Module: Micronaut::Matchers
- Included in:
- Behaviour
- Defined in:
- lib/micronaut/matchers.rb,
We ship (courtesy of RSpec and Micronaut) with a number of useful Expression Matchers. An Expression Matcher is any object that responds to the following methods:
description #optional
See Micronaut::Expectations to learn how to use these as Expectation Matchers. See Micronaut::Mocks to learn how to use them as Mock Argument Constraints.
In addition to those Expression Matchers that are defined explicitly, we will create custom Matchers on the fly for any arbitrary predicate, giving your specs a much more natural language feel.
A Ruby predicate is a method that ends with a “?” and returns true or false. Common examples are empty?
, nil?
, and instance_of?
All you need to do is write should be_ followed by the predicate without the question mark, and we will figure it out from there. For example:
[].should be_empty => [].empty? #passes
[].should_not be_empty => [].empty? #fails
In addtion to prefixing the predicate matchers with “be_”, you can also use “be_a_” and “be_an_”, making your specs read much more naturally:
"a string".should be_an_instance_of(String) =>"a string".instance_of?(String) #passes
3.should be_a_kind_of(Fixnum) => 3.kind_of?(Numeric) #passes
3.should be_a_kind_of(Numeric) => 3.kind_of?(Numeric) #passes
3.should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) => 3.instance_of?(Fixnum) #passes
3.should_not be_instance_of(Numeric) => 3.instance_of?(Numeric) #fails
We will also create custom matchers for predicates like has_key?
. To use this feature, just state that the object should have_key(:key) and we will call has_key?(:key) on the target. For example:
{:a => "A"}.should have_key(:a) => {:a => "A"}.has_key?(:a) #passes
{:a => "A"}.should have_key(:b) => {:a => "A"}.has_key?(:b) #fails
You can use this feature to invoke any predicate that begins with “has_”, whether it is part of the Ruby libraries (like Hash#has_key?) or a method you wrote on your own class.
Custom Expectation Matchers
When you find that none of the stock Expectation Matchers provide a natural feeling expectation, you can very easily write your own.
For example, imagine that you are writing a game in which players can be in various zones on a virtual board. To specify that bob should be in zone 4, you could say:
bob.current_zone.should eql("4"))
But you might find it more expressive to say:
bob.should be_in_zone("4")
bob.should_not be_in_zone("3")
To do this, you would need to write a class like this:
class BeInZone
def initialize(expected)
@expected = expected
def matches?(target)
@target = target
"expected #{@target.inspect} to be in Zone #{@expected}"
"expected #{@target.inspect} not to be in Zone #{@expected}"
… and a method like this:
def be_in_zone(expected)
And then expose the method to your specs. This is normally done by including the method and the class in a module, which is then included in your spec:
module CustomGameMatchers
class BeInZone
def be_in_zone(expected)
describe "Player behaviour" do
include CustomGameMatchers
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Be, BeClose, Change, Have, Include, MatcherError, NegativeOperatorMatcher, OperatorMatcher, PositiveOperatorMatcher, RaiseError, RespondTo, Satisfy, SimpleMatcher, ThrowSymbol
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.last_matcher ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_matcher.
.last_should ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_should.
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#be(*args) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should be_true should be_false should be_nil should be_arbitrary_predicate(*args) should_not be_nil should_not be_arbitrary_predicate(*args).
#be_close(expected, delta) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should be_close(expected, delta) should_not be_close(expected, delta).
#change(receiver = nil, message = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should change(receiver, message, &block) should change(receiver, message, &block).by(value) should change(receiver, message, &block).from(old).to(new) should_not change(receiver, message, &block).
#eql(expected) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should eql(expected) should_not eql(expected).
#equal(expected) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should equal(expected) should_not equal(expected).
#has(sym, *args) ⇒ Object
#have(n) ⇒ Object
(also: #have_exactly)
:call-seq: should have(number).named_collection__or__sugar should_not have(number).named_collection__or__sugar.
#have_at_least(n) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should have_at_least(number).items.
#have_at_most(n) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should have_at_most(number).items.
#include(*expected) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should include(expected) should_not include(expected).
#match(regexp) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should match(regexp) should_not match(regexp).
#method_missing(sym, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
#raise_error(error = Exception, message = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should raise_error() should raise_error(NamedError) should raise_error(NamedError, String) should raise_error(NamedError, Regexp) should raise_error() { |error| … } should raise_error(NamedError) { |error| … } should raise_error(NamedError, String) { |error| … } should raise_error(NamedError, Regexp) { |error| … } should_not raise_error() should_not raise_error(NamedError) should_not raise_error(NamedError, String) should_not raise_error(NamedError, Regexp).
#respond_to(*names) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should respond_to(*names) should_not respond_to(*names).
#satisfy(&block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should satisfy {} should_not satisfy {}.
#simple_matcher(description = nil, &match_block) ⇒ Object
simple_matcher makes it easy for you to create your own custom matchers in just a few lines of code when you don’t need all the power of a completely custom matcher object.
#throw_symbol(sym = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: should throw_symbol() should throw_symbol(:sym) should throw_symbol(:sym, arg) should_not throw_symbol() should_not throw_symbol(:sym) should_not throw_symbol(:sym, arg).
#wrap_expectation(matcher, &block) ⇒ Object
wraps an expectation in a block that will return true if the expectation passes and false if it fails (without bubbling up the failure).
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(sym, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers.rb', line 133 def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) # :nodoc: return, *args) if sym.to_s =~ /^be_/ return has(sym, *args) if sym.to_s =~ /^have_/ super end |
Class Attribute Details
.last_matcher ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_matcher.
4 5 6 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/generated_descriptions.rb', line 4 def last_matcher @last_matcher end |
.last_should ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute last_should.
4 5 6 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/generated_descriptions.rb', line 4 def last_should @last_should end |
Class Method Details
.clear_generated_description ⇒ Object
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/generated_descriptions.rb', line 6 def clear_generated_description self.last_matcher = nil self.last_should = nil end |
.generated_description ⇒ Object
11 12 13 14 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/generated_descriptions.rb', line 11 def generated_description return nil if last_should.nil? "#{last_should} #{last_description}" end |
Instance Method Details
#be(*args) ⇒ Object
should be_true
should be_false
should be_nil
should be_arbitrary_predicate(*args)
should_not be_nil
should_not be_arbitrary_predicate(*args)
Given true, false, or nil, will pass if actual value is true, false or nil (respectively). Given no args means the caller should satisfy an if condition (to be or not to be).
Predicates are any Ruby method that ends in a “?” and returns true or false. Given be_ followed by arbitrary_predicate (without the “?”), we will match convert that into a query against the target object.
The arbitrary_predicate feature will handle any predicate prefixed with “be_an_” (e.g. be_an_instance_of), “be_a_” (e.g. be_a_kind_of) or “be_” (e.g. be_empty), letting you choose the prefix that best suits the predicate.
target.should be_true
target.should be_false
target.should be_nil
target.should_not be_nil
collection.should be_empty #passes if target.empty?
"this string".should be_an_intance_of(String)
target.should_not be_empty #passes unless target.empty?
target.should_not be_old_enough(16) #passes unless target.old_enough?(16)
199 200 201 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/be.rb', line 199 def be(*args)*args) end |
#be_close(expected, delta) ⇒ Object
should be_close(expected, delta)
should_not be_close(expected, delta)
Passes if actual == expected +/- delta
result.should be_close(3.0, 0.5)
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/be_close.rb', line 32 def be_close(expected, delta), delta) end |
#change(receiver = nil, message = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
should change(receiver, , &block)
should change(receiver, , &block).by(value)
should change(receiver, , &block).from(old).to(new)
should_not change(receiver, , &block)
Allows you to specify that a Proc will cause some value to change.
lambda {
}.should change(roster, :count)
lambda {
}.should change(roster, :count).by(1)
lambda {
}.should change(roster, :count).by_at_least(1)
lambda {
}.should change(roster, :count).by_at_most(1)
string = "string"
lambda {
}.should change { string }.from("string").to("gnirts")
lambda {
}.should change(person, :birthday).from(32).to(33)
lambda {
}.should change(employee, :title).from("Mail Clerk").to("CEO")
Evaluates receiver.message
or block
before and after it evaluates the c object (generated by the lambdas in the examples above).
Then compares the values before and after the receiver.message
and evaluates the difference compared to the expected difference.
should_not change
only supports the form with no subsequent calls to by
, by_at_least
, by_at_most
, to
or from
blocks passed to should
and should_not
must use the {}
form (do/end
is not supported).
144 145 146 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/change.rb', line 144 def change(receiver=nil, =nil, &block), , &block) end |
#eql(expected) ⇒ Object
should eql(expected)
should_not eql(expected)
Passes if actual and expected are of equal value, but not necessarily the same object.
See for more information about equality in Ruby.
5.should eql(5)
5.should_not eql(3)
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/eql.rb', line 16 def eql(expected) simple_matcher do |actual, matcher| matcher. = "expected #{expected.inspect}, got #{actual.inspect} (using .eql?)", expected, actual matcher. = "expected #{actual.inspect} not to equal #{expected.inspect} (using .eql?)", expected, actual matcher.description = "eql #{expected.inspect}" actual.eql?(expected) end end |
#equal(expected) ⇒ Object
should equal(expected)
should_not equal(expected)
Passes if given and expected are the same object (object identity).
See for more information about equality in Ruby.
5.should equal(5) #Fixnums are equal
"5".should_not equal("5") #Strings that look the same are not the same object
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/equal.rb', line 16 def equal(expected) simple_matcher do |actual, matcher| matcher. = "expected #{expected.inspect}, got #{actual.inspect} (using .equal?)", expected, actual matcher. = "expected #{actual.inspect} not to equal #{expected.inspect} (using .equal?)", expected, actual matcher.description = "equal #{expected.inspect}" actual.equal?(expected) end end |
#has(sym, *args) ⇒ Object
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/has.rb', line 4 def has(sym, *args) # :nodoc: simple_matcher do |actual, matcher| matcher. = "expected ##{predicate(sym)}(#{args[0].inspect}) to return true, got false" matcher. = "expected ##{predicate(sym)}(#{args[0].inspect}) to return false, got true" matcher.description = "have key #{args[0].inspect}" actual.__send__(predicate(sym), *args) end end |
#have(n) ⇒ Object Also known as: have_exactly
should have(number).named_collection__or__sugar
should_not have(number).named_collection__or__sugar
Passes if receiver is a collection with the submitted number of items OR if the receiver OWNS a collection with the submitted number of items.
If the receiver OWNS the collection, you must use the name of the collection. So if a Team
instance has a collection named #players
, you must use that name to set the expectation.
If the receiver IS the collection, you can use any name you like for named_collection
. We’d recommend using either “elements”, “members”, or “items” as these are all standard ways of describing the things IN a collection.
This also works for Strings, letting you set an expectation about its length
# Passes if team.players.size == 11
team.should have(11).players
# Passes if [1,2,3].length == 3
[1,2,3].should have(3).items #"items" is pure sugar
# Passes if "this string".length == 11
"this string".should have(11).characters #"characters" is pure sugar
123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/have.rb', line 123 def have(n) end |
#have_at_least(n) ⇒ Object
should have_at_least(number).items
Exactly like have() with >=.
is not supported
136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/have.rb', line 136 def have_at_least(n), :at_least) end |
#have_at_most(n) ⇒ Object
should have_at_most(number).items
Exactly like have() with <=.
is not supported
148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/have.rb', line 148 def have_at_most(n), :at_most) end |
#include(*expected) ⇒ Object
should include(expected)
should_not include(expected)
Passes if actual includes expected. This works for collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args and it will only pass if all args are found in collection.
[1,2,3].should include(3)
[1,2,3].should include(2,3) #would pass
[1,2,3].should include(2,3,4) #would fail
[1,2,3].should_not include(4)
"spread".should include("read")
"spread".should_not include("red")
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/include.rb', line 76 def include(*expected)*expected) end |
#match(regexp) ⇒ Object
should match(regexp)
should_not match(regexp)
Given a Regexp, passes if actual =~ regexp
email.should match(/^([^\s]+)((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/match.rb', line 13 def match(regexp) simple_matcher do |actual, matcher| matcher. = "expected #{actual.inspect} to match #{regexp.inspect}", regexp, actual matcher. = "expected #{actual.inspect} not to match #{regexp.inspect}", regexp, actual matcher.description = "match #{regexp.inspect}" actual =~ regexp end end |
#raise_error(error = Exception, message = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
should raise_error()
should raise_error(NamedError)
should raise_error(NamedError, String)
should raise_error(NamedError, Regexp)
should raise_error() { |error| ... }
should raise_error(NamedError) { |error| ... }
should raise_error(NamedError, String) { |error| ... }
should raise_error(NamedError, Regexp) { |error| ... }
should_not raise_error()
should_not raise_error(NamedError)
should_not raise_error(NamedError, String)
should_not raise_error(NamedError, Regexp)
With no args, matches if any error is raised. With a named error, matches only if that specific error is raised. With a named error and messsage specified as a String, matches only if both match. With a named error and messsage specified as a Regexp, matches only if both match. Pass an optional block to perform extra verifications on the exception matched
lambda { do_something_risky }.should raise_error
lambda { do_something_risky }.should raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError) { |error| == 42 }
lambda { do_something_risky }.should raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError, "that was too risky")
lambda { do_something_risky }.should raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError, /oo ri/)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not raise_error
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError, "that was too risky")
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not raise_error(PoorRiskDecisionError, /oo ri/)
124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/raise_error.rb', line 124 def raise_error(error=Exception, =nil, &block), , &block) end |
#respond_to(*names) ⇒ Object
should respond_to(*names)
should_not respond_to(*names)
Matches if the target object responds to all of the names provided. Names can be Strings or Symbols.
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/respond_to.rb', line 45 def respond_to(*names)*names) end |
#satisfy(&block) ⇒ Object
should satisfy {}
should_not satisfy {}
Passes if the submitted block returns true. Yields target to the block.
Generally speaking, this should be thought of as a last resort when you can’t find any other way to specify the behaviour you wish to specify.
If you do find yourself in such a situation, you could always write a custom matcher, which would likely make your specs more expressive.
5.should satisfy { |n|
n > 3
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/satisfy.rb', line 45 def satisfy(&block) end |
#simple_matcher(description = nil, &match_block) ⇒ Object
simple_matcher makes it easy for you to create your own custom matchers in just a few lines of code when you don’t need all the power of a completely custom matcher object.
The description
argument will appear as part of any failure message, and is also the source for auto-generated descriptions.
The match_block
can have an arity of 1 or 2. The first block argument will be the given value. The second, if the block accepts it will be the matcher itself, giving you access to set custom failure messages in favor of the defaults.
The match_block
should return a boolean: true
indicates a match, which will pass if you use should
and fail if you use should_not
. false (or nil) indicates no match, which will do the reverse: fail if you use should
and pass if you use should_not
An error in the match_block
will bubble up, resulting in a failure.
Example with default messages
def be_even
simple_matcher("an even number") { |given| given % 2 == 0 }
describe 2 do
it "should be even" do
2.should be_even
Given an odd number, this example would produce an error message stating: expected “an even number”, got 3.
Unfortunately, if you’re a fan of auto-generated descriptions, this will produce “should an even number.” Not the most desirable result. You can control that using custom messages:
Example with custom messages
def rhyme_with(expected)
simple_matcher("rhyme with #{expected.inspect}") do |given, matcher|
matcher. = "expected #{given.inspect} to rhyme with #{expected.inspect}"
matcher. = "expected #{given.inspect} not to rhyme with #{expected.inspect}"
given.rhymes_with? expected
# OR
def rhyme_with(expected)
simple_matcher do |given, matcher|
matcher.description = "rhyme with #{expected.inspect}"
matcher. = "expected #{given.inspect} to rhyme with #{expected.inspect}"
matcher. = "expected #{given.inspect} not to rhyme with #{expected.inspect}"
given.rhymes_with? expected
describe "pecan" do
it "should rhyme with 'be gone'" do
nut = "pecan"
nut.extend Rhymer
nut.should rhyme_with("be gone")
The resulting messages would be:
description: rhyme with "be gone"
failure_message: expected "pecan" to rhyme with "be gone"
negative failure_message: expected "pecan" not to rhyme with "be gone"
Wrapped Expectations
Because errors will bubble up, it is possible to wrap other expectations in a SimpleMatcher.
def be_even
simple_matcher("an even number") { |given| (given % 2).should == 0 }
BE VERY CAREFUL when you do this. Only use wrapped expectations for matchers that will always be used in only the positive (should
) or negative (should_not
), but not both. The reason is that is you wrap a should
and call the wrapper with should_not
, the correct result (the should
failing), will fail when you want it to pass.
130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/simple_matcher.rb', line 130 def simple_matcher(description=nil, &match_block), &match_block) end |
#throw_symbol(sym = nil) ⇒ Object
should throw_symbol()
should throw_symbol(:sym)
should throw_symbol(:sym, arg)
should_not throw_symbol()
should_not throw_symbol(:sym)
should_not throw_symbol(:sym, arg)
Given no argument, matches if a proc throws any Symbol.
Given a Symbol, matches if the given proc throws the specified Symbol.
Given a Symbol and an arg, matches if the given proc throws the specified Symbol with the specified arg.
lambda { do_something_risky }.should throw_symbol
lambda { do_something_risky }.should throw_symbol(:that_was_risky)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should throw_symbol(:that_was_risky, culprit)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not throw_symbol
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not throw_symbol(:that_was_risky)
lambda { do_something_risky }.should_not throw_symbol(:that_was_risky, culprit)
103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/matchers/throw_symbol.rb', line 103 def throw_symbol(sym=nil) end |
#wrap_expectation(matcher, &block) ⇒ Object
wraps an expectation in a block that will return true if the expectation passes and false if it fails (without bubbling up the failure).
This is intended to be used in the context of a simple matcher, and is especially useful for wrapping multiple expectations or one or more assertions from test/unit extensions when running with test/unit.
def eat_cheese(cheese)
simple_matcher do |mouse, matcher|
matcher. = "expected #{mouse} not to eat cheese"
wrap_expectation do |matcher|
describe Mouse do
it "eats cheese" do eat_cheese
The other benefit you get is that you can use the negative version of the matcher:
describe Cat do
it "does not eat cheese" do eat_cheese
So in the event there is no assert_does_not_eat_cheese available, you’re all set!
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/micronaut/expectations/wrap_expectation.rb', line 41 def wrap_expectation(matcher, &block) begin return true rescue Exception => e matcher. = e. return false end end |