Module: LittlePlugger
- Defined in:
- lib/little-plugger.rb
LittlePlugger is a module that provides Gem based plugin management. By extending your own class or module with LittlePlugger you can easily manage the loading and initializing of plugins provided by other gems.
Plugins are great! They allow other developers to add functionality to an application but relieve the application developer of the responsibility for mainting some other developer’s plugin code. LittlePlugger aims to make it dead simple to manage external plugins as gems.
Every plugin managed by LittlePlugger will have a name represented as a Symbol. This name is used to register the plugin, load the plugin file, and manage the plugin class/module. Here are the three rules for plugin names:
1) all lowercase with underscores 2) maps to a file of the same name with an ‘.rb’ extension 3) converting the name to camel case yields the plugin class / module
These rules are essentially the standard ruby practice of naming files after the class / module the file defines.
Finding & Loading
Plugins are found by searching through the lib folders of all installed gems; these gems are not necessarily loaded - just searched. If the lib folder has a subdirectory that matches the plugin_path
, then all ruby files in the gem’s plugin_path
are noted for later loading.
A file is only loaded if the basename of the file matches one of the registered plugin names. If no plugins are registered, then every file in the plugin_path
is loaded.
The plugin classes / modules are all expected to live in the same namespace for a particular application. For example, all plugins for the “Foo” application should reside in a “Foo::Plugins” namespace. This allows the plugins to be automatically initialized by LittlePlugger.
Optionally, plugins can provide an initialization method for running any setup code needed by the plugin. This initialize method should be named as follows: “initializer_#plugin_name” where the name of the plugin is appended to the end of the initializer method name.
If this method exists, it will be called automatically when plugins are loaded. The order of loading of initialization is not strictly defined, so do not rely on another plugin being initialized for your own plugin successfully initialize.
LittlePlugger is used by extending your own class or module with the LittlePlugger module.
module Logging
extend LittlePlugger
This defines a plugin_path
and a plugin_module
for our Logging module. The plugin_path
is set to “logging/plugins”, and therefore, the plugin_modlue
is defined as Logging::Plugins. All plugins for the Logging module should be found underneath this plugin module.
The plugins for the Logging module are loaded and initialized by calling the initialize_plugins
If you only want to load the plugin files but not initialize the plugin classes / modules then you can call the load_plugins
Finally, you can get a hash of all the loaded plugins.
This returns a hash keyed by the plugin names with the plugin class / module as the value.
If you only want a certain set of plugins to be loaded, then pass the names to the plugin
Logging.plugin :foo, :bar, :baz
Now only three plugins for the Logging module will be loaded.
LittlePlugger allows the use of a custom plugin path and module. These are specified when extending with LilttlePlugger by passing the specific path and module to LittlePlugger.
class Hoe
extend LittlePlugger( :path => 'hoe', :module => Hoe )
:clean, :debug, :deps, :flay, :flog, :package,
:publish, :rcov, :signing, :test
All ruby files found under the “hoe” directory will be treated as plugins, and the plugin classes / modules should reside directly under the Hoe namespace.
We also specify a list of plugins to be loaded. Only these plugins will be loaded and initialized by the LittlePlugger module. The plugin
method can be called multiple times to add more plugins.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ClassMethods
Constant Summary collapse
Class Method Summary collapse
.default_plugin_module(path) ⇒ Object
For a given path returns the class or module corresponding to the path.
.default_plugin_path(obj) ⇒ Object
For a given object returns a default plugin path.
.extended(other) ⇒ Object
Called when another object extends itself with LittlePlugger.
.underscore(string) ⇒ Object
Convert the given string from camel case to snake case.
.version ⇒ Object
Returns the version string for the library.
Class Method Details
.default_plugin_module(path) ⇒ Object
For a given path returns the class or module corresponding to the path. This method assumes a correspondence between directory names and Ruby namespaces.
default_plugin_module( "foo_bar/baz/plugins" ) #=> FooBar::Baz::Plugins
This method will fail if any of the namespaces have not yet been defined.
267 268 269 270 271 272 |
# File 'lib/little-plugger.rb', line 267 def self.default_plugin_module( path ) path.split(File::SEPARATOR).inject(Object) do |mod, const| const = const.split('_').map { |s| s.capitalize }.join mod.const_get const end end |
.default_plugin_path(obj) ⇒ Object
For a given object returns a default plugin path. The path is created by splitting the object’s class name on the namespace separator “::” and converting each part of the namespace into an underscored string (see the underscore
method). The strings are then joined using the File#join method to give a filesystem path. Appended to this path is the ‘plugins’ directory.
default_plugin_path( FooBar::Baz ) #=> "foo_bar/baz/plugins"
253 254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/little-plugger.rb', line 253 def self.default_plugin_path( obj ) obj = obj.class unless obj.is_a? Module File.join(underscore(, 'plugins') end |
.extended(other) ⇒ Object
Called when another object extends itself with LittlePlugger.
226 227 228 |
# File 'lib/little-plugger.rb', line 226 def self.extended( other ) other.extend ClassMethods end |
.underscore(string) ⇒ Object
Convert the given string from camel case to snake case. Method liberally stolen from ActiveSupport.
underscore( "FooBar" ) #=> "foo_bar"
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/little-plugger.rb', line 235 def self.underscore( string ) string.to_s. gsub(%r/::/, '/'). gsub(%r/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(%r/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr('-', '_'). downcase end |
.version ⇒ Object
Returns the version string for the library.
117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/little-plugger.rb', line 117 def self.version VERSION end |