Class: JOSE::JWE
- Inherits:
- Object
- Struct
- Defined in:
- lib/jose/jwe.rb
JWE stands for JSON Web Encryption which is defined in RFC 7516.
Key Derivation Algorithms
The following key derivation algorithms for the "alg"
field are currently supported by JOSE::JWE (some may need the JOSE.crypto_fallback= option to be enabled):
Encryption Algorithms
The following encryption algorithms for the "enc"
field are currently supported by JOSE::JWE (some may need the JOSE.crypto_fallback= option to be enabled):
Compression Algorithms
The following compression algorithms for the "zip"
field are currently supported by JOSE::JWE:
Key Derivation Examples
All of the examples below will use "enc"
set to "A128GCM"
, "A192GCM"
, or "A256GCM"
depending on the derived key size.
The octet key used will typically be all zeroes of the required size in the form of ([0]*16).pack('C*')
(for a 128-bit key).
All of the example keys generated below can be found here:
# octet keys we'll use below
jwk_oct128 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*16).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct192 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*24).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct256 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*32).pack('C*'))
jwk_secret = JOSE::JWK.from_oct("secret")
# EC keypairs we'll use below
jwk_ec256_alice_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:ec, "P-256"])
jwk_ec256_alice_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_ec256_alice_sk)
jwk_ec256_bob_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:ec, "P-256"])
jwk_ec256_bob_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_ec256_bob_sk)
# X25519 keypairs we'll use below
jwk_x25519_alice_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:okp, :X25519])
jwk_x25519_alice_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_x25519_alice_sk)
jwk_x25519_bob_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:okp, :X25519])
jwk_x25519_bob_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_x25519_bob_sk)
# X448 keypairs we'll use below
jwk_x448_alice_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:okp, :X448])
jwk_x448_alice_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_x448_alice_sk)
jwk_x448_bob_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:okp, :X448])
jwk_x448_bob_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_x448_bob_sk)
# RSA keypairs we'll use below
jwk_rsa_sk = JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:rsa, 4096])
jwk_rsa_pk = JOSE::JWK.to_public(jwk_rsa_sk)
encrypted_a128gcmkw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct128, "{}", { "alg" => "A128GCMKW", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiaXYiOiJzODNFNjhPNjhsWlM5ZVprIiwidGFnIjoieF9Ea2M5dm1LMk5RQV8tU2hvTkFRdyJ9.8B2qX8fVEa-s61RsZXqkCg.J7yJ8sKLbUlzyor6.FRs.BhBwImTv9B14NwVuxmfU6A"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct128, encrypted_a128gcmkw).first
# => "{}"
encrypted_a192gcmkw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct192, "{}", { "alg" => "A192GCMKW", "enc" => "A192GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMTkyR0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTkyR0NNIiwiaXYiOiIxMkduZWQyTDB6NE5LZG83IiwidGFnIjoiM0thbG9iaER1Wmx5dE1YSjhjcXhZZyJ9.jJC4E1c6augIhvGDp3fquRfO-mnnud4F.S2NkKNGxBKTsCnKo.gZA.MvfhqSTeEN75H8HDyvfzRQ"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct192, encrypted_a192gcmkw).first
# => "{}"
encrypted_a256gcmkw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct256, "{}", { "alg" => "A256GCMKW", "enc" => "A256GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiaXYiOiJHU3lFMTBLQURxZTczNUMzIiwidGFnIjoiR3dVbDJCbXRNWlVseDlXNEMtY0tQZyJ9.sSsbFw9z8WTkzBLvPMywSedTXXygFxfP9g5U2qpzUX8.eiVFfe7iojfK0AXb._v8.YVfk9dNrtS7wxbGqCVge-g"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct256, encrypted_a256gcmkw).first
# => "{}"
A128KW, A192KW, and A256KW
# A128KW
encrypted_a128kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct128, "{}", { "alg" => "A128KW", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0.t4_Fb4kCl6BcS1cXnR4P4Xgm-jwVNsFl.RerKfWjzqqtLIUrz.JmE.ZDpVlWo-aQYM5la9eshwWw"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct128, encrypted_a128kw).first
# => "{}"
# A192KW
encrypted_a192kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct192, "{}", { "alg" => "A192KW", "enc" => "A192GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMTkyS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTkyR0NNIn0.edpvNrztlNADbkwfq5YBJgqFBSH_Znv1Y1uXKNQ_13w.yCkEYTCPOKH6CoxZ.siw.zP_ZM9OEeX1FIdFjqNawtQ"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct192, encrypted_a192kw).first
# => "{}"
# A256KW
encrypted_a256kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct256, "{}", { "alg" => "A256KW", "enc" => "A256GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0.OvAhC1a2BoP_2SMIiZXwIHWPoIkD-Cosgp3nlpiTs8ySUBPfPzwG1g.4GeackYJbuBksAWA.HPE.vG0sGC2kuklH5xk8KXhyNA"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct256, encrypted_a256kw).first
# => "{}"
The "dir"
key derivation algorithm is essentially just a pass-through to the underlying "enc"
The "encrypted_key"
is not included in the protected header, so the key must be fully known by both parties.
# dir
encrypted_dir = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct128, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0..HdRR8O0kk_SvOjAS.rxo.JTMPGPKZZKVNlWV0RexsmQ"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct128, encrypted_dir).first
# => "{}"
key derivation algorithm does not include the "encrypted_key"
field in the protected header, similar to how "dir"
The size of the generated key is dependent on the "enc"
setting (for example, "A128GCM"
will generate a 128-bit key, "A256GCM"
a 256-bit key, etc).
# ECDH-ES with EC keypairs
encrypted_ecdhes_ec256_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_ec256_bob_pk, jwk_ec256_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTIiwiZW5jIjoiQTEyOEdDTSIsImVwayI6eyJjcnYiOiJQLTI1NiIsImt0eSI6IkVDIiwieCI6IjQ4UVUzUTBDeVN4d0piRXdXckpyWVhscDg4X2RWcEhUeHE0YXZjNjZoNVEiLCJ5IjoiWnpxcklOdE1NeEh4US1RQjcyUk1jZGxtRHNPSXdsS2hNcVZtX2dZV0MxNCJ9fQ..UssNrY5qEeFdluZY.R6g.32nlr0wHF2TwfL1UnBtIow"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_ec256_alice_pk, jwk_ec256_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhes_ec256_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
# ECDH-ES with X25519 keypairs
encrypted_ecdhes_x25519_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_x25519_bob_pk, jwk_x25519_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTIiwiZW5jIjoiQTEyOEdDTSIsImVwayI6eyJjcnYiOiJYMjU1MTkiLCJrdHkiOiJPS1AiLCJ4IjoiZ0g3TjJwT0duenZfd0tBLUhqREZKTlVSZVhfdG05XzdiMkZSUjI3cXFYcyJ9fQ..T-0q42FPCUy3hlla.MHU.9TNP2jG5bN1vSvaesijdww"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_x25519_alice_pk, jwk_x25519_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhes_x25519_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
# ECDH-ES with X448 keypairs
encrypted_ecdhes_x448_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_x448_bob_pk, jwk_x448_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_x448_alice_pk, jwk_x448_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhes_x448_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
When decrypting with any of the "ECDH-ES"
related algorithms, the other party's public key is recommended, but not required for decryption (the embedded Ephemeral Public Key will be used instead):
# decrypting the X448 example with and without the public key specified
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_x448_alice_pk, jwk_x448_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhes_x448_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_x448_bob_sk, encrypted_ecdhes_x448_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
The "ECDH-ES+A128KW"
, "ECDH-ES+A192KW"
, and "ECDH-ES+A256KW"
key derivation algorithms do include the "encrypted_key"
and the suffix after "ECDH-ES+"
determines the key size (so "ECDH-ES+A128KW"
computes a 128-bit key).
# ECDH-ES+A128KW with EC keypairs
encrypted_ecdhesa128kw_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_ec256_bob_pk, jwk_ec256_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES+A128KW", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTK0ExMjhLVyIsImVuYyI6IkExMjhHQ00iLCJlcGsiOnsiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLCJrdHkiOiJFQyIsIngiOiI0OFFVM1EwQ3lTeHdKYkV3V3JKcllYbHA4OF9kVnBIVHhxNGF2YzY2aDVRIiwieSI6Ilp6cXJJTnRNTXhIeFEtUUI3MlJNY2RsbURzT0l3bEtoTXFWbV9nWVdDMTQifX0.ZwuqXf7svd3SH0M-XYLjWz5JsN6xX03C.l8tt83EJjy86IovL.i5A.nw05dPUA0a18xdtvmHbhHA"
JOSE::JWE::block_decrypt([jwk_ec256_alice_pk, jwk_ec256_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhesa128kw_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
# ECDH-ES+A192KW with EC keypairs
encrypted_ecdhesa192kw_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_ec256_bob_pk, jwk_ec256_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "enc" => "A192GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTK0ExOTJLVyIsImVuYyI6IkExOTJHQ00iLCJlcGsiOnsiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLCJrdHkiOiJFQyIsIngiOiI0OFFVM1EwQ3lTeHdKYkV3V3JKcllYbHA4OF9kVnBIVHhxNGF2YzY2aDVRIiwieSI6Ilp6cXJJTnRNTXhIeFEtUUI3MlJNY2RsbURzT0l3bEtoTXFWbV9nWVdDMTQifX0.S9LZ1i_Lua_if4I83WcaCQ9yT5qqPI_NhCFR7tMiZDQ.kG3taKEjGeKDRTzs.H1s.oVGBFP63z4gd3e-R2d1cmA"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_ec256_alice_pk, jwk_ec256_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhesa192kw_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
# ECDH-ES+A256KW with EC keypairs
encrypted_ecdhesa256kw_alice2bob = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt([jwk_ec256_bob_pk, jwk_ec256_alice_sk], "{}", { "alg" => "ECDH-ES+A256KW", "enc" => "A256GCM" }).compact
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt([jwk_ec256_alice_pk, jwk_ec256_bob_sk], encrypted_ecdhesa256kw_alice2bob).first
# => "{}"
See JOSE::JWK.box_encrypt for generating an Ephemeral Public Key based on the same curve as the supplied other party key in the same step.
PBES2-HS256+A128KW, PBES2-HS384+A192KW, and PBES2-HS512+A256KW
# PBES2-HS256+A128KW
encrypted_pbes2hs256a128kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_secret, "{}", { "alg" => "PBES2-HS256+A128KW", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwicDJjIjo0MDk2LCJwMnMiOiJRR0laNTlzbjRnQThySHBWYjFrSkd3In0.8WMQ0fysLiHU8AjpjkcqJGpYe53VRf2s.vVEb2ZtKmtPIw8M-.Cmg.GCjDtdKV6khqEuyZy2gUxw"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_secret, encrypted_pbes2hs256a128kw).first
# => "{}"
# PBES2-HS384+A192KW
encrypted_pbes2hs384a192kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_secret, "{}", { "alg" => "PBES2-HS384+A192KW", "enc" => "A192GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzM4NCtBMTkyS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTkyR0NNIiwicDJjIjo2MTQ0LCJwMnMiOiJKSDRjZ0hlNTZiU0prZ1d6VktpWWJCb0FzWEJBY1A1NiJ9.Ck5GvgXxmyac3jzs0lRavoRh6tI9nEs3lYkx8sdDzGw.IdxaPATMkQ8FYiYQ.uHk.rDU6ltWsTsw9vuvA73bgJQ"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_secret, encrypted_pbes2hs384a192kw).first
# => "{}"
# PBES2-HS512+A256KW
encrypted_pbes2hs512a256kw = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_secret, "{}", { "alg" => "PBES2-HS512+A256KW", "enc" => "A256GCM" }).compact
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_secret, encrypted_pbes2hs512a256kw).first
# => "{}"
The "p2s"
and "p2i"
fields may also be specified to control the Salt and Iterations of the PBES2 Key Derivation Function, respectively.
The default Salt is a randomly generated binary the same length of bytes as the key wrap (for example, "PBES2-HS256+A128KW"
will generate a 16-byte Salt).
The default Iterations is 32 times the number of bits specified by the key wrap (for example, "PBES2-HS256+A128KW"
will have 4096 Iterations).
# let's setup the JWE header
iterations = 8192
salt = ([0]*32).pack('C*') # all zero 256-bit salt, for example usage only
jwe = {
"alg" => "PBES2-HS256+A128KW",
"enc" => "A128GCM",
"p2i" => iterations,
"p2s" => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(salt)
# PBES2-HS256+A128KW
encrypted_pbes2 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_secret, "{}", jwe).compact
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_secret, encrypted_pbes2).first
# => "{}"
RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP, and RSA-OAEP-256
# RSA1_5
encrypted_rsa1_5 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_rsa_pk, "{}", { "alg" => "RSA1_5", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJSU0ExXzUiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0.NlndPTqULN1vArshEzfEXY0nHCf4ubsTK9iHAeIxL85fReYrYG8EDB2_IirUneavvHSa-hsVLXNzBu0F9OY3TRFAIuJ8Jt1tqZZEhHZ97vzTEIjdlPNctGNI11-mhNCJ0doSvx9T4ByngaAFtJnRoR2cqbJkJFGja60fHtO0CfKLW5XzPf0NAhr8Tof-5IJfbNpMcC_LdCItJ6i8cuj4i5pG_CikOKDrNzbaBP72200_kl_-YaLDMA4tVb2YjWksY5Vau0Hz16QvI9QwDIcIDLYPAlTlDrU7s_FfmO_89S9Z69-lc_OBG7x2CYzIhB-0wzx753nZRl_WNJKi1Ya_AV552FEqVUhR-SuKcyrTA9OwkKC2JoL3lFqsCL9jkZkBrVREQlT0cxNI_AInyx5FHNLBbdtkz0JQbvzMJ854RP0V_eTlI5u8DZ42aOTRMBLHPi-4gP0J_CGWyKDQreXEEF6LSuLJb1cGk-NX1Vd85aARstQPuOoy7pWJjPvBEKEib70fjkUuMA0Atid-5BusQLKc1H-D6c5HIFH0DgYtXhN6AtQ_fmqw1F_X1JrGnYiYGzJCD2hh0Yt2UJZoCuHlPKk8aM5L3lNU3AISb1soSQl3hfX8Skb817ffC7jYezdhZc12cRNzOPAYqJYjN2eDlQhx-gpFjVzc-W1bFG8Yijo.grliT3M1iZ48aSY9.F4Y.pBRqIGZ4Q_fI1kmeAggvRg"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_rsa_sk, encrypted_rsa1_5).first
# => "{}"
encrypted_rsaoaep = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_rsa_pk, "{}", { "alg" => "RSA-OAEP", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkExMjhHQ00ifQ.YZfGKTTU2KuvwIMpSYadbNmGzWIbLrwRYD8JvZAWkvcnFeky09S04VadRNPXmCBSl4EF1K7oBm0fiYXuvNbLFNKYT_Jo_y6Lb-XsP--BZKaEcq6wIdZ4-xTJ7YYX5dfco_cMknZLG8W2sQRwtWopisn9NyzSpfGNlYqeJqjpoJy0qnO8yZeEYeadwoVF9-XZfYwvMjEt7HORqBIPF1JIaOYTQ-LQBvya6XYhOR7dkSnuCZ_ITGW5ZbPvzOILSMW_3Ixe78ncfO2gxF6AiLh02oTLsOSrF9xDlJvuU0k1TdkNWtGroeP_WVbXEO7O_GI5LVW-cDzoVm5ZCQs2Df0018-qDxFyY9xhKS9aNDi_btiarstXMSz3EkOfPhWR_IzlVyUkYnzs3GS993gKLQ0Tk-ipvOT9Bcw9VTLLK3-f5YSkf51IA---hPFlxVlboH9bmTXlT4JzSbErQEYp3JuXjOP7FQn0OPko5Utqbbm41XBEJhUpBNhjrBGDspsMxML_eJdyzBgA5UyNfdCEQ2vM1pCegxG_hSKAhCKVNn71wW4O_y_eqUcoyhjB7HtVxiF29jzNUKF-y14171L4-mxsIpixaM1ofnayWMiherVP0Wz2MXkzWB0AUv8c3kNEJIh3oeyrczWwzpmeCh1Bq7-J4D6aaFjyGFcm-03_QZmfwho.ymxveKBeRuaZ8HzD.3H4.6oKLh2NouhPGpO1dmA-tTg"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_rsa_sk, encrypted_rsaoaep).first
# => "{}"
# RSA-OAEP-256
encrypted_rsaoaep256 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_rsa_pk, "{}", { "alg" => "RSA-OAEP-256", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0.OW9Hy9qpOIgVueODQXcWIUw_-Sm3UFGtxosyOAaI6JUQFt8q-iEtKkUp4NHrOlczO6tP5t8zRKdNXFfCm9QZk6F9PsSO-NzE2-DV1ANAMck-CDfGTK0mwG5U_KZwlObSgU0gxf87K49Wuno1rWlHWzJb__C_hCJXi_aQW17tLmbuTpJMkB0NTCKX3y6QaxvynP98jqwMJT6uGmE3AeuZYhPGzAOWbltbWyw-TqWqyLJirAUY_fvDNsKt1TDrTd9216TK5y7RQeUtdGfbuYK9lt2TIwfh9ycAHd7SANH_YJc2cKYa3e6CgqnQAjVpbhpogBz5sz5HaK95XYbXOdnYyHQ00gS44YquiQCvX331UgEWnthtmYwDZfnCxTkPydafGOBsjaagGvV2tQtxUKW3JmVChF97bNj5lQZ7rAkyooxx-k3IMT0005x6_74O5tXGN5fb7oyT3Mx_NZ5dKzlYAA_V8oOpNslaFhV5K5Q_-hRkUsEPWdaD5s2uS9Z7l7ot39CzzTKDj65f2eCTWFReFKOjhabCL4ZiFXbElB3dA3y5FdxXPAfe6N31G9ynalx1JIcrEaRb8sdqk6U6uC3s3DpkoRSnp3osBJOxxuk_Lgb-ZM9d8UuRVj4W78-qjfX_lcG1RlRmlYoDIU03ly0UfRWi-7HmpPECrGTsGZEfULg.J-txckmMXEi-bZVh.Rbw.D7UpSkticmDCGiNyLVggLg"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_rsa_sk, encrypted_rsaoaep256).first
# => "{}"
Encryption Examples
All of the examples below will use "alg"
set to "dir"
passing the key directly to the Encryption Algorithm.
The octet key used will typically be all zeroes of the required size in the form of ([0]*16).pack('C*')
(for a 128-bit key).
All of the example keys generated below can be found here:
# octet keys we'll use below
jwk_oct128 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*16).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct192 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*24).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct256 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*32).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct384 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*48).pack('C*'))
jwk_oct512 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*64).pack('C*'))
A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512
# A128CBC-HS256
encrypted_a128cbchs256 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct256, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128CBC-HS256" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..bxps64-UIQoFvhkjr05e9A.HrtJ3AqrqJ4f5PHjGseHYw.kopJoTDxk34IVhheoToLSA"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct256, encrypted_a128cbchs256).first
# => "{}"
# A192CBC-HS384
encrypted_a192cbchs384 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct384, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A192CBC-HS384" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTkyQ0JDLUhTMzg0In0..3zSCHwvHrcxsNyssIgEBRA.XB70tUoQZlnOgY5ygMxfKA.Avl7Z8jCpShh3_iTcPcU3Woh6E9ykNyB"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct384, encrypted_a192cbchs384).first
# => "{}"
# A256CBC-HS512
encrypted_a256cbchs512 = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct512, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A256CBC-HS512" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2Q0JDLUhTNTEyIn0..mqMhkWAMF7HmW_Nu1ERUzQ.bzd-tmykuru0Lu_rsNZ2ow.mlOFO8JcC_UJ35TsZgiUeEwAjRDs6cwfN7Umyzm7mmY"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct512, encrypted_a256cbchs512).first
# => "{}"
A128GCM, A192GCM, and A256GCM
# A128GCM
encrypted_a128gcm = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct128, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0..pPF4SbzGZwxS1J-M.Ic0.qkHuC-hOO44HPlykBJLSsA"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct128, encrypted_a128gcm).first
# => "{}"
# A192GCM
encrypted_a192gcm = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct192, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A192GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTkyR0NNIn0..muNgk2GFW9ATwqqZ.bvE.gYvC0G6DAodJdyrUqLw7Iw"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct192, encrypted_a192gcm).first
# => "{}"
# A256GCM
encrypted_a256gcm = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct256, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A256GCM" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..rDTJhd5ja5pDAYtn.PrM.MQdLgiVXQsG_cLas93ZEHw"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct256, encrypted_a256gcm).first
# => "{}"
Compression Examples
All of the examples below will use "alg"
set to "dir"
passing the key directly to the Encryption Algorithm ("enc"
is set to "A128GCM"
The octet key used will typically be all zeroes of the required size in the form of ([0]*16).pack('C*')
(for a 128-bit key).
All of the example keys generated below can be found here:
# octet keys we'll use below
jwk_oct128 = JOSE::JWK.from_oct(([0]*16).pack('C*'))
encrypted_def = JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk_oct128, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM", "zip" => "DEF" }).compact
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiemlwIjoiREVGIn0..Vvr0vlKWE9rAJ8CR.UpOz7w10Uc9pMg.Pctxzz0ijPSOY8zyRcbjww"
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk_oct128, encrypted_def).first
# => "{}"
Defined Under Namespace
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#alg ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute alg.
#enc ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute enc.
#fields ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute fields.
#zip ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute zip.
Class Method Summary collapse
.block_decrypt(key, encrypted) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Decrypts the
binary or map using thekey
. -
.block_encrypt(key, block, jwe, cek = nil, iv = nil) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Encrypts the
using thekey
, and algorithm specified by thejwe
. -
.compact(map) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedBinary
Compacts an expanded encrypted map into a binary.
.compress(plain_text, jwe) ⇒ String
Compresses the
using the"zip"
algorithm specified by thejwe
. -
.expand(binary) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Expands a compacted encrypted binary into a map.
.from(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a binary or map into a JOSE::JWE.
.from_binary(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a binary into a JOSE::JWE.
.from_file(file, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Reads file and calls JWE.from_binary to convert into a JOSE::JWE.
.from_map(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a map into a JOSE::JWE.
- .generate_key(jwe, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWK+
.key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key, jwe) ⇒ String
Decrypts the
using thekey
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
.key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key, jwe) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Encrypts the
using thekey
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
.merge(left, right) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Merges map on right into map on left.
.next_cek(key, jwe) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Returns the next
using thejwk
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
.next_iv(jwe) ⇒ String
Returns the next
specified by thejwe
. -
.peek_ciphertext(encrypted) ⇒ String
Returns the decoded ciphertext portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
.peek_encrypted_key(encrypted) ⇒ String
Returns the decoded encrypted key portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
.peek_iv(encrypted) ⇒ String
Returns the decoded initialization vector portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
.peek_protected(encrypted) ⇒ JOSE::Map
Returns the decoded protected portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
.peek_tag(encrypted) ⇒ String
Returns the decoded tag portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
.to_binary(jwe) ⇒ String+
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a binary.
.to_file(jwe, file) ⇒ Fixnum
Calls JWE.to_binary on a JOSE::JWE and then writes the binary to
. -
.to_map(jwe) ⇒ JOSE::Map+
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a map.
.uncompress(cipher_text, jwe) ⇒ String
Uncompresses the
using the"zip"
algorithm specified by thejwe
Instance Method Summary collapse
#block_decrypt(key, aad, cipher_text, cipher_tag, encrypted_key, iv) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Decrypts the
binary using thekey
, andiv
. -
#block_encrypt(key, block, cek = nil, iv = nil) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Encrypts the
binary using thekey
, andiv
. -
#compress(plain_text) ⇒ String
Compresses the
using the"zip"
algorithm specified by thejwe
. - #generate_key ⇒ JOSE::JWK
#key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key) ⇒ String
Decrypts the
using thekey
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
#key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Encrypts the
using thekey
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
#merge(object) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Merges object into current map.
#next_cek(key) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Returns the next
using thejwk
and the"alg"
specified by thejwe
. -
#next_iv ⇒ String
Returns the next
specified by thejwe
. -
#to_binary ⇒ String
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a binary.
#to_file(file) ⇒ Fixnum
Calls #to_binary on a JOSE::JWE and then writes the binary to
. -
#to_map ⇒ JOSE::Map
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a map.
#uncompress(cipher_text) ⇒ String
Uncompresses the
using the"zip"
algorithm specified by thejwe
Instance Attribute Details
#alg ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute alg
389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 389 def alg @alg end |
#enc ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute enc
389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 389 def enc @enc end |
#fields ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute fields
389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 389 def fields @fields end |
#zip ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute zip
389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 389 def zip @zip end |
Class Method Details
.block_decrypt(key, encrypted) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Decrypts the encrypted
binary or map using the key
jwk = JOSE::JWK.from({"k" => "STlqtIOhWJjoVnYjUjxFLZ6oN1oB70QARGSTWQ_5XgM", "kty" => "oct"})
# => #<struct JOSE::JWK
# keys=nil,
# kty=#<struct JOSE::JWK::KTY_oct oct="I9j\xB4\x83\xA1X\x98\xE8Vv#R<E-\x9E\xA87Z\x01\xEFD\x00Dd\x93Y\x0F\xF9^\x03">,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>
JOSE::JWE.block_decrypt(jwk, "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..jBt5tTa1Q0N3uFPEkf30MQ.Ei49MvTLLje7bsZ5EZCZMA.gMWOAmhZSq9ksHCZm6VSoA")
# => ["{}",
# #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_dir direct=true>,
# enc=
# cipher_name="aes-128-cbc",
# bits=256,
# cek_len=32,
# iv_len=16,
# enc_len=16,
# mac_len=16,
# tag_len=16,
# hmac=OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256>,
# zip=nil,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>]
567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 567 def self.block_decrypt(key, encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = JOSE::JWE.(encrypted) end if encrypted.is_a?(Hash) encrypted = end if encrypted.is_a?(JOSE::Map) and encrypted['ciphertext'].is_a?(String) and encrypted['encrypted_key'].is_a?(String) and encrypted['iv'].is_a?(String) and encrypted['protected'].is_a?(String) and encrypted['tag'].is_a?(String) jwe = from_binary(JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['protected'])) encrypted_key = JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['encrypted_key']) iv = JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['iv']) cipher_text = JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['ciphertext']) cipher_tag = JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['tag']) if encrypted['aad'].is_a?(String) concat_aad = [encrypted['protected'], '.', encrypted['aad']].join return jwe.block_decrypt(key, concat_aad, cipher_text, cipher_tag, encrypted_key, iv), jwe else return jwe.block_decrypt(key, encrypted['protected'], cipher_text, cipher_tag, encrypted_key, iv), jwe end else raise ArgumentError, "'encrypted' is not a valid encrypted String, Hash, or JOSE::Map" end end |
.block_encrypt(key, block, jwe, cek = nil, iv = nil) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Encrypts the block
using the key
, cek
, iv
, and algorithm specified by the jwe
jwk = JOSE::JWK.from({"k" => "STlqtIOhWJjoVnYjUjxFLZ6oN1oB70QARGSTWQ_5XgM", "kty" => "oct"})
# => #<struct JOSE::JWK
# keys=nil,
# kty=#<struct JOSE::JWK::KTY_oct oct="I9j\xB4\x83\xA1X\x98\xE8Vv#R<E-\x9E\xA87Z\x01\xEFD\x00Dd\x93Y\x0F\xF9^\x03">,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>
JOSE::JWE.block_encrypt(jwk, "{}", { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128CBC-HS256" })
# => JOSE::EncryptedMap[
# "tag" => "tSGaAlI2xiMThBZ9XTW2AQ",
# "ciphertext" => "c2T5O6WafTCKEX5R_9D-LQ",
# "encrypted_key" => "",
# "iv" => "U56zV4sW4bOovxeXcz7fUg",
# "protected" => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0"]
628 629 630 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 628 def self.block_encrypt(key, block, jwe, cek = nil, iv = nil) return from(jwe).block_encrypt(key, block, cek, iv) end |
.compact(map) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedBinary
Compacts an expanded encrypted map into a binary.
"ciphertext" => "Ei49MvTLLje7bsZ5EZCZMA",
"encrypted_key" => "",
"iv" => "jBt5tTa1Q0N3uFPEkf30MQ",
"protected" => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0",
"tag" => "gMWOAmhZSq9ksHCZm6VSoA"
# => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..jBt5tTa1Q0N3uFPEkf30MQ.Ei49MvTLLje7bsZ5EZCZMA.gMWOAmhZSq9ksHCZm6VSoA"
691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 691 def self.compact(map) if map.is_a?(Hash) or map.is_a?(JOSE::Map) if map.has_key?('aad') raise ArgumentError, "'map' with 'aad' cannot be compacted" end return[ map['protected'] || '', '.', map['encrypted_key'] || '', '.', map['iv'] || '', '.', map['ciphertext'] || '', '.', map['tag'] || '' ].join) else raise ArgumentError, "'map' must be a Hash or a JOSE::Map" end end |
.compress(plain_text, jwe) ⇒ String
721 722 723 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 721 def self.compress(plain_text, jwe) return from(jwe).compress(plain_text) end |
.expand(binary) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Expands a compacted encrypted binary into a map.
# => JOSE::EncryptedMap[
# "tag" => "gMWOAmhZSq9ksHCZm6VSoA",
# "ciphertext" => "Ei49MvTLLje7bsZ5EZCZMA",
# "encrypted_key" => "",
# "iv" => "jBt5tTa1Q0N3uFPEkf30MQ",
# "protected" => "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0"]
751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 751 def self.(binary) if binary.is_a?(String) parts = binary.split('.') if parts.length == 5 protected_binary, encrypted_key, initialization_vector, cipher_text, authentication_tag = parts return JOSE::EncryptedMap[ 'ciphertext' => cipher_text, 'encrypted_key' => encrypted_key, 'iv' => initialization_vector, 'protected' => protected_binary, 'tag' => authentication_tag ] else raise ArgumentError, "'binary' is not a valid encrypted String" end else raise ArgumentError, "'binary' must be a String" end end |
.from(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a binary or map into a JOSE::JWE.
JOSE::JWE.from({ "alg" => "dir" })
# => #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_dir direct=true>,
# enc=nil,
# zip=nil,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>
# => #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_dir direct=true>,
# enc=nil,
# zip=nil,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>
There are 3 keys which can have custom modules defined for them:
- must implement JOSE::JWE::ALG"enc"
- must implement JOSE::JWE::ENC"zip"
- must implement JOSE::JWE::ZIP
For example:
JOSE::JWE.from({ "alg" => "dir", "zip" => "custom" }, { zip: MyCustomCompress })
# => #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_dir direct=true>,
# enc=nil,
# zip=#<MyCustomAlgorithm:0x007f8c5419ff68>,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>
428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 428 def self.from(object, modules = {}) case object when JOSE::Map, Hash return from_map(object, modules) when String return from_binary(object, modules) when JOSE::JWE return object when Array return { |obj| from(obj, modules) } else raise ArgumentError, "'object' must be a Hash, String, JOSE::JWE, or Array" end end |
.from_binary(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a binary into a JOSE::JWE.
447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 447 def self.from_binary(object, modules = {}) case object when String return from_map(JOSE.decode(object), modules) when Array return { |obj| from_binary(obj, modules) } else raise ArgumentError, "'object' must be a String or Array" end end |
.from_file(file, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Reads file and calls from_binary to convert into a JOSE::JWE.
462 463 464 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 462 def self.from_file(file, modules = {}) return from_binary(File.binread(file), modules) end |
.from_map(object, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWE+
Converts a map into a JOSE::JWE.
470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 470 def self.from_map(object, modules = {}) case object when JOSE::Map, Hash return from_fields(, nil, nil,, modules) when Array return { |obj| from_map(obj, modules) } else raise ArgumentError, "'object' must be a Hash or Array" end end |
.generate_key(jwe, modules = {}) ⇒ JOSE::JWK+
Generates a new JOSE::JWK based on the algorithms of the specified JOSE::JWE.
JOSE::JWE.generate_key({"alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM"})
# => #<struct JOSE::JWK
# keys=nil,
# kty=#<struct JOSE::JWK::KTY_oct oct="\xED4\x19\x14\xA1\xDB\xB5\xCF*\xAE\xEE7\xDA\xDE\xA9\xCB">,
# fields=JOSE::Map["alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM", "use" => "enc"]>
783 784 785 786 787 788 789 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 783 def self.generate_key(jwe, modules = {}) if jwe.is_a?(Array) return from(jwe, modules).map { |obj| obj.generate_key } else return from(jwe, modules).generate_key end end |
.key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key, jwe) ⇒ String
Decrypts the encrypted_key
using the key
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
# let's define our jwk and encrypted_key
jwk = JOSE::JWK.from({"k" => "idN_YyeYZqEE7BkpexhA2Q", "kty" => "oct"})
enc = [27,123,126,121,56,105,105,81,140,76,30,2,14,92,231,174,203,196,110,204,57,238,248,73].pack('C*')
JOSE::JWE.key_decrypt(jwk, enc, { "alg" => "A128KW", "enc" => "A128CBC-HS256" })
# => "\x86R\x0F\xB0\xB5s\xAD\x13\r,\xBD\xB9\xBB}\x1C\xF0"
814 815 816 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 814 def self.key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key, jwe) return from(jwe).key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key) end |
.key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key, jwe) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Encrypts the decrypted_key
using the key
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
!!!ruby # let's define our jwk and encrypted_key jwk = JOSE::JWK.from(=> "idN_YyeYZqEE7BkpexhA2Q", "kty" => "oct") cek = [134,82,15,176,181,115,173,19,13,44,189,185,187,125,28,240].pack('C*')
JOSE::JWE.key_encrypt(jwk, cek, { "alg" => "A128KW", "enc" => "A128CBC-HS256" })
# => ["\e{~y8iiQ\x8CL\x1E\x02\x0E\\xE7\xAE\xCB\xC4n\xCC9\xEE\xF8I",
# #
856 857 858 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 856 def self.key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key, jwe) return from(jwe).key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key) end |
.merge(left, right) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Merges map on right into map on left.
876 877 878 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 876 def self.merge(left, right) return from(left).merge(right) end |
.next_cek(key, jwe) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Returns the next cek
using the jwk
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
# let's define our jwk
jwk = JOSE::JWK.from({"k" => "idN_YyeYZqEE7BkpexhA2Q", "kty" => "oct"}) # JOSE::JWK.generate_key([:oct, 16])
JOSE::JWE.next_cek(jwk, { "alg" => "A128KW", "enc" => "A128CBC-HS256" })
# => ["%S\x8B\xA5,\x17\xA3\xBA\xFF\x9B\xB7\x11\xDC\xD3P\xF7\xEF\x95\xC25\x86)\xFE\xB0\x00\xF7B&\xD9\xFCR\xE9",
# #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_AES_KW bits=128>,
# enc=
# cipher_name="aes-128-cbc",
# bits=256,
# cek_len=32,
# iv_len=16,
# enc_len=16,
# mac_len=16,
# tag_len=16,
# hmac=OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256>,
# zip=nil,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>]
# when using the "dir" algorithm, the jwk itself will be used
JOSE::JWE.next_cek(jwk, { "alg" => "dir", "enc" => "A128GCM" })
# => ["\x89\xD3\x7Fc'\x98f\xA1\x04\xEC\x19){\x18@\xD9",
# #<struct JOSE::JWE
# alg=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ALG_dir direct=true>,
# enc=#<struct JOSE::JWE::ENC_AES_GCM cipher_name="aes-128-gcm", bits=128, cek_len=16, iv_len=12>,
# zip=nil,
# fields=JOSE::Map[]>]
932 933 934 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 932 def self.next_cek(key, jwe) return from(jwe).next_cek(key) end |
.next_iv(jwe) ⇒ String
958 959 960 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 958 def self.next_iv(jwe) return from(jwe).next_iv end |
.peek_ciphertext(encrypted) ⇒ String
977 978 979 980 981 982 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 977 def self.peek_ciphertext(encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = (encrypted) end return JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['ciphertext']) end |
.peek_encrypted_key(encrypted) ⇒ String
Returns the decoded encrypted key portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
# => "\xB7\x8F\xC5o\x89\x02\x97\xA0\\KW\x17\x9D\x1E\x0F\xE1x&\xFA<\x156\xC1e"
992 993 994 995 996 997 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 992 def self.peek_encrypted_key(encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = (encrypted) end return JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['encrypted_key']) end |
.peek_iv(encrypted) ⇒ String
1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 1007 def self.peek_iv(encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = (encrypted) end return JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['iv']) end |
.peek_protected(encrypted) ⇒ JOSE::Map
Returns the decoded protected portion of a encrypted binary or map without decrypting the ciphertext.
# => JOSE::Map["enc" => "A128GCM", "alg" => "A128KW"]
1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 1022 def self.peek_protected(encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = (encrypted) end return['protected']))) end |
.peek_tag(encrypted) ⇒ String
1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 1037 def self.peek_tag(encrypted) if encrypted.is_a?(String) encrypted = (encrypted) end return JOSE.urlsafe_decode64(encrypted['tag']) end |
.to_binary(jwe) ⇒ String+
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a binary.
486 487 488 489 490 491 492 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 486 def self.to_binary(jwe) if jwe.is_a?(Array) return from(jwe).map { |obj| obj.to_binary } else return from(jwe).to_binary end end |
.to_file(jwe, file) ⇒ Fixnum
504 505 506 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 504 def self.to_file(jwe, file) return from(jwe).to_file(file) end |
.to_map(jwe) ⇒ JOSE::Map+
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a map.
518 519 520 521 522 523 524 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 518 def self.to_map(jwe) if jwe.is_a?(Array) return from(jwe).map { |obj| obj.to_map } else return from(jwe).to_map end end |
.uncompress(cipher_text, jwe) ⇒ String
1054 1055 1056 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 1054 def self.uncompress(cipher_text, jwe) return from(jwe).uncompress(cipher_text) end |
Instance Method Details
#block_decrypt(key, aad, cipher_text, cipher_tag, encrypted_key, iv) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Decrypts the cipher_text
binary using the key
, aad
, cipher_tag
, encrypted_key
, and iv
600 601 602 603 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 600 def block_decrypt(key, aad, cipher_text, cipher_tag, encrypted_key, iv) cek = key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key) return uncompress(enc.block_decrypt([aad, cipher_text, cipher_tag], cek, iv)) end |
#block_encrypt(key, block, cek = nil, iv = nil) ⇒ JOSE::EncryptedMap
Encrypts the block
binary using the key
, cek
, and iv
639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 639 def block_encrypt(key, block, cek = nil, iv = nil) jwe = self if cek.nil? cek, jwe = next_cek(key) end iv ||= jwe.next_iv aad, plain_text = block if plain_text.nil? plain_text = aad aad = nil end encrypted_key, jwe = jwe.key_encrypt(key, cek) protected_binary = JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(jwe.to_binary) if aad.nil? cipher_text, cipher_tag = enc.block_encrypt([protected_binary, jwe.compress(plain_text)], cek, iv) return JOSE::EncryptedMap[ 'ciphertext' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(cipher_text), 'encrypted_key' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(encrypted_key), 'iv' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(iv), 'protected' => protected_binary, 'tag' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(cipher_tag) ] else aad_b64 = JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(aad) concat_aad = [protected_binary, '.', aad_b64].join cipher_text, cipher_tag = enc.block_encrypt([concat_aad, jwe.compress(plain_text)], cek, iv) return JOSE::EncryptedMap[ 'aad' => aad_b64, 'ciphertext' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(cipher_text), 'encrypted_key' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(encrypted_key), 'iv' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(iv), 'protected' => protected_binary, 'tag' => JOSE.urlsafe_encode64(cipher_tag) ] end end |
#compress(plain_text) ⇒ String
Compresses the plain_text
using the "zip"
algorithm specified by the jwe
729 730 731 732 733 734 735 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 729 def compress(plain_text) if zip.nil? return plain_text else return zip.compress(plain_text) end end |
#generate_key ⇒ JOSE::JWK
795 796 797 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 795 def generate_key return alg.generate_key(fields, enc) end |
#key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key) ⇒ String
Decrypts the encrypted_key
using the key
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
823 824 825 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 823 def key_decrypt(key, encrypted_key) return alg.key_decrypt(key, enc, encrypted_key) end |
#key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Encrypts the decrypted_key
using the key
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
865 866 867 868 869 870 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 865 def key_encrypt(key, decrypted_key) encrypted_key, new_alg = alg.key_encrypt(key, enc, decrypted_key) new_jwe = JOSE::JWE.from_map(to_map) new_jwe.alg = new_alg return encrypted_key, new_jwe end |
#merge(object) ⇒ JOSE::JWE
Merges object into current map.
883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 883 def merge(object) object = case object when JOSE::Map, Hash object when String JOSE.decode(object) when JOSE::JWE object.to_map else raise ArgumentError, "'object' must be a Hash, String, or JOSE::JWE" end return JOSE::JWE.from_map(self.to_map.merge(object)) end |
#next_cek(key) ⇒ [String, JOSE::JWE]
Returns the next cek
using the jwk
and the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
940 941 942 943 944 945 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 940 def next_cek(key) decrypted_key, new_alg = alg.next_cek(key, enc) new_jwe = JOSE::JWE.from_map(to_map) new_jwe.alg = new_alg return decrypted_key, new_jwe end |
#next_iv ⇒ String
Returns the next iv
the "alg"
and "enc"
specified by the jwe
965 966 967 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 965 def next_iv return enc.next_iv end |
#to_binary ⇒ String
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a binary.
496 497 498 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 496 def to_binary return JOSE.encode(to_map) end |
#to_file(file) ⇒ Fixnum
Calls #to_binary on a JOSE::JWE and then writes the binary to file
511 512 513 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 511 def to_file(file) return File.binwrite(file, to_binary) end |
#to_map ⇒ JOSE::Map
Converts a JOSE::JWE into a map.
528 529 530 531 532 533 534 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 528 def to_map if zip.nil? return alg.to_map(enc.to_map(fields)) else return alg.to_map(enc.to_map(zip.to_map(fields))) end end |
#uncompress(cipher_text) ⇒ String
Uncompresses the cipher_text
using the "zip"
algorithm specified by the jwe
1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 |
# File 'lib/jose/jwe.rb', line 1062 def uncompress(cipher_text) if zip.nil? return cipher_text else return zip.uncompress(cipher_text) end end |