Class: GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::LinearRing
- Inherits:
- Object
- Geometry
- LineString
- GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::LinearRing
- Defined in:
- lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/linear_ring.rb
Represents a linear ring, which is a closed line string (see LineString). Currently, no check is performed to verify if the linear ring is really closed.
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from LineString
Attributes inherited from Geometry
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ LinearRing
A new instance of LinearRing.
Methods inherited from LineString
#==, #binary_geometry_type, #binary_representation, #bounding_box, #do_simplify, #euclidian_distance, from_coordinates, from_points, #georss_gml_representation, #georss_poslist, #georss_simple_representation, #georss_w3cgeo_representation, #intersects?, #is_closed, #kml_poslist, #kml_representation, #m_range, #method_missing, #simplify, #spherical_distance, #text_geometry_type, #text_representation, #to_coordinates, #to_json
Methods inherited from Geometry
#as_ewkb, #as_ewkt, #as_georss, #as_hex_ewkb, #as_hex_wkb, #as_kml, #as_wkb, #as_wkt, #bounding_box, #envelope, from_ewkb, from_ewkt, from_geojson, from_georss, from_georss_with_tags, from_hex_ewkb, from_kml, kml_to_wkt, #m_range
Constructor Details
#initialize(srid = DEFAULT_SRID, with_z = false, with_m = false) ⇒ LinearRing
Returns a new instance of LinearRing.
7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/linear_ring.rb', line 7 def initialize(srid= DEFAULT_SRID,with_z=false,with_m=false) super(srid,with_z,with_m) end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::LineString