Module: MonomeSerial::SerialCommunicator::BinaryPatterns::Series
- Defined in:
- lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb
Constant Summary collapse
monmome serial protocol series 256/128/64
brian crabtree - [email protected] revision: 070903 from device: message id: (0) keydown bytes: 2 format: iiii.... xxxxyyyy i (message id) = 0 x (x value) = 0-15 (four bits) y (y value) = 0-15 (four bits) decode: id match: byte 0 >> 4 == 0 x: byte 1 >> 4 y: byte 1 & 0x0f message id: (1) keyup bytes: 2 format: iiii.... xxxxyyyy i (message id) = 1 x (x value) = 0-15 (four bits) y (y value) = 0-15 (four bits) decode: id match: byte 0 >> 4 == 1 x: byte 1 >> 4 y: byte 1 & 0x0f to device: message id: (2) led_on bytes: 2 format: iiii.... xxxxyyyy i (message id) = 2 x (x value) = 0-15 (four bits) y (y value) = 0-15 (four bits) encode: byte 0 = (id) << 4 = 32 byte 1 = (x << 4) | y message id: (3) led_off bytes: 2 format: iiii.... xxxxyyyy i (message id) = 3 x (x value) = 0-15 (four bits) y (y value) = 0-15 (four bits) encode: byte 0 = (id) << 4 = 48 byte 1 = (x << 4) | y message id: (4) led_row1 bytes: 2 format: iiiiyyyy aaaaaaaa i (message id) = 4 y (row to update) = 0-15 (4 bits) a (row data 0-7) = 0-255 (8 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | y = 64 + y byte 1 = a message id: (5) led_col1 bytes: 2 format: iiiixxxx aaaaaaaa i (message id) = 5 x (col to update) = 0-15 (4 bits) a (col data 0-7) = 0-255 (8 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | x = 80 + x byte 1 = a message id: (6) led_row2 bytes: 3 format: iiiiyyyy aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb i (message id) = 6 y (row to update) = 0-15 (4 bits) a (row data 0-7) = 0-255 (8 bits) b (row data 8-15) = 0-255 (8 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | y = 96 + y byte 1 = a byte 2 = b message id: (7) led_col2 bytes: 3 format: iiiixxxx aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb i (message id) = 7 x (col to update) = 0-15 (4 bits) a (col data 0-7) = 0-255 (8 bits) b (col data 8-15) = 0-255 (8 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | x = 112 + x byte 1 = a byte 2 = b message id: (8) led_frame bytes: 9 format: iiii..qq aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh i (message id) = 8 q (quadrant) = 0-3 (2 bits) a-h (row data 0-7, per row) = 0-255 (8 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | q = 128 + q byte 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h note: quadrants are from top left to bottom right, as shown: 0 1 2 3 message id: (9) clear bytes: 1 format: iiii---c i (message id) = 9 c (clear state) = 0-1 (1 bit) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | c = 144 + c note: clear state of 0 turns off all leds. clear state of 1 turns on all leds. message id: (10) intensity bytes: 1 format: iiiibbbb i (message id) = 10 b (brightness) = 0-15 (4 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | b = 160 + b message id: (11) mode bytes: 1 format: i (message id) = 11 m (mode) = 0-3 (2 bits) encode: byte 0 = ((id) << 4) | m = 176 + m note: mode = 0 : normal mode = 1 : test (all leds on) mode = 2 : shutdown (all leds off) auxiliary ports to device: message id: (12) activate port bytes: 1 format: iiiiaaaa i (message id) = 12 a (which port) = 0-15 (four bits) encode: byte 0 = (id) << 4 = 192 + a message id: (13) deactivate port bytes: 1 format: iiiiaaaa i (message id) = 13 a (which port) = 0-15 (four bits) encode: byte 0 = (id) << 4 = 208 + a from device: message id: (14) auxiliary input bytes: 2 format: iiiiaaaa dddddddd i (message id) = 14 a (port number) = 0-15 (four bits) d (data) = 0-255 (eight bits) decode: id match: byte 0 >> 4 == 1 a: byte 0 & 0x0f d: byte 1
{ 0 => "0000", 1 => "0001", 2 => "0010", 3 => "0011", 4 => "0100", 5 => "0101", 6 => "0110", 7 => "0111", 8 => "1000", 9 => "1001", 10 => "1010", 11 => "1011", 12 => "1100", 13 => "1101", 14 => "1110", 15 => "1111" }
(0..15).inject({}) do |hash, x| (0..15).each {|y| hash[[x,y]] = INT_TO_BIN_STRING[x] + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[y]} hash end
(0..15).inject({}) do |hash, row| hash[row] = "0100" + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[row] hash end
(0..15).inject({}) do |hash, row| hash[row] = "0110" + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[row] hash end
(0..15).inject({}) do |hash, row| hash[row] = "0101" + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[row] hash end
(0..15).inject({}) do |hash, row| hash[row] = "0111" + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[row] hash end
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #all_pattern ⇒ Object
- #brightness_pattern(brightness) ⇒ Object
- #clear_pattern ⇒ Object
- #col_of_16_pattern(col) ⇒ Object
- #col_of_8_pattern(col) ⇒ Object
- #frame_pattern(quadrant) ⇒ Object
- #led_off_pattern ⇒ Object
- #led_on_pattern ⇒ Object
- #row_of_16_pattern(row) ⇒ Object
- #row_of_8_pattern(row) ⇒ Object
- #x_y_coord_pattern(x, y) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Details
#all_pattern ⇒ Object
254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 254 def all_pattern "10010001" end |
#brightness_pattern(brightness) ⇒ Object
274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 274 def brightness_pattern(brightness) raise ArgumentError, "Expecting brightness to be a Fixnum. You gave me a #{brightness.class}." unless Fixnum === brightness raise ArgumentError, "Expecting a brightness between 1 and 16 inclusively, got #{brightness}" unless brightness >= 1 && brightness <= 16 "1010" + INT_TO_BIN_STRING[brightness - 1] end |
#clear_pattern ⇒ Object
250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 250 def clear_pattern "10010000" end |
#col_of_16_pattern(col) ⇒ Object
246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 246 def col_of_16_pattern(col) SIXTEEN_LIGHT_COL_PATTERNS[col] end |
#col_of_8_pattern(col) ⇒ Object
238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 238 def col_of_8_pattern(col) EIGHT_LIGHT_COL_PATTERNS[col] end |
#frame_pattern(quadrant) ⇒ Object
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 258 def frame_pattern(quadrant) unless quadrant >= 1 && quadrant <= 4 then raise ArgumentError, "Expecting quadrant to be between 1 and 4 inclusively, got #{quadrant}" end quadrant_pattern = case quadrant when 1 then "00" when 2 then "01" when 3 then "10" when 4 then "11" end "100000" + quadrant_pattern end |
#led_off_pattern ⇒ Object
226 227 228 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 226 def led_off_pattern "00110000" end |
#led_on_pattern ⇒ Object
222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 222 def led_on_pattern "00100000" end |
#row_of_16_pattern(row) ⇒ Object
242 243 244 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 242 def row_of_16_pattern(row) SIXTEEN_LIGHT_ROW_PATTERNS[row] end |
#row_of_8_pattern(row) ⇒ Object
234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 234 def row_of_8_pattern(row) EIGHT_LIGHT_ROW_PATTTERNS[row] end |
#x_y_coord_pattern(x, y) ⇒ Object
230 231 232 |
# File 'lib/monome_serial/serial_communicator/binary_patterns/series.rb', line 230 def x_y_coord_pattern(x, y) X_Y_COORD_PATTERNS[[x,y]] end |