Class: Mandrill::Templates

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

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Constructor Details

#initialize(master) ⇒ Templates

Returns a new instance of Templates.

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 7

def initialize(master)
    @master = master

Instance Attribute Details


Returns the value of attribute master.

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 5

def master

Instance Method Details

#add(name, from_email = nil, from_name = nil, subject = nil, code = nil, text = nil, publish = true, labels = []) ⇒ Hash

Add a new template


  • name (String)

    the name for the new template - must be unique

  • from_email (String) (defaults to: nil)

    a default sending address for emails sent using this template

  • from_name (String) (defaults to: nil)

    a default from name to be used

  • subject (String) (defaults to: nil)

    a default subject line to be used

  • code (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the HTML code for the template with mc:edit attributes for the editable elements

  • text (String) (defaults to: nil)

    a default text part to be used when sending with this template

  • publish (Boolean) (defaults to: true)

    set to false to add a draft template without publishing

  • labels (Array) (defaults to: [])

    an optional array of up to 10 labels to use for filtering templates

    • String

      labels[] a single label


  • (Hash)

    the information saved about the new template

    • String

      slug the immutable unique code name of the template

    • String

      name the name of the template

    • Array

      labels the list of labels applied to the template

      - [String] labels[] a single label
    • String

      code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version

    • String

      subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility

    • String

      publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published

    • String

      publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided

    • String

      published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published

    • String

      created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

    • String

      updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 40

def add(name, from_email=nil, from_name=nil, subject=nil, code=nil, text=nil, publish=true, labels=[])
    _params = {:name => name, :from_email => from_email, :from_name => from_name, :subject => subject, :code => code, :text => text, :publish => publish, :labels => labels}
    return 'templates/add', _params

#delete(name) ⇒ Hash

Delete a template


  • name (String)

    the immutable name of an existing template


  • (Hash)

    the template that was deleted

    • String

      slug the immutable unique code name of the template

    • String

      name the name of the template

    • Array

      labels the list of labels applied to the template

      - [String] labels[] a single label
    • String

      code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version

    • String

      subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility

    • String

      publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published

    • String

      publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided

    • String

      published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published

    • String

      created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

    • String

      updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 152

def delete(name)
    _params = {:name => name}
    return 'templates/delete', _params

#info(name) ⇒ Hash

Get the information for an existing template


  • name (String)

    the immutable name of an existing template


  • (Hash)

    the requested template information

    • String

      slug the immutable unique code name of the template

    • String

      name the name of the template

    • Array

      labels the list of labels applied to the template

      - [String] labels[] a single label
    • String

      code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version

    • String

      subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility

    • String

      publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published

    • String

      publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided

    • String

      published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published

    • String

      created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

    • String

      updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 66

def info(name)
    _params = {:name => name}
    return 'templates/info', _params

#list(label = nil) ⇒ Array

Return a list of all the templates available to this user


  • label (String) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional label to filter the templates


  • (Array)

    an array of structs with information about each template

    • Hash

      return[] the information on each template in the account

      - [String] slug the immutable unique code name of the template
      - [String] name the name of the template
      - [Array] labels the list of labels applied to the template
          - [String] labels[] a single label
      - [String] code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version
      - [String] subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version
      - [String] from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version
      - [String] from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version
      - [String] text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version
      - [String] publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility
      - [String] publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published
      - [String] publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided
      - [String] publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided
      - [String] publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided
      - [String] publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided
      - [String] published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published
      - [String] created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
      - [String] updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 179

def list(label=nil)
    _params = {:label => label}
    return 'templates/list', _params

#publish(name) ⇒ Hash

Publish the content for the template. Any new messages sent using this template will start using the content that was previously in draft.


  • name (String)

    the immutable name of an existing template


  • (Hash)

    the template that was published

    • String

      slug the immutable unique code name of the template

    • String

      name the name of the template

    • Array

      labels the list of labels applied to the template

      - [String] labels[] a single label
    • String

      code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version

    • String

      subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility

    • String

      publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published

    • String

      publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided

    • String

      published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published

    • String

      created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

    • String

      updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 126

def publish(name)
    _params = {:name => name}
    return 'templates/publish', _params

#render(template_name, template_content, merge_vars = nil) ⇒ Hash

Inject content and optionally merge fields into a template, returning the HTML that results


  • template_name (String)

    the immutable name of a template that exists in the user’s account

  • template_content (Array)

    an array of template content to render. Each item in the array should be a struct with two keys - name: the name of the content block to set the content for, and content: the actual content to put into the block

    • Hash

      template_content[] the injection of a single piece of content into a single editable region

      - [String] name the name of the mc:edit editable region to inject into
      - [String] content the content to inject
  • merge_vars (Array) (defaults to: nil)

    optional merge variables to use for injecting merge field content. If this is not provided, no merge fields will be replaced.

    • Hash

      merge_vars[] a single merge variable

      - [String] name the merge variable's name. Merge variable names are case-insensitive and may not start with _
      - [String] content the merge variable's content


  • (Hash)

    the result of rendering the given template with the content and merge field values injected

    • String

      html the rendered HTML as a string

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 215

def render(template_name, template_content, merge_vars=nil)
    _params = {:template_name => template_name, :template_content => template_content, :merge_vars => merge_vars}
    return 'templates/render', _params

#time_series(name) ⇒ Array

Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a template


  • name (String)

    the name of an existing template


  • (Array)

    the array of history information

    • Hash

      return[] the stats for a single hour

      - [String] time the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
      - [Integer] sent the number of emails that were sent during the hour
      - [Integer] hard_bounces the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] soft_bounces the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour
      - [Integer] rejects the number of emails that were rejected during the hour
      - [Integer] complaints the number of spam complaints received during the hour
      - [Integer] opens the number of emails opened during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_opens the number of unique opens generated by messages sent during the hour
      - [Integer] clicks the number of tracked URLs clicked during the hour
      - [Integer] unique_clicks the number of unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 198

def time_series(name)
    _params = {:name => name}
    return 'templates/time-series', _params

#update(name, from_email = nil, from_name = nil, subject = nil, code = nil, text = nil, publish = true, labels = nil) ⇒ Hash

Update the code for an existing template. If null is provided for any fields, the values will remain unchanged.


  • name (String)

    the immutable name of an existing template

  • from_email (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the new default sending address

  • from_name (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the new default from name

  • subject (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the new default subject line

  • code (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the new code for the template

  • text (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the new default text part to be used

  • publish (Boolean) (defaults to: true)

    set to false to update the draft version of the template without publishing

  • labels (Array) (defaults to: nil)

    an optional array of up to 10 labels to use for filtering templates

    • String

      labels[] a single label


  • (Hash)

    the template that was updated

    • String

      slug the immutable unique code name of the template

    • String

      name the name of the template

    • Array

      labels the list of labels applied to the template

      - [String] labels[] a single label
    • String

      code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements - draft version

    • String

      subject the subject line of the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided - draft version

    • String

      publish_name the same as the template name - kept as a separate field for backwards compatibility

    • String

      publish_code the full HTML code of the template, with mc:edit attributes marking the editable elements that are available as published, if it has been published

    • String

      publish_subject the subject line of the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_email the default sender address for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_from_name the default sender from name for the template, if provided

    • String

      publish_text the default text part of messages sent with the template, if provided

    • String

      published_at the date and time the template was last published as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null if it has not been published

    • String

      created_at the date and time the template was first created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

    • String

      updated_at the date and time the template was last modified as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# File 'lib/mandrill/api.rb', line 100

def update(name, from_email=nil, from_name=nil, subject=nil, code=nil, text=nil, publish=true, labels=nil)
    _params = {:name => name, :from_email => from_email, :from_name => from_name, :subject => subject, :code => code, :text => text, :publish => publish, :labels => labels}
    return 'templates/update', _params