"00" => "Approved",
"01" => "Refer to issuer",
"02" => "Refer to issuer (special)",
"03" => "Invalid merchant",
"04" => "Pick up card",
"05" => "Do not honor",
"06" => "Error",
"07" => "Pick up card (special)",
"08" => "Honor with identification",
"09" => "Request in progress",
"10" => "Approved for partial amount",
"11" => "VIP Approval",
"12" => "Invalid transaction",
"13" => "Invalid amount",
"14" => "Card number does not exist",
"15" => "No such issuer",
"16" => "Approved, update track 3",
"17" => "Customer cancellation",
"18" => "Customer dispute",
"19" => "Re-enter transaction",
"20" => "Invalid response",
"21" => "No action taken (no match)",
"22" => "Suspected malfunction",
"23" => "Unacceptable transaction fee",
"24" => "File update not supported by receiver",
"25" => "Unable to locate record",
"26" => "Duplicate file update record",
"27" => "File update field edit error",
"28" => "File temporarily unavailable",
"29" => "File update not successful",
"30" => "Format error",
"31" => "Issuer sign-off",
"32" => "Completed partially",
"33" => "Expired card",
"34" => "Suspected fraud",
"35" => "Card acceptor contact acquirer",
"36" => "Restricted card",
"37" => "Card acceptor call acquirer",
"38" => "Allowable PIN tries exceeded",
"39" => "No credit account",
"40" => "Function not supported",
"41" => "Pick up card (lost card)",
"42" => "No universal account",
"43" => "Pick up card (stolen card)",
"44" => "No investment account",
"51" => "Not sufficient funds",
"52" => "No checking account",
"53" => "No savings account",
"54" => "Expired card",
"55" => "Incorrect PIN",
"56" => "No card record",
"57" => "Transaction not permitted to card",
"58" => "Transaction not permitted to card",
"59" => "Suspected fraud",
"60" => "Card acceptor contact acquirer",
"61" => "Exceeds withdrawal limit",
"62" => "Restricted card",
"63" => "Security violation",
"64" => "Original amount incorrect",
"65" => "Activity count exceeded",
"66" => "Card acceptor call acquirer",
"67" => "Card pick up at ATM",
"68" => "Response received too late",
"75" => "Too many wrong PIN tries",
"76" => "Previous message not found",
"77" => "Data does not match original message",
"80" => "Invalid date",
"81" => "Cryptographic error in PIN",
"82" => "Incorrect CVV",
"83" => "Unable to verify PIN",
"84" => "Invalid authorization life cycle",
"85" => "No reason to decline",
"86" => "PIN validation not possible",
"88" => "Cryptographic failure",
"89" => "Authentication failure",
"90" => "Cutoff is in process",
"91" => "Issuer or switch inoperative",
"92" => "No routing path",
"93" => "Violation of law",
"94" => "Duplicate transmission",
"95" => "Reconcile error",
"96" => "System malfunction",
"XA" => "Forward to issuer",
"XD" => "Forward to issuer",
"C0" => "Request timed out",