Module: Lab::ResultsService
- Defined in:
- app/services/lab/results_service.rb
Class Method Summary collapse
.create_results(test_id, params, result_enter_by = 'LIMS') ⇒ Object
Attach results to a test.
Class Method Details
.create_results(test_id, params, result_enter_by = 'LIMS') ⇒ Object
Attach results to a test
test_id: The tests id (maps to obs_id of the test's observation in OpenMRS)
params: A hash comprising the following fields
- encounter_id: Encounter to create result under (can be ommitted but provider_id has to specified)
- provider_id: Specify a provider for an encounter the result is going to be created under
- date: Retrospective date when the result was received (can be ommitted, defaults to today)
- measures: An array of measures. A measure is an object of the following structure
- indicator: An object that has a concept_id field (concept_id of the indicator)
- value_type: An enum that's limited to 'numeric', 'boolean', 'text', and 'coded'
result_enter_by: A string that specifies who created the result
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# File 'app/services/lab/results_service.rb', line 19 def create_results(test_id, params, result_enter_by = 'LIMS') serializer = {} results_obs = {} ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do test = Lab::LabTest.find(test_id) rescue nil test = Lab::LabTest.find_by_uuid(test_id) if test.blank? encounter = find_encounter(test, encounter_id: params[:encounter_id], encounter_uuid: params[:encounter], date: params[:date]&.to_date, provider_id: params[:provider_id]) results_obs = create_results_obs(encounter, test, params[:date], params[:comments]) params[:measures].map { |measure| add_measure_to_results(results_obs, measure, params[:date]) } OrderExtension.create!(creator: User.current, value: result_enter_by, order_id: results_obs.order_id, date_created: serializer = Lab::ResultSerializer.serialize(results_obs) end process_acknowledgement(results_obs, result_enter_by) (results_obs, serializer, result_enter_by)"Lab::ResultsService: Result created for test #{test_id} #{serializer}") serializer end |