Module: Jekyll::GitHubMetadata::Sanitizer
Instance Method Summary collapse
#sanitize(resource) ⇒ Object
Sanitize an object.
#sanitize_resource(resource) ⇒ Object
Sanitize the Sawyer Resource or Hash Note: the object must respond to :to_hash for this to work.
Instance Method Details
#sanitize(resource) ⇒ Object
Sanitize an object. When the resource is either ‘false`, `true`, `nil` or a number,
it returns the resource as-is. When the resource is an array,
it maps over the entire array, sanitizing each of its values.
When the resource responds to the #to_hash method, it returns
the value of #sanitize_resource (see below). If none of the
aforementioned conditions are met, the return value of #to_s
is used.
resource - an Object
Returns the sanitized resource. rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength
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# File 'lib/jekyll-github-metadata/sanitizer.rb', line 20 def sanitize(resource) case resource when Array { |item| sanitize(item) } when Numeric, Time resource when FalseClass false when TrueClass true when NilClass nil when String resource when Value resource.render else if resource.respond_to?(:to_hash) sanitize_resource(resource) else resource.to_s end end end |
#sanitize_resource(resource) ⇒ Object
Sanitize the Sawyer Resource or Hash Note: the object must respond to :to_hash for this to work. Consider using #sanitize instead of this method directly.
resource - an Object which responds to :to_hash
Returns the sanitized sawyer resource or hash as a hash.
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# File 'lib/jekyll-github-metadata/sanitizer.rb', line 53 def sanitize_resource(resource) resource.to_hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), result| result[k.to_s] = sanitize(v) result end end |