Module: MakeExportable::ClassMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/make_exportable/core.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#create_report(format, data_set, options = {}) ⇒ Object
creates a report from a set of data. -
#exportable?(format = nil) ⇒ Boolean
<tt>exportable?<?tt> returns true if the class has called “make_exportable”.
#get_export_data(options = {}) ⇒ Object
finds records for export using a combination of the default export options and the argument options, and returns an array of arrays representing the rows and columns of the export data. -
#to_export(format, options = {}) ⇒ Object
exports records from a class.
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(method_id, *arguments) ⇒ Object (private)
allows the class to accept dynamically named methods such as: SomeClass.to_xls_export(), SomeClass.create_csv_report()
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# File 'lib/make_exportable/core.rb', line 194 def method_missing(method_id, *arguments) possible_formats ='|') if match = /^create_(#{possible_formats})_report$/.match(method_id.to_s) format = match.captures.first self.create_report(format, *arguments) elsif match = /^to_(#{possible_formats})_export$/.match(method_id.to_s) format = match.captures.first self.to_export(format, *arguments) else super end end |
Instance Method Details
#create_report(format, data_set, options = {}) ⇒ Object
creates a report from a set of data. It takes three arguments: a format, the data set to use for the report, and an optional hash of options. The only meaningful option is :headers which sets the strings to be used as column headers for the data set. The value of :headers can be:
true - headers are the first row in the data set
false - headers are not in the data set and should not be added
array of strings to use for the column headers
The length of the headers must match the length of each row in the data set.
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# File 'lib/make_exportable/core.rb', line 177 def create_report(format, data_set, ={}) if [:headers] === true [:headers] = data_set.shift end validate_export_format(format) validate_export_data_lengths(data_set, [:headers]) format_class = MakeExportable.exportable_formats[format.to_sym] formater =, [:headers]) return formater.generate, formater.mime_type end |
#exportable?(format = nil) ⇒ Boolean
<tt>exportable?<?tt> returns true if the class has called “make_exportable”. This is overriding the default :exportable? in ActiveRecord::Base which always returns false. If a format is passed as an argument, returns true only if the format is allowed for this class.
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# File 'lib/make_exportable/core.rb', line 113 def exportable?(format=nil) return [:formats].include?(format.to_sym) if format return true end |
#get_export_data(options = {}) ⇒ Object
finds records for export using a combination of the default export options and the argument options, and returns an array of arrays representing the rows and columns of the export data. The first item (“row”) in the array will be an array of strings to be used as column headers. Valid options include :only, :except, :scopes and the standard find options. See to_export
for more details on the options.
User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name, :username])
# => [['first_name', 'last_name', 'username'], ['John', 'Doe', 'johndoe'], ['Joe', 'Smith', 'jsmith']] }
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# File 'lib/make_exportable/core.rb', line 161 def get_export_data(={}) = .slice(:only, :except) records = find_export_data() export_data = map_export_data(records, ) return export_data end |
#to_export(format, options = {}) ⇒ Object
exports records from a class. It can be called directly on an ActiveRecord class, but it can also be called on an ActiveRelation scope. It takes two arguments: a format (required) and a hash of options (optional).
The options include:
:only and :except - specify columns or methods to export
:scopes - specify scopes to be called on the class before exporting
find options - for Rails 2.3 and earlier compatibility, standard find options
are supported (:conditions, :order, :limit, :offset, etc.). These will be deprecated and removed in future versions.
:headers - supply an array of custom headers for the columns of exported attributes,
the sizes of the header array and the exported columns must be equal.
User.to_export(:xml, :only => [:first_name, :last_name, :username],
:order => 'users.last_name ASC')
:only => [:first_name, :last_name, :username])
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# File 'lib/make_exportable/core.rb', line 139 def to_export(format, ={}) export_data = get_export_data() # remove the auto-headers from the export_data (i.e. the first row) auto_headers = export_data.shift # Use auto-headers unless given alternates or false (use no headers) [:headers] = auto_headers unless ![:headers].blank? || [:headers] === false export_string = create_report(format, export_data, :headers => [:headers]) return export_string end |