Module: LogStash::PluginMixins::ElasticSearch::APIConfigs

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Constant Summary collapse


This module defines common options that can be reused by alternate elasticsearch output plugins such as the elasticsearch_data_streams output."//")
    # Username to authenticate to a secure Elasticsearch cluster
    :user => { :validate => :string },
    # Password to authenticate to a secure Elasticsearch cluster
    :password => { :validate => :password },

    # Authenticate using Elasticsearch API key.
    # format is id:api_key (as returned by[Create API key])
    :api_key => { :validate => :password },

    # Cloud authentication string ("<username>:<password>" format) is an alternative for the `user`/`password` configuration.
    # For more details, check out the[cloud documentation]
    :cloud_auth => { :validate => :password },

    # The document ID for the index. Useful for overwriting existing entries in
    # Elasticsearch with the same ID.
    :document_id => { :validate => :string },

    # HTTP Path at which the Elasticsearch server lives. Use this if you must run Elasticsearch behind a proxy that remaps
    # the root path for the Elasticsearch HTTP API lives.
    # Note that if you use paths as components of URLs in the 'hosts' field you may
    # not also set this field. That will raise an error at startup
    :path => { :validate => :string },

    # HTTP Path to perform the _bulk requests to
    # this defaults to a concatenation of the path parameter and "_bulk"
    :bulk_path => { :validate => :string },

    # Pass a set of key value pairs as the URL query string. This query string is added
    # to every host listed in the 'hosts' configuration. If the 'hosts' list contains
    # urls that already have query strings, the one specified here will be appended.
    :parameters => { :validate => :hash },

    # Enable SSL/TLS secured communication to Elasticsearch cluster. Leaving this unspecified will use whatever scheme
    # is specified in the URLs listed in 'hosts'. If no explicit protocol is specified plain HTTP will be used.
    # If SSL is explicitly disabled here the plugin will refuse to start if an HTTPS URL is given in 'hosts'
    :ssl => { :validate => :boolean },

    # Option to validate the server's certificate. Disabling this severely compromises security.
    # For more information on disabling certificate verification please read
    :ssl_certificate_verification => { :validate => :boolean, :default => true },

    # The .cer or .pem file to validate the server's certificate
    :cacert => { :validate => :path },

    # The JKS truststore to validate the server's certificate.
    # Use either `:truststore` or `:cacert`
    :truststore => { :validate => :path },

    # Set the truststore password
    :truststore_password => { :validate => :password },

    # The keystore used to present a certificate to the server.
    # It can be either .jks or .p12
    :keystore => { :validate => :path },

    # Set the keystore password
    :keystore_password => { :validate => :password },

    # This setting asks Elasticsearch for the list of all cluster nodes and adds them to the hosts list.
    # Note: This will return ALL nodes with HTTP enabled (including master nodes!). If you use
    # this with master nodes, you probably want to disable HTTP on them by setting
    # `http.enabled` to false in their elasticsearch.yml. You can either use the `sniffing` option or
    # manually enter multiple Elasticsearch hosts using the `hosts` parameter.
    :sniffing => { :validate => :boolean, :default => false },

    # How long to wait, in seconds, between sniffing attempts
    :sniffing_delay => { :validate => :number, :default => 5 },

    # HTTP Path to be used for the sniffing requests
    # the default value is computed by concatenating the path value and "_nodes/http"
    # if sniffing_path is set it will be used as an absolute path
    # do not use full URL here, only paths, e.g. "/sniff/_nodes/http"
    :sniffing_path => { :validate => :string },

    # Set the address of a forward HTTP proxy.
    # This used to accept hashes as arguments but now only accepts
    # arguments of the URI type to prevent leaking credentials.
    :proxy => { :validate => :uri }, # but empty string is allowed

    # Set the timeout, in seconds, for network operations and requests sent Elasticsearch. If
    # a timeout occurs, the request will be retried.
    :timeout => { :validate => :number, :default => 60 },

    # Set the Elasticsearch errors in the whitelist that you don't want to log.
    # A useful example is when you want to skip all 409 errors
    # which are `document_already_exists_exception`.
    :failure_type_logging_whitelist => { :validate => :array, :default => [] },

    # While the output tries to reuse connections efficiently we have a maximum.
    # This sets the maximum number of open connections the output will create.
    # Setting this too low may mean frequently closing / opening connections
    # which is bad.
    :pool_max => { :validate => :number, :default => 1000 },

    # While the output tries to reuse connections efficiently we have a maximum per endpoint.
    # This sets the maximum number of open connections per endpoint the output will create.
    # Setting this too low may mean frequently closing / opening connections
    # which is bad.
    :pool_max_per_route => { :validate => :number, :default => 100 },

    # HTTP Path where a HEAD request is sent when a backend is marked down
    # the request is sent in the background to see if it has come back again
    # before it is once again eligible to service requests.
    # If you have custom firewall rules you may need to change this
    :healthcheck_path => { :validate => :string },

    # How frequently, in seconds, to wait between resurrection attempts.
    # Resurrection is the process by which backend endpoints marked 'down' are checked
    # to see if they have come back to life
    :resurrect_delay => { :validate => :number, :default => 5 },

    # How long to wait before checking if the connection is stale before executing a request on a connection using keepalive.
    # You may want to set this lower, if you get connection errors regularly
    # Quoting the Apache commons docs (this client is based Apache Commmons):
    # 'Defines period of inactivity in milliseconds after which persistent connections must
    # be re-validated prior to being leased to the consumer. Non-positive value passed to
    # this method disables connection validation. This check helps detect connections that
    # have become stale (half-closed) while kept inactive in the pool.'
    # See[these docs for more info]
    :validate_after_inactivity => { :validate => :number, :default => 10000 },

    # Enable gzip compression on requests. Note that response compression is on by default for Elasticsearch v5.0 and beyond
    :http_compression => { :validate => :boolean, :default => false },

    # Custom Headers to send on each request to elasticsearch nodes
    :custom_headers => { :validate => :hash, :default => {} },

    # Sets the host(s) of the remote instance. If given an array it will load balance requests across the hosts specified in the `hosts` parameter.
    # Remember the `http` protocol uses the[http] address (eg. 9200, not 9300).
    #     `""`
    #     `["",""]`
    #     `[""]`
    #     `[""]`
    #     `[""]` (If using a proxy on a subpath)
    # It is important to exclude[dedicated master nodes] from the `hosts` list
    # to prevent LS from sending bulk requests to the master nodes.  So this parameter should only reference either data or client nodes in Elasticsearch.
    # Any special characters present in the URLs here MUST be URL escaped! This means `#` should be put in as `%23` for instance.
    :hosts => { :validate => :uri, :default => [ DEFAULT_HOST ], :list => true },

    # Cloud ID, from the Elastic Cloud web console. If set `hosts` should not be used.
    # For more details, check out the[cloud documentation]
    :cloud_id => { :validate => :string },

    # Set initial interval in seconds between bulk retries. Doubled on each retry up to `retry_max_interval`
    :retry_initial_interval => { :validate => :number, :default => 2 },

    # Set max interval in seconds between bulk retries.
    :retry_max_interval => { :validate => :number, :default => 64 }

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.included(base) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/logstash/plugin_mixins/elasticsearch/api_configs.rb', line 163

def self.included(base)
  CONFIG_PARAMS.each { |name, opts| base.config(name, opts) }