Module: Nanoc2::Helpers::Capturing

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Nanoc2::Helpers::Capturing provides a content_for method, which allows content to be “captured” on one page and reused elsewhere.


For example, suppose you want the sidebar of your site to contain a short summary of the page. You could put the summary in the meta file, but that’s not possible when the summary contains eRuby. You could also put the sidebar inside the actual page, but that’s not very pretty. Instead, you write the summary on the page itself, but capture it, and print it in the sidebar layout.

Captured content becomes part of the page. For example, a sidebar layout could look like this:

<div id="sidebar">
  <%= @page.content_for_summary || '(no summary)' %>

To put something inside that content_for_summary variable, capture it using the content_for function. In the about page, for example:

<% content_for :summary do %>
  <p>On this page, nanoc is introduced, blah blah.</p>
<% end %>

When the site is compiled, the sidebar of the about page will say “On this page, the purpose of nanoc is described, blah blah blah,” as expected.

To activate this helper, include it, like this:

include Nanoc2::Helpers::Capturing

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#content_for(name, &block) ⇒ Object

Captures the content inside the block into a page attribute named “content_for_” followed by the given name. The content of the block itself will not be outputted.

# File 'lib/nanoc2/helpers/capturing.rb', line 42

def content_for(name, &block)
  eval("@page[:content_for_#{name.to_s}] = capture(&block)")