Module: Mack::Data::Factory::ClassMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/mack-data_factory/data_factory.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#association(model_attrib_sym, assoc_map, assoc_rule = :spread) ⇒ Object
Define an association rule for this field.
#create(num, scope = :default) ⇒ Object
Run the factory to produce n number of objects.
#field(model_attrib_sym, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Define a field for the factory class, and set the name of the field, any options for the field, and optionally specify a block that serves as the custom content generator.
#scope_for(tag) ⇒ Object
Define a scope in the factory.
Instance Method Details
#association(model_attrib_sym, assoc_map, assoc_rule = :spread) ⇒ Object
Define an association rule for this field.
class ItemFactory
include Mack::Data::Factory
association :owner_id, {:user => 'id'}, :random
The above example states that for each item generated, its owner_id will come from user’s id field. But which user? since the association rule is set to random, then the generator will pick random user.
Supported association rules:
:first:: If there are 10 users, then the item will get associated with user #0.
:last:: If there are 10 users, then the item will get associated with user #10.
:random:: If there are 10 users, then the item will get associated with user #rand(10)
:spread:: If there are 3 users, then the items' association will be spread out (i.e. 6 items will have id, sequentially, [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
model_attrib_sym: the name of the field
assoc_map: the association map
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# File 'lib/mack-data_factory/data_factory.rb', line 194 def association(model_attrib_sym, assoc_map, assoc_rule = :spread) field(model_attrib_sym, {:default => {:df_assoc_map => assoc_map}, :assoc => assoc_rule}) end |
#create(num, scope = :default) ⇒ Object
Run the factory to produce n number of objects.
class CarFactory
include Mack::Data::Factory
field(:name, :default => "honda") do |def_value, rules, index|
"#{def_value} #{['civic', 'accord', 'pilot'].randomize[0]}"
CarFactory.create(100) #=> will produce 100 cars whose name is "honda xxx" where xxx is a random item from ['civic', 'accord', 'pilot']
In some instances, you may want different settings in the factory for different test scope.
You can achieve this by doing the following:
class UserFactory
include Mack::Data::Factory
field :username, :default => "planters", :length => 25, :content => :alpha
field :password, :default => "roastedPeanuts", :immutable => true
scope_for(:long_username) do
field :username, :default => "planters", :length => 128, :content => :alpha
The above example defined a scoping for “long_username”, which you can use by calling:
UserFactory.create(100, :long_username)
When a scope is defined and called, the field defined in the block will overwrite the default field listing in that class. Scopes in the factory is independent to each other, so one scope cannot affect the others.
num: how many objects to produce
scope: run the factory in a named scope. By default the factory will be run in _default_ scope
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# File 'lib/mack-data_factory/data_factory.rb', line 75 def create(num, scope = :default) factory_name = # retrieve the model name from the factory class. model_name = factory_name.gsub('_factory', '') # if user is running custom scope, then merge the fields # defined for that scope with the default one, before we run the factory scoped_fields = field_manager.scopes[scope] fields = field_manager.scopes[:default].merge(scoped_fields) ret_arr = [] Mack::Data::RegistryMap.reset! num.times do |i| #puts "Creating #{model_name} ##{i+1}" obj = fields.each_pair do |k, v| field_name = k.to_s field_value = v.get_value(i) assert_method(obj, "#{field_name}=", "#{model_name.camelcase} doesn't have #{field_name}= method!") do obj.send("#{field_name}=", field_value) end end assert_method(obj, "save", "#{model_name.camelcase} doesn't have save method. Data will not be saved!") do end ret_arr << obj end Mack::Data::RegistryMap.reset! return ret_arr[0] if ret_arr.size == 1 return ret_arr end |
#field(model_attrib_sym, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Define a field for the factory class, and set the name of the field, any options for the field, and optionally specify a block that serves as the custom content generator.
The options can be categorized into the following:
default value (e.g. :default_value => “foo”)
whether it’s immutable or not (e.g. :immutable => true, and by default it’s false)
the field’s content type (e.g. :content => :alpha)
and the rules on how to generate the content (rules are contextually dependent on the content type).
class UserFactory
include Mack::Data::Factory
field :full_name, :content => :name
field :created_at, :content => :time, :start_time => 2.days.ago, :end_time =>
The following are all the supported content types and its rules:
Strings and Numbers
:alpha –> alphabets. rules: [:length, :min_length, :max_length]
:alphanumeric –> alphabets and number. rules: same as :alpha
:numeric –> numbers [optional, because if the field’s default value is number, its content type will automatically set to numeric)
Time and Money
:time –> generate random time object. rules: [:start_time, :end_time]. It will generate random time between the given start and end time if available, otherwise it’ll generate random time between ‘now’ and 1 day from ‘now’
:money –> generate random amount of money. rules: [:min, :max]. It will generate random money amount (of BigDecimal type) between the given min and max amount.
Internet related content
:email –> generate random email address
:username –> generate random username
:domain –> generate random domain name
Name related info
:firstname –> generate first name
:lastname –> generate last name
:name –> generate full name
Address related info
:city –> generate city name
:streetname –> generate street name
:state –> generate state. rules: [:country –> :us or :uk, :abbr –> true if you want a abbreviated state name (us only)]
:zipcode –> generate zipcode. rules: [:country –> :us or :uk]
:phone –> generate phone number
Company info
:company –> generate company name. rules: [:include_bs –> include sales tag line] example: field, :content => :company, :include_bs => true could generate something like:
Fadel-Larkin monetize cross-media experiences
model_attrib_sym: the name of the field
options: the options for the field.
block: the optional custom content generator
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# File 'lib/mack-data_factory/data_factory.rb', line 166 def field(model_attrib_sym, = {}, &block) field_manager.add(scope, model_attrib_sym, , &block) end |
#scope_for(tag) ⇒ Object
Define a scope in the factory. Any field defined in a scope will overwrite its sibling in the default scope.
tag: name of the scope
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# File 'lib/mack-data_factory/data_factory.rb', line 205 def scope_for(tag) set_scope(tag) yield set_scope(:default) end |