Module: Linguistics::EN::Pluralization
- Defined in:
- lib/linguistics/en/pluralization.rb
Plural inflection methods for the English-language Linguistics module.
It provides conversion of plural forms of all nouns, most verbs, and some adjectives. It also provides “classical” variants (for example: “brother” -> “brethren”, “dogma” -> “dogmata”, etc.) where appropriate.
Constant Summary collapse
- PL_sb_irregular_s =
{ "ephemeris" => "ephemerides", "iris" => "irises|irides", "clitoris" => "clitorises|clitorides", "corpus" => "corpuses|corpora", "opus" => "opuses|opera", "genus" => "genera", "mythos" => "mythoi", "penis" => "penises|penes", "testis" => "testes", }
- PL_sb_irregular_h =
{ "child" => "children", "brother" => "brothers|brethren", "loaf" => "loaves", "hoof" => "hoofs|hooves", "beef" => "beefs|beeves", "money" => "monies", "mongoose" => "mongooses", "ox" => "oxen", "cow" => "cows|kine", "soliloquy" => "soliloquies", "graffito" => "graffiti", "prima donna" => "prima donnas|prime donne", "octopus" => "octopuses|octopodes", "genie" => "genies|genii", "ganglion" => "ganglions|ganglia", "trilby" => "trilbys", "turf" => "turfs|turves", }.update( PL_sb_irregular_s )
- PL_sb_irregular =
matchgroup PL_sb_irregular_h.keys
- PL_sb_C_a_ata =
Classical “..a” -> “..ata”
matchgroup %w[ anathema bema carcinoma charisma diploma dogma drama edema enema enigma lemma lymphoma magma melisma miasma oedema sarcoma schema soma stigma stoma trauma gumma pragma ].collect {|word| word[0...-1]}
- PL_sb_U_a_ae =
Unconditional “..a” -> “”
matchgroup %w[ alumna alga vertebra persona ]
- PL_sb_C_a_ae =
Classical “..a” -> “”
matchgroup [/.*umbra/ ] + %w[ amoeba antenna formula hyperbola medusa nebula parabola abscissa hydra nova lacuna aurora flora fauna ]
- PL_sb_C_en_ina =
Classical “..en” -> “..ina”
matchgroup %w[ stamen foramen lumen ].collect {|word| word[0...-2] }
- PL_sb_U_um_a =
Unconditional “” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ bacterium agendum desideratum erratum stratum datum ovum extremum candelabrum ].collect {|word| word[0...-2] }
- PL_sb_C_um_a =
Classical “” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ maximum minimum momentum optimum quantum cranium curriculum dictum phylum aquarium compendium emporium enconium gymnasium honorarium interregnum lustrum memorandum millenium rostrum spectrum speculum stadium trapezium ultimatum medium vacuum velum consortium ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_U_us_i =
Unconditional “” -> “i”
matchgroup %w[ alumnus alveolus bacillus bronchus locus nucleus stimulus meniscus ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_us_i =
Classical “” -> “..i”
matchgroup %w[ focus radius genius incubus succubus nimbus fungus nucleolus stylus torus umbilicus uterus hippopotamus ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_us_us =
Classical “” -> “” (assimilated 4th declension latin nouns)
matchgroup %w[ status apparatus prospectus sinus hiatus impetus plexus ]
- PL_sb_U_on_a =
Unconditional “..on” -> “a”
matchgroup %w[ criterion perihelion aphelion phenomenon prolegomenon noumenon organon asyndeton hyperbaton ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_on_a =
Classical “..on” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ oxymoron ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_o_i_a =
Classical “..o” -> “..i” (but normally -> “..os”)
%w[ solo soprano basso alto contralto tempo piano ]
- PL_sb_C_o_i =
matchgroup PL_sb_C_o_i_a.collect{|word| word[0...-1]}
- PL_sb_U_o_os =
Always “..o” -> “..os”
matchgroup( %w[ albino archipelago armadillo commando crescendo fiasco ditto dynamo embryo ghetto guano inferno jumbo lumbago magneto manifesto medico octavo photo pro quarto canto lingo generalissimo stylo rhino ] | PL_sb_C_o_i_a )
- PL_sb_U_ex_ices =
Unconditional “..[ei]x” -> “..ices”
matchgroup %w[ codex murex silex ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_U_ix_ices =
matchgroup %w[ radix helix ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_ex_ices =
Classical “..[ei]x” -> “..ices”
matchgroup %w[ vortex vertex cortex latex pontifex apex index simplex ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_ix_ices =
matchgroup %w[ appendix ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_i =
Arabic: “..” -> “..i”
matchgroup %w[ afrit afreet efreet ]
- PL_sb_C_im =
Hebrew: “..” -> “”
matchgroup %w[ goy seraph cherub ]
- PL_sb_U_man_mans =
Unconditional “” -> “..mans”
matchgroup %w[ human Alabaman Bahaman Burman German Hiroshiman Liman Nakayaman Oklahoman Panaman Selman Sonaman Tacoman Yakiman Yokohaman Yuman ]
- PL_sb_uninflected_s =
[ # Pairs or groups subsumed to a singular... "breeches", "britches", "clippers", "gallows", "hijinks", "headquarters", "pliers", "scissors", "testes", "herpes", "pincers", "shears", "proceedings", "trousers", # Unassimilated Latin 4th declension "cantus", "coitus", "nexus", # Recent imports... "contretemps", "corps", "debris", /.*ois/, # Diseases /.*measles/, "mumps", # Miscellaneous others... "diabetes", "jackanapes", "series", "species", "rabies", "chassis", "innings", "news", "mews", ]
- PL_sb_uninflected_herd =
Don’t inflect in classical mode, otherwise normal inflection
matchgroup %w[ wildebeest swine eland bison buffalo elk moose rhinoceros ]
- PL_sb_uninflected =
matchgroup( # Some fish and herd animals /.*fish/, "tuna", "salmon", "mackerel", "trout", "bream", /sea[- ]bass/, "carp", "cod", "flounder", "whiting", /.*deer/, /.*sheep/, # All nationals ending in -ese "Portuguese", "Amoyese", "Borghese", "Congoese", "Faroese", "Foochowese", "Genevese", "Genoese", "Gilbertese", "Hottentotese", "Kiplingese", "Kongoese", "Lucchese", "Maltese", "Nankingese", "Niasese", "Pekingese", "Piedmontese", "Pistoiese", "Sarawakese", "Shavese", "Vermontese", "Wenchowese", "Yengeese", /.*[nrlm]ese/, # Some words ending in ...s (often pairs taken as a whole) PL_sb_uninflected_s, # Diseases /.*pox/, # Other oddities "graffiti", "djinn" )
- PL_sb_singular_s =
Singular words ending in …s (all inflect with …es)
matchgroup [ /.*ss/, /.*us/ ] + %w[ acropolis aegis alias arthritis asbestos atlas bathos bias bronchitis bursitis caddis cannabis canvas chaos cosmos dais digitalis encephalitis epidermis ethos eyas gas glottis hepatitis hubris ibis lens mantis marquis metropolis neuritis pathos pelvis polis rhinoceros sassafras tonsillitis trellis ]
- PL_v_special_s =
matchgroup [ PL_sb_singular_s, PL_sb_uninflected_s, PL_sb_irregular_s.keys, /(.*[csx])is/, /(.*)ceps/, /[A-Z].*s/, ]
- PL_sb_postfix_adj =
'(' + { 'general' => '(?!major|lieutenant|brigadier|adjutant)\S+', 'martial' => "court", }.collect {|key,val| "(?:#{val})(?=(?:-|\\s+)#{key})" }.join("|") + ")(.*)"
- PL_sb_military =
- PL_sb_general =
- PL_prep =
matchgroup %w[ about above across after among around at athwart before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by during except for from in into near of off on onto out over since till to under until unto upon with ]
- PL_sb_prep_dual_compound =
- PL_sb_prep_compound =
- PL_pron_nom_h =
{ # Nominative Reflexive "i" => "we", "myself" => "ourselves", "you" => "you", "yourself" => "yourselves", "she" => "they", "herself" => "themselves", "he" => "they", "himself" => "themselves", "it" => "they", "itself" => "themselves", "they" => "they", "themself" => "themselves", # Possessive "mine" => "ours", "yours" => "yours", "hers" => "theirs", "his" => "theirs", "its" => "theirs", "theirs" => "theirs", }
- PL_pron_nom = PL_pron_nom_h.keys.join('|'), Regexp::IGNORECASE )
- PL_pron_acc_h =
{ # Accusative Reflexive "me" => "us", "myself" => "ourselves", "you" => "you", "yourself" => "yourselves", "her" => "them", "herself" => "themselves", "him" => "them", "himself" => "themselves", "it" => "them", "itself" => "themselves", "them" => "them", "themself" => "themselves", }
- PL_pron_acc =
matchgroup PL_pron_acc_h.keys
- PL_v_irregular_pres_h =
{ # 1St pers. sing. 2nd pers. sing. 3rd pers. singular # 3rd pers. (indet.) "am" => "are", "are" => "are", "is" => "are", "was" => "were", "were" => "were", "was" => "were", "have" => "have", "have" => "have", "has" => "have", }
- PL_v_irregular_pres =
matchgroup PL_v_irregular_pres_h.keys
- PL_v_ambiguous_pres_h =
{ # 1st pers. sing. 2nd pers. sing. 3rd pers. singular # 3rd pers. (indet.) "act" => "act", "act" => "act", "acts" => "act", "blame" => "blame", "blame" => "blame", "blames" => "blame", "can" => "can", "can" => "can", "can" => "can", "must" => "must", "must" => "must", "must" => "must", "fly" => "fly", "fly" => "fly", "flies" => "fly", "copy" => "copy", "copy" => "copy", "copies" => "copy", "drink" => "drink", "drink" => "drink", "drinks" => "drink", "fight" => "fight", "fight" => "fight", "fights" => "fight", "fire" => "fire", "fire" => "fire", "fires" => "fire", "like" => "like", "like" => "like", "likes" => "like", "look" => "look", "look" => "look", "looks" => "look", "make" => "make", "make" => "make", "makes" => "make", "reach" => "reach", "reach" => "reach", "reaches" => "reach", "run" => "run", "run" => "run", "runs" => "run", "sink" => "sink", "sink" => "sink", "sinks" => "sink", "sleep" => "sleep", "sleep" => "sleep", "sleeps" => "sleep", "view" => "view", "view" => "view", "views" => "view", }
- PL_v_ambiguous_pres =
matchgroup PL_v_ambiguous_pres_h.keys
- PL_v_irregular_non_pres =
matchgroup %w[ did had ate made put spent fought sank gave sought shall could ought should ]
- PL_v_ambiguous_non_pres =
matchgroup %w[ thought saw bent will might cut ]
- PL_count_zero =
matchgroup %w[ 0 no zero nil ]
- PL_count_one =
matchgroup %w[ 1 a an one each every this that ]
- PL_adj_special_h =
{ "a" => "some", "an" => "some", "this" => "these", "that" => "those", }
- PL_adj_special =
matchgroup PL_adj_special_h.keys
- PL_adj_poss_h =
{ "my" => "our", "your" => "your", "its" => "their", "her" => "their", "his" => "their", "their" => "their", }
- PL_adj_poss =
matchgroup PL_adj_poss_h.keys
Instance Method Summary collapse
#plural(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given
indicates it should be plural. -
#plural_adjective(count = 2) ⇒ Object
(also: #plural_adj)
Return the plural of the given adjectival
indicates it should be plural. -
#plural_noun(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given noun
indicates it should be plural. -
#plural_verb(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given verb
indicates it should be plural.
Instance Method Details
#plural(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/pluralization.rb', line 401 def plural( count=2 ) phrase = if self.respond_to?( :to_int ) self.numwords else self.to_s end self.log.debug "Pluralizing %p" % [ phrase ] pre = text = post = nil # If the string has whitespace, only pluralize the middle bit, but # preserve the whitespace to add back to the result. if md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, text, post = md.captures else return phrase end plural = postprocess( text, pluralize_special_adjective(text, count) || pluralize_special_verb(text, count) || pluralize_noun(text, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |
#plural_adjective(count = 2) ⇒ Object Also known as: plural_adj
Return the plural of the given adjectival phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/pluralization.rb', line 463 def plural_adjective( count=2 ) phrase = self.to_s md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase ) pre, word, post = md.captures return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_special_adjective(word, count) || word ) return pre + plural + post end |
#plural_noun(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given noun phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/pluralization.rb', line 431 def plural_noun( count=2 ) phrase = self.to_s md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase ) pre, word, post = md.captures return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_noun(word, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |
#plural_verb(count = 2) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given verb phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/pluralization.rb', line 446 def plural_verb( count=2 ) phrase = self.to_s md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase ) pre, word, post = md.captures return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_special_verb(word, count) || pluralize_general_verb(word, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |