Module: JSON
- Defined in:
- lib/json.rb,
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.
A JSON value is one of the following:
Double-quoted text:
. -
. -
. -
. -
Array: an ordered list of values, enclosed by square brackets:
["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null]
Object: a collection of name/value pairs, enclosed by curly braces; each name is double-quoted text; the values may be any JSON values:
{"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null}
A JSON array or object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars to any depth:
{"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]}
[{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]]
Using Module JSON
To make module JSON available in your code, begin with:
require 'json'
All examples here assume that this has been done.
Parsing JSON
You can parse a String containing JSON data using either of two methods:
JSON.parse(source, opts)
JSON.parse!(source, opts)
is a Ruby object. -
is a Hash object containing options that control both input allowed and output formatting.
The difference between the two methods is that JSON.parse! omits some checks and may not be safe for some source
data; use it only for data from trusted sources. Use the safer method JSON.parse for less trusted sources.
Parsing JSON Arrays
When source
is a JSON array, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby Array:
json = '["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null]'
ruby = JSON.parse(json)
ruby # => ["foo", 1, 1.0, 200.0, true, false, nil]
ruby.class # => Array
The JSON array may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars to any depth:
json = '[{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]]'
JSON.parse(json) # => [{"foo"=>0, "bar"=>1}, ["baz", 2]]
Parsing JSON Objects
When the source is a JSON object, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby Hash:
json = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(json)
ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1, "c"=>1.0, "d"=>200.0, "e"=>true, "f"=>false, "g"=>nil}
ruby.class # => Hash
The JSON object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars to any depth:
json = '{"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]}'
JSON.parse(json) # => {"foo"=>{"bar"=>1, "baz"=>2}, "bat"=>[0, 1, 2]}
Parsing JSON Scalars
When the source is a JSON scalar (not an array or object), JSON.parse returns a Ruby scalar.
ruby = JSON.parse('"foo"')
ruby # => 'foo'
ruby.class # => String
ruby = JSON.parse('1')
ruby # => 1
ruby.class # => Integer
ruby = JSON.parse('1.0')
ruby # => 1.0
ruby.class # => Float
ruby = JSON.parse('2.0e2')
ruby # => 200
ruby.class # => Float
ruby = JSON.parse('true')
ruby # => true
ruby.class # => TrueClass
ruby = JSON.parse('false')
ruby # => false
ruby.class # => FalseClass
ruby = JSON.parse('null')
ruby # => nil
ruby.class # => NilClass
Parsing Options
Input Options
Option max_nesting
(Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth allowed; defaults to 100
; specify false
to disable depth checking.
With the default, false
source = '[0, [1, [2, [3]]]]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => [0, [1, [2, [3]]]]
Too deep:
# Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep):
JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: 1})
Bad value:
# Raises TypeError (wrong argument type Symbol (expected Fixnum)):
JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: :foo})
Option allow_nan
(boolean) specifies whether to allow NaN, Infinity, and MinusInfinity in source
; defaults to false
With the default, false
# Raises JSON::ParserError (225: unexpected token at '[NaN]'):
# Raises JSON::ParserError (232: unexpected token at '[Infinity]'):
# Raises JSON::ParserError (248: unexpected token at '[-Infinity]'):
source = '[NaN, Infinity, -Infinity]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source, {allow_nan: true})
ruby # => [NaN, Infinity, -Infinity]
Output Options
Option symbolize_names
(boolean) specifies whether returned Hash keys should be Symbols; defaults to false
(use Strings).
With the default, false
source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
Use Symbols:
ruby = JSON.parse(source, {symbolize_names: true})
ruby # => {:a=>"foo", :b=>1.0, :c=>true, :d=>false, :e=>nil}
Option object_class
(Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used for each JSON object; defaults to Hash.
With the default, Hash:
source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby.class # => Hash
Use class OpenStruct:
ruby = JSON.parse(source, {object_class: OpenStruct})
ruby # => #<OpenStruct a="foo", b=1.0, c=true, d=false, e=nil>
Option array_class
(Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used for each JSON array; defaults to Array.
With the default, Array:
source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby.class # => Array
Use class Set:
ruby = JSON.parse(source, {array_class: Set})
ruby # => #<Set: {"foo", 1.0, true, false, nil}>
Option create_additions
(boolean) specifies whether to use JSON additions in parsing. See JSON Additions.
Generating JSON
To generate a Ruby String containing JSON data, use method JSON.generate(source, opts)
, where
is a Ruby object. -
is a Hash object containing options that control both input allowed and output formatting.
Generating JSON from Arrays
When the source is a Ruby Array, JSON.generate returns a String containing a JSON array:
ruby = [0, 's', :foo]
json = JSON.generate(ruby)
json # => '[0,"s","foo"]'
The Ruby Array array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars to any depth:
ruby = [0, [1, 2], {foo: 3, bar: 4}]
json = JSON.generate(ruby)
json # => '[0,[1,2],{"foo":3,"bar":4}]'
Generating JSON from Hashes
When the source is a Ruby Hash, JSON.generate returns a String containing a JSON object:
ruby = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
json = JSON.generate(ruby)
json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'
The Ruby Hash array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars to any depth:
ruby = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
json = JSON.generate(ruby)
json # => '{"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"}'
Generating JSON from Other Objects
When the source is neither an Array nor a Hash, the generated JSON data depends on the class of the source.
When the source is a Ruby Integer or Float, JSON.generate returns a String containing a JSON number:
JSON.generate(42) # => '42'
JSON.generate(0.42) # => '0.42'
When the source is a Ruby String, JSON.generate returns a String containing a JSON string (with double-quotes):
JSON.generate('A string') # => '"A string"'
When the source is true
, false
or nil
, JSON.generate returns a String containing the corresponding JSON token:
JSON.generate(true) # => 'true'
JSON.generate(false) # => 'false'
JSON.generate(nil) # => 'null'
When the source is none of the above, JSON.generate returns a String containing a JSON string representation of the source:
JSON.generate(:foo) # => '"foo"'
JSON.generate(Complex(0, 0)) # => '"0+0i"'
JSON.generate('.')) # => '"#<Dir>"'
Generating Options
Input Options
Option allow_nan
(boolean) specifies whether NaN
, Infinity
, and -Infinity
may be generated; defaults to false
With the default, false
# Raises JSON::GeneratorError (920: NaN not allowed in JSON):
# Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: Infinity not allowed in JSON):
# Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: -Infinity not allowed in JSON):
ruby = [Float::NaN, Float::Infinity, Float::MinusInfinity]
JSON.generate(ruby, allow_nan: true) # => '[NaN,Infinity,-Infinity]'
Option max_nesting
(Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth in obj
; defaults to 100
With the default, 100
obj = [[[[[[0]]]]]]
JSON.generate(obj) # => '[[[[[[0]]]]]]'
Too deep:
# Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep):
JSON.generate(obj, max_nesting: 2)
Escaping Options
Options script_safe
(boolean) specifies wether '\u2028'
, '\u2029'
and '/'
should be escaped as to make the JSON object safe to interpolate in script tags.
Options ascii_only
(boolean) specifies wether all characters outside the ASCII range should be escaped.
Output Options
The default formatting options generate the most compact JSON data, all on one line and with no whitespace.
You can use these formatting options to generate JSON data in a more open format, using whitespace. See also JSON.pretty_generate.
(String) specifies a string (usually a newline) to be inserted after each JSON array; defaults to the empty String,''
. -
(String) specifies a string (usually a newline) to be inserted after each JSON object; defaults to the empty String,''
. -
(String) specifies the string (usually spaces) to be used for indentation; defaults to the empty String,''
; defaults to the empty String,''
; has no effect unless optionsarray_nl
specify newlines. -
(String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be inserted after the colon in each JSON object’s pair; defaults to the empty String,''
. -
(String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be inserted before the colon in each JSON object’s pair; defaults to the empty String,''
In this example, obj
is used first to generate the shortest JSON data (no whitespace), then again with all formatting options specified:
obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}}
json = JSON.generate(obj)
puts 'Compact:', json
opts = {
array_nl: "\n",
object_nl: "\n",
indent: ' ',
space_before: ' ',
space: ' '
puts 'Open:', JSON.generate(obj, opts)
"foo" : [
"bat" : {
"bam" : 0,
"bad" : 1
JSON Additions
When you “round trip” a non-String object from Ruby to JSON and back, you have a new String, instead of the object you began with:
ruby0 =, 2)
json = JSON.generate(ruby0)
json # => '0..2"'
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json)
ruby1 # => '0..2'
ruby1.class # => String
You can use JSON additions to preserve the original object. The addition is an extension of a ruby class, so that:
JSON.generate stores more information in the JSON string.
JSON.parse, called with option
, uses that information to create a proper Ruby object.
This example shows a Range being generated into JSON and parsed back into Ruby, both without and with the addition for Range:
ruby =, 2)
# This passage does not use the addition for Range.
json0 = JSON.generate(ruby)
ruby0 = JSON.parse(json0)
# This passage uses the addition for Range.
require 'json/add/range'
json1 = JSON.generate(ruby)
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true)
# Make a nice display.
display = <<~EOT
Generated JSON:
Without addition: #{json0} (#{json0.class})
With addition: #{json1} (#{json1.class})
Parsed JSON:
Without addition: #{ruby0.inspect} (#{ruby0.class})
With addition: #{ruby1.inspect} (#{ruby1.class})
puts display
This output shows the different results:
Generated JSON:
Without addition: "0..2" (String)
With addition: {"json_class":"Range","a":[0,2,false]} (String)
Parsed JSON:
Without addition: "0..2" (String)
With addition: 0..2 (Range)
The JSON module includes additions for certain classes. You can also craft custom additions. See Custom JSON Additions.
Built-in Additions
The JSON module includes additions for certain classes. To use an addition, require
its source:
require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
require 'json/add/complex'
require 'json/add/date'
require 'json/add/date_time'
require 'json/add/exception'
require 'json/add/ostruct'
require 'json/add/range'
require 'json/add/rational'
require 'json/add/regexp'
require 'json/add/set'
require 'json/add/struct'
require 'json/add/symbol'
require 'json/add/time'
To reduce punctuation clutter, the examples below show the generated JSON via puts
, rather than the usual inspect
require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
ruby0 = BigDecimal(0) # 0.0
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"BigDecimal","b":"27:0.0"}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0.0
ruby1.class # => BigDecimal
require 'json/add/complex'
ruby0 = Complex(1+0i) # 1+0i
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Complex","r":1,"i":0}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1+0i
ruby1.class # Complex
require 'json/add/date'
ruby0 = # 2020-05-02
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Date","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"sg":2299161.0}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02
ruby1.class # Date
require 'json/add/date_time'
ruby0 = # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"DateTime","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"H":10,"M":38,"S":13,"of":"-5/24","sg":2299161.0}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00
ruby1.class # DateTime
Exception (and its subclasses including RuntimeError):
require 'json/add/exception'
ruby0 ='A message') # A message
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Exception","m":"A message","b":null}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # A message
ruby1.class # Exception
ruby0 ='Another message') # Another message
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"RuntimeError","m":"Another message","b":null}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # Another message
ruby1.class # RuntimeError
require 'json/add/ostruct'
ruby0 = 'Matz', language: 'Ruby') # #<OpenStruct name="Matz", language="Ruby">
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"OpenStruct","t":{"name":"Matz","language":"Ruby"}}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #<OpenStruct name="Matz", language="Ruby">
ruby1.class # OpenStruct
require 'json/add/range'
ruby0 =, 2) # 0..2
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Range","a":[0,2,false]}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0..2
ruby1.class # Range
require 'json/add/rational'
ruby0 = Rational(1, 3) # 1/3
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Rational","n":1,"d":3}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1/3
ruby1.class # Rational
require 'json/add/regexp'
ruby0 ='foo') # (?-mix:foo)
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Regexp","o":0,"s":"foo"}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # (?-mix:foo)
ruby1.class # Regexp
require 'json/add/set'
ruby0 =[0, 1, 2]) # #<Set: {0, 1, 2}>
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Set","a":[0,1,2]}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #<Set: {0, 1, 2}>
ruby1.class # Set
require 'json/add/struct'
Customer =, :address) # Customer
ruby0 ="Dave", "123 Main") # #<struct Customer name="Dave", address="123 Main">
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Customer","v":["Dave","123 Main"]}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #<struct Customer name="Dave", address="123 Main">
ruby1.class # Customer
require 'json/add/symbol'
ruby0 = :foo # foo
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Symbol","s":"foo"}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # foo
ruby1.class # Symbol
require 'json/add/time'
ruby0 = # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500
json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Time","s":1588436906,"n":840560000}
ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500
ruby1.class # Time
Custom JSON Additions
In addition to the JSON additions provided, you can craft JSON additions of your own, either for Ruby built-in classes or for user-defined classes.
Here’s a user-defined class Foo
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar, :baz
def initialize(, baz)
self. =
self.baz = baz
Here’s the JSON addition for it:
# Extend class Foo with JSON addition.
class Foo
# Serialize Foo object with its class name and arguments
def to_json(*args)
JSON.create_id =>,
'a' => [ , baz ]
# Deserialize JSON string by constructing new Foo object with arguments.
def self.json_create(object)
require 'json'
# This Foo object has no custom addition.
foo0 =, 1)
json0 = JSON.generate(foo0)
obj0 = JSON.parse(json0)
# Lood the custom addition.
require_relative 'foo_addition'
# This foo has the custom addition.
foo1 =, 1)
json1 = JSON.generate(foo1)
obj1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true)
# Make a nice display.
display = <<~EOT
Generated JSON:
Without custom addition: #{json0} (#{json0.class})
With custom addition: #{json1} (#{json1.class})
Parsed JSON:
Without custom addition: #{obj0.inspect} (#{obj0.class})
With custom addition: #{obj1.inspect} (#{obj1.class})
puts display
Generated JSON:
Without custom addition: "#<Foo:0x0000000006534e80>" (String)
With custom addition: {"json_class":"Foo","a":[0,1]} (String)
Parsed JSON:
Without custom addition: "#<Foo:0x0000000006534e80>" (String)
With custom addition: #<Foo:0x0000000006473bb8 @bar=0, @baz=1> (Foo)
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Ext, TruffleRuby Classes: CircularDatastructure, GeneratorError, GenericObject, JSONError, MissingUnicodeSupport, NestingError, ParserError
Constant Summary collapse
- NaN =
- Infinity =
- MinusInfinity =
- UnparserError =
For backwards compatibility
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.dump_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method.
.generator ⇒ Object
Returns the JSON generator module that is used by JSON.
.load_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method.
.parser ⇒ Object
Returns the JSON parser class that is used by JSON.
.state ⇒ Object
Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON.
.unsafe_load_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns default options for the JSON.unsafe_load method.
Class Method Summary collapse
.[](object, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON -> new_array or new_string.
- .create_fast_state ⇒ Object
.create_id ⇒ Object
Returns the current create identifier.
.create_id=(new_value) ⇒ Object
Sets create identifier, which is used to decide if the json_create hook of a class should be called; initial value is
: JSON.create_id # => ‘json_class’. - .create_pretty_state ⇒ Object
.deep_const_get(path) ⇒ Object
Return the constant located at path.
.dump(obj, anIO = nil, limit = nil, kwargs = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil).
.fast_generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: fast_unparse)
:call-seq: JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string.
.generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: unparse)
:call-seq: JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string.
.iconv(to, from, string) ⇒ Object
Encodes string using String.encode.
.load(source, proc = nil, options = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: restore)
:call-seq: JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object.
.load_file(filespec, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object.
.load_file!(filespec, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.load_file!(path, opts = {}).
- .merge_dump_options(opts, strict: NOT_SET) ⇒ Object
.parse(source, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object.
.parse!(source, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object.
.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: pretty_unparse)
:call-seq: JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string.
.recurse_proc(result, &proc) ⇒ Object
Recursively calls passed Proc if the parsed data structure is an Array or Hash.
.unsafe_load(source, proc = nil, options = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: JSON.unsafe_load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object.
Class Attribute Details
.dump_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method. Initially:
opts = JSON.
opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true}
761 762 763 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 761 def @dump_default_options end |
.generator ⇒ Object
Returns the JSON generator module that is used by JSON.
100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 100 def generator @generator end |
.load_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method. Initially:
opts = JSON.
opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true}
418 419 420 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 418 def @load_default_options end |
.parser ⇒ Object
Returns the JSON parser class that is used by JSON.
37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 37 def parser @parser end |
.state ⇒ Object
Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON.
103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 103 def state @state end |
.unsafe_load_default_options ⇒ Object
Sets or returns default options for the JSON.unsafe_load method. Initially:
opts = JSON.
opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true}
404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 404 def @unsafe_load_default_options end |
Class Method Details
.[](object, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
JSON[object] -> new_array or new_string
If object
is a String, calls JSON.parse with object
and opts
(see method #parse):
json = '[0, 1, null]'
JSON[json]# => [0, 1, nil]
Otherwise, calls JSON.generate with object
and opts
(see method #generate):
ruby = [0, 1, nil]
JSON[ruby] # => '[0,1,null]'
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 23 def [](object, opts = {}) if object.is_a?(String) return JSON.parse(object, opts) elsif object.respond_to?(:to_str) str = object.to_str if str.is_a?(String) return JSON.parse(str, opts) end end JSON.generate(object, opts) end |
.create_fast_state ⇒ Object
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 80 def create_fast_state :indent => '', :space => '', :object_nl => "", :array_nl => "", :max_nesting => false ) end |
.create_id ⇒ Object
Returns the current create identifier. See also JSON.create_id=.
115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 115 def self.create_id Thread.current[:"JSON.create_id"] || 'json_class' end |
.create_id=(new_value) ⇒ Object
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 109 def self.create_id=(new_value) Thread.current[:"JSON.create_id"] = new_value.dup.freeze end |
.create_pretty_state ⇒ Object
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 90 def create_pretty_state :indent => ' ', :space => ' ', :object_nl => "\n", :array_nl => "\n" ) end |
.deep_const_get(path) ⇒ Object
Return the constant located at path. The format of path has to be either ::A::B::C or A::B::C. In any case, A has to be located at the top level (absolute namespace path?). If there doesn’t exist a constant at the given path, an ArgumentError is raised.
50 51 52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 50 def deep_const_get(path) # :nodoc: Object.const_get(path) rescue NameError => e raise ArgumentError, "can't get const #{path}: #{e}" end |
.dump(obj, anIO = nil, limit = nil, kwargs = nil) ⇒ Object
JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil)
Dumps obj
as a JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result.
The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options.
, if given, should respond to methodwrite
; the JSON String is written toio
, andio
is returned. Ifio
is not given, the JSON String is returned. -
, if given, is passed to JSON.generate as optionmax_nesting
When argument io
is not given, returns the JSON String generated from obj
obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
json = JSON.dump(obj)
json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}"
When argument io
is given, writes the JSON String to io
and returns io
path = 't.json', 'w') do |file|
JSON.dump(obj, file)
end # => #<File:t.json (closed)>
795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 795 def dump(obj, anIO = nil, limit = nil, kwargs = nil) if kwargs.nil? if limit.nil? if anIO.is_a?(Hash) kwargs = anIO anIO = nil end elsif limit.is_a?(Hash) kwargs = limit limit = nil end end unless anIO.nil? if anIO.respond_to?(:to_io) anIO = anIO.to_io elsif limit.nil? && !anIO.respond_to?(:write) anIO, limit = nil, anIO end end opts = JSON. opts = opts.merge(:max_nesting => limit) if limit opts = (opts, **kwargs) if kwargs begin if State === opts opts.generate(obj, anIO) else State.generate(obj, opts, anIO) end rescue JSON::NestingError raise ArgumentError, "exceed depth limit" end end |
.fast_generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: fast_unparse
JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string
Arguments obj
and opts
here are the same as arguments obj
and opts
in JSON.generate.
By default, generates JSON data without checking for circular references in obj
(option max_nesting
set to false
, disabled).
Raises an exception if obj
contains circular references:
a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
# Raises SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 329 def fast_generate(obj, opts = nil) if State === opts state = opts else state = JSON.create_fast_state.configure(opts) end state.generate(obj) end |
.generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: unparse
JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
Returns a String containing the generated JSON data.
See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate.
Argument obj
is the Ruby object to be converted to JSON.
Argument opts
, if given, contains a Hash of options for the generation. See Generating Options.
When obj
is an Array, returns a String containing a JSON array:
obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]'
When obj
is a Hash, returns a String containing a JSON object:
obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'
For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see Generating JSON from Other Objects.
Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a String.
Raises an exception if obj
contains circular references:
a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
# Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep):
301 302 303 304 305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 301 def generate(obj, opts = nil) if State === opts opts.generate(obj) else State.generate(obj, opts, nil) end end |
.iconv(to, from, string) ⇒ Object
Encodes string using String.encode.
832 833 834 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 832 def self.iconv(to, from, string) string.encode(to, from) end |
.load(source, proc = nil, options = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: restore
JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object
Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given source
BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input, like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it. If you must use it, use JSON.unsafe_load instead to make it clear.
Since JSON version 2.8.0, ‘load` emits a deprecation warning when a non native type is deserialized, without `create_additions` being explicitly enabled, and in JSON version 3.0, `load` will have `create_additions` disabled by default.
must be, or be convertible to, a String:-
responds to instance methodto_str
becomes the source. -
responds to instance methodto_io
becomes the source. -
responds to instance methodread
becomes the source. -
If both of the following are true, source becomes the String
specifies a truthy value. -
The source, as defined above, is
or the empty String''
remains the source.
, if given, must be a Proc that accepts one argument. It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order). See details below. -
, if given, contains a Hash of options for the parsing. See Parsing Options. The default options can be changed via method JSON.load_default_options=.
When no proc
is given, modifies source
as above and returns the result of parse(source, opts)
; see #parse.
Source for following examples:
source = <<~JSON
"name": "Dave",
"age" :40,
"hats": [
Load a String:
ruby = JSON.load(source)
ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
Load an IO object:
require 'stringio'
object = JSON.load(
object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
Load a File object:
path = 't.json'
File.write(path, source) do |file|
end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
When proc
is given:
as above. -
Gets the
from callingparse(source, opts)
. -
Recursively calls
. -
Returns the final result.
require 'json'
# Some classes for the example.
class Base
def initialize(attributes)
@attributes = attributes
class User < Base; end
class Account < Base; end
class Admin < Base; end
# The JSON source.
json = <<-EOF
"users": [
{"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "[email protected]"},
{"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "[email protected]"}
"accounts": [
{"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}},
{"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}}
"admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"}
# Deserializer method.
def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin))
type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"]
safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj
# Call to JSON.load
ruby = JSON.load(json, proc {|obj|
case obj
when Hash
obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v }
when Array! {|v| deserialize_obj v }
pp ruby
{"type"=>"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"[email protected]"}>,
{"type"=>"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"[email protected]"}>],
@attributes={"type"=>"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>},
@attributes={"type"=>"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}],
@attributes={"type"=>"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>}
714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 714 def load(source, proc = nil, = nil) opts = if .nil? else .merge() end unless source.is_a?(String) if source.respond_to? :to_str source = source.to_str elsif source.respond_to? :to_io source = elsif source.respond_to?(:read) source = end end if opts[:allow_blank] && (source.nil? || source.empty?) source = 'null' end result = parse(source, opts) recurse_proc(result, &proc) if proc result end |
.load_file(filespec, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object
parse(, opts)
See method #parse.
250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 250 def load_file(filespec, opts = nil) parse(, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8), opts) end |
.load_file!(filespec, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
261 262 263 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 261 def load_file!(filespec, opts = {}) parse!(, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8), opts) end |
.merge_dump_options(opts, strict: NOT_SET) ⇒ Object
836 837 838 839 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 836 def (opts, strict: NOT_SET) opts = opts.merge(strict: strict) if NOT_SET != strict opts end |
.parse(source, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object
Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given source
Argument source
contains the String to be parsed.
Argument opts
, if given, contains a Hash of options for the parsing. See Parsing Options.
When source
is a JSON array, returns a Ruby Array:
source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
ruby.class # => Array
When source
is a JSON object, returns a Ruby Hash:
source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
ruby.class # => Hash
For examples of parsing for all JSON data types, see Parsing JSON.
Parses nested JSON objects:
source = <<~JSON
"name": "Dave",
"age" :40,
"hats": [
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
Raises an exception if source
is not valid JSON:
# Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''):
220 221 222 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 220 def parse(source, opts = nil) Parser.parse(source, opts) end |
.parse!(source, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object
parse(source, opts)
with source
and possibly modified opts
Differences from JSON.parse:
, if not provided, defaults tofalse
, which disables checking for nesting depth. -
, if not provided, defaults totrue
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 235 def parse!(source, opts = {}) opts = { :max_nesting => false, :allow_nan => true }.merge(opts), **(opts||{})).parse end |
.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: pretty_unparse
JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
Arguments obj
and opts
here are the same as arguments obj
and opts
in JSON.generate.
Default options are:
indent: ' ', # Two spaces
space: ' ', # One space
array_nl: "\n", # Newline
object_nl: "\n" # Newline
obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}}
json = JSON.pretty_generate(obj)
puts json
"foo": [
"bat": {
"bam": 0,
"bad": 1
374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 374 def pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) if State === opts state, opts = opts, nil else state = JSON.create_pretty_state end if opts if opts.respond_to? :to_hash opts = opts.to_hash elsif opts.respond_to? :to_h opts = opts.to_h else raise TypeError, "can't convert #{opts.class} into Hash" end state.configure(opts) end state.generate(obj) end |
.recurse_proc(result, &proc) ⇒ Object
Recursively calls passed Proc if the parsed data structure is an Array or Hash
740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 740 def recurse_proc(result, &proc) # :nodoc: case result when Array result.each { |x| recurse_proc x, &proc } result when Hash result.each { |x, y| recurse_proc x, &proc; recurse_proc y, &proc } result else result end end |
.unsafe_load(source, proc = nil, options = nil) ⇒ Object
JSON.unsafe_load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object
Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given source
BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input, like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it.
must be, or be convertible to, a String:-
responds to instance methodto_str
becomes the source. -
responds to instance methodto_io
becomes the source. -
responds to instance methodread
becomes the source. -
If both of the following are true, source becomes the String
specifies a truthy value. -
The source, as defined above, is
or the empty String''
remains the source.
, if given, must be a Proc that accepts one argument. It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order). See details below. -
, if given, contains a Hash of options for the parsing. See Parsing Options. The default options can be changed via method JSON.unsafe_load_default_options=.
When no proc
is given, modifies source
as above and returns the result of parse(source, opts)
; see #parse.
Source for following examples:
source = <<~JSON
"name": "Dave",
"age" :40,
"hats": [
Load a String:
ruby = JSON.unsafe_load(source)
ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
Load an IO object:
require 'stringio'
object = JSON.unsafe_load(
object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
Load a File object:
path = 't.json'
File.write(path, source) do |file|
end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
When proc
is given:
as above. -
Gets the
from callingparse(source, opts)
. -
Recursively calls
. -
Returns the final result.
require 'json'
# Some classes for the example.
class Base
def initialize(attributes)
@attributes = attributes
class User < Base; end
class Account < Base; end
class Admin < Base; end
# The JSON source.
json = <<-EOF
"users": [
{"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "[email protected]"},
{"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "[email protected]"}
"accounts": [
{"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}},
{"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}}
"admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"}
# Deserializer method.
def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin))
type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"]
safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj
# Call to JSON.unsafe_load
ruby = JSON.unsafe_load(json, proc {|obj|
case obj
when Hash
obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v }
when Array! {|v| deserialize_obj v }
pp ruby
{"type"=>"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"[email protected]"}>,
{"type"=>"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"[email protected]"}>],
@attributes={"type"=>"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>},
@attributes={"type"=>"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}],
@attributes={"type"=>"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>}
554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 |
# File 'lib/json/common.rb', line 554 def unsafe_load(source, proc = nil, = nil) opts = if .nil? else .merge() end unless source.is_a?(String) if source.respond_to? :to_str source = source.to_str elsif source.respond_to? :to_io source = elsif source.respond_to?(:read) source = end end if opts[:allow_blank] && (source.nil? || source.empty?) source = 'null' end result = parse(source, opts) recurse_proc(result, &proc) if proc result end |