Class: Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::ManyToMany
- Defined in:
- lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb
This class defines the behaviour for all relations that are a many-to-many between documents in different collections.
Constant Summary collapse
The allowed options when defining this relation.
[ :after_add, :after_remove, :autosave, :before_add, :before_remove, :dependent, :foreign_key, :index, :order, :primary_key ].freeze
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Proxy
Class Method Summary collapse
.builder(base, meta, object) ⇒ Builder
Return the builder that is responsible for generating the documents that will be used by this relation.
.criteria(metadata, object, type = nil) ⇒ Criteria
Create the standard criteria for this relation given the supplied metadata and object.
- .eager_load_klass ⇒ Object
.embedded? ⇒ false
Returns true if the relation is an embedded one.
.foreign_key(name) ⇒ String
Get the foreign key for the provided name.
.foreign_key_default ⇒ Array
Get the default value for the foreign key.
.foreign_key_suffix ⇒ String
Returns the suffix of the foreign key field, either “_id” or “_ids”.
.macro ⇒ Symbol
Returns the macro for this relation.
.nested_builder(metadata, attributes, options) ⇒ NestedBuilder
Return the nested builder that is responsible for generating the documents that will be used by this relation.
.path(document) ⇒ Root
Get the path calculator for the supplied document.
.stores_foreign_key? ⇒ true
Tells the caller if this relation is one that stores the foreign key on its own objects.
.valid_options ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Get the valid options allowed with this relation.
.validation_default ⇒ true, false
Get the default validation setting for the relation.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#<<(*args) ⇒ Array<Document>
(also: #push)
Appends a document or array of documents to the relation.
#build(attributes = {}, type = nil) {|doc| ... } ⇒ Document
(also: #new)
Build a new document from the attributes and append it to this relation without saving.
#concat(documents) ⇒ Array<Document>
Appends an array of documents to the relation.
#delete(document) ⇒ Document
Delete the document from the relation.
#nullify ⇒ Object
(also: #nullify_all, #clear, #purge)
Removes all associations between the base document and the target documents by deleting the foreign keys and the references, orphaning the target documents in the process.
#substitute(replacement) ⇒ Many
Substitutes the supplied target documents for the existing documents in the relation.
#unscoped ⇒ Criteria
Get a criteria for the documents without the default scoping applied.
Methods inherited from Many
#delete_all, #destroy_all, #each, #exists?, #find, #initialize
Methods inherited from Many
#blank?, #create, #create!, #find_or_create_by, #find_or_create_by!, #find_or_initialize_by, #nil?, #respond_to?, #scoped, #serializable_hash
Methods inherited from Proxy
apply_ordering, #extend_proxies, #init, #klass, #reset_unloaded, #substitutable
Methods included from Marshalable
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::Many
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::Many
Class Method Details
.builder(base, meta, object) ⇒ Builder
Return the builder that is responsible for generating the documents that will be used by this relation.
307 308 309 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 307 def builder(base, , object), , object) end |
.criteria(metadata, object, type = nil) ⇒ Criteria
Create the standard criteria for this relation given the supplied metadata and object.
324 325 326 327 328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 324 def criteria(, object, type = nil) apply_ordering( .klass.all_of( .primary_key => { "$in" => object || [] } ), ) end |
.eager_load_klass ⇒ Object
332 333 334 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 332 def eager_load_klass Relations::Eager::HasAndBelongsToMany end |
.embedded? ⇒ false
Returns true if the relation is an embedded one. In this case always false.
345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 345 def false end |
.foreign_key(name) ⇒ String
Get the foreign key for the provided name.
359 360 361 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 359 def foreign_key(name) "#{name.to_s.singularize}#{foreign_key_suffix}" end |
.foreign_key_default ⇒ Array
Get the default value for the foreign key.
371 372 373 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 371 def foreign_key_default [] end |
.foreign_key_suffix ⇒ String
Returns the suffix of the foreign key field, either “_id” or “_ids”.
383 384 385 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 383 def foreign_key_suffix "_ids" end |
.macro ⇒ Symbol
Returns the macro for this relation. Used mostly as a helper in reflection.
394 395 396 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 394 def macro :has_and_belongs_to_many end |
.nested_builder(metadata, attributes, options) ⇒ NestedBuilder
Return the nested builder that is responsible for generating the documents that will be used by this relation.
420 421 422 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 420 def nested_builder(, attributes, ), attributes, ) end |
.path(document) ⇒ Root
Get the path calculator for the supplied document.
434 435 436 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 434 def path(document) end |
.stores_foreign_key? ⇒ true
Tells the caller if this relation is one that stores the foreign key on its own objects.
447 448 449 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 447 def stores_foreign_key? true end |
.valid_options ⇒ Array<Symbol>
Get the valid options allowed with this relation.
459 460 461 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 459 def VALID_OPTIONS end |
.validation_default ⇒ true, false
Get the default validation setting for the relation. Determines if by default a validates associated will occur.
472 473 474 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 472 def validation_default true end |
Instance Method Details
#<<(*args) ⇒ Array<Document> Also known as: push
Appends a document or array of documents to the relation. Will set the parent and update the index in the process.
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 45 def <<(*args) docs = args.flatten return concat(docs) if docs.size > 1 if doc = docs.first append(doc) base.add_to_set(foreign_key => doc.send(.primary_key)) if child_persistable?(doc) end end unsynced(base, foreign_key) and self end |
#build(attributes = {}, type = nil) ⇒ Document #build(attributes = {}, type = nil) ⇒ Document Also known as: new
Build a new document from the attributes and append it to this relation without saving.
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 109 def build(attributes = {}, type = nil) doc = || klass, attributes) base.send(foreign_key).push(doc._id) append(doc) doc.apply_post_processed_defaults unsynced(doc, inverse_foreign_key) yield(doc) if block_given? doc end |
#concat(documents) ⇒ Array<Document>
Appends an array of documents to the relation. Performs a batch insert of the documents instead of persisting one at a time.
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 70 def concat(documents) ids, docs, inserts = {}, [], [] documents.each do |doc| next unless doc append(doc) if persistable? || _creating? ids[doc._id] = true save_or_delay(doc, docs, inserts) else existing = base.send(foreign_key) unless existing.include?(doc._id) existing.push(doc._id) and unsynced(base, foreign_key) end end end if persistable? || _creating? base.push(foreign_key => ids.keys) end persist_delayed(docs, inserts) self end |
#delete(document) ⇒ Document
Delete the document from the relation. This will set the foreign key on the document to nil. If the dependent options on the relation are :delete or :destroy the appropriate removal will occur.
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 132 def delete(document) doc = super if doc && persistable? base.pull(foreign_key => doc.send(.primary_key)) target._unloaded = criteria unsynced(base, foreign_key) end doc end |
#nullify ⇒ Object Also known as: nullify_all, clear, purge
Removes all associations between the base document and the target documents by deleting the foreign keys and the references, orphaning the target documents in the process.
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 150 def nullify target.each do |doc| execute_callback :before_remove, doc end unless .forced_nil_inverse? criteria.pull(inverse_foreign_key => base._id) end if persistable? base.set(foreign_key => base.send(foreign_key).clear) end after_remove_error = nil many_to_many = target.clear do |doc| unbind_one(doc) unless .forced_nil_inverse? doc.changed_attributes.delete(inverse_foreign_key) end begin execute_callback :after_remove, doc rescue => e after_remove_error = e end end raise after_remove_error if after_remove_error many_to_many end |
#substitute(replacement) ⇒ Many
Substitutes the supplied target documents for the existing documents in the relation. If the new target is nil, perform the necessary deletion.
person.preferences.substitute([ new_post ])
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 191 def substitute(replacement) purge unless replacement.blank? push(replacement.compact.uniq) else reset_unloaded end self end |
#unscoped ⇒ Criteria
Get a criteria for the documents without the default scoping applied.
210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many.rb', line 210 def unscoped klass.unscoped.any_in(_id: base.send(foreign_key)) end |