Class: LZWrb
- Inherits:
- Object
- LZWrb
- Defined in:
- lib/lzwrb.rb
Holds an LZW encoder/decoder with a specific configuration. These objects are not thread safe, so for concurrent use different ones should be created.
Constant Summary collapse
- DEC =
Alphabet containing the digits 0 to 9
Alphabet containing the hex digits 0 to F in uppercase
(0...16){ |n| n.to_s(16).upcase }
Alphabet containing the hex digits 0 to f in lower case
(0...16){ |n| n.to_s(16).downcase }
Alphabet containing the 26 letters of the latin alphabet in upper case
Alphabet containing the 26 letters of the latin alphabet in lower case
Alphabet containing the alphanumeric characters in upper case (A-Z, 0-9)
Alphabet containing the alphanumeric characters in lower case (a-z, 0-9)
Alphabet containing the alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)
Alphabet containing all printable ASCII characters (ASCII 32 - 127)
Alphabet containing all ASCII characters
Alphabet containing all possible byte values, suitable for any input data
Preset to satisfy the GIF specification
{ min_bits: 8, max_bits: 12, lsb: true, clear: true, stop: true, deferred: true }
Preset optimized for speed
{ min_bits: 16, max_bits: 16, lsb: true, clear: false, stop: false }
Preset optimized for compression
{ min_bits: 8, max_bits: 16, lsb: true, clear: false, stop: false }
Verbosity of the encoder/decoder
{ silent: 0, # Don't print anything to the console minimal: 1, # Print only errors quiet: 2, # Print errors and warnings normal: 3, # Print errors, warnings and regular encoding information debug: 4 # Print everything, including debug details about the encoding process }
Default value for minimum code bits (may be changed depending on alphabet)
Default value for maximum code bits before rebuilding code table (may be changed depending on alphabet)
Use Least Significant Bit packing order
Use explicit Clear codes to indicate the initialization of the code table
Use explicit Stop codes to indicate the end of the data
Enable the use of deferred Clear codes (the decoder won't rebuild the table, even when full, unless an explicit Clear code is received)
Dictionary of binary chars for fast access
Instance Method Summary collapse
#decode(data) ⇒ String
Decode the provided data.
#encode(data) ⇒ String
Encode the provided data.
#initialize(preset: nil, bits: nil, min_bits: nil, max_bits: nil, binary: nil, alphabet: BINARY, safe: false, lsb: nil, clear: nil, stop: nil, deferred: nil, verbosity: :normal) ⇒ LZWrb
Creates a new encoder/decoder object with the given settings.
Constructor Details
#initialize(preset: nil, bits: nil, min_bits: nil, max_bits: nil, binary: nil, alphabet: BINARY, safe: false, lsb: nil, clear: nil, stop: nil, deferred: nil, verbosity: :normal) ⇒ LZWrb
Creates a new encoder/decoder object with the given settings.
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# File 'lib/lzwrb.rb', line 110 def initialize( preset: nil, bits: nil, min_bits: nil, max_bits: nil, binary: nil, alphabet: BINARY, safe: false, lsb: nil, clear: nil, stop: nil, deferred: nil, verbosity: :normal ) # Parse preset params = preset || {} # Verbosity if VERBOSITY[verbosity] @verbosity = VERBOSITY[verbosity] else warn("Unrecognized verbosity level, using normal.") @verbosity = VERBOSITY[:normal] end # Alphabet if !alphabet.is_a?(Array) || alphabet.any?{ |a| !a.is_a?(String) || a.length > 1 } err('The alphabet must be an array of characters, i.e., of strings of length 1') exit end @alphabet = alphabet.uniq warn('Removed duplicate entries from alphabet') if @alphabet.size < alphabet.size # Binary compression @binary = binary == false ? false : true warn("Binary alphabet being used with textual mode, are you sure this is what you want?") if !@binary && @alphabet == BINARY # Safe mode for encoding (verifies that the data provided is composed exclusively # by characters from the alphabet) @safe = safe # Code bit size if bits if !bits.is_a?(Integer) || bits < 1 err('Code size should be a positive integer.') exit else @min_bits = bits @max_bits = bits end else @min_bits = find_arg(min_bits, params[:min_bits], DEFAULT_MIN_BITS) @max_bits = find_arg(max_bits, params[:max_bits], DEFAULT_MAX_BITS) if @max_bits < @min_bits warn("Max code size (#{@max_bits}) should be higher than min code size (#{@min_bits}): changed max code size to #{@min_bits}.") @max_bits = @min_bits end end # Determine min bits based on alphabet length if not specified if !find_arg(min_bits, params[:min_bits]) @min_bits = (@alphabet.size - 1).bit_length @max_bits = @min_bits if @max_bits < @min_bits end # Clear and stop codes use_clear = find_arg(clear, params[:clear], DEFAULT_CLEAR) use_stop = find_arg(stop, params[:stop], DEFAULT_STOP) if !use_stop && @min_bits < 8 use_stop = true # Warning if stop codes were explicitly disabled (false, NOT nil) if find_arg(stop, params[:stop]) == false warn("Stop codes are necessary for code sizes below 8 bits to prevent ambiguity: enabled stop codes.") end end # Alphabet length checks extra = (use_clear ? 1 : 0) + (use_stop ? 1 : 0) # Max bits doesn't fit alphabet (needs explicit adjustment) if (@alphabet.size + extra) > 1 << @max_bits if @binary @alphabet = @alphabet.take((1 << @max_bits - 1)) warn("Using #{@max_bits - 1} bit binary alphabet (#{(1 << @max_bits - 1)} entries).") else @max_bits = (@alphabet.size + extra).bit_length warn("Max code size needs to fit the alphabet (and clear & stop codes, if used): increased to #{@max_bits} bits.") end end # Min bits doesn't fit alphabet (needs implicit adjustment) if (@alphabet.size + extra) > 1 << @min_bits @min_bits = (@alphabet.size + extra - 1).bit_length end # Clear and stop codes idx = @alphabet.size - 1 @clear = use_clear ? idx += 1 : nil @stop = use_stop ? idx += 1 : nil @deferred = find_arg(deferred, params[:deferred], DEFAULT_DEFERRED) # Least/most significant bit packing order @lsb = find_arg(lsb, params[:lsb], DEFAULT_LSB) end |
Instance Method Details
#decode(data) ⇒ String
Decode the provided data.
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# File 'lib/lzwrb.rb', line 261 def decode(data) # Log log("<- Decoding #{format_size(data.bytesize)} with #{format_params}.") stime = # Setup init(false) table_init bits = data.unpack('b*')[0] len = bits.length # Parse data off = 0 out = ''.b old_code = nil width = @bits while off + width <= len # Parse code @count += 1 code = bits[off ... off + width].reverse.to_i(2) off += width # Handle clear and stop codes, if present if code == @clear && @clear table_init old_code = nil width = @bits next end break if code == @stop && @stop # Handle regular codes if old_code.nil? # Initial code out << @table[code] elsif table_has(code) # Existing code out << @table[code] table_add(@table[old_code] + @table[code][0]) else # New code out << @table[old_code] + @table[old_code][0] table_add(@table[old_code] + @table[old_code][0]) end # Prepare next iteration old_code = table_check ? nil : code width = @bits unless !old_code && @clear end # Return ttime = - stime log("-> Decoding finished in #{"%.3fs" % [ttime]} (avg. #{"%.3f" % [(8.0 * data.bytesize / 1024 ** 2) / ttime]} mbit\/s).") log("-> Decoded data: #{format_size(out.bytesize)} (#{"%5.2f%%" % [100 * (1 - data.bytesize.to_f / out.bytesize)]} compression).") @binary ? out.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') : out.force_encoding('UTF-8') rescue => e lex(e, 'Decoding error', false) end |
#encode(data) ⇒ String
Encode the provided data.
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# File 'lib/lzwrb.rb', line 216 def encode(data) # Log log("<- Encoding #{format_size(data.bytesize)} with #{format_params}.") stime = # Setup init(true) table_init verify_data(data) if @safe # LZW-encode data buf = ''.b put_code(@clear) if !@clear.nil? proc = -> (c) { c = CHARS[c] if @binary @count += 1 next_buf = buf + c if table_has(next_buf) buf = next_buf else put_code(@table[buf]) table_add(next_buf) table_check() buf = c end } @binary ? data.each_byte(&proc) : data.each_char(&proc) put_code(@table[buf]) put_code(@stop) if !@stop.nil? # Pack codes to binary string res = @buffer.pack('C*') # Return ttime = - stime log("-> Encoding finished in #{"%.3fs" % [ttime]} (avg. #{"%.3f" % [(8.0 * data.bytesize / 1024 ** 2) / ttime]} mbit\/s).") log("-> Encoded data: #{format_size(res.bytesize)} (#{"%5.2f%%" % [100 * (1 - res.bytesize.to_f / data.bytesize)]} compression).") res rescue => e lex(e, 'Encoding error', true) end |