Module: Useful::RubyExtensions::Hash::InstanceMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#check_value?(*keys_array) ⇒ Boolean
Determines if a value exists for the provided key(s).
- #except(*keys) ⇒ Object
- #except!(*keys) ⇒ Object
#get_value(*keys_array) ⇒ Object
(also: #search)
Returns the value for the provided key(s).
- #nillify ⇒ Object
- #nillify! ⇒ Object
- #only(*keys) ⇒ Object
- #only!(*keys) ⇒ Object
- #to_html_attrs ⇒ Object
#to_http_query_str(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Returns string formatted for HTTP URL encoded name-value pairs.
Instance Method Details
#check_value?(*keys_array) ⇒ Boolean
Determines if a value exists for the provided key(s). Allows searching in nested hashes
78 79 80 81 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 78 def check_value?(*keys_array) val = self.get_value(keys_array) val && !val.empty? ? true : false end |
#except(*keys) ⇒ Object
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 50 def except(*keys) self.class.except(self.dup, keys) end |
#except!(*keys) ⇒ Object
54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 54 def except!(*keys) self.class.except(self, keys) end |
#get_value(*keys_array) ⇒ Object Also known as: search
Returns the value for the provided key(s). Allows searching in nested hashes
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 66 def get_value(*keys_array) keys = keys_array.flatten if !keys.respond_to?('empty?') || keys.empty? nil else val = self[keys.shift] val.respond_to?('get_value') && !keys.empty? ? val.get_value(keys) : val end end |
#nillify ⇒ Object
58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 58 def nillify self.class.nillify(self.dup) end |
#nillify! ⇒ Object
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 61 def nillify! self.class.nillify(self) end |
#only(*keys) ⇒ Object
43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 43 def only(*keys) self.class.only(self.dup, keys) end |
#only!(*keys) ⇒ Object
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 46 def only!(*keys) self.class.only(self, keys) end |
#to_html_attrs ⇒ Object
118 119 120 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 118 def to_html_attrs self.empty? ? '' : self.sort{|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.collect{|k_v| "#{k_v[0]}=\"#{k_v[1]}\""}.join(' ') end |
#to_http_query_str(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Returns string formatted for HTTP URL encoded name-value pairs. For example,
{:id => 'thomas_hardy'}.to_http_query_str
# => "?id=thomas_hardy"
{:id => 23423, :since =>}.to_http_query_str
# => "?since=Thu,%2021%20Jun%202007%2012:10:05%20-0500&id=23423"
{:id => [1,2]}.to_http_query_str
# => "?id[]=1&id[]=2"
{:poo => {:foo => 1, :bar => 2}}.to_http_query_str
# => "?poo[bar]=2&poo[foo]=1"
{:poo => {:foo => 1, :bar => {:bar1 => 1, :bar2 => "nasty"}}}.to_http_query_str
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/useful/ruby_extensions/hash.rb', line 95 def to_http_query_str(opts = {}) opts[:prepend] ||= '?' opts[:append] ||= '' opts[:key_ns] ||= nil opt_strings = self.sort{|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.collect do |key_val| key = key_val[0] val = key_val[1] key_s = opts[:key_ns] ? "#{opts[:key_ns]}[#{key.to_s}]" : key.to_s if val.kind_of?(::Array) val.sort.collect{|i| "#{key_s}[]=#{i.to_s.cgi_escape}"}.join('&') elsif val.respond_to?('to_http_query_str') val.to_http_query_str({ :prepend => '', :key_ns => key_s, :append => '' }) else "#{key_s}=#{val.to_s.cgi_escape}" end end self.empty? ? '' : "#{opts[:prepend]}#{opt_strings.join('&')}#{opts[:append]}" end |