Class: Mandrill::Tags

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(master) ⇒ Tags

Returns a new instance of Tags.

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 521

def initialize(master)
    @master = master

Instance Attribute Details


Returns the value of attribute master.

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 519

def master

Instance Method Details


Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for all tags


  • (Array)

    the array of history information

    • Hash

      return[] the stats for a single hour

      - [String] time the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
      - [Integer] sent the number of emails that were sent during the hour
      - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] rejects the number of emails that were rejected during the hour
      - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints received during the hour
      - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes received during the hour
      - [Integer] opens the number of emails opened during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens generated by messages sent during the hour
      - [Integer] clicks the number of tracked URLs clicked during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 672

def all_time_series()
    _params = {}
    return 'tags/all-time-series', _params

#delete(tag) ⇒ Hash

Deletes a tag permanently. Deleting a tag removes the tag from any messages that have been sent, and also deletes the tag’s stats. There is no way to undo this operation, so use it carefully.


  • tag (String)

    a tag name


  • (Hash)

    the tag that was deleted

    • String

      tag the actual tag as a string

    • Integer

      reputation the tag’s current reputation on a scale from 0 to 100.

    • Integer

      sent the total number of messages sent with this tag

    • Integer

      hard_bounces the total number of hard bounces by messages with this tag

    • Integer

      soft_bounces the total number of soft bounces by messages with this tag

    • Integer

      rejects the total number of rejected messages with this tag

    • Integer

      complaints the total number of spam complaints received for messages with this tag

    • Integer

      unsubs the total number of unsubscribe requests received for messages with this tag

    • Integer

      opens the total number of times messages with this tag have been opened

    • Integer

      clicks the total number of times tracked URLs in messages with this tag have been clicked

    • Integer

      unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag

    • Integer

      unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 560

def delete(tag)
    _params = {:tag => tag}
    return 'tags/delete', _params

#info(tag) ⇒ Hash

Return more detailed information about a single tag, including aggregates of recent stats


  • tag (String)

    an existing tag name


  • (Hash)

    the detailed information on the tag

    • String

      tag the actual tag as a string

    • Integer

      sent the total number of messages sent with this tag

    • Integer

      hard_bounces the total number of hard bounces by messages with this tag

    • Integer

      soft_bounces the total number of soft bounces by messages with this tag

    • Integer

      rejects the total number of rejected messages with this tag

    • Integer

      complaints the total number of spam complaints received for messages with this tag

    • Integer

      unsubs the total number of unsubscribe requests received for messages with this tag

    • Integer

      opens the total number of times messages with this tag have been opened

    • Integer

      clicks the total number of times tracked URLs in messages with this tag have been clicked

    • Hash

      stats an aggregate summary of the tag’s sending stats

      - [Hash] today stats with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] sent the number of emails sent with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails hard bounced with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails soft bounced with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] rejects the number of emails rejected for sending this tag so far today
          - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] opens the number of times emails have been opened with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] clicks the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag so far today
          - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag so far today
      - [Hash] last_7_days stats with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] sent the number of emails sent with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] rejects the number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] opens the number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] clicks the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag in the last 7 days
          - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 7 days
      - [Hash] last_30_days stats with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] sent the number of emails sent with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] rejects the number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] opens the number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] clicks the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag in the last 30 days
          - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 30 days
      - [Hash] last_60_days stats with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] sent the number of emails sent with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] rejects the number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] opens the number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] clicks the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag in the last 60 days
          - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 60 days
      - [Hash] last_90_days stats with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] sent the number of emails sent with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] rejects the number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] opens the number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] clicks the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag in the last 90 days
          - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 90 days

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 633

def info(tag)
    _params = {:tag => tag}
    return 'tags/info', _params


Return all of the user-defined tag information


  • (Array)

    a list of user-defined tags

    • Hash

      return[] a user-defined tag

      - [String] tag the actual tag as a string
      - [Integer] reputation the tag's current reputation on a scale from 0 to 100.
      - [Integer] sent the total number of messages sent with this tag
      - [Integer] hard_bounces the total number of hard bounces by messages with this tag
      - [Integer] soft_bounces the total number of soft bounces by messages with this tag
      - [Integer] rejects the total number of rejected messages with this tag
      - [Integer] complaints the total number of spam complaints received for messages with this tag
      - [Integer] unsubs the total number of unsubscribe requests received for messages with this tag
      - [Integer] opens the total number of times messages with this tag have been opened
      - [Integer] clicks the total number of times tracked URLs in messages with this tag have been clicked
      - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag
      - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 540

def list()
    _params = {}
    return 'tags/list', _params

#time_series(tag) ⇒ Array

Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a tag


  • tag (String)

    an existing tag name


  • (Array)

    the array of history information

    • Hash

      return[] the stats for a single hour

      - [String] time the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
      - [Integer] sent the number of emails that were sent during the hour
      - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] rejects the number of emails that were rejected during the hour
      - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints received during the hour
      - [Integer] unsubs the number of unsubscribes received during the hour
      - [Integer] opens the number of emails opened during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens generated by messages sent during the hour
      - [Integer] clicks the number of tracked URLs clicked during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 653

def time_series(tag)
    _params = {:tag => tag}
    return 'tags/time-series', _params