Module: NetAddr
- Defined in:
- lib/eui.rb,
Copyleft © 2006 Dustin Spinhirne
Licensed under the same terms as Ruby, No Warranty is provided.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: BoundaryError, CIDR, CIDRv4, CIDRv6, EUI, EUI48, EUI64, Tree, ValidationError, VersionError
Class Method Summary collapse
.binary_mirror(num, bit_count) ⇒ Object
given an integer and number of bits to consider, return its binary mirror.
.bits_to_mask(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
convert a netmask (in bits) to an integer mask.
.cidr_build(version, ip, netmask = nil, tag = {}, wildcard_mask = nil, wildcard_mask_bit_flipped = false) ⇒ Object
create either a CIDRv4 or CIDRv6 object.
.cidr_compare(cidr1, cidr2) ⇒ Object
compare 2 CIDR objects.
.cidr_fill_in(supernet, list) ⇒ Object
Given a list of subnets of supernet, return a new list with any holes (missing subnets) filled in.
.cidr_find_in_list(cidr, list) ⇒ Object
evaluate cidr against list of cidrs.
.cidr_gt_lt(cidr1, cidr2) ⇒ Object
given a pair of CIDRs, determine if first is greater than or less than the second.
.cidr_make_subnets_from_base_and_ip_count(cidr, base_addr, ip_count) ⇒ Object
Make CIDR addresses from a base addr and an number of ip’s to encapsulate.
.cidr_sort(list, desc = false) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs, return them as a sorted list.
.cidr_summarize(subnet_list) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs (of the same version) summarize them.
.cidr_supernets(subnet_list) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs (of the same version), return only the ‘top level’ blocks (i.e. blocks not contained by other blocks.
.detect_ip_version(ip) ⇒ Object
determine the ip version from ip address string.
.i_to_bits(netmask_int) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Convert an Integer representing a binary netmask into an Integer representing the number of bits in that netmask.
.i_to_ip(ip_int, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Convert an Integer into an IP address.
.ip_count_to_size(ipcount, version, extended = false) ⇒ Object
given an ip count, determine the most appropriate mask (in bits).
.ip_int_to_str(ip_int, version, ipv4_mapped = nil) ⇒ Object
unpack an int into an ip address string.
.ip_str_to_int(ip, version) ⇒ Object
convert an ip string into an int.
.ip_to_i(ip, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Convert IP addresses into an Integer.
.mask_to_bits(netmask_int) ⇒ Object
convert integer into a cidr formatted netmask (bits).
.merge(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Given a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects, merge (summarize) them in the most efficient way possible.
.minimum_size(ipcount, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Given the number of IP addresses required in a subnet, return the minimum netmask (bits by default) required for that subnet.
.netmask_sort(list, desc = false) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs, return them as a sorted (by netmask) list.
.netmask_str_to_int(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
convert string into integer mask.
.netmask_to_i(netmask, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Convert IP netmask into an Integer.
.range(lower, upper, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Given two CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects of the same version, return all IP addresses between them.
.shorten(addr) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Take a standard IPv6 address and format it in short-hand notation.
.sort(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Sort a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects,.
.supernets(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Given a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects, return only the top-level supernet CIDR addresses.
.unshorten(ip) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Take an IPv6 address in short-hand format, and expand it into standard notation.
.validate_args(to_validate, known_args) ⇒ Object
validate options hash.
.validate_eui(eui) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Validate an EUI-48 or EUI-64 address.
.validate_ip_addr(ip, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Validate an IP address.
.validate_ip_int(ip, version) ⇒ Object
# validate_ip_int() ==============================================================================#.
.validate_ip_netmask(netmask, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Validate IP Netmask.
.validate_ip_str(ip, version) ⇒ Object
# validate_ip_str() ==============================================================================#.
.validate_netmask_int(netmask, version, is_int = false) ⇒ Object
# validate_netmask_int() ==============================================================================#.
.validate_netmask_str(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
# validate_netmask_str() ==============================================================================#.
.wildcard(ip) ⇒ Object
Synopsis Convert a wildcard IP into a valid CIDR address.
Class Method Details
.binary_mirror(num, bit_count) ⇒ Object
given an integer and number of bits to consider, return its binary mirror
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 13 def binary_mirror(num, bit_count) mirror = 0 bit_count.times do # make mirror image of num by capturning lsb and left-shifting it onto mirror mirror = mirror << 1 lsb = num & 1 num = num >> 1 mirror = mirror | lsb end return(mirror) end |
.bits_to_mask(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
convert a netmask (in bits) to an integer mask
31 32 33 34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 31 def bits_to_mask(netmask,version) return(0) if (netmask == 0) all_f = 2**32-1 all_f = 2**128-1 if (version == 6) return( all_f ^ (all_f >> netmask) ) end |
.cidr_build(version, ip, netmask = nil, tag = {}, wildcard_mask = nil, wildcard_mask_bit_flipped = false) ⇒ Object
create either a CIDRv4 or CIDRv6 object
12 13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 12 def cidr_build(version, ip, netmask=nil, tag={}, wildcard_mask=nil, wildcard_mask_bit_flipped=false) return(, netmask, tag, wildcard_mask, wildcard_mask_bit_flipped) ) if (version == 4) return(, netmask, tag, wildcard_mask, wildcard_mask_bit_flipped) ) end |
.cidr_compare(cidr1, cidr2) ⇒ Object
compare 2 CIDR objects
1 if the cidr1 contains cidr2
0 if the cidr1 and cidr2 are equal
-1 if cidr1 is a subnet of cidr2
nil if the two are unrelated
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 30 def cidr_compare(cidr1,cidr2) comparasin = nil if ( cidr1.to_i(:network) == cidr2.to_i(:network) ) # same network, check netmask if (cidr1.to_i(:netmask) == cidr2.to_i(:netmask) ) comparasin = 0 elsif(cidr1.to_i(:netmask) < cidr2.to_i(:netmask)) comparasin = 1 elsif(cidr1.to_i(:netmask) > cidr2.to_i(:netmask)) comparasin = -1 end elsif( (cidr2.to_i(:network) | cidr1.to_i(:hostmask)) == (cidr1.to_i(:network) | cidr1.to_i(:hostmask)) ) # cidr1 contains cidr2 comparasin = 1 elsif( (cidr2.to_i(:network) | cidr2.to_i(:hostmask)) == (cidr1.to_i(:network) | cidr2.to_i(:hostmask)) ) # cidr2 contains cidr1 comparasin = -1 end return(comparasin) end |
.cidr_fill_in(supernet, list) ⇒ Object
Given a list of subnets of supernet, return a new list with any holes (missing subnets) filled in.
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# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 88 def cidr_fill_in(supernet,list) # sort our cidr's and see what is missing complete_list = [] expected = supernet.to_i(:network) all_f = supernet.all_f NetAddr.cidr_sort(list).each do |cidr| network = cidr.to_i(:network) bitstep = (all_f + 1) - cidr.to_i(:netmask) if (network > expected) # missing space at beginning of supernet, so fill in the hole num_ips_missing = network - expected sub_list = cidr_make_subnets_from_base_and_ip_count(supernet,expected,num_ips_missing) complete_list.concat(sub_list) elsif (network < expected) next end complete_list.push(cidr) expected = network + bitstep end # if expected is not the next subnet, then we're missing subnets # at the end of the cidr next_sub = supernet.next_subnet(:Objectify => true).to_i(:network) if (expected != next_sub) num_ips_missing = next_sub - expected sub_list = cidr_make_subnets_from_base_and_ip_count(supernet,expected,num_ips_missing) complete_list.concat(sub_list) end return(complete_list) end |
.cidr_find_in_list(cidr, list) ⇒ Object
evaluate cidr against list of cidrs.
return entry from list if entry is supernet of cidr (first matching entry) return index # of entry if entry is a duplicate of cidr return nil if no match found
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 133 def cidr_find_in_list(cidr,list) return(nil) if (list.length == 0) match = nil low = 0 high = list.length - 1 index = low + ( (high-low)/2 ) while ( low <= high) cmp = cidr_gt_lt(cidr,list[index]) if ( cmp == -1 ) high = index - 1 elsif ( cmp == 1 ) if (cidr_compare(cidr,list[index]) == -1) match = list[index] break end low = index + 1 else match = index break end index = low + ( (high-low)/2 ) end return(match) end |
.cidr_gt_lt(cidr1, cidr2) ⇒ Object
given a pair of CIDRs, determine if first is greater than or less than the second
return 1 if cidr1 > cidr2 return 0 if cidr1 == cidr2 return -1 if cidr1 < cidr2
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 65 def cidr_gt_lt(cidr1,cidr2) gt_lt = 1 if(cidr1.to_i(:network) < cidr2.to_i(:network)) gt_lt = -1 elsif (cidr1.to_i(:network) == cidr2.to_i(:network)) if (cidr1.to_i(:netmask) < cidr2.to_i(:netmask)) gt_lt = -1 elsif (cidr1.to_i(:netmask) == cidr2.to_i(:netmask)) gt_lt = 0 end end return(gt_lt) end |
.cidr_make_subnets_from_base_and_ip_count(cidr, base_addr, ip_count) ⇒ Object
Make CIDR addresses from a base addr and an number of ip’s to encapsulate.
* cidr
* base ip as integer
* number of ip's required
* array of NetAddr::CIDR objects
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# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 176 def cidr_make_subnets_from_base_and_ip_count(cidr,base_addr,ip_count) list = [] until (ip_count == 0) mask = cidr.all_f multiplier = 0 bitstep = 0 last_addr = base_addr done = false until (done == true) if (bitstep < ip_count && (base_addr & mask == last_addr & mask) ) multiplier += 1 elsif (bitstep > ip_count || (base_addr & mask != last_addr & mask) ) multiplier -= 1 done = true else done = true end bitstep = 2**multiplier mask = cidr.all_f << multiplier & cidr.all_f last_addr = base_addr + bitstep - 1 end list.push(NetAddr.cidr_build(cidr.version,base_addr,mask)) ip_count -= bitstep base_addr += bitstep end return(list) end |
.cidr_sort(list, desc = false) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs, return them as a sorted list
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 213 def cidr_sort(list, desc=false) # uses simple quicksort algorithm sorted_list = [] if (list.length < 1) sorted_list = list else less_list = [] greater_list = [] equal_list = [] pivot = list[rand(list.length)] if (desc) list.each do |x| if ( pivot.to_i(:network) < x.to_i(:network) ) less_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:network) > x.to_i(:network) ) greater_list.push(x) else if ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) < x.to_i(:netmask) ) greater_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) > x.to_i(:netmask) ) less_list.push(x) else equal_list.push(x) end end end else list.each do |x| gt_lt = cidr_gt_lt(pivot,x) if (gt_lt == 1) less_list.push(x) elsif (gt_lt == -1) greater_list.push(x) else equal_list.push(x) end end end sorted_list.concat( cidr_sort(less_list, desc) ) sorted_list.concat(equal_list) sorted_list.concat( cidr_sort(greater_list, desc) ) end return(sorted_list) end |
.cidr_summarize(subnet_list) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs (of the same version) summarize them
return a hash, with the key = summary address and val = array of original cidrs
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 269 def cidr_summarize(subnet_list) all_f = subnet_list[0].all_f version = subnet_list[0].version subnet_list = cidr_sort(subnet_list) # continue summarization attempts until sorted_list stops getting shorter sorted_list = subnet_list.dup sorted_list_len = sorted_list.length while (1) summarized_list = [] until (sorted_list.length == 0) cidr = sorted_list.shift network, netmask = cidr.to_i(:network), cidr.to_i(:netmask) supermask = (netmask << 1) & all_f supernet = supermask & network if (network == supernet && sorted_list.length > 0) # network is lower half of supernet, so see if we have the upper half bitstep = (all_f + 1) - netmask expected = network + bitstep next_cidr = sorted_list.shift next_network, next_netmask = next_cidr.to_i(:network), next_cidr.to_i(:netmask) if ( (next_network == expected) && (next_netmask == netmask) ) # we do indeed have the upper half. store new supernet. summarized_list.push( cidr_build(version,supernet,supermask) ) else # we do not have the upper half. put next_cidr back into sorted_list # and store only the original network sorted_list.unshift(next_cidr) summarized_list.push(cidr) end else # network is upper half of supernet, so save original network only summarized_list.push(cidr) end end sorted_list = summarized_list.dup break if (sorted_list.length == sorted_list_len) sorted_list_len = sorted_list.length end # clean up summarized_list unique_list = {} summarized_list.reverse.each do |supernet| next if ( unique_list.has_key?(supernet.desc) ) # remove duplicates unique_list[supernet.desc] = supernet # remove any summary blocks that are children of other summary blocks index = 0 until (index >= summarized_list.length) subnet = summarized_list[index] if (subnet && cidr_compare(supernet,subnet) == 1 ) unique_list.delete(subnet.desc) end index += 1 end end summarized_list = unique_list.values # map original blocks to their summaries summarized_list.each do |supernet| supernet.tag[:Subnets] = [] index = 0 until (index >= subnet_list.length) subnet = subnet_list[index] if (subnet && cidr_compare(supernet,subnet) == 1 ) subnet_list[index] = nil supernet.tag[:Subnets].push(subnet) end index += 1 end end return( NetAddr.cidr_sort(summarized_list) ) end |
.cidr_supernets(subnet_list) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs (of the same version), return only the ‘top level’ blocks (i.e. blocks not contained by other blocks
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 357 def cidr_supernets(subnet_list) summary_list = [] subnet_list = netmask_sort(subnet_list) subnet_list.each do |child| is_parent = true summary_list.each do |parent| if (NetAddr.cidr_compare(parent,child) == 1) is_parent = false parent.tag[:Subnets].push(child) end end if (is_parent) child.tag[:Subnets] = [] summary_list.push(child) end end return(summary_list) end |
.detect_ip_version(ip) ⇒ Object
determine the ip version from ip address string.
return 4, 6, or nil
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 47 def detect_ip_version(ip) version = nil if ( ip =~ /\./ && ip !~ /:/ ) version = 4 elsif (ip =~ /:/) version = 6 else raise ValidationError, "Could not auto-detect IP version for '#{ip}'." end return(version) end |
.i_to_bits(netmask_int) ⇒ Object
Convert an Integer representing a binary netmask into an Integer representing the number of bits in that netmask.
Example: NetAddr.i_to_bits(0xfffffffe) => 31 NetAddr.i_to_bits(0xffffffffffffffff0000000000000000) => 64
netmask_int = Integer representing a binary netmask
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 27 def i_to_bits(netmask_int) # validate netmask_int raise ArgumentError, "Integer expected for argument 'netmask_int', " + "but #{netmask_int.class} provided." if (!netmask_int.kind_of?(Integer)) return( mask_to_bits(netmask_int) ) end |
.i_to_ip(ip_int, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Convert an Integer into an IP address. This method will attempt to auto-detect the IP version if not provided, however, a slight speed increase is realized if version is provided.
Example: NetAddr.i_to_ip(3232235906) => “” NetAddr.i_to_ip(0xffff0000000000000000000000000001, :Version => 6) => “ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001”
ip_int = IP address as an Integer
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Version -- IP version - Integer (optional) :IPv4Mapped -- if true, unpack IPv6 as an IPv4 mapped address (optional)
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 59 def i_to_ip(ip_int, =nil) known_args = [:Version, :IPv4Mapped] ipv4_mapped = false version = nil # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] if (version != 4 && version != 6) raise VersionError, ":Version should be 4 or 6, but was '#{version}'." end end if (.has_key?(:IPv4Mapped) && [:IPv4Mapped] == true) ipv4_mapped = true end end # validate & unpack raise ArgumentError, "Integer expected for argument 'ip_int', " + "but #{ip_int.class} provided." if (!ip_int.kind_of?(Integer)) version = validate_ip_int(ip_int, version) ip = ip_int_to_str(ip_int, version, ipv4_mapped) return(ip) end |
.ip_count_to_size(ipcount, version, extended = false) ⇒ Object
given an ip count, determine the most appropriate mask (in bits)
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 66 def ip_count_to_size(ipcount,version,extended=false) address_len = 32 address_len = 128 if (version == 6 ) if (ipcount > 2**address_len) raise BoundaryError, "Required IP count exceeds number of IP addresses available " + "for IPv#{version}." end bits_needed = 0 until (2**bits_needed >= ipcount) bits_needed += 1 end subnet_bits = address_len - bits_needed return( ip_int_to_str(bits_to_mask(subnet_bits, 4), 4) ) if (extended && version == 4) return(subnet_bits) end |
.ip_int_to_str(ip_int, version, ipv4_mapped = nil) ⇒ Object
unpack an int into an ip address string
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 92 def ip_int_to_str(ip_int, version, ipv4_mapped=nil) ip = nil version = 4 if (!version && ip_int < 2**32) if (version == 4) octets = [] 4.times do octet = ip_int & 0xFF octets.unshift(octet.to_s) ip_int = ip_int >> 8 end ip = octets.join('.') else fields = [] if (!ipv4_mapped) loop_count = 8 else loop_count = 6 ipv4_int = ip_int & 0xffffffff ipv4_addr = ip_int_to_str(ipv4_int, 4) fields.unshift(ipv4_addr) ip_int = ip_int >> 32 end loop_count.times do octet = ip_int & 0xFFFF octet = octet.to_s(16) ip_int = ip_int >> 16 # if octet < 4 characters, then pad with 0's (4 - octet.length).times do octet = '0' << octet end fields.unshift(octet) end ip = fields.join(':') end return(ip) end |
.ip_str_to_int(ip, version) ⇒ Object
convert an ip string into an int
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 138 def ip_str_to_int(ip,version) ip_int = 0 if ( version == 4) octets = ip.split('.') (0..3).each do |x| octet = octets.pop.to_i octet = octet << 8*x ip_int = ip_int | octet end else # if ipv4-mapped ipv6 addr if (ip =~ /\./) dotted_dec = true end # split up by ':' fields = [] if (ip =~ /::/) shrthnd = ip.split( /::/ ) if (shrthnd.length == 0) return(0) else first_half = shrthnd[0].split( /:/ ) if (shrthnd[0]) sec_half = shrthnd[1].split( /:/ ) if (shrthnd[1]) first_half = [] if (!first_half) sec_half = [] if (!sec_half) end missing_fields = 8 - first_half.length - sec_half.length missing_fields -= 1 if dotted_dec fields = fields.concat(first_half) missing_fields.times {fields.push('0')} fields = fields.concat(sec_half) else fields = ip.split(':') end if (dotted_dec) ipv4_addr = fields.pop ipv4_int = NetAddr.ip_to_i(ipv4_addr, :Version => 4) octets = [] 2.times do octet = ipv4_int & 0xFFFF octets.unshift(octet.to_s(16)) ipv4_int = ipv4_int >> 16 end fields.concat(octets) end # pack (0..7).each do |x| field = fields.pop.to_i(16) field = field << 16*x ip_int = ip_int | field end end return(ip_int) end |
.ip_to_i(ip, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Convert IP addresses into an Integer. This method will attempt to auto-detect the IP version if not provided, however a slight speed increase is realized if version is provided.
Example: NetAddr.ip_to_i(‘’) => 3232235777 NetAddr.ip_to_i(‘ffff::1’, :Version => 6) => 340277174624079928635746076935438991361 NetAddr.ip_to_i(‘::’) => 3232235777
ip = IP address as a String
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Version -- IP version - Integer
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 112 def ip_to_i(ip, =nil) known_args = [:Version] to_validate = {} version = nil # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] to_validate[:Version] = version if (version != 4 && version != 6) raise VersionError, ":Version should be 4 or 6, but was '#{version}'." end end end if ( ip.kind_of?(String) ) version = detect_ip_version(ip) if (!version) validate_ip_str(ip,version) ip_int = ip_str_to_int(ip,version) else raise ArgumentError, "String expected for argument 'ip' but #{ip.class} provided." end return(ip_int) end |
.mask_to_bits(netmask_int) ⇒ Object
convert integer into a cidr formatted netmask (bits)
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 206 def mask_to_bits(netmask_int) return(netmask_int) if (netmask_int == 0) mask = nil if (netmask_int < 2**32) mask = 32 validate_netmask_int(netmask_int, 4, true) else mask = 128 validate_netmask_int(netmask_int, 6, true) end mask.times do if ( (netmask_int & 1) == 1) break end netmask_int = netmask_int >> 1 mask = mask - 1 end return(mask) end |
.merge(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Given a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects, merge (summarize) them in the most efficient way possible. Summarization will only occur when the newly created supernets will not result in the ‘creation’ of new IP space. For example the following blocks (,, and would be summarized into and rather than into
I have designed this with enough flexibility so that you can pass in CIDR addresses that arent even related (ex.,,, and they will be merged properly (ie, and would be returned).
If the :Objectify option is enabled, then any summary addresses returned will contain the original CIDRs used to create them within the tag value :Subnets (ie. cidr_x.tag would be an Array of the CIDRs used to create cidr_x)
Example: cidr1 = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) cidr2 = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) NetAddr.merge() ip_net_range = NetAddr.range(‘’,‘’,:Inclusive => true, :Objectify => true) NetAddr.merge(ip_net_range, :Objectify => true)
list = Array of CIDR addresses as Strings, or an Array of NetAddr::CIDR objects
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Objectify -- if true, return NetAddr::CIDR objects :Short -- if true, return IPv6 addresses in short-hand notation
Array of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 181 def merge(list,=nil) known_args = [:Objectify, :Short] short = false objectify = false verbose = false # validate list raise ArgumentError, "Array expected for argument 'list' but #{list.class} provided." if (!list.kind_of?(Array) ) # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash) ) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Objectify) && [:Objectify] == true) objectify = true end if (.has_key?(:Short) && [:Short] == true) short = true end end # make sure all are valid types of the same IP version v4_list = [] v6_list = [] list.each do |obj| if (!obj.kind_of?(NetAddr::CIDR)) begin obj = NetAddr::CIDR.create(obj) rescue Exception => error raise ArgumentError, "One of the provided CIDR addresses raised the following " + "errors: #{error}" end end if (obj.version == 4) v4_list.push(obj) else v6_list.push(obj) end end # summarize v4_summary = [] v6_summary = [] if (v4_list.length != 0) v4_summary = NetAddr.cidr_summarize(v4_list) end if (v6_list.length != 0) v6_summary = NetAddr.cidr_summarize(v6_list) end # decide what to return summarized_list = [] if (!objectify) summarized_list = [] if (v4_summary.length != 0) v4_summary.each {|x| summarized_list.push(x.desc())} end if (v6_summary.length != 0) v6_summary.each {|x| summarized_list.push(x.desc(:Short => short))} end else summarized_list.concat(v4_summary) if (v4_summary.length != 0) summarized_list.concat(v6_summary) if (v6_summary.length != 0) end return(summarized_list) end |
.minimum_size(ipcount, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Given the number of IP addresses required in a subnet, return the minimum netmask (bits by default) required for that subnet. IP version is assumed to be 4 unless specified otherwise.
Example: NetAddr.minimum_size(14) => 28 NetAddr.minimum_size(65536, :Version => 6) => 112
ipcount = IP count as an Integer
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Extended -- If true, then return the netmask, as a String, in extended format (IPv4 only y.y.y.y) :Version -- IP version - Integer
Integer or String
277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 277 def minimum_size(ipcount, =nil) version = 4 extended = false known_args = [:Version, :Extended] # validate ipcount raise ArgumentError, "Integer expected for argument 'ipcount' but #{ipcount.class} provided." if (!ipcount.kind_of?(Integer)) # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] end if (.has_key?(:Extended) && [:Extended] == true) extended = true end end return( ip_count_to_size(ipcount,version,extended) ) end |
.netmask_sort(list, desc = false) ⇒ Object
given a list of NetAddr::CIDRs, return them as a sorted (by netmask) list
385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 |
# File 'lib/cidr_shortcuts.rb', line 385 def netmask_sort(list, desc=false) # uses simple quicksort algorithm sorted_list = [] if (list.length < 1) sorted_list = list else less_list = [] greater_list = [] equal_list = [] pivot = list[rand(list.length)] if (desc) list.each do |x| if ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) < x.to_i(:netmask) ) less_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) > x.to_i(:netmask) ) greater_list.push(x) else if ( pivot.to_i(:network) < x.to_i(:network) ) greater_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:network) > x.to_i(:network) ) less_list.push(x) else equal_list.push(x) end end end else list.each do |x| if ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) < x.to_i(:netmask) ) greater_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:netmask) > x.to_i(:netmask) ) less_list.push(x) else if ( pivot.to_i(:network) < x.to_i(:network) ) greater_list.push(x) elsif ( pivot.to_i(:network) > x.to_i(:network) ) less_list.push(x) else equal_list.push(x) end end end end sorted_list.concat( netmask_sort(less_list, desc) ) sorted_list.concat(equal_list) sorted_list.concat( netmask_sort(greater_list, desc) ) end return(sorted_list) end |
.netmask_str_to_int(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
convert string into integer mask
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/ip_math.rb', line 235 def netmask_str_to_int(netmask,version) netmask_int = nil all_f = 2**32-1 all_f = 2**128-1 if (version == 6) if(netmask =~ /\./) netmask_int = NetAddr.ip_to_i(netmask) else # remove '/' if present if (netmask =~ /^\// ) netmask[0] = " " netmask.lstrip! end netmask = netmask.to_i netmask_int = all_f ^ (all_f >> netmask) end return(netmask_int) end |
.netmask_to_i(netmask, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Convert IP netmask into an Integer. Netmask may be in either CIDR (/yy) or extended (y.y.y.y) format. CIDR formatted netmasks may either be a String or an Integer. IP version defaults to 4. It may be necessary to specify the version if an IPv6 netmask of /32 or smaller is provided.
Example: NetAddr.netmask_to_i(‘’) => 4294967040 NetAddr.netmask_to_i(‘24’) => 4294967040 NetAddr.netmask_to_i(24) => 4294967040 NetAddr.netmask_to_i(‘/24’) => 4294967040 NetAddr.netmask_to_i(‘32’, :Version => 6) => 340282366841710300949110269838224261120
netmask = Netmask as a String or Integer
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Version -- IP version - Integer
329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 329 def netmask_to_i(netmask, =nil) known_args = [:Version] version = 4 netmask_int = nil # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] if (version != 4 && version != 6) raise VersionError, ":Version should be 4 or 6, but was '#{version}'." end end end if (netmask.kind_of?(String)) validate_netmask_str(netmask, version) netmask_int = netmask_str_to_int(netmask,version) elsif (netmask.kind_of?(Integer)) validate_netmask_int(netmask, version, true) netmask_int = bits_to_mask(netmask,version) else raise ArgumentError, "String or Integer expected for argument 'netmask', " + "but #{netmask.class} provided." if (!netmask.kind_of?(Integer) && !netmask.kind_of?(String)) end return(netmask_int) end |
.range(lower, upper, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Given two CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects of the same version, return all IP addresses between them. NetAddr.range will use the original IP address passed during the initialization of the NetAddr::CIDR objects, or the IP address portion of any CIDR addresses passed. The default behavior is to be non-inclusive (don’t include boundaries as part of returned data).
Example: lower = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) upper = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) NetAddr.range(lower,upper, :Limit => 10, :Bitstep => 32) NetAddr.range(‘’,‘’, :Inclusive => true) NetAddr.range(‘’,‘’, :Inclusive => true, :Size => true)
lower = Lower boundary CIDR as a String or NetAddr::CIDR object
upper = Upper boundary CIDR as a String or NetAddr::CIDR object
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Bitstep -- enumerate in X sized steps - Integer :Inclusive -- if true, include boundaries in returned data :Limit -- limit returned list to X number of items - Integer :Objectify -- if true, return CIDR objects :Short -- if true, return IPv6 addresses in short-hand notation :Size -- if true, return the number of addresses in this range, but not the addresses themselves
Array of Strings or NetAddr::CIDR objects, or an Integer
If you do not need all of the fancy options in this method, then please consider using the standard Ruby Range class as shown below.
Example: start = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) fin = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) (start..fin).each {|addr| puts addr.desc}
405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 405 def range(lower, upper, =nil) known_args = [:Bitstep, :Inclusive, :Limit, :Objectify, :Short, :Size] list = [] bitstep = 1 objectify = false short = false size_only = false inclusive = false limit = nil # if lower/upper are not CIDR objects, then attempt to create # cidr objects from them if ( !lower.kind_of?(NetAddr::CIDR) ) begin lower = NetAddr::CIDR.create(lower) rescue Exception => error raise ArgumentError, "Argument 'lower' raised the following " + "errors: #{error}" end end if ( !upper.kind_of?(NetAddr::CIDR)) begin upper = NetAddr::CIDR.create(upper) rescue Exception => error raise ArgumentError, "Argument 'upper' raised the following " + "errors: #{error}" end end # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if( .has_key?(:Bitstep) ) bitstep = [:Bitstep] end if( .has_key?(:Objectify) && [:Objectify] == true ) objectify = true end if( .has_key?(:Short) && [:Short] == true ) short = true end if( .has_key?(:Size) && [:Size] == true ) size_only = true end if( .has_key?(:Inclusive) && [:Inclusive] == true ) inclusive = true end if( .has_key?(:Limit) ) limit = [:Limit] end end # check version, store & sort if (lower.version == upper.version) version = lower.version boundaries = [lower.to_i(:ip), upper.to_i(:ip)] boundaries.sort else raise VersionError, "Provided NetAddr::CIDR objects are of different IP versions." end # dump our range if (!inclusive) my_ip = boundaries[0] + 1 end_ip = boundaries[1] else my_ip = boundaries[0] end_ip = boundaries[1] + 1 end if (!size_only) until (my_ip >= end_ip) if (!objectify) my_ip_s = ip_int_to_str(my_ip, version) my_ips = shorten(my_ips) if (short && version == 6) list.push(my_ip_s) else list.push( cidr_build(version,my_ip) ) end my_ip = my_ip + bitstep if (limit) limit = limit -1 break if (limit == 0) end end else list = end_ip - my_ip end return(list) end |
.shorten(addr) ⇒ Object
Take a standard IPv6 address and format it in short-hand notation. The address should not contain a netmask.
Example: NetAddr.shorten(‘fec0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001’) => “fec0::1”
addr = String
524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 524 def shorten(addr) # is this a string? if (!addr.kind_of? String) raise ArgumentError, "Expected String, but #{addr.class} provided." end validate_ip_str(addr, 6) # make sure this isnt already shorthand if (addr =~ /::/) return(addr) end # split into fields fields = addr.split(":") # check last field for ipv4-mapped addr if (fields.last() =~ /\./ ) ipv4_mapped = fields.pop() end # look for most consecutive '0' fields start_field,end_field = nil,nil start_end = [] consecutive,longest = 0,0 (0..(fields.length-1)).each do |x| fields[x] = fields[x].to_i(16) if (fields[x] == 0) if (!start_field) start_field = x end_field = x else end_field = x end consecutive += 1 else if (start_field) if (consecutive > longest) longest = consecutive start_end = [start_field,end_field] start_field,end_field = nil,nil end consecutive = 0 end end fields[x] = fields[x].to_s(16) end # if our longest set of 0's is at the end, then start & end fields # are already set. if not, then make start & end fields the ones we've # stored away in start_end if (consecutive > longest) longest = consecutive else start_field = start_end[0] end_field = start_end[1] end if (longest > 1) fields[start_field] = '' start_field += 1 fields.slice!(start_field..end_field) end fields.push(ipv4_mapped) if (ipv4_mapped) short = fields.join(':') short << ':' if (short =~ /:$/) return(short) end |
.sort(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Sort a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects,
Example: cidr1 = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) cidr2 = NetAddr::CIDR.create(‘’) NetAddr.sort() NetAddr.sort(, :Desc => true)
list = Array of CIDR addresses as Strings, or Array of NetAddr::CIDR objects
options = Hash with the following keys:
:ByMask -- if true, sorts based on the netmask length :Desc -- if true, return results in descending order
Array of Strings, or Array of NetAddr::CIDR objects
621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 621 def sort(list, =nil) # make sure list is an array if ( !list.kind_of?(Array) ) raise ArgumentError, "Array of NetAddr::CIDR or NetStruct " + "objects expected, but #{list.class} provided." end desc = false by_mask = false # validate options if () known_args = [:Desc, :ByMask] raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if( .has_key?(:Desc) && [:Desc] == true ) desc = true end if( .has_key?(:ByMask) && [:ByMask] == true ) by_mask = true end end # make sure all are valid types of the same IP version version = nil cidr_hash = {} list.each do |cidr| if (!cidr.kind_of?(NetAddr::CIDR)) begin new_cidr = NetAddr::CIDR.create(cidr) rescue Exception => error raise ArgumentError, "An element of the provided Array " + "raised the following errors: #{error}" end else new_cidr = cidr end cidr_hash[new_cidr] = cidr version = new_cidr.version if (!version) unless (new_cidr.version == version) raise VersionError, "Provided CIDR addresses must all be of the same IP version." end end # perform sort if (by_mask) sorted_list = netmask_sort(cidr_hash.keys, desc) else sorted_list = cidr_sort(cidr_hash.keys, desc) end # return original values passed ret_list = [] sorted_list.each {|x| ret_list.push(cidr_hash[x])} return(ret_list) end |
.supernets(list, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Given a list of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects, return only the top-level supernet CIDR addresses.
If the :Objectify option is enabled, then returned CIDR objects will store the more specific CIDRs (i.e. subnets of those CIDRs) within the tag value :Subnets For example, cidr_x.tag would be an Array of CIDR subnets of cidr_x.
Example: NetAddr.supernets([‘’, ‘’, ‘’])
list = Array of CIDR addresses as Strings, or an Array of NetAddr::CIDR objects
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Objectify -- if true, return NetAddr::CIDR objects :Short -- if true, return IPv6 addresses in short-hand notation
Array of CIDR addresses or NetAddr::CIDR objects
708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 708 def supernets(list,=nil) known_args = [:Objectify, :Short] short = false objectify = false verbose = false # validate list raise ArgumentError, "Array expected for argument 'list' but #{list.class} provided." if (!list.kind_of?(Array) ) # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash) ) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Objectify) && [:Objectify] == true) objectify = true end if (.has_key?(:Short) && [:Short] == true) short = true end end # make sure all are valid types of the same IP version v4_list = [] v6_list = [] list.each do |obj| if (!obj.kind_of?(NetAddr::CIDR)) begin obj = NetAddr::CIDR.create(obj) rescue Exception => error raise ArgumentError, "One of the provided CIDR addresses raised the following " + "errors: #{error}" end end if (obj.version == 4) v4_list.push(obj) else v6_list.push(obj) end end # do summary calcs v4_summary = [] v6_summary = [] if (v4_list.length != 0) v4_summary = NetAddr.cidr_supernets(v4_list) end if (v6_list.length != 0) v6_summary = NetAddr.cidr_supernets(v6_list) end # decide what to return summarized_list = [] if (!objectify) summarized_list = [] if (v4_summary.length != 0) v4_summary.each {|x| summarized_list.push(x.desc())} end if (v6_summary.length != 0) v6_summary.each {|x| summarized_list.push(x.desc(:Short => short))} end else summarized_list.concat(v4_summary) if (v4_summary.length != 0) summarized_list.concat(v6_summary) if (v6_summary.length != 0) end return(summarized_list) end |
.unshorten(ip) ⇒ Object
Take an IPv6 address in short-hand format, and expand it into standard notation. The address should not contain a netmask.
Example: NetAddr.unshorten(‘fec0::1’) => “fec0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001”
ip = CIDR address as a String
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 800 def unshorten(ip) # is this a string? if (!ip.kind_of? String) raise ArgumentError, "Expected String, but #{ip.class} provided." end validate_ip_str(ip, 6) ipv4_mapped = true if (ip =~ /\./) ip_int = ip_to_i(ip, :Version => 6) if (!ipv4_mapped) long = ip_int_to_str(ip_int, 6) else long = ip_int_to_str(ip_int, 6, true) end return(long) end |
.validate_args(to_validate, known_args) ⇒ Object
validate options hash
10 11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/validation_shortcuts.rb', line 10 def validate_args(to_validate,known_args) to_validate.each do |x| raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized argument #{x}. Valid arguments are " + "#{known_args.join(',')}" if (!known_args.include?(x)) end end |
.validate_eui(eui) ⇒ Object
Validate an EUI-48 or EUI-64 address. Raises NetAddr::ValidationError on validation failure.
Example: NetAddr.validate_eui(‘01-00-5e-12-34-56’) => true
eui = EUI address as a String
837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 837 def validate_eui(eui) if (eui.kind_of?(String)) # check for invalid characters if (eui =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F\.\-\:]/) raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (contains invalid characters)." end # split on formatting characters & check lengths if (eui =~ /\-/) fields = eui.split('-') if (fields.length != 6 && fields.length != 8) raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (unrecognized formatting)." end fields.each {|x| raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (missing characters)." if (x.length != 2)} elsif (eui =~ /\:/) fields = eui.split(':') if (fields.length != 6 && fields.length != 8) raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (unrecognized formatting)." end fields.each {|x| raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (missing characters)." if (x.length != 2)} elsif (eui =~ /\./) fields = eui.split('.') if (fields.length != 3 && fields.length != 4) raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (unrecognized formatting)." end fields.each {|x| raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (missing characters)." if (x.length != 4)} else raise ValidationError, "#{eui} is invalid (unrecognized formatting)." end else raise ArgumentError, "EUI address should be a String, but was a#{eui.class}." end return(true) end |
.validate_ip_addr(ip, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Validate an IP address. The address should not contain a netmask. This method will attempt to auto-detect the IP version if not provided, however a slight speed increase is realized if version is provided. Raises NetAddr::ValidationError on validation failure.
Example: NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(‘’) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(‘ffff::1’, :Version => 6) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(‘::’) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(0xFFFFFF) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(2**128-1) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_addr(2**32-1, :Version => 4) => true
ip = IP address as a String or Integer
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Version -- IP version - Integer (optional)
900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 900 def validate_ip_addr(ip, =nil) known_args = [:Version] version = nil # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] if (version != 4 && version != 6) raise ArgumentError, ":Version should be 4 or 6, but was '#{version}'." end end end if ( ip.kind_of?(String) ) version = NetAddr.detect_ip_version(ip) if (!version) NetAddr.validate_ip_str(ip,version) elsif ( ip.kind_of?(Integer) ) NetAddr.validate_ip_int(ip,version) else raise ArgumentError, "Integer or String expected for argument 'ip' but " + "#{ip.class} provided." if (!ip.kind_of?(String) && !ip.kind_of?(Integer)) end return(true) end |
.validate_ip_int(ip, version) ⇒ Object
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/validation_shortcuts.rb', line 22 def validate_ip_int(ip,version) version = 4 if (!version && ip < 2**32) if (version == 4) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid for IPv4 (Integer is out of bounds)." if ( (ip < 0) || (ip > 2**32-1) ) else raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid for both IPv4 and IPv6 (Integer is out of bounds)." if ( (ip < 0) || (ip > 2**128-1) ) version = 6 end return(version) end |
.validate_ip_netmask(netmask, options = nil) ⇒ Object
Validate IP Netmask. Version defaults to 4 if not specified. Raises NetAddr::ValidationError on validation failure.
Examples: NetAddr.validate_ip_netmask(‘/32’) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_netmask(32) => true NetAddr.validate_ip_netmask(0xffffffff, :Integer => true) => true
netmask = Netmask as a String or Integer
options = Hash with the following keys:
:Integer -- if true, the provided Netmask is an Integer mask :Version -- IP version - Integer (optional)
955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 955 def validate_ip_netmask(netmask, =nil) known_args = [:Integer, :Version] is_integer = false version = 4 # validate options if () raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for argument 'options' but #{.class} provided." if (!.kind_of?(Hash)) NetAddr.validate_args(.keys,known_args) if (.has_key?(:Integer) && [:Integer] == true) is_integer = true end if (.has_key?(:Version)) version = [:Version] if (version != 4 && version != 6) raise ArgumentError, ":Version should be 4 or 6, but was '#{version}'." end end end # validate netmask if (netmask.kind_of?(String)) validate_netmask_str(netmask,version) elsif (netmask.kind_of?(Integer) ) validate_netmask_int(netmask,version,is_integer) else raise ArgumentError, "Integer or String expected for argument 'netmask' but " + "#{netmask.class} provided." if (!netmask.kind_of?(String) && !netmask.kind_of?(Integer)) end return(true) end |
.validate_ip_str(ip, version) ⇒ Object
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 |
# File 'lib/validation_shortcuts.rb', line 38 def validate_ip_str(ip,version) # check validity of charaters if (ip =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F\.:]/) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (contains invalid characters)." end if (version == 4) octets = ip.split('.') raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv4 requires (4) octets)." if (octets.length != 4) # are octets in range 0..255? octets.each do |octet| raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv4 dotted-decimal format " + "should not contain non-numeric characters)." if (octet =~ /[\D]/ || octet == '') octet = octet.to_i() if ( (octet < 0) || (octet >= 256) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv4 octets should be between 0 and 255)." end end else # make sure we only have at most (2) colons in a row, and then only # (1) instance of that if ( (ip =~ /:{3,}/) || (ip.split("::").length > 2) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv6 field separators (:) are bad)." end # set flags shorthand = false if (ip =~ /\./) dotted_dec = true else dotted_dec = false end # split up by ':' fields = [] if (ip =~ /::/) shorthand = true ip.split('::').each do |x| fields.concat( x.split(':') ) end else fields.concat( ip.split(':') ) end # make sure we have the correct number of fields if (shorthand) if ( (dotted_dec && fields.length > 6) || (!dotted_dec && fields.length > 7) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv6 shorthand notation has " + "incorrect number of fields)." end else if ( (dotted_dec && fields.length != 7 ) || (!dotted_dec && fields.length != 8) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv6 address has " + "incorrect number of fields)." end end # if dotted_dec then validate the last field if (dotted_dec) dotted = fields.pop() octets = dotted.split('.') raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (Legacy IPv4 portion of IPv6 " + "address should contain (4) octets)." if (octets.length != 4) octets.each do |x| raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (egacy IPv4 portion of IPv6 " + "address should not contain non-numeric characters)." if (x =~ /[^0-9]/ ) x = x.to_i if ( (x < 0) || (x >= 256) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (Octets of a legacy IPv4 portion of IPv6 " + "address should be between 0 and 255)." end end end # validate hex fields fields.each do |x| if (x =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F]/) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (IPv6 address contains invalid hex characters)." else x = x.to_i(16) if ( (x < 0) || (x >= 2**16) ) raise ValidationError, "#{ip} is invalid (Fields of an IPv6 address " + "should be between 0x0 and 0xFFFF)." end end end end return(true) end |
.validate_netmask_int(netmask, version, is_int = false) ⇒ Object
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/validation_shortcuts.rb', line 135 def validate_netmask_int(netmask,version,is_int=false) address_len = 32 address_len = 128 if (version == 6) if (!is_int) if (netmask > address_len || netmask < 0 ) raise ValidationError, "Netmask, #{netmask}, is out of bounds for IPv#{version}." end else if (netmask >= 2**address_len || netmask < 0 ) raise ValidationError, "netmask (#{netmask}) is out of bounds for IPv#{version}." end end return(true) end |
.validate_netmask_str(netmask, version) ⇒ Object
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 |
# File 'lib/validation_shortcuts.rb', line 155 def validate_netmask_str(netmask,version) address_len = 32 address_len = 128 if (version == 6) if(netmask =~ /\./) # extended netmask all_f = 2**32-1 netmask_int = 0 # validate & pack extended mask begin netmask_int = NetAddr.ip_to_i(netmask, :Version => 4) rescue Exception => error raise ValidationError, "#{netmask} is improperly formed: #{error}" end # cycle through the bits of hostmask and compare # with netmask_int. when we hit the firt '1' within # netmask_int (our netmask boundary), xor hostmask and # netmask_int. the result should be all 1's. this whole # process is in place to make sure that we dont have # and crazy masks such as hostmask = 1 32.times do check = netmask_int & hostmask if ( check != 0) hostmask = hostmask >> 1 unless ( (netmask_int ^ hostmask) == all_f) raise ValidationError, "#{netmask} contains '1' bits within the host portion of the netmask." end break else hostmask = hostmask << 1 hostmask = hostmask | 1 end end else # cidr format # remove '/' if present if (netmask =~ /^\// ) netmask[0] = " " netmask.lstrip! end # check if we have any non numeric characters if (netmask =~ /\D/) raise ValidationError, "#{netmask} contains invalid characters." end netmask = netmask.to_i if (netmask > address_len || netmask < 0 ) raise ValidationError, "Netmask, #{netmask}, is out of bounds for IPv#{version}." end end return(true) end |
.wildcard(ip) ⇒ Object
Convert a wildcard IP into a valid CIDR address. Wildcards must always be at the end of the address. Any data located after the first wildcard will be lost. Shorthand notation is prohibited for IPv6 addresses. IPv6 encoded IPv4 addresses are not currently supported.
Examples: NetAddr.wildcard(‘192.168.*’) NetAddr.wildcard(‘192.168.1.*’) NetAddr.wildcard(‘fec0:*’) NetAddr.wildcard(‘fec0:1:*’)
ip = Wildcard IP address as a String
CIDR object
1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 |
# File 'lib/methods.rb', line 1013 def wildcard(ip) version = 4 # do operations per version of address if (ip =~ /\./ && ip !~ /:/) octets = [] mask = 0 ip.split('.').each do |x| if (x =~ /\*/) break end octets.push(x) end octets.length.times do mask = mask << 8 mask = mask | 0xff end until (octets.length == 4) octets.push('0') mask = mask << 8 end ip = octets.join('.') elsif (ip =~ /:/) version = 6 fields = [] mask = 0 raise ArgumentError, "IPv6 encoded IPv4 addresses are unsupported." if (ip =~ /\./) raise ArgumentError, "Shorthand IPv6 addresses are unsupported." if (ip =~ /::/) ip.split(':').each do |x| if (x =~ /\*/) break end fields.push(x) end fields.length.times do mask = mask << 16 mask = mask | 0xffff end until (fields.length == 8) fields.push('0') mask = mask << 16 end ip = fields.join(':') end # make & return cidr cidr = cidr_build( version, ip_str_to_int(ip,version), mask ) return(cidr) end |