Module: Mint
- Defined in:
- lib/mint/plugins/epub.rb,
Note: This code is not as clean as I want it to be. It is an example plugin with which I’m developing the Mint plugin system. Code cleanup to follow.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: CSS, CommandLine, Helpers Classes: Document, EPub, InvalidDocumentError, Layout, Plugin, Resource, Style, TemplateNotFoundException
Constant Summary collapse
- ROOT =
( + "../..").to_s
{ local:".mint"), user:"~/.mint")., global:"#{ROOT}/config"). }
Class Method Summary collapse
- .activate_plugin!(plugin) ⇒ Object
- .activated_plugins ⇒ Object
- .after_publish(document, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- .after_render(html_text, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- .before_render(plain_text, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- .clear_plugins! ⇒ Object
- .commandline_name(plugin) ⇒ Object
- .commandline_options_file(plugin) ⇒ Object
- .config_directory(plugin) ⇒ Object
.configuration(opts = {}) ⇒ Hash
Returns a hash of all active options specified by file (for all scopes).
.configuration_with(opts) ⇒ Hash
Returns all configuration options (as specified by the aggregate of all config files), along with opts, where opts take precedence.
.css_formats ⇒ Array
CSS formats, for source -> destination name guessing/conversion only.
.default_options ⇒ Hash
Last-resort options for creating Mint documents.
.directories ⇒ Hash
Key Mint directories.
.files ⇒ Hash
Key Mint files.
.find_template(name, type) ⇒ File
Finds a template named ‘name` in the Mint path.
.formats ⇒ Array
All file extensions that Tilt will render.
.guess_name_from(name) ⇒ String
Guesses an appropriate name for the resource output file based on its source file’s base name.
.lookup_template(name_or_file, type = :layout) ⇒ File
Decides whether the template specified by ‘name_or_file` is a real file or the name of a template.
.path(opts = {}) ⇒ Array
Returns an array with the Mint template path for the named scope or scopes.
.path_for_scope(scope = :local, as_path = false) ⇒ String
Returns the part of Mint.path relevant to scope.
- .plugins ⇒ Object
.publish!(document, opts = {}) ⇒ void
Publishes a Document object according to its internal specifications.
- .register_plugin!(plugin) ⇒ Object
.renderer(path) ⇒ Object
Transforms a path into a template that will render the file specified at that path.
.root ⇒ String
The Mint root path name.
.template?(file) ⇒ Boolean
Checks (non-rigorously) to see if the file is somewhere on the MINT_PATH.
- .template_directory(plugin) ⇒ Object
- .template_path(name, type, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
.templates(opts = {}) ⇒ Array
The full path for each known template in the Mint path.
Class Method Details
.activate_plugin!(plugin) ⇒ Object
20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 20 def self.activate_plugin!(plugin) @@activated_plugins ||= @@activated_plugins << plugin end |
.activated_plugins ⇒ Object
10 11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 10 def self.activated_plugins @@activated_plugins ||= @@activated_plugins.to_a end |
.after_publish(document, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
60 61 62 63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 60 def self.after_publish(document, opts={}) active_plugins = opts[:plugins] || Mint.activated_plugins active_plugins.each do |plugin| plugin.after_publish(document) end end |
.after_render(html_text, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
53 54 55 56 57 58 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 53 def self.after_render(html_text, opts={}) active_plugins = opts[:plugins] || Mint.activated_plugins active_plugins.reduce(html_text) do |intermediate, plugin| plugin.after_render(intermediate) end end |
.before_render(plain_text, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 46 def self.before_render(plain_text, opts={}) active_plugins = opts[:plugins] || Mint.activated_plugins active_plugins.reduce(plain_text) do |intermediate, plugin| plugin.before_render(intermediate) end end |
.clear_plugins! ⇒ Object
25 26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 25 def self.clear_plugins! defined?(@@plugins) && @@plugins.clear defined?(@@activated_plugins) && @@activated_plugins.clear end |
.commandline_name(plugin) ⇒ Object
42 43 44 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 42 def self.commandline_name(plugin) plugin.underscore end |
.commandline_options_file(plugin) ⇒ Object
38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 38 def self.(plugin) plugin.config_directory + "/syntax.yml" end |
.config_directory(plugin) ⇒ Object
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 34 def self.config_directory(plugin) Mint.root + "/plugins/config/" + plugin.underscore end |
.configuration(opts = {}) ⇒ Hash
Returns a hash of all active options specified by file (for all scopes). That is, if you specify file as “defaults.yaml”, this will return the aggregate of all defaults.yaml-specified options in the Mint path, where more local members of the path take precedence over more global ones.
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 107 def self.configuration(opts={}) opts = { scopes: SCOPE_NAMES }.merge(opts) # Merge config options from all config files on the Mint path, # where more local options take precedence over more global # options configuration = Mint.path(:scopes => opts[:scopes]). map {|p| p + Mint.files[:defaults] }. select(&:exist?). map {|p| YAML.load_file p }. reverse. reduce(Mint.) {|r,p| r.merge p } Helpers.symbolize_keys configuration end |
.configuration_with(opts) ⇒ Hash
Returns all configuration options (as specified by the aggregate of all config files), along with opts, where opts take precedence.
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 129 def self.configuration_with(opts) configuration.merge opts end |
.css_formats ⇒ Array
Returns CSS formats, for source -> destination name guessing/conversion only.
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 96 def self.css_formats ["css", "sass", "scss", "less"] end |
.default_options ⇒ Hash
Returns last-resort options for creating Mint documents.
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 78 def self. { # Do not set default `template`--will override style and # layout when already specified -- causes tricky bugs layout: "default", # default layout style: "default", # default style destination: nil, # do not create a subdirectory style_destination: nil # do not copy style to root } end |
.directories ⇒ Hash
Returns key Mint directories.
63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 63 def self.directories { templates: "templates" } end |
.files ⇒ Hash
Returns key Mint files.
70 71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 70 def self.files { syntax: "syntax.yaml", defaults: "defaults.yaml" } end |
.find_template(name, type) ⇒ File
Finds a template named ‘name` in the Mint path. If `type` is :layout, will look for `MINT_PATH/templates/layout.*`. If it is :style, will look for `MINT_PATH/templates/template_name/style.*`. Mint assumes that a named template will hold only one layout and one style template. It does not know how to decide between style.css and style.less, for example. For predictable results, only include one template file called `layout.*` in the `template_name` directory. Returns nil if it cannot find a template.
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 177 def self.find_template(name, type) templates_dir = Mint.directories[:templates] file_name = lambda {|x| x + templates_dir + name + type.to_s } find_files = lambda {|x| Pathname.glob "#{x.to_s}.*" } acceptable = lambda {|x| x.to_s =~ /#{Mint.formats.join "|"}/ } select(&acceptable).select(&:exist?).first.tap do |template| raise TemplateNotFoundException unless template end.to_s end |
.formats ⇒ Array
Returns all file extensions that Tilt will render.
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 90 def self.formats Tilt.mappings.keys end |
.guess_name_from(name) ⇒ String
Guesses an appropriate name for the resource output file based on its source file’s base name
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 223 def self.guess_name_from(name) name = Pathname(name).basename if name css = Mint.css_formats.join "|" name.to_s. gsub(/\.(#{css})$/, ".css"). gsub(/(\.[^css]+)$/, ".html") end |
.lookup_template(name_or_file, type = :layout) ⇒ File
Decides whether the template specified by ‘name_or_file` is a real file or the name of a template. If it is a real file, Mint will return a that file. Otherwise, Mint will look for a file with that name in the Mint path. The `type` argument indicates whether the template we are looking for is a layout or a style and will affect which type of template is returned for a given template name. For example, `lookup_template :normal` might return a layout template referring to the file ~/.mint/templates/normal/layout.erb. Adding :style as a second argument returns ~/.mint/templates/normal/style.css.
159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 159 def self.lookup_template(name_or_file, type=:layout) name = name_or_file.to_s File.exist?(name) ? name : find_template(name, type) end |
.path(opts = {}) ⇒ Array
Returns an array with the Mint template path for the named scope or scopes. This path is used to lookup templates and configuration options.
35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 35 def self.path(opts={}) opts = { scopes: SCOPE_NAMES }.merge(opts) SCOPES.slice(*opts[:scopes]).values end |
.path_for_scope(scope = :local, as_path = false) ⇒ String
Returns the part of Mint.path relevant to scope. I want to refactor this so that Mint.path is always a Hash… should take care of this in the Mint.path=() method. Right now, this is a hack. It assumes a sane MINT_PATH, where the first entry is most local, the second is user-level, and the last entry is most global.
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 50 def self.path_for_scope(scope=:local, as_path=false) case Mint.path when Array index = { local: 0, user: 1, global: 2 }[scope] Mint.path[index] when Hash Mint.path[scope] else nil end end |
.plugins ⇒ Object
5 6 7 8 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 5 def self.plugins @@plugins ||= @@plugins.to_a end |
.publish!(document, opts = {}) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Publishes a Document object according to its internal specifications.
243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 243 def self.publish!(document, opts={}) document.publish! opts end |
.register_plugin!(plugin) ⇒ Object
15 16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 15 def self.register_plugin!(plugin) @@plugins ||= @@plugins << plugin end |
.renderer(path) ⇒ Object
Transforms a path into a template that will render the file specified at that path
235 236 237 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 235 def self.renderer(path) path.to_s, :smart => true, :ugly => true end |
.root ⇒ String
Returns the Mint root path name.
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 26 def self.root ROOT end |
.template?(file) ⇒ Boolean
Checks (non-rigorously) to see if the file is somewhere on the MINT_PATH
211 212 213 214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 211 def self.template?(file) paths = {|f| File. f } file_path = file_path.exist? and file_path.dirname..to_s =~ /#{"|")}/ end |
.template_directory(plugin) ⇒ Object
30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/mint/plugin.rb', line 30 def self.template_directory(plugin) Mint.root + "/plugins/templates/" + plugin.underscore end |
.template_path(name, type, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 190 def self.template_path(name, type, opts={}) defaults = { scope: :local, ext: { layout: "haml", style: "sass" }[type] } opts = defaults.merge(opts) path = Mint.path_for_scope(opts[:scope]) case type when :layout, :style "#{path}/templates/#{name}/#{type}.#{opts[:ext]}" when :all "#{path}/templates/#{name}" end end |
.templates(opts = {}) ⇒ Array
Returns the full path for each known template in the Mint path.
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/mint/mint.rb', line 134 def self.templates(opts={}) opts = { scopes: SCOPE_NAMES }.merge(opts) Mint.path(:scopes => opts[:scopes]). map {|p| p + directories[:templates] }. select(&:exist?). map {|p| }. flatten. sort end |