Module: Kithe::Asset::SetShrineUploader
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Included in:
- Kithe::Asset
- Defined in:
- app/models/kithe/asset/set_shrine_uploader.rb
Our Kithe::Asset model class is meant to be a superclass of a local application asset class, which we can call ‘Asset`, although an app can call it whatever they like.
Kithe::Asset sets it’s own shrine uploader class, with a typical shrine:
include Kithe::AssetUploader::Attachment(:file)
An application Asset subclass will inherit this uploader, which is convenient for getting started quickly. But an application will likely want to define its own local uploader class, to define it’s own metadata, derivatives, and any other custom beahvior.
There isn’t an obvious built-into-shrine way to do that, but it turns out simply overriding class and instance ‘*_attacher` methods seems to work out well. See:
So a local application can define it’s own shrine uploader, which is highly recommended to be a sub-class of Kithe::AssetUploader to ensure it has required and useful Kithe behavior:
# ./app/uploaders/asset_uploader.rb
class AssetUploader < Kithe::AssetUploader
# maybe we want some custom metadata
:something do |io|
And then set it in ti’s custom local Asset class:
# ./app/models/asset.rb
class Asset < Kithe::Asset
If a local app has it’s own inheritance hieararchy of children below that (eg) Asset class, they can each (optionally) also override with a custom Uploader. It is recommended that the Uploader inheritance hieararchy match the model inheritance hieararchy, to have all behavior consistent. For instance:
class AudioAssetUploader < AssetUploader
class AudioAsset < Asset