Module: Linkscape::Constants
- Defined in:
- lib/linkscape/constants.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: AnchorMetrics, LinkMetrics, URLMetrics
Constant Summary collapse
- URLResponseFields =
{ :uu => { :name => 'URL', :key => :url, :desc => %Q[The URL in question, as it has been canonicalized in the Linkscape index], }, :urid => { :name => 'Internal ID', :key => :internal_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the URL], }, :ur => { :name => 'Canonical URL', :key => :canonical_url, :desc => %Q[If the URL in question performs some kind of search engine canonicalization that is known to Linkscape (e.g., a 301 redirect), this field will contain the target of the canonicalization], }, :urrid => { :name => 'Canonical URL Internal ID', :key => :canonical_internal_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the canonical URL], }, :us => { :name => 'HTTP Status', :key => :status, :desc => %Q[The HTTP status of the target URL], }, :ut => { :name => 'Page Title', :key => :title, :desc => %Q[The title of the target URL, if a title is available], }, :ff => { :name => 'Time of Last FQ Domain Update', :key => :fq_domain_updated_at, :desc => %Q[The unix timestamp giving a rough idea of how fresh the data is of the FQ domain of the target URL], }, :pf => { :name => 'Time of Last PL Domain Update', :key => :pl_domain_updated_at, :desc => %Q[The unix timestamp giving a rough idea of how fresh the data is of the PL domain of the target URL], }, :uf => { :name => 'Time of Last Update', :key => :updated_at, :desc => %Q[The unix timestamp giving a rough idea of how fresh the data is of the target URL], }, :fid => { :name => 'Number of Links to FQ Domain', :key => :fq_domain_fq_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[The number of domains with at least one link to any page on the FQ domain of the target URL], }, :fipl => { :name => 'Number of Links to FQ Domain', :key => :fq_domain_pl_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[The number of domains with at least one link to any page on the FQ domain of the target URL], }, :feid => { :name => 'Number of External Juice-Passing Links to this Subdomain', :key => :fq_domain_external_links, :desc => %Q[the number of external (from other subdomains), juice-passing links to pages on this subdomain], }, :pid => { :name => 'Number of Links to PL Domain', :key => :pl_domain_pl_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[The number of domains with at least one link to any page on the PL domain of the target URL], }, :peid => { :name => 'Number of External Juice-Passing Links to this Domain', :key => :pl_domain_external_links, :desc => %Q[the number of external (from other root domains), juice-passing links to pages on this root domain], }, :uid => { :name => 'Number of Links', :key => :links, :desc => %Q[The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fuid => { :name => 'Number of Links to Subdomain', :key => :fq_domain_links, :desc => %Q[The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links to the subdomain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :puid => { :name => 'Number of Links to Root Domain', :key => :pl_domain_links, :desc => %Q[The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links to the root domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ujid => { :name => 'Number of Juice-passing Links', :key => :juice_links, :desc => %Q[The number of juice passing links (internal or external) to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ueid => { :name => 'Number of External Juice-Passing Links', :key => :external_links, :desc => %Q[The number of external (from other subdomains), juice passing links to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fejp => { :name => 'External mozRank sum of all FQ Domain Pages', :key => :fq_domain_external_mozrank_sum, :desc => %Q[The pretty (logarithmically scaled) sum of the mozRank due to external links of all the pages of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fjp => { :name => 'mozRank sum of all FQ Domain Pages', :key => :fq_domain_mozrank_sum, :desc => %Q[The pretty (logarithmically scaled) sum of the mozRank of all the pages of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pejp => { :name => 'External mozRank sum of all PL Domain Pages', :key => :pl_domain_external_mozrank_sum, :desc => %Q[The pretty (logarithmically scaled) sum of the mozRank due to external links of all the pages of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pjp => { :name => 'mozRank sum of all PL Domain Pages', :key => :pl_domain_mozrank_sum, :desc => %Q[The pretty (logarithmically scaled) sum of the mozRank of all the pages of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fejr => { :name => 'External mozRank sum of all FQ Domain Pages (raw)', :key => :fq_domain_external_mozrank_sum_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (linearly scaled) sum of the mozRank due to external links of all the pages of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fjr => { :name => 'mozRank sum of all FQ Domain Pages (raw)', :key => :fq_domain_mozrank_sum_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (linearly scaled) sum of the mozRank of all the pages of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pejr => { :name => 'External mozRank sum of all PL Domain Pages (raw)', :key => :pl_domain_external_mozrank_sum_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (linearly scaled) sum of the mozRank due to external links of all the pages of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pjr => { :name => 'mozRank sum of all PL Domain Pages (raw)', :key => :pl_domain_mozrank_sum_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (linearly scaled) sum of the mozRank of all the pages of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fmrp => { :name => 'mozRank of FQ Domain', :key => :fq_domain_mozrank, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozRank of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pmrp => { :name => 'mozRank of PL Domain', :key => :pl_domain_mozrank, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozRank of the PL domain of target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :umrp => { :name => 'mozRank', :key => :mozrank, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozRank of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :fmrr => { :name => 'mozRank of FQ Domain (raw)', :key => :fq_domain_mozrank_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozRank of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :pmrr => { :name => 'mozRank of PL Domain (raw)', :key => :pl_domain_mozrank_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozRank of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :umrr => { :name => 'mozRank (raw)', :key => :mozrank_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozRank of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ftrp => { :name => 'mozTrust of FQ Domain', :key => :fq_domain_moztrust, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ptrp => { :name => 'mozTrust of PL Domain', :key => :pl_domain_moztrust, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :utrp => { :name => 'mozTrust', :key => :moztrust, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ftrr => { :name => 'mozTrust of FQ Domain (raw)', :key => :fq_domain_moztrust_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the FQ domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :ptrr => { :name => 'mozTrust of PL Domain (raw)', :key => :pl_domain_moztrust_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the PL domain of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :utrr => { :name => 'mozTrust (raw)', :key => :moztrust_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozTrust of the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :uemrp => { :name => 'External mozRank', :key => :external_mozrank, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozRank of the target URL due to external links in the Linkscape index], }, :uemrr => { :name => 'External mozRank (raw)', :key => :external_mozrank_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozRank of the target URL due to external links in the Linkscape index], }, :ufq => { :name => 'Fully-Qualified Domain', :key => :fq_domain, :desc => %Q[The fully qualified domain (FQ domain) as it's identified in the Linkscape index], }, :uifq => { :name => 'Number of FQ Domains Linking', :key => :fq_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[The number of FQ domains with at least one link to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :uipl => { :name => 'Number of PL Domains Linking', :key => :pl_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[The number of PL domains with at least one link to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, :upl => { :name => 'Pay-Level Domain', :key => :pl_domain, :desc => %Q[The pay-level domain (PL domain) as it's identified in the Linkscape index], }, :ued => { :key => :all_external_links, :name => 'All external links page to page', :desc => %Q[The number of external links from one page to another (included followed and nofollowed).] }, :ujfq => { :key => :juice_fq_domains_linking, :name => 'Followed Domains Linking Page', :desc => %Q[The number of unique domains with followed links to the target url.] }, :ujp => { :key => :juice_ips_linking, :name => 'Followed IPs Linking', :desc => %Q[The number unique IPs with a followable link to a target url.] }, :uip => { :key => :ips_linking, :name => 'IPs Linking', :desc => %Q[The total number of unique IPs linking to a target url.] }, :ujpl => { :key => :juice_pl_domains_linking, :name => 'Followed Domains to Page', :desc => %Q[The number of unique domains with followed links to a given url.] }, :uib => { :key => :cblocks_linking, :name => 'All Cblock Linking', :desc => %Q[The total number unique cblocks linking to a page.] }, :ujb => { :key => :juice_cblocks_linking, :name => 'Followed CBLocks Linking', :desc => %Q[The total number unique cblocks with followed links to a page.] }, :fjid => { :key => :fq_domain_juice_links, :name => 'Followed Subdomain Linking Domains', :desc => %Q[A count of all unique subdomains with followed links to the target domain.] }, :fed => { :key => :fq_domain_all_external_links, :name => 'Subdomain External Links', :desc => %Q[The total number (followed and nofollowed) external links to the subdomain of the url.] }, :fjf => { :key => :fq_domain_juice_fq_domains_linking, :name => 'Followed Subdomain Subdomains Links', :desc => %Q[The number of subdomains with followed links to the subdomain of the url.] }, :fjd => { :key => :fq_domain_juice_pl_domains_linking, :name => 'Followed Domain Subdomains Links', :desc => %Q[The number of unique domains with followed links to the subdomain of the url.] }, :pjid => { :key => :pl_domain_juice_links, :name => 'Followed Root Domain Links', :desc => %Q[The total number of followed links (both internal and external) from a page to a domain.] }, :ped => { :key => :pl_domain_all_external_links, :name => 'All Root Domain External Links', :desc => %Q[The total number of external links (both followed and no-followed) from a page to a domain.] }, :pjd => { :key => :pl_domain_juice_pl_domains_linking, :name => 'All Followed Root Domains Linking Domain', :desc => %Q[The total number of followed root domains linking to the target's domain.] }, :pip => { :key => :pl_domain_ips_linking, :name => 'IPs Linking to Domain', :desc => %Q[The total number of unique IPs linking to the target's domain.] }, :pjip => { :key => :pl_domain_juice_ips_linking, :name => 'Followed IPs Linking to Domain', :desc => %Q[The total number of unique IPs with followed links to the target's domain.] }, :pib => { :key => :pl_domain_cblocks_linking, :name => 'All Cblock Linking Domain', :desc => %Q[The number of unique cblocks with a link to a domain.] }, :pjb => { :key => :pl_domain_juice_cblocks_linking, :name => 'Followed Cblock Linking Domain', :desc => %Q[The total number of cblock with followed links to a domain.] }, :upa => { :name => 'Page Authority', :key => :page_authority, :desc => %Q[The pretty (zero to one hundred, logarithmically scaled) page authority of the target URL], }, :pda => { :name => 'Domain Authority', :key => :domain_authority, :desc => %Q[The pretty (zero to one hundred, logarithmically scaled) domain authority of the target URL's PL domain], }, :upar => { :name => 'Page Authority (raw)', :key => :page_authority_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) page authority of the target URL], }, :pdar => { :name => 'Domain Authority (raw)', :key => :domain_authority_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) domain authority of the target URL's PL domain], }, }
- URLResponsePrefixes =
{ nil => :source, :lu => :target, }
- LinkResponseFields =
{ :t => { :name => 'Anchor Text', :key => :text, :desc => %Q[The anchor text of the link, including any markup (e.g. image tags with alt text)], }, :src => { :name => 'Source Internal ID', :key => :source_internal_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the source URL], }, :rid => { :name => 'Link Internal ID', :key => :internal_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the link], }, :tgt => { :name => 'Target Internal ID', :key => :target_internal_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the target URL], }, :f => { :name => 'Link Flags', :key => :flags, :desc => %Q[A bit field indicating link attributes that apply to this link], :bitfield => :link, }, :mrr => { :name => 'mozRank Passed (raw)', :key => :mozrank_raw, :desc => %Q[The raw (zero to one, linearly scaled) measure of the mozRank passed to the target of this link], }, :mrp => { :name => 'mozRank Passed', :key => :mozrank, :desc => %Q[The pretty (ten point, logarithmically scaled) measure of the mozRank passed to the target URL in the Linkscape index], }, }
- LinkResponsePrefixes =
{ :l => :link, }
- AnchorResponseFields =
{ :t => { :name => 'Anchor Text', :key => :text, :desc => %Q[The Anchor Text term or phrase], }, :i => { :name => 'Internal Target ID', :key => :record_id, :desc => %Q[Internal ID of the target URL], }, :iu => { :name => 'Internal Pages Linking', :key => :internal_pages_linking, :desc => %Q[Number of internal pages linking], }, :if => { :name => 'Internal Subdomains Linking', :key => :internal_subdomains_linking, :desc => %Q[Number of internal subdomains linking], }, :eu => { :name => 'External Pages Linking', :key => :external_pages_linking, :desc => %Q[number of external pages linking], }, :ef => { :name => 'External Subdomains Linking', :key => :external_subdomains_linking, :desc => %Q[number of external subdomains linking], }, :ep => { :name => 'External Domains Linking', :key => :external_domains_linking, :desc => %Q[number of external domains linking], }, :imp => { :name => 'Internal mozRank', :key => :internal_mozrank, :desc => %Q[sum of internal mozrank], }, :emp => { :name => 'External mozRank', :key => :external_mozrank, :desc => %Q[sum of external mozrank], }, :f => { :name => 'flags', :key => :flags, :bitfield => :anchor, :desc => %Q[Flags], }, }
- AnchorResponsePrefixes =
{ :app => :anchor, :apf => :anchor, :apu => :anchor, :atp => :anchor, :atf => :anchor, :atu => :anchor, }
- CalculationKeyMap =
[ [:unfollowed_external_links, [ :all_external_links, :external_links ]], [:unfollowed_links, [ :links, :juice_links ]], [:juice_internal_links, [ :juice_links, :external_links ]], [:internal_links, [ :links, :all_external_links ]], [:unfollowed_internal_links, [ :internal_links, :juice_internal_links ]], [:fq_domain_unfollowed_external_links, [ :fq_domain_all_external_links, :fq_domain_external_links ]], [:fq_domain_unfollowed_links, [ :fq_domain_links, :fq_domain_juice_links ]], [:fq_domain_juice_internal_links, [ :fq_domain_juice_links, :fq_domain_external_links ]], [:fq_domain_internal_links, [ :fq_domain_links, :fq_domain_all_external_links ]], [:fq_domain_unfollowed_internal_links, [ :fq_domain_internal_links, :fq_domain_juice_internal_links ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_external_links, [ :pl_domain_all_external_links, :pl_domain_external_links ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_links, [ :pl_domain_links, :pl_domain_juice_links ]], [:pl_domain_juice_internal_links, [ :pl_domain_juice_links, :pl_domain_external_links ]], [:pl_domain_internal_links, [ :pl_domain_links, :pl_domain_all_external_links ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_internal_links, [ :pl_domain_internal_links, :pl_domain_juice_internal_links ]], [:unfollowed_fq_domains_linking, [ :fq_domains_linking, :juice_fq_domains_linking ]], [:unfollowed_pl_domains_linking, [ :pl_domains_linking, :juice_pl_domains_linking ]], [:fq_domain_unfollowed_fq_domains_linking, [ :fq_domain_fq_domains_linking, :fq_domain_juice_fq_domains_linking ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_pl_domains_linking, [ :pl_domain_pl_domains_linking, :pl_domain_juice_pl_domains_linking ]], [:fq_domain_unfollowed_pl_domains_linking, [ :fq_domain_pl_domains_linking, :fq_domain_juice_pl_domains_linking ]], [:unfollowed_ips_linking, [ :ips_linking, :juice_ips_linking ]], [:unfollowed_cblocks_linking, [ :cblocks_linking, :juice_cblocks_linking ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_cblocks_linking, [ :pl_domain_cblocks_linking, :pl_domain_juice_cblocks_linking ]], [:pl_domain_unfollowed_ips_linking, [ :pl_domain_ips_linking, :pl_domain_juice_ips_linking ]], ]
- ResponseFields =
- LongestNameLength =
- LongestKeyLength =