Module: MongoTranslatable::Translated

Defined in:


MongoTranslatable is for taking advantage of MongoDB for storing translations of ActiveRecord models. Here is how it works in practice:

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  mongo_translate :label

I18n.locale = :en

item = Item.create(:label => "a label")
p item.locale

item = Item.find(1)
p item.label
"a label"

item.translate(:label => "etiketissä", :locale => :fi).save

or you could have set I18n.locale = :fi in calling env and dropped locale from args

I18n.locale = :fi
item = Item.find(1)
p item.label
p item.locale

If The general approach is inspired by this code in globalize2: grab what the normal finder would return and look up corresponding translated version of the objects in question swap in corresponding translated attributes of object creates TranslatableClass::Translation when the declaration method is defined ala acts_as_versioned VersionedClass::Version every translatable class gets their own Translation class under it

TODO: translations aren’t real associations and the translations method is thus not chainable as you would expect currently investigating adding a plugin for mongo_mapper that will do associations declaired from activerecord models in the meantime, you will like want to use the “translation_for(locale)” method

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods, InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.included(base) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/mongo_translatable.rb', line 54

def self.included(base)