Module: Nanoc::CLI Private
- Defined in:
- lib/nanoc/cli.rb,
This module is part of a private API. You should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ANSIStringColorizer, Commands, CompileListeners, StreamCleaners, Transform Classes: CleaningStream, CommandRunner, ErrorHandler, Logger, StackTraceWriter
Constant Summary collapse
This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .add_after_setup_proc(proc) ⇒ Object private
.add_command(cmd) ⇒ void
Adds the given command to the collection of available commands.
.after_setup(&block) ⇒ void
Schedules the given block to be executed after the CLI has been set up.
- .after_setup_procs ⇒ Object private
- .debug=(boolean) ⇒ void private
.debug? ⇒ Boolean
True if debug output is enabled, false if not.
.enable_ansi_colors?(io) ⇒ Boolean
True if color support is present, false if not.
.enable_utf8?(io) ⇒ Boolean
True if UTF-8 support is present, false if not.
- .load_commands_at(path) ⇒ Object private
.load_custom_commands ⇒ void
Loads site-specific commands.
.recursive_contents_of(path) ⇒ Array
The directory contents.
.root_command ⇒ Cri::Command
The root command, i.e.
.run(args) ⇒ void
Invokes the Nanoc command-line tool with the given arguments.
.setup ⇒ void
Makes the command-line interface ready for use.
.setup_cleaning_streams ⇒ void
Wraps ‘$stdout` and `$stderr` in appropriate cleaning streams.
.setup_commands ⇒ void
Sets up the root command and base subcommands.
- .verbosity ⇒ Object private
- .verbosity=(val) ⇒ Object private
.wrap_in_cleaning_stream(io) ⇒ ::Nanoc::CLI::CleaningStream
Wraps the given stream in a cleaning stream.
Class Method Details
.add_after_setup_proc(proc) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
209 210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 209 def self.add_after_setup_proc(proc) @after_setup_procs ||= [] @after_setup_procs << proc end |
.add_command(cmd) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Adds the given command to the collection of available commands.
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 102 def self.add_command(cmd) root_command.add_command(cmd) end |
.after_setup(&block) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Schedules the given block to be executed after the CLI has been set up.
109 110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 109 def self.after_setup(&block) # TODO: decide what should happen if the CLI is already set up add_after_setup_proc(block) end |
.after_setup_procs ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 205 def self.after_setup_procs @after_setup_procs || [] end |
.debug=(boolean) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 28 def self.debug=(boolean) @debug = boolean end |
.debug? ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns true if debug output is enabled, false if not.
20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 20 def self.debug? @debug || false end |
.enable_ansi_colors?(io) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns true if color support is present, false if not.
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 76 def self.enable_ansi_colors?(io) io.tty? && !ENV.key?('NO_COLOR') end |
.enable_utf8?(io) ⇒ Boolean
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns true if UTF-8 support is present, false if not.
69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 69 def self.enable_utf8?(io) return true unless io.tty? %w[LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LANG].any? { |e| ENV.fetch(e, nil) =~ /UTF/i } end |
.load_commands_at(path) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 174 def self.load_commands_at(path) recursive_contents_of(path).each do |filename| # Create command command = Cri::Command.load_file(filename, infer_name: true) # Get supercommand pieces = filename.gsub(/^#{path}\/|\.rb$/, '').split('/') pieces = pieces[0, pieces.size - 1] || [] root = Nanoc::CLI.root_command supercommand = pieces.reduce(root) do |cmd, piece| cmd&.command_named(piece) end # Add to supercommand if supercommand.nil? raise "Cannot load command at #{filename} because its supercommand cannot be found" end supercommand.add_command(command) end end |
.load_custom_commands ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Loads site-specific commands.
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 165 def self.load_custom_commands if Nanoc::Core::SiteLoader.cwd_is_nanoc_site? config = config[:commands_dirs].each do |path| load_commands_at(path) end end end |
.recursive_contents_of(path) ⇒ Array
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns The directory contents.
197 198 199 200 201 202 203 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 197 def self.recursive_contents_of(path) return [] unless files, dirs = *Dir[path + '/*'].sort.partition { |e| File.file?(e) } dirs.each { |d| files.concat recursive_contents_of(d) } files end |
.root_command ⇒ Cri::Command
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns The root command, i.e. the command-line tool itself.
93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 93 def self.root_command @root_command end |
.run(args) ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Invokes the Nanoc command-line tool with the given arguments.
85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 85 def Nanoc::CLI::ErrorHandler.handle_while do setup end end |
.setup ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Makes the command-line interface ready for use.
117 118 119 120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 117 def self.setup Nanoc::CLI.setup_cleaning_streams setup_commands load_custom_commands after_setup_procs.each(&:call) end |
.setup_cleaning_streams ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Wraps ‘$stdout` and `$stderr` in appropriate cleaning streams.
43 44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 43 def self.setup_cleaning_streams $stdout = wrap_in_cleaning_stream($stdout) $stderr = wrap_in_cleaning_stream($stderr) end |
.setup_commands ⇒ void
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets up the root command and base subcommands.
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 127 def self.setup_commands # Reinit @root_command = nil # Add root command filename = __dir__ + '/cli/commands/nanoc.rb' @root_command = Cri::Command.load_file(filename, infer_name: true) # Add help command help_cmd = Cri::Command.new_basic_help add_command(help_cmd) # Add other commands cmd_filenames = Dir[__dir__ + '/cli/commands/*.rb'] cmd_filenames.each do |cmd_filename| basename = File.basename(cmd_filename, '.rb') next if basename == 'nanoc' cmd = Cri::Command.load_file(cmd_filename, infer_name: true) add_command(cmd) end if defined?(Bundler) # Discover external commands through Bundler begin Bundler.require(:nanoc) rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound # When running Nanoc with Bundler being defined but # no gemfile being present (rubygems automatically loads # Bundler when executing from command line), don't crash. end end end |
.verbosity ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 32 def self.verbosity @verbosity || 0 end |
.verbosity=(val) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 36 def self.verbosity=(val) @verbosity = val end |
.wrap_in_cleaning_stream(io) ⇒ ::Nanoc::CLI::CleaningStream
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Wraps the given stream in a cleaning stream. The cleaning streams will have the proper stream cleaners configured.
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/nanoc/cli.rb', line 54 def self.wrap_in_cleaning_stream(io) cio = unless enable_utf8?(io) cio.add_stream_cleaner(Nanoc::CLI::StreamCleaners::UTF8) end unless enable_ansi_colors?(io) cio.add_stream_cleaner(Nanoc::CLI::StreamCleaners::ANSIColors) end cio end |