSliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), v(int), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5814 5815 5816 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5814 def self.SliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%d", flags = 0 igSliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5820 5821 5822 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5820 def self.SliderScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied format = NULL, flags = 0 igSliderScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, flags) end |
.SliderScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), components(int), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
5826 5827 5828 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5826 def self.SliderScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied format = NULL, flags = 0 igSliderScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_min, p_max, format, flags) end |
.SmallButton(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool
5832 5833 5834 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5832 def self.SmallButton(label) # button with (FramePadding.y == 0) to easily embed within text igSmallButton(label) end |
.Spacing ⇒ Object
ret: void
5837 5838 5839 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5837 def self.Spacing() # add vertical spacing. igSpacing() end |
.StyleColorsClassic(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void
5843 5844 5845 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5843 def self.StyleColorsClassic(dst = nil) # classic imgui style igStyleColorsClassic(dst) end |
.StyleColorsDark(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void
5851 5852 5853 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5851 def self.StyleColorsDark(dst = nil) # new, recommended style (default) igStyleColorsDark(dst) end |
.StyleColorsLight(dst = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: dst(ImGuiStyle*) ret: void
5857 5858 5859 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5857 def self.StyleColorsLight(dst = nil) # best used with borders and a custom, thicker font igStyleColorsLight(dst) end |
.TabItemButton(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTabItemFlags) ret: bool
5863 5864 5865 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5863 def self.TabItemButton(label, flags = 0) # create a Tab behaving like a button. return true when clicked. cannot be selected in the tab bar. igTabItemButton(label, flags) end |
.TableAngledHeadersRow ⇒ Object
ret: void
5868 5869 5870 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5868 def self.TableAngledHeadersRow() # submit a row with angled headers for every column with the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_AngledHeader flag. MUST BE FIRST ROW. igTableAngledHeadersRow() end |
.TableGetColumnCount ⇒ Object
ret: int
5873 5874 5875 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5873 def self.TableGetColumnCount() # return number of columns (value passed to BeginTable) igTableGetColumnCount() end |
.TableGetColumnFlags(column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: int
5879 5880 5881 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5879 def self.TableGetColumnFlags(column_n = -1) # return column flags so you can query their Enabled/Visible/Sorted/Hovered status flags. Pass -1 to use current column. igTableGetColumnFlags(column_n) end |
.TableGetColumnIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int
5884 5885 5886 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5884 def self.TableGetColumnIndex() # return current column index. igTableGetColumnIndex() end |
.TableGetColumnName(column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: pointer
5890 5891 5892 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5890 def self.TableGetColumnName(column_n = -1) # return "" if column didn't have a name declared by TableSetupColumn(). Pass -1 to use current column. igTableGetColumnName(column_n) end |
.TableGetHoveredColumn ⇒ Object
ret: int
5895 5896 5897 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5895 def self.TableGetHoveredColumn() # return hovered column. return -1 when table is not hovered. return columns_count if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered. Can also use (TableGetColumnFlags() & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsHovered) instead. igTableGetHoveredColumn() end |
.TableGetRowIndex ⇒ Object
ret: int
5900 5901 5902 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5900 def self.TableGetRowIndex() # return current row index. igTableGetRowIndex() end |
.TableGetSortSpecs ⇒ Object
ret: pointer
Tables: Sorting & Miscellaneous functions
Sorting: call TableGetSortSpecs() to retrieve latest sort specs for the table. NULL when not sorting. When ‘sort_specs->SpecsDirty == true’ you should sort your data. It will be true when sorting specs have changed since last call, or the first time. Make sure to set ‘SpecsDirty = false’ after sorting, else you may wastefully sort your data every frame!
Functions args ‘int column_n’ treat the default value of -1 as the same as passing the current column index.
5912 5913 5914 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5912 def self.TableGetSortSpecs() # get latest sort specs for the table (NULL if not sorting). Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable(). igTableGetSortSpecs() end |
.TableHeader(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: void
5918 5919 5920 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5918 def self.TableHeader(label) # submit one header cell manually (rarely used) igTableHeader(label) end |
.TableHeadersRow ⇒ Object
ret: void
5923 5924 5925 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5923 def self.TableHeadersRow() # submit a row with headers cells based on data provided to TableSetupColumn() + submit context menu igTableHeadersRow() end |
.TableNextColumn ⇒ Object
ret: bool
5928 5929 5930 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5928 def self.TableNextColumn() # append into the next column (or first column of next row if currently in last column). Return true when column is visible. igTableNextColumn() end |
.TableNextRow(row_flags = 0, min_row_height = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: row_flags(ImGuiTableRowFlags), min_row_height(float) ret: void
5934 5935 5936 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5934 def self.TableNextRow(row_flags = 0, min_row_height = 0.0) # Implied row_flags = 0, min_row_height = 0.0f igTableNextRow(row_flags, min_row_height) end |
.TableSetBgColor(target, color, column_n = -1)) ⇒ Object
arg: target(ImGuiTableBgTarget), color(ImU32), column_n(int) ret: void
5940 5941 5942 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5940 def self.TableSetBgColor(target, color, column_n = -1) # change the color of a cell, row, or column. See ImGuiTableBgTarget_ flags for details. igTableSetBgColor(target, color, column_n) end |
.TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int), v(bool) ret: void
5946 5947 5948 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5946 def self.TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v) # change user accessible enabled/disabled state of a column. Set to false to hide the column. User can use the context menu to change this themselves (right-click in headers, or right-click in columns body with ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody) igTableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v) end |
.TableSetColumnIndex(column_n) ⇒ Object
arg: column_n(int) ret: bool
5952 5953 5954 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5952 def self.TableSetColumnIndex(column_n) # append into the specified column. Return true when column is visible. igTableSetColumnIndex(column_n) end |
.TableSetupColumn(label, flags = 0, init_width_or_weight = 0.0, user_id = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTableColumnFlags), init_width_or_weight(float), user_id(ImGuiID) ret: void
Tables: Headers & Columns declaration
Use TableSetupColumn() to specify label, resizing policy, default width/weight, id, various other flags etc.
Use TableHeadersRow() to create a header row and automatically submit a TableHeader() for each column. Headers are required to perform: reordering, sorting, and opening the context menu. The context menu can also be made available in columns body using ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody.
You may manually submit headers using TableNextRow() + TableHeader() calls, but this is only useful in some advanced use cases (e.g. adding custom widgets in header row).
Use TableSetupScrollFreeze() to lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
5967 5968 5969 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5967 def self.TableSetupColumn(label, flags = 0, init_width_or_weight = 0.0, user_id = 0) # Implied init_width_or_weight = 0.0f, user_id = 0 igTableSetupColumn(label, flags, init_width_or_weight, user_id) end |
.TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows) ⇒ Object
arg: cols(int), rows(int) ret: void
5973 5974 5975 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5973 def self.TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows) # lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled. igTableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows) end |
.Text(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5979 5980 5981 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5979 def self.Text(fmt, *varargs) # formatted text igText(fmt, *varargs) end |
.TextColored(col, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: col(ImVec4), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5985 5986 5987 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5985 def self.TextColored(col, fmt, *varargs) # shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor(); igTextColored(col, fmt, *varargs) end |
.TextDisabled(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
5991 5992 5993 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5991 def self.TextDisabled(fmt, *varargs) # shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor(); igTextDisabled(fmt, *varargs) end |
.TextLink(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool
5997 5998 5999 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 5997 def self.TextLink(label) # hyperlink text button, return true when clicked igTextLink(label) end |
.TextLinkOpenURL(label, url = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), url(const char*) ret: void
6003 6004 6005 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6003 def self.TextLinkOpenURL(label, url = nil) # Implied url = NULL igTextLinkOpenURL(label, url) end |
.TextUnformatted(text, text_end = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: text(const char*), text_end(const char*) ret: void
Widgets: Text
6011 6012 6013 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6011 def self.TextUnformatted(text, text_end = nil) # Implied text_end = NULL igTextUnformatted(text, text_end) end |
.TextWrapped(fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: void
6017 6018 6019 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6017 def self.TextWrapped(fmt, *varargs) # shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize(). igTextWrapped(fmt, *varargs) end |
.TreeNode(*arg) ⇒ Object
Widgets: Trees
TreeNode functions return true when the node is open, in which case you need to also call TreePop() when you are finished displaying the tree node contents.
6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6411 def self.TreeNode(*arg) # arg: 0:label(const char*) # ret: bool return igTreeNode_Str(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:str_id(const char*), 1:fmt(const char*), 2:...(...) # ret: bool return igTreeNode_StrStr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2..]) if arg.length >= 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:ptr_id(const void*), 1:fmt(const char*), 2:...(...) # ret: bool return igTreeNode_Ptr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2..]) if arg.length >= 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[1].kind_of?(String)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] TreeNode : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.TreeNode_Ptr(ptr_id, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool
6035 6036 6037 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6035 def self.TreeNode_Ptr(ptr_id, fmt, *varargs) igTreeNode_Ptr(ptr_id, fmt, *varargs) end |
.TreeNode_Str(label) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*) ret: bool
6023 6024 6025 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6023 def self.TreeNode_Str(label) igTreeNode_Str(label) end |
.TreeNode_StrStr(str_id, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool
6029 6030 6031 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6029 def self.TreeNode_StrStr(str_id, fmt, *varargs) igTreeNode_StrStr(str_id, fmt, *varargs) end |
.TreeNodeEx(*arg) ⇒ Object
6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6424 def self.TreeNodeEx(*arg) # arg: 0:label(const char*), 1:flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) # ret: bool return igTreeNodeEx_Str(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:str_id(const char*), 1:flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), 2:fmt(const char*), 3:...(...) # ret: bool return igTreeNodeEx_StrStr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3..]) if arg.length >= 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[2].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:ptr_id(const void*), 1:flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), 2:fmt(const char*), 3:...(...) # ret: bool return igTreeNodeEx_Ptr(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3..]) if arg.length >= 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer) && arg[2].kind_of?(String)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] TreeNodeEx : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.TreeNodeEx_Ptr(ptr_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool
6053 6054 6055 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6053 def self.TreeNodeEx_Ptr(ptr_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) igTreeNodeEx_Ptr(ptr_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) end |
.TreeNodeEx_Str(label, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags) ret: bool
6041 6042 6043 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6041 def self.TreeNodeEx_Str(label, flags = 0) igTreeNodeEx_Str(label, flags) end |
.TreeNodeEx_StrStr(str_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*), flags(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags), fmt(const char*), …(…) ret: bool
6047 6048 6049 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6047 def self.TreeNodeEx_StrStr(str_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) igTreeNodeEx_StrStr(str_id, flags, fmt, *varargs) end |
.TreePop ⇒ Object
ret: void
6058 6059 6060 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6058 def self.TreePop() # ~ Unindent()+PopID() igTreePop() end |
.TreePush(*arg) ⇒ Object
~ Indent()+PushID(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired.
6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6437 def self.TreePush(*arg) # ~ Indent()+PushID(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired. # arg: 0:str_id(const char*) # ret: void return igTreePush_Str(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String)) # arg: 0:ptr_id(const void*) # ret: void return igTreePush_Ptr(arg[0]) if arg.length == 1 && (arg[0].kind_of?(FFI::Pointer)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] TreePush : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.TreePush_Ptr(ptr_id) ⇒ Object
arg: ptr_id(const void*) ret: void
6070 6071 6072 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6070 def self.TreePush_Ptr(ptr_id) igTreePush_Ptr(ptr_id) end |
.TreePush_Str(str_id) ⇒ Object
arg: str_id(const char*) ret: void
6064 6065 6066 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6064 def self.TreePush_Str(str_id) igTreePush_Str(str_id) end |
.Unindent(indent_w = 0.0) ⇒ Object
arg: indent_w(float) ret: void
6076 6077 6078 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6076 def self.Unindent(indent_w = 0.0) # Implied indent_w = 0.0f igUnindent(indent_w) end |
.UpdatePlatformWindows ⇒ Object
ret: void
(Optional) Platform/OS interface for multi-viewport support Read comments around the ImGuiPlatformIO structure for more details. Note: You may use GetWindowViewport() to get the current viewport of the current window.
6085 6086 6087 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6085 def self.UpdatePlatformWindows() # call in main loop. will call CreateWindow/ResizeWindow/etc. platform functions for each secondary viewport, and DestroyWindow for each inactive viewport. igUpdatePlatformWindows() end |
.Value(*arg) ⇒ Object
6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6447 def self.Value(*arg) # arg: 0:prefix(const char*), 1:b(bool) # ret: void return igValue_Bool(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && (arg[1].is_a?(TrueClass) || arg[1].is_a?(FalseClass))) # arg: 0:prefix(const char*), 1:v(int) # ret: void return igValue_Int(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:prefix(const char*), 1:v(unsigned int) # ret: void return igValue_Uint(arg[0], arg[1]) if arg.length == 2 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Integer)) # arg: 0:prefix(const char*), 1:v(float), 2:float_format(const char*) # ret: void return igValue_Float(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]) if arg.length == 3 && (arg[0].kind_of?(String) && arg[1].kind_of?(Float) && arg[2].kind_of?(String)) $stderr.puts("[Warning] Value : No matching functions found (#{arg})") end |
.Value_Bool(prefix, b) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), b(bool) ret: void
6109 6110 6111 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6109 def self.Value_Bool(prefix, b) igValue_Bool(prefix, b) end |
.Value_Float(prefix, v, float_format = nil) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(float), float_format(const char*) ret: void
6127 6128 6129 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6127 def self.Value_Float(prefix, v, float_format = nil) igValue_Float(prefix, v, float_format) end |
.Value_Int(prefix, v) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(int) ret: void
6115 6116 6117 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6115 def self.Value_Int(prefix, v) igValue_Int(prefix, v) end |
.Value_Uint(prefix, v) ⇒ Object
arg: prefix(const char*), v(unsigned int) ret: void
6121 6122 6123 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6121 def self.Value_Uint(prefix, v) igValue_Uint(prefix, v) end |
.VSliderFloat(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), v(float*), v_min(float), v_max(float), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
6091 6092 6093 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6091 def self.VSliderFloat(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%.3f", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%.3f", flags = 0 igVSliderFloat(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.VSliderInt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), v(int*), v_min(int), v_max(int), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
6097 6098 6099 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6097 def self.VSliderInt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format = "%d", flags = 0) # Implied format = "%d", flags = 0 igVSliderInt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags) end |
.VSliderScalar(label, size, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) ⇒ Object
arg: label(const char*), size(ImVec2), data_type(ImGuiDataType), p_data(void*), p_min(const void*), p_max(const void*), format(const char*), flags(ImGuiSliderFlags) ret: bool
6103 6104 6105 |
# File 'lib/imgui.rb', line 6103 def self.VSliderScalar(label, size, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format = nil, flags = 0) # Implied format = NULL, flags = 0 igVSliderScalar(label, size, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, flags) end |