Class: Imwukong::Base
- Inherits:
- Object
- Imwukong::Base
- Defined in:
- lib/imwukong/api.rb,
Constant Summary collapse
api description
method_group: string, 接口分组名 method_pluralize: boolean, 接口名是否为复数形式, 默认为false method_name: 接口名 prefix: url前缀, 默认是'v1/im', url: 接口url args: 参数列表, symbol array default: 可选参数的默认值, 调用时可以不用传
[ # 用户 { method_group: 'user', method_name: 'update_profile', http_method: :post, prefix: 'v1', url: 'profile/update' }, { method_group: 'user', method_name: 'profile', http_method: :get, prefix: 'v1', url: 'profile/get', args: [:openId] }, { method_group: 'user', method_name: 'profiles', http_method: :post, prefix: 'v1', url: 'profiles/get', args: [:openIds] }, { method_group: 'user', method_name: 'update_tag', http_method: :post, prefix: 'v1', url: 'tag/update', args: [:openId, :tag, :op] }, # 聊天会话 { # 创建聊天会话 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'create', method_pluralize: false, http_method: :post, url: 'create', args: [:openId, :type, :icon, :title, :members], default: { icon: '', title: '' } }, { # 查询聊天会话的概要信息 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'profiles', http_method: :post, url: 'profiles/get', args: [:openId, :conversationIds] }, { # 查询会话信息(包括会话最近的消息和消息状态) method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'info', http_method: :get, url: 'get', args: [:openId, :conversationId] }, { # 批量查询会话信息(包括会话最近的消息和消息状态) method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'infos', method_pluralize: true, http_method: :post, url: 'get', args: [:openId, :conversationIds] }, { # 无条件查询会话信息,首屏删除也可以取得(包括会话最近的消息和消息状态) method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'unlimit_infos', http_method: :post, url: 'unlimited/get', args: [:openId, :conversationId] }, { # 分页查询用户的群聊会话列表 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'page_group_infos', http_method: :get, url: 'groups/get', args: [:openId, :cursor, :count] }, { # 分页查询用户的会话列表 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'page_infos', http_method: :get, url: 'list', args: [:openId, :cursor, :count] }, { # 增加会话成员 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'add_members', http_method: :post, url: 'member/add', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :members, :message] }, { # 群主删除会话成员 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'remove_members', http_method: :post, url: 'member/remove', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :members, :message] }, { # 修改群聊会话tag,用于通知会话信息发生变化 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_tag', http_method: :post, url: 'tag/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :tag] }, { # 修改群聊会话自定义扩展字段extension method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_ext', http_method: :post, url: 'extension/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :extension] }, { # 修改会话名称 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_title', http_method: :post, url: 'title/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :extension] }, { # 修改会话头像 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_icon', http_method: :post, url: 'icon/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :newIcon, :message] }, { # 修改XPN状态 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_notification', http_method: :post, url: 'notification/update', # status 0 接收通知, 1 不接收通知 args: [:openId, :conversationId, :status] }, { # 解散群聊会话 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'disband', http_method: :post, url: 'disband', args: [:openId, :conversationId] }, { # 查询有未读消息的会话 method_group: 'conversation', method_pluralize: true, method_name: 'unread', http_method: :get, url: 'unread', args: [:openId, :cursor, :count] }, { # 查询会话成员列表 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'members', http_method: :get, url: 'members/get', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :offset, :count] }, { # 修改会话最大人数 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_member_limit', http_method: :post, url: 'member/limit/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :memberLimit] }, { # 修改会话为大群 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_super', http_method: :post, url: 'member/super/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :superGroup] }, { # 成员主动退出会话 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'quit', http_method: :post, url: 'quit', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :message] }, { # 会话成员主动退出会话,只给群主发消息 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'quit_silent', http_method: :post, url: 'quit/silent', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :message] }, { # 查询会话成员角色。角色的取值 1是群主,3 普通用户。返回data为空表示不是群成员 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'role_list', http_method: :post, url: 'list/role', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :message] }, { # 修改会话群主 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_owner', http_method: :post, url: 'owner/update', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :message] }, { # 查询最新的会话列表 method_group: 'conversation', method_pluralize: true, method_name: 'newest', http_method: :get, url: 'newest/get', args: [:openId, :count] }, { # 清空会话消息 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'clear', http_method: :post, url: 'message/clear', args: [:openId, :conversationId] }, { # 会话置顶 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'set_top', http_method: :post, url: 'top/set', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :toTop] }, { # 修改会话状态 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_status', http_method: :post, url: 'status/update', args: [:openId, :conversationIds, :status] }, { # 修改会话扩展信息的特定属性 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'update_exts', http_method: :post, url: 'extension/keys/update', args: [:openId, :conversationIds, :extension] }, # 聊天消息 { # 向会话中发送消息,目前支持文字消息、图片消息、语音消息、语音图片消息、 文件消息、自定义消息。 # 文本消息是直接发送 # 图片、语音、文件等多媒体类型消息则是先上传文件然后再发送message method_group: 'message', method_name: 'send', http_method: :post, url: 'send', # content封装不同的消息内容,具体json格式参阅聊天消息 args: [:senderId, :conversationId, :receivers, :msgType, :content, :extension, :tag, :XpnParam, :priority] }, { # 查询单条消息 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'query', http_method: :get, url: 'query', args: [:openId, :messageId] }, { # 其实应该属于'聊天会话'分组, 悟空文档这样放, 就这样放吧 ~ # 查询会话的消息 method_group: 'conversation', method_name: 'query', http_method: :get, url: 'messages/query', args: [:openId, :conversationId, :cursor, :forward, :count] }, { # 设置消息为已读状态 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'set_read', http_method: :post, url: 'set/read', args: [:openId, :messageIds] }, { # 消息撤回 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'recall', http_method: :post, url: 'recall', args: [:openId, :messageId] }, # 暂未开通 # { # # 短信邮件发送消息 # # 会话好友没有安装应用时,可以通过短信邮件发送聊天消息 # method_group: 'message', # method_name: 'sms', # http_method: :post, # url: 'sms/notice', # args: [:openId, :openIds, :contacts, :conversationId, :type] # }, { # 获取一条消息未读人的列表 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'unread_members', http_method: :get, url: 'member/unread', args: [:openId, :messageId] }, { # 删除消息 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'remove', http_method: :post, url: 'remove', args: [:openId, :messageIds] }, { # 修改用户消息的私有tag和扩展信息 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'update_member', http_method: :post, url: 'member/update', args: [:openId, :messageId, :receiverIds, :tag, :extension] }, { # 修改消息的扩展信息 method_group: 'message', method_name: 'update_ext', http_method: :post, url: 'ext/update', args: [:openId, :messageId, :extension] }, # 关注 { # 加关注 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'follow', http_method: :post, url: 'status/follow', args: [:myOpenId, :tag, :openId] }, { # 取消关注 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'unfollow', http_method: :post, url: 'status/unfollow', args: [:myOpenId, :tag, :openId] }, { # 分页获取自己的关注列表 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'follow_list', http_method: :get, url: 'following/query', # cursor, 第一次查询是0 ,后续查询取返回的nextCursor, nextCursor为-1表示无更多数据 args: [:openId, :tag, :cursor,:count] }, { # 分页获取双向关注列表 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'bi_follow_list', http_method: :get, url: 'binfollow/query', args: [:openId, :tag, :cursor,:count] }, { # 分页获取关注自己的人的列表 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'follow_by_list', http_method: :get, url: 'followers/query', args: [:openId, :tag, :cursor,:count] }, { # 获取自己与其他用户的关系 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'query', http_method: :get, url: 'status/query', args: [:myOpenId, :tag, :peerOpenId] }, { # 分页获取关注和被关注列表 method_group: 'relation', method_name: 'list', http_method: :get, url: 'all/query', args: [:openId, :tag, :cursor,:count] }, # 推送 { # 修改会话扩展信息的特定属性 method_group: 'push', prefix: 'v1', method_name: 'to_user', http_method: :post, url: 'message/user', # NotifyDataModel, 用户不在线的情况下,通过IOS APN、华为、小米通道下发的消息内容, 长度不超过256字节 # { # alertContent 可选,推送到APN的内容,适用于华为、小米、IOS设备。 string # badge 可选,app角标的增量数字,适用于IOS。 integer # params 可选, 自定义传输参数, key-value列表,key和value都为字符串类型,适用于IOS json map对象 # sound 可选,推送消息提醒声音,应用中的音频资源名,支持aiff、wav、caf格式,适用于IOS。 string # timeToLive 可选,APN保持持续时间,单位秒,适用于IOS,建议不要设置,使用默认的值。 integer # } # PushDataModel, 通过悟空PUSH长连接发下去的消息 # { # content 消息内容。不能为空 string # toWeb 可选,是否只推送到web。默认是false,推送到所有终端,包括web。 boolean # type 用户定义的消息类型。 integer # persist 是否持久化存储,默认为持久化存储。 boolean # } args: [:receiverId, :NotifyModel, :PushModel] } # 多个用户消息推送, 暂未开放 ]
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(app_domain = Imwukong.config[:domain], app_token = Imwukong.config[:server][:app_token]) ⇒ Base
A new instance of Base.
#wk_api_info(api_method = '') ⇒ Object
api detail info, include request url & arguments.
#wk_api_list ⇒ Object
output all APIs, format: wk_group_action.
- #wk_get(type, method, prefix = 'v1/im', params) ⇒ Object
- #wk_post(type, method, prefix = 'v1/im', params) ⇒ Object
Constructor Details
#initialize(app_domain = Imwukong.config[:domain], app_token = Imwukong.config[:server][:app_token]) ⇒ Base
Returns a new instance of Base.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/imwukong/base.rb', line 11 def initialize(app_domain = Imwukong.config[:domain], app_token = Imwukong.config[:server][:app_token]) fail 'app domain/token is invalid' unless app_domain.present? && app_token.present? @app_domain = app_domain.strip @app_token = app_token.strip @http_client = end |
Instance Method Details
#wk_api_info(api_method = '') ⇒ Object
api detail info, include request url & arguments
484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 |
# File 'lib/imwukong/api.rb', line 484 def wk_api_info(api_method='') api_method ||= '' fail 'Invalid wukong api' unless api_method == '' || api_method =~ WK_API_FORMAT if api_method.size > 0 m = api_method.to_s.match(/^wk_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(.+)/) method_group = m[1].singularize method_name = m[2] end apis = api_method.size > 0 ? { |a| a[:method_group]==method_group && method_name==a[:method_name] } : API_LIST fail 'api not found' unless apis.present? do |api| method_group = api[:method_pluralize] ? api[:method_group].pluralize : api[:method_group] method_name = "wk_#{method_group}_#{api[:method_name]}" "#{method_name}, #{api_url(api)}, #{api[:args].inspect} " end end |
#wk_api_list ⇒ Object
output all APIs, format: wk_group_action
477 478 479 |
# File 'lib/imwukong/api.rb', line 477 def wk_api_list methods.grep(WK_API_FORMAT).sort end |
#wk_get(type, method, prefix = 'v1/im', params) ⇒ Object
25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/imwukong/base.rb', line 25 def wk_get(type, method, prefix='v1/im', params) prefix ||= 'v1/im' result = @http_client.get(get_request_url(type, method, prefix), params, wukong_header) rescue nil handle_response(result) end |
#wk_post(type, method, prefix = 'v1/im', params) ⇒ Object
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/imwukong/base.rb', line 19 def wk_post(type, method, prefix='v1/im', params) prefix ||= 'v1/im' result =, method, prefix), params.to_json, wukong_header) rescue nil handle_response(result) end |