Class: HTTPClient
- Inherits:
- Object
- HTTPClient
- Includes:
- Util
- Defined in:
- lib/httpclient.rb,
The HTTPClient class provides several methods for accessing Web resources via HTTP.
HTTPClient instance is designed to be MT-safe. You can call a HTTPClient instance from several threads without synchronization after setting up an instance.
clnt =
urls.each do |url| do |u|
p clnt.head(u).status
How to use
At first, how to create your client. See initialize for more detail.
Create simple client.
clnt =
Accessing resources through HTTP proxy. You can use environment variable ‘http_proxy’ or ‘HTTP_PROXY’ instead.
clnt ='http://myproxy:8080')
How to retrieve web resources
See get_content.
Get content of specified URL. It returns a String of whole result.
puts clnt.get_content('')
Get content as chunks of String. It yields chunks of String.
clnt.get_content('') do |chunk| puts chunk end
Invoking other HTTP methods
See head, get, post, put, delete, options, propfind, proppatch and trace.
It returns a HTTP::Message instance as a response.
Do HEAD request.
res = clnt.head(uri) p res.header['Last-Modified'][0]
Do GET request with query.
query = { 'keyword' => 'ruby', 'lang' => 'en' } res = clnt.get(uri, query) p res.status p res.contenttype p res.header['X-Custom'] puts res.content
How to POST
See post.
Do POST a form data.
body = { 'keyword' => 'ruby', 'lang' => 'en' } res =, body)
Do multipart file upload with POST. No need to set extra header by yourself from httpclient/2.1.4.'/tmp/post_data') do |file| body = { 'upload' => file, 'user' => 'nahi' } res =, body) end
Accessing via SSL
Ruby needs to be compiled with OpenSSL.
Get content of specified URL via SSL. Just pass an URL which starts with ‘https://’.
https_url = '' clnt.get_content(https_url)
Getting peer certificate from response.
res = clnt.get(https_url) p res.peer_cert #=> returns OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
Configuring OpenSSL options. See HTTPClient::SSLConfig for more details.
user_cert_file = 'cert.pem' user_key_file = 'privkey.pem' clnt.ssl_config.set_client_cert_file(user_cert_file, user_key_file) clnt.get_content(https_url)
Handling Cookies
Using volatile Cookies. Nothing to do. HTTPClient handles Cookies.
clnt = clnt.get_content(url1) # receives Cookies. clnt.get_content(url2) # sends Cookies if needed.
Saving non volatile Cookies to a specified file. Need to set a file at first and invoke save method at last.
clnt = clnt.('/home/nahi/cookie.dat') clnt.get_content(url) ... clnt.
Disabling Cookies.
clnt = clnt. = nil
Configuring authentication credentials
Authentication with Web server. Supports BasicAuth, DigestAuth, and Negotiate/NTLM (requires ruby/ntlm module).
clnt = domain = '' user = 'user' password = 'user' clnt.set_auth(domain, user, password) p clnt.get_content('').status
Authentication with Proxy server. Supports BasicAuth and NTLM (requires win32/sspi)
clnt = user = 'proxy' password = 'proxy' clnt.set_proxy_auth(user, password) p clnt.get_content(url)
Invoking HTTP methods with custom header
Pass a Hash or an Array for extheader argument.
extheader = { 'Accept' => '*/*' }
clnt.get_content(uri, query, extheader)
extheader = [['Accept', 'image/jpeg'], ['Accept', 'image/png']]
clnt.get_content(uri, query, extheader)
Invoking HTTP methods asynchronously
See head_async, get_async, post_async, put_async, delete_async, options_async, propfind_async, proppatch_async, and trace_async. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a returning value.
connection = clnt.post_async(url, body)
print 'posting.'
while true
break if connection.finished?
print '.'
sleep 1
puts '.'
res = connection.pop
p res.status
p # res.content is an IO for the res of async method.
Shortcut methods
You can invoke get_content, get, etc. without creating HTTPClient instance.
ruby -rhttpclient -e 'puts HTTPClient.get_content(ARGV.shift)'
ruby -rhttpclient -e 'p HTTPClient.head(ARGV.shift).header["last-modified"]'
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: DebugSocket, SocketWrap, Timeout, Util Classes: AuthFilterBase, BadResponseError, BasicAuth, ConfigurationError, ConnectTimeoutError, Connection, DigestAuth, KeepAliveDisconnected, LoopBackSocket, NegotiateAuth, OAuth, ProxyAuth, ReceiveTimeoutError, RetryableResponse, SSLConfig, SSLSocketWrap, SSPINegotiateAuth, SendTimeoutError, Session, SessionManager, Site, TimeoutError, TimeoutScheduler, WWWAuth
Constant Summary collapse
"(#{$1}/#{$2}, #{RUBY_VERSION_STRING})"
Default extheader for PROPFIND request.
{ 'Depth' => '0' }
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#cookie_manager ⇒ Object
- WebAgent::CookieManager
Cookies configurator.
#follow_redirect_count ⇒ Object
How many times get_content and post_content follows HTTP redirect.
#proxy_auth ⇒ Object
- HTTPClient::ProxyAuth
Proxy authentication handler.
#request_filter ⇒ Object
An array of request filter which can trap HTTP request/response.
#ssl_config ⇒ Object
- HTTPClient::SSLConfig
SSL configurator.
#test_loopback_response ⇒ Object
An array of response HTTP message body String which is used for loop-back test.
#www_auth ⇒ Object
- HTTPClient::WWWAuth
WWW authentication handler.
Class Method Summary collapse
.timeout_scheduler ⇒ Object
CAUTION: caller must aware of race condition.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#debug_dev ⇒ Object
Returns debug device if exists.
#debug_dev=(dev) ⇒ Object
Sets debug device.
#default_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) ⇒ Object
A default method for redirect uri callback.
#delete(uri, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends DELETE request to the specified URL.
#delete_async(uri, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends DELETE request in async style.
#get(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends GET request to the specified URL.
#get_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends GET request in async style.
#get_content(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Retrieves a web resource.
#head(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends HEAD request to the specified URL.
#head_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends HEAD request in async style.
#initialize(*args) ⇒ HTTPClient
Creates a HTTPClient instance which manages sessions, cookies, etc.
#no_proxy ⇒ Object
Returns NO_PROXY setting String if given.
#no_proxy=(no_proxy) ⇒ Object
Sets NO_PROXY setting String.
#options(uri, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends OPTIONS request to the specified URL.
#options_async(uri, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends OPTIONS request in async style.
#post(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends POST request to the specified URL.
#post_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends POST request in async style.
#post_content(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Posts a content.
#propfind(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPFIND request to the specified URL.
#propfind_async(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPFIND request in async style.
#proppatch(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPPATCH request to the specified URL.
#proppatch_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPPATCH request in async style.
#proxy ⇒ Object
Returns URI object of HTTP proxy if exists.
#proxy=(proxy) ⇒ Object
Sets HTTP proxy used for HTTP connection.
#put(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PUT request to the specified URL.
#put_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends PUT request in async style.
#redirect_uri_callback=(redirect_uri_callback) ⇒ Object
Sets callback proc when HTTP redirect status is returned for get_content and post_content.
#request(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends a request to the specified URL.
#request_async(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends a request in async style.
#reset(uri) ⇒ Object
Resets internal session for the given URL.
#reset_all ⇒ Object
Resets all of internal sessions.
#save_cookie_store ⇒ Object
Try to save Cookies to the file specified in set_cookie_store.
#set_auth(domain, user, passwd) ⇒ Object
Sets credential for Web server authentication.
#set_basic_auth(domain, user, passwd) ⇒ Object
#set_cookie_store(filename) ⇒ Object
Sets the filename where non-volatile Cookies be saved by calling save_cookie_store.
#set_proxy_auth(user, passwd) ⇒ Object
Sets credential for Proxy authentication.
#strict_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) ⇒ Object
A method for redirect uri callback.
#trace(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends TRACE request to the specified URL.
#trace_async(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends TRACE request in async style.
Methods included from Util
hash_find_value, #keyword_argument, uri_dirname, uri_part_of, #urify
Constructor Details
#initialize(*args) ⇒ HTTPClient
Creates a HTTPClient instance which manages sessions, cookies, etc. takes 3 optional arguments for proxy url string, User-Agent String and From header String. User-Agent and From are embedded in HTTP request Header if given. No User-Agent and From header added without setting it explicitly.
proxy = 'http://myproxy:8080'
agent_name = 'MyAgent/0.1'
from = '[email protected]', agent_name, from)
You can use a keyword argument style Hash. Keys are :proxy, :agent_name and :from. = 'MyAgent/0.1')
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 340 def initialize(*args) proxy, agent_name, from = keyword_argument(args, :proxy, :agent_name, :from) @proxy = nil # assigned later. @no_proxy = nil @www_auth = @proxy_auth = @request_filter = [@proxy_auth, @www_auth] @debug_dev = nil @redirect_uri_callback = method(:default_redirect_uri_callback) @test_loopback_response = [] @session_manager = @session_manager.agent_name = agent_name @session_manager.from = from @session_manager.ssl_config = @ssl_config = @cookie_manager = @follow_redirect_count = 10 load_environment self.proxy = proxy if proxy end |
Instance Attribute Details
#cookie_manager ⇒ Object
- WebAgent::CookieManager
Cookies configurator.
284 285 286 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 284 def @cookie_manager end |
#follow_redirect_count ⇒ Object
How many times get_content and post_content follows HTTP redirect. 10 by default.
298 299 300 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 298 def follow_redirect_count @follow_redirect_count end |
#proxy_auth ⇒ Object (readonly)
- HTTPClient::ProxyAuth
Proxy authentication handler.
293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 293 def proxy_auth @proxy_auth end |
#request_filter ⇒ Object (readonly)
An array of request filter which can trap HTTP request/response. See HTTPClient::WWWAuth to see how to use it.
291 292 293 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 291 def request_filter @request_filter end |
#ssl_config ⇒ Object (readonly)
- HTTPClient::SSLConfig
SSL configurator.
282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 282 def ssl_config @ssl_config end |
#test_loopback_response ⇒ Object (readonly)
An array of response HTTP message body String which is used for loop-back test. See test/* to see how to use it. If you want to do loop-back test of HTTP header, use test_loopback_http_response instead.
288 289 290 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 288 def test_loopback_response @test_loopback_response end |
#www_auth ⇒ Object (readonly)
- HTTPClient::WWWAuth
WWW authentication handler.
295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 295 def www_auth @www_auth end |
Class Method Details
.timeout_scheduler ⇒ Object
CAUTION: caller must aware of race condition.
115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/httpclient/timeout.rb', line 115 def timeout_scheduler @timeout_scheduler ||= end |
Instance Method Details
#debug_dev ⇒ Object
Returns debug device if exists. See debug_dev=.
361 362 363 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 361 def debug_dev @debug_dev end |
#debug_dev=(dev) ⇒ Object
Sets debug device. Once debug device is set, all HTTP requests and responses are dumped to given device. dev must respond to << for dump.
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 369 def debug_dev=(dev) @debug_dev = dev reset_all @session_manager.debug_dev = dev end |
#default_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) ⇒ Object
A default method for redirect uri callback. This method is used by HTTPClient instance by default. This callback allows relative redirect such as
Location: ../foo/
in HTTP header.
570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 570 def default_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) newuri = URI.parse(res.header['location'][0]) if https?(uri) && !https?(newuri) raise"redirecting to non-https resource") end unless newuri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) newuri = uri + newuri STDERR.puts("could be a relative URI in location header which is not recommended") STDERR.puts("'The field value consists of a single absolute URI' in HTTP spec") end puts "redirect to: #{newuri}" if $DEBUG newuri end |
#delete(uri, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends DELETE request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
605 606 607 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 605 def delete(uri, extheader = {}, &block) request(:delete, uri, nil, nil, extheader, &block) end |
#delete_async(uri, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends DELETE request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
695 696 697 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 695 def delete_async(uri, extheader = {}) request_async(:delete, uri, nil, nil, extheader) end |
#get(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends GET request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
590 591 592 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 590 def get(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) request(:get, uri, query, nil, extheader, &block) end |
#get_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends GET request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
677 678 679 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 677 def get_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:get, uri, query, nil, extheader) end |
#get_content(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Retrieves a web resource.
- uri
a String or an URI object which represents an URL of web resource.
- query
a Hash or an Array of query part of URL. e.g. { “a” => “b” } => ‘host/part?a=b’. Give an array to pass multiple value like
- [“a”, “b”], [“a”, “c”]
> ‘host/part?a=b&a=c’.
- extheader
a Hash or an Array of extra headers. e.g. { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’ } or [[‘Accept’, ‘image/jpeg’], [‘Accept’, ‘image/png’]].
- &block
Give a block to get chunked message-body of response like get_content(uri) { |chunked_body| … }. Size of each chunk may not be the same.
get_content follows HTTP redirect status (see HTTP::Status.redirect?) internally and try to retrieve content from redirected URL. See redirect_uri_callback= how HTTP redirection is handled.
If you need to get full HTTP response including HTTP status and headers, use get method. get returns HTTP::Message as a response and you need to follow HTTP redirect by yourself if you need.
518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 518 def get_content(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}, &block) follow_redirect(:get, uri, query, nil, extheader, &block).content end |
#head(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends HEAD request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
585 586 587 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 585 def head(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) request(:head, uri, query, nil, extheader) end |
#head_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends HEAD request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
671 672 673 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 671 def head_async(uri, query = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:head, uri, query, nil, extheader) end |
#no_proxy ⇒ Object
Returns NO_PROXY setting String if given.
411 412 413 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 411 def no_proxy @no_proxy end |
#no_proxy=(no_proxy) ⇒ Object
Sets NO_PROXY setting String. no_proxy must be a comma separated String. Each entry must be ‘host’ or ‘host:port’ such as; HTTPClient#no_proxy = ‘,’
‘localhost’ is treated as a no_proxy site regardless of explicitly listed. HTTPClient checks given URI objects before accessing it. ‘host’ is tail string match. No IP-addr conversion.
You can use environment variable ‘no_proxy’ or ‘NO_PROXY’ for it.
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
426 427 428 429 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 426 def no_proxy=(no_proxy) @no_proxy = no_proxy reset_all end |
#options(uri, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends OPTIONS request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
610 611 612 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 610 def (uri, extheader = {}, &block) request(:options, uri, nil, nil, extheader, &block) end |
#options_async(uri, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends OPTIONS request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
701 702 703 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 701 def (uri, extheader = {}) request_async(:options, uri, nil, nil, extheader) end |
#post(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends POST request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
595 596 597 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 595 def post(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) request(:post, uri, nil, body, extheader, &block) end |
#post_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends POST request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
683 684 685 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 683 def post_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:post, uri, nil, body, extheader) end |
#post_content(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Posts a content.
- uri
a String or an URI object which represents an URL of web resource.
- body
a Hash or an Array of body part. e.g. { “a” => “b” } => ‘a=b’. Give an array to pass multiple value like
- [“a”, “b”], [“a”, “c”]
> ‘a=b&a=c’.
When you pass a File as a value, it will be posted as a multipart/form-data. e.g. { ‘upload’ => file }
- extheader
a Hash or an Array of extra headers. e.g. { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’ } or [[‘Accept’, ‘image/jpeg’], [‘Accept’, ‘image/png’]].
- &block
Give a block to get chunked message-body of response like post_content(uri) { |chunked_body| … }. Size of each chunk may not be the same.
post_content follows HTTP redirect status (see HTTP::Status.redirect?) internally and try to post the content to redirected URL. See redirect_uri_callback= how HTTP redirection is handled.
If you need to get full HTTP response including HTTP status and headers, use post method.
544 545 546 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 544 def post_content(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) follow_redirect(:post, uri, nil, body, extheader, &block).content end |
#propfind(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPFIND request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
615 616 617 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 615 def propfind(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER, &block) request(:propfind, uri, nil, nil, extheader, &block) end |
#propfind_async(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPFIND request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
707 708 709 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 707 def propfind_async(uri, extheader = PROPFIND_DEFAULT_EXTHEADER) request_async(:propfind, uri, nil, nil, extheader) end |
#proppatch(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPPATCH request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
620 621 622 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 620 def proppatch(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) request(:proppatch, uri, nil, body, extheader, &block) end |
#proppatch_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends PROPPATCH request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
713 714 715 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 713 def proppatch_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:proppatch, uri, nil, body, extheader) end |
#proxy ⇒ Object
Returns URI object of HTTP proxy if exists.
376 377 378 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 376 def proxy @proxy end |
#proxy=(proxy) ⇒ Object
Sets HTTP proxy used for HTTP connection. Given proxy can be an URI, a String or nil. You can set user/password for proxy authentication like HTTPClient#proxy = ‘user:passwd@myproxy:8080’
You can use environment variable ‘http_proxy’ or ‘HTTP_PROXY’ for it. You need to use ‘cgi_http_proxy’ or ‘CGI_HTTP_PROXY’ instead if you run HTTPClient from CGI environment from security reason. (HTTPClient checks ‘REQUEST_METHOD’ environment variable whether it’s CGI or not)
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 390 def proxy=(proxy) if proxy.nil? @proxy = nil @proxy_auth.reset_challenge else @proxy = urify(proxy) if @proxy.scheme == nil or @proxy.scheme.downcase != 'http' or == nil or @proxy.port == nil raise"unsupported proxy #{proxy}") end @proxy_auth.reset_challenge if @proxy.user || @proxy.password @proxy_auth.set_auth(@proxy.user, @proxy.password) end end reset_all @session_manager.proxy = @proxy @proxy end |
#put(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends PUT request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
600 601 602 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 600 def put(uri, body = '', extheader = {}, &block) request(:put, uri, nil, body, extheader, &block) end |
#put_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends PUT request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
689 690 691 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 689 def put_async(uri, body = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:put, uri, nil, body, extheader) end |
#redirect_uri_callback=(redirect_uri_callback) ⇒ Object
Sets callback proc when HTTP redirect status is returned for get_content and post_content. default_redirect_uri_callback is used by default.
If you need strict implementation which does not allow relative URI redirection, set strict_redirect_uri_callback instead.
clnt.redirect_uri_callback = clnt.method(:strict_redirect_uri_callback)
493 494 495 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 493 def redirect_uri_callback=(redirect_uri_callback) @redirect_uri_callback = redirect_uri_callback end |
#request(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends a request to the specified URL.
- method
HTTP method to be sent. method.to_s.upcase is used.
- uri
a String or an URI object which represents an URL of web resource.
- query
a Hash or an Array of query part of URL. e.g. { “a” => “b” } => ‘host/part?a=b’ Give an array to pass multiple value like
- [“a”, “b”], [“a”, “c”]
> ‘host/part?a=b&a=c’
- body
a Hash or an Array of body part. e.g. { “a” => “b” } => ‘a=b’. Give an array to pass multiple value like
- [“a”, “b”], [“a”, “c”]
> ‘a=b&a=c’.
When the given method is ‘POST’ and the given body contains a file as a value, it will be posted as a multipart/form-data. e.g. { ‘upload’ => file } See HTTP::Message.file? for actual condition of ‘a file’.
- extheader
a Hash or an Array of extra headers. e.g. { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’ } or [[‘Accept’, ‘image/jpeg’], [‘Accept’, ‘image/png’]].
- &block
Give a block to get chunked message-body of response like get(uri) { |chunked_body| … }. Size of each chunk may not be the same.
You can also pass a String as a body. HTTPClient just sends a String as a HTTP request message body.
When you pass an IO as a body, HTTPClient sends it as a HTTP request with chunked encoding (Transfer-Encoding: chunked in HTTP header). Bear in mind that some server application does not support chunked request. At least cgi.rb does not support it.
659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 659 def request(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) uri = urify(uri) if block filtered_block = proc { |res, str| } end do_request(method, uri, query, body, extheader, &filtered_block) end |
#request_async(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends a request in async style. request method creates new Thread for HTTP connection and returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance immediately.
Arguments definition is the same as request.
727 728 729 730 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 727 def request_async(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) uri = urify(uri) do_request_async(method, uri, query, body, extheader) end |
#reset(uri) ⇒ Object
Resets internal session for the given URL. Keep-alive connection for the site (host-port pair) is disconnected if exists.
734 735 736 737 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 734 def reset(uri) uri = urify(uri) @session_manager.reset(uri) end |
#reset_all ⇒ Object
Resets all of internal sessions. Keep-alive connections are disconnected.
740 741 742 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 740 def reset_all @session_manager.reset_all end |
#save_cookie_store ⇒ Object
Try to save Cookies to the file specified in set_cookie_store. Unexpected error will be raised if you don’t call set_cookie_store first. (interface mismatch between WebAgent::CookieManager implementation)
481 482 483 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 481 def @cookie_manager. end |
#set_auth(domain, user, passwd) ⇒ Object
Sets credential for Web server authentication.
- domain
a String or an URI to specify where HTTPClient should use this
credential. If you set uri to nil, HTTPClient uses this credential
wherever a server requires it.
- user
username String.
- passwd
password String.
You can set multiple credentials for each uri.
clnt.set_auth('', 'foo_user', 'passwd')
clnt.set_auth('', 'bar_user', 'passwd')
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
444 445 446 447 448 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 444 def set_auth(domain, user, passwd) uri = urify(domain) @www_auth.set_auth(uri, user, passwd) reset_all end |
#set_basic_auth(domain, user, passwd) ⇒ Object
Deprecated. Use set_auth instead.
451 452 453 454 455 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 451 def set_basic_auth(domain, user, passwd) uri = urify(domain) @www_auth.basic_auth.set(uri, user, passwd) reset_all end |
#set_cookie_store(filename) ⇒ Object
Sets the filename where non-volatile Cookies be saved by calling save_cookie_store. This method tries to load and managing Cookies from the specified file.
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
472 473 474 475 476 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 472 def (filename) @cookie_manager. = filename @cookie_manager. if filename reset_all end |
#set_proxy_auth(user, passwd) ⇒ Object
Sets credential for Proxy authentication.
- user
username String.
- passwd
password String.
Calling this method resets all existing sessions.
462 463 464 465 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 462 def set_proxy_auth(user, passwd) @proxy_auth.set_auth(user, passwd) reset_all end |
#strict_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) ⇒ Object
A method for redirect uri callback. How to use:
clnt.redirect_uri_callback = clnt.method(:strict_redirect_uri_callback)
This callback does not allow relative redirect such as
Location: ../foo/
in HTTP header. (raises BadResponseError instead)
553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 553 def strict_redirect_uri_callback(uri, res) newuri = URI.parse(res.header['location'][0]) if https?(uri) && !https?(newuri) raise"redirecting to non-https resource") end unless newuri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) raise"unexpected location: #{newuri}", res) end puts "redirect to: #{newuri}" if $DEBUG newuri end |
#trace(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Sends TRACE request to the specified URL. See request for arguments.
625 626 627 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 625 def trace(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}, &block) request('TRACE', uri, query, body, extheader, &block) end |
#trace_async(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends TRACE request in async style. See request_async for arguments. It immediately returns a HTTPClient::Connection instance as a result.
719 720 721 |
# File 'lib/httpclient.rb', line 719 def trace_async(uri, query = nil, body = nil, extheader = {}) request_async(:trace, uri, query, body, extheader) end |