:gui => {
:pid => "Programme ID",
:stop_button => "Stop",
:download_button => "Download ...",
:about_button => "About ...",
:status_waiting => "Waiting",
:status_stopped => "Stopped",
:pid_tool_tip => "Use either the short alphanumeric programme identifier or "+
"the URL of the viewing page on the iPlayer website.",
:no_pid_given => "You must specify a programme ID before I can download it.",
:save_dialog_title => "Save As",
:file_types => "iPlayer programmes",
:error_title => "Error",
:errors => {
:OutsideUK =>
"The BBC's geolocation has determined that you are outside the UK.\n"+
"You can try using a UK proxy.",
:FileUnavailable =>
"The programme file is not currently available.\n"+
"If it's new, try again later.",
:MP4Unavailable =>
"This programme is not currently available in an MP3 or MPEG4 version.",
:MetadataError =>
"Unable to parse the metadata for this programme.\n"+
"As a workaround, you can use the -f option to specify a filename manually.",
:ProgrammeDoesNotExist =>
"There is no page for this programme.\n"+
"This probably means that the programme does not exist.",
:NotAPid =>
"This does not look like a programme ID or a recognised programme URL: {{message}}",