Class: LazyGraph::ObjectNode
- Defined in:
- lib/lazy_graph/node/object_node.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: SymbolHash
Constant Summary
Constants included from Node::DerivedRules
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#properties ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute properties.
Attributes inherited from Node
#children, #depth, #derived, #invisible, #is_object, #name, #namespace, #parent, #path, #root, #type
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #children=(value) ⇒ Object
- #find_resolver_for(segment) ⇒ Object
#resolve(path, stack_memory, should_recycle = stack_memory, preserve_keys: false) ⇒ Object
An object supports the following types of path resolutions.
Methods inherited from Node
#absolute_path, #ancestors, #build_caster, #build_derived_inputs!, #clear_visits!, #copy_item!, #define_missing_value_proc!, #derive_item!, #fetch_and_resolve, #fetch_item, #initialize, #lazy_init_node!, #raise_presence_validation_error!, #resolve_relative_input, #simple?, #trace!
Methods included from Node::DerivedRules
#build_derived_inputs, #create_derived_input_context, #extract_derived_src, extract_expr_from_source_location, get_file_body, #interpret_derived_proc, #map_derived_inputs_to_paths, #parse_args_with_conditions, #parse_derived_inputs, #parse_rule_string, #resolver_for, #rule_definition_backtrace
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from LazyGraph::Node
Instance Attribute Details
#properties ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute properties.
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# File 'lib/lazy_graph/node/object_node.rb', line 5 def properties @properties end |
Instance Method Details
#children=(value) ⇒ Object
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/lazy_graph/node/object_node.rb', line 71 def children=(value) @children = value @properties = @children.fetch(:properties, {}).compare_by_identity @pattern_properties = @children.fetch(:pattern_properties, []) @complex_properties_a = @properties.to_a.reject { _2.simple? } @complex_pattern_properties_a = @pattern_properties.reject { _2.simple? } @has_properties = @properties.any? || @pattern_properties.any? return unless @has_properties if @pattern_properties.any? @property_class = SymbolHash else invisible = { |_k, v| v.invisible }.map(&:first) @property_class = LazyGraph.fetch_property_class( path, { members: @properties.keys + (@debug && !parent ? [:DEBUG] : []), invisible: invisible }, namespace: root.namespace ) end define_singleton_method(:cast, lambda { |val| if val.is_a?(MissingValue) val else val.is_a?(@property_class) ? val : end }) end |
#find_resolver_for(segment) ⇒ Object
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/lazy_graph/node/object_node.rb', line 61 def find_resolver_for(segment) if segment.equal?(:'$') root elsif @properties.key?(segment) @properties[segment] else @parent&.find_resolver_for(segment) end end |
#resolve(path, stack_memory, should_recycle = stack_memory, preserve_keys: false) ⇒ Object
An object supports the following types of path resolutions.
Property name: => value
Property name group: obj[property1, property2] => { property1: value1, property2: value2 }
All [*]
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# File 'lib/lazy_graph/node/object_node.rb', line 11 def resolve( path, stack_memory, should_recycle = stack_memory, preserve_keys: false ) input = stack_memory.frame @visited[(input.object_id >> 2 ^ path.shifted_id) + preserve_keys.object_id] ||= begin return input if input.is_a?(MissingValue) path_next = if (path_segment = path.segment).is_a?(PathParser::PathGroup) return path_segment..each_with_object( do |part, object| resolve(part.merge(path_next), stack_memory, nil, preserve_keys: object) end end if !segment = path_segment&.part @complex_properties_a.each do |key, node| node.fetch_and_resolve(path_next, input, key, stack_memory) end if @complex_pattern_properties_a.any? input.keys.each do |key| node = !@properties[key] && @complex_pattern_properties_a.find do |(pattern, _value)| pattern.match?(key) end&.last next unless node node.fetch_and_resolve(path_next, input, key, stack_memory) end end cast(input) elsif (prop = @properties[segment]) prop.fetch_and_resolve(path_next, input, segment, stack_memory, preserve_keys) elsif (_, prop = @pattern_properties.find { |(key, _val)| key.match?(segment) }) prop.fetch_and_resolve(path_next, input, segment, stack_memory, preserve_keys) elsif input&.key?(segment) prop = @properties[segment] = lazy_init_node!(input[segment], segment) @properties_a = @properties.to_a prop.fetch_and_resolve(path_next, input, segment, stack_memory, preserve_keys) else value = MissingValue() preserve_keys ? preserve_keys[segment] = value : value end end ensure should_recycle&.recycle! end |